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03/31/11(Thu)11:26 No.14428900 File1301585174.jpg-(97 KB, 670x462, Boxer Crab.jpg)
 A friend of mine says that there's playtest rules for Crustaceans in the next issue of Lure; he saw a copy early.
Apparently, they'rep piss-terrible at most things, but dirt-cheap. really only good in small point-value games. But the rules for them are the funnest and wackiest thing ever.
I mean, each claw-attack is also poisoned (paralytic), and on something that only costs a little bit more than a normal crab!
I think they're going to really push the idea of Reef mini-games, small-point value games using cheap armies with lots of wacky rules. Sure, they can't compete with the big forces, but those can get in on it with like, single-unit armies.
So it's like, two crab swarms, two mantis shrimp, and two boxing crabs vs a single moray or dog shark. |