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02/11/12(Sat)15:13 No.17899644 File1328991223.jpg-(58 KB, 365x490, fyodor-dostoyevsky.jpg)
 >one-on-one game, D20 Modern >Smart Hero, made him a Russian >also he writes books >also he has a gambling problem >write bitchin' books about justice >gambling problem actually uses all my money, start getting in debt with the wrong people >take out loans to pay debts >that wasn't a good idea, now I'm in debt to even shadier people >TAKE OUT LOANS TO PAY LOANS >debtors show up at my house >DM says they force me to drink vodka till I die >"Pfffft, I'm Russian. I'll drink that shit and get stronger because of it." >Fort saves to resist alcohol poisoning >nat 20, nat 20, nat 20, nat 20, nat 20, nat 20, nat 20, nat 20, nat 20, NAT FUCKING 1 |