Thread Title Description Tags Added Score April 2009 4264012 Remember the Days of Rhy'Din Anon asks about the olden days of AOL RPing in Rhy'din, and all of 4chan weeps as they admit they took part in it. Also, a bar made entirely of dark corners to brood in. AOL , Rhydin , freefrom , Brood 2009-04-13 0 May 2009 4642511 Broken /tg/ comes up with a setting about fighting things that eat Love. /tg/ finds itself tsundere for this idea. Broken , Heartless , Tsundere 2009-05-24 2 October 2009 6143735 A broken Character Help thread A fa/tg/uy asks for help a Touhoufag delivers Help , Broken , Touhou 2009-10-06 1 6164865 Touhou Help Touhous last thread autosaged and this in the continued 3.5 , Help , Touhou , Broken , D&D , DnD , Dungeon and Dragons , Advice thread 2009-10-07 -1 6364430 Deathwish Quest 4.75 WE FINALLY MADE THAT DAMN AXE, AND IT IS A FORCE OF NATURE. Charles , Bronson , Deathwish , HOLY , SHIT , WEJUSTKIILEDSOMEGODDAMNDRAGONS 2009-10-21 7 January 2010 7468480 Guard Quest Kyle is the worst guard in the whole freaking world. Dude punching out a gay dude , terrible failure , broken dreams , quest thread 2010-01-07 5 7470201 Guard Quest Part 2 Kyle still sucks at being a he's trying to become a wizard! Now with more gay sex! Dude punching out a gay dude , terrible failure , broken dreams , quest thread , magic , illegal , gay , blowjob , really gay 2010-01-07 3 7480046 Guard Quest Part 3 Kyle becomes more evil, more gay, and more powerful! Dude punching out a gay dude , terrible failure , broken dreams , quest thread , magic , illegal , gay , blowjob , really gay 2010-01-08 2 7485175 Guard Quest Part 4 Kyle's wizardly prowess grows. He plans to travel by ship to the East, to study magic. Until the ship sets sail, he spends his time blowing cocks up and practicing telekinesis. Dude punching out a gay dude , terrible failure , broken dreams , quest thread , magic , illegal , gay , blowjob , really gay 2010-01-08 1 7487084 Guard Quest Part 5 Kyle sets sail on the might ship the K.S. Oroblarm, and makes it to the eastern lands of Sha'azar, to further his magical studies. More magic and dickings, of course. Dude punching out a gay dude , terrible failure , broken dreams , quest thread , magic , illegal , gay , blowjob , really gay 2010-01-08 2 7690487 Mutants and Masterminds: Rifts OP tries to stop the edition wars, by saying that M&M was the best system.
Most of /tg/ agree's.
And creates a new setting. It has elves that AREN'T gay. Mutants , Masterminds , Rifts , Setting , Smash Bros , Straight Elves 2010-01-21 0 April 2010 9341107 The Tale of Bronzemurder An Anon recounts the tale of the dorf fort of Bronzemurder in beautifully illustrated images. Dorf Fort , Bronzermurder , dorf , dungeon , survival 2010-04-22 8 August 2010 11577265 : Times when the PCs did something more awesome than you planned. /tg/ shares a lot of epic stories about the games we play and some of those players with a dash of awesome Stories , long , epic , awesome , brofist 2010-08-10 11 11665005 Mysterious, dark and brooding characters The OP complains about dark, brooding characters in his campaign. It ends up with an idea of brooding guild and how brooding should be distributed to the public Dark , brooding , mysterious , funny 2010-08-14 26 11700384 Story Hour feat. Wizard, Psion, Brobarian And Rogue OP starts with a tale on how The Dark Elf Trilogy made him feel envy for another man, then another story in which Wizard tells off Psion. Wizard , Psion , Brobarian , Rogue , Story , Real Life , Gaming Group 2010-08-17 24 11720537 MP&CC's third tale Wizard, Brobarian, Psion and OP (now known as Mahogany, Port and Cuban Cigars) return in MP&CC's third tale. MP&CC , Mahogany , Port and Cuban Cigars , Brobarian 2010-08-18 21 11781189 MP&CC Strikes Back A story of a campaign which shouldn't be, but became an epic tale because of the leadership feat. MP&CC , Mahogany , Port , Cuban Cigars , Leadership , Brobarian 2010-08-23 21 September 2010 12025286 Bro stories part 2 The opposite of a "that guy" thread. SlOwP finally finishes his story "bro , story , slow , slOwP" 2010-09-10 10 12187108 Brother Testicles, Fastest Apothecary in the West /tg/ creates a Deathwatch character. Some bad math and GM fiat results in hilarity. Deathwatch , Brother Testicles 2010-09-23 41 November 2010 12970601 "Magic Talents" Campaign Anon proposes an awesome setting in which players possess one 8th/9th level spell they can use at will. Helpful anon makes a chart, and other anons roll for awesome results. Spells , Broken , Chart 2010-11-30 2 January 2011 13460254 Sewing and Throwing Good ole' fashion /tg/ discussion of sewing hobbies as it parallels and inter-relates to tabletop and LARPing. Much wisdom sew , LARP , hobby store , cool stories bro , etc. 2011-01-10 5 March 2011 14100357 Cyblum Dell II Building off of the previous thread, further expounding about a plot hook concerning the Festival of the Solstice is had. Also, military, government, religion, and racism are all touched upon. This is all because of one picture: textbook /tg/ getting shit done! original , setting , fluff , low magic , fantasy , cyblum , cyblum dell , dener , taraklet , brogitarius , yak 2011-03-03 7 14129488 GM's Day. Let's fucking celebrate Apparently March 4th is GM's Day, so to commemorate such a special day, I'll be uploading any .pdf that I've got to GMs/interested people who would like to try new systems other than D&D/WoD/40k/Cthulhu.
Here are 5 screenshots basically showing everything I've got. Just request stuff and I'll upload it to mediafire, so be patient.
Also feel free to ask what's in some of the folders I've got, but keep in mind I only save core books, or sourcebooks that are of my interest. Except for 3.5, I won't have splatbook #13. However, I do have settings, campaigns or historical variants.. because they're fun to read when I'm bored.
downloads , files , /tg/ , bro , awesome , files , pdfs , rapid shares 2011-03-05 12 14228987 Neolithic Fantasy RPG Discussion /tg/ discusses concepts regarding a fantasy neolithic RPG. rpg homebrew neolithic nathandrals cave men bronze aliens 2011-03-14 3 14375710 Sorcerer Quest 9 We go back in time to experience life as Algers. But the question is, can we get back to the future? Sorcerer , Quest , Collective Game , Gnoll , Doc Brown 2011-03-27 5 April 2011 14663539 That Bro The opposite of That Guy, That Bro and stories of them Bro 2011-04-21 2 May 2011 15014422 Brotherhood of the Megalith 2 continuation of the mystic cavemen Inuit marines creation. We're getting to the cool fluffy bits. Caveman Marines , Chapter Creation , Brotherhood of the Megalith 2011-05-23 3 15040236 Brotherhood of the Megalith 3 Inuit-based Blood Angels successor chapter; fluffing out continues. Naming the Companies and deciding on initiation rites. Caveman Marines , Brothers of the Megalith , Stone 2011-05-25 2 15081716 The Brotherhood of the Gauntlet /tg/ create a Iron Hands successor chapter.
Thus the Knights of The Brotherhood of the Gauntlet are born Space Marines , Warhammer , 40000,40k , Knights , Deathwatch , Brotherhood Of the Gauntlet , Iron Hands , Brotherhood 2011-05-28 6 15092844 The Brotherhood of the Gauntlet: Part 2 Discussion of the Brotherhood continues, leading up to the idea that the Brotherhood's past is linked to the Glistening host. Space Marines , Warhammer , 40000 , 40k , Knights , Deathwatch , Brotherhood of the Gauntlet , Iron Hands , Brotherhood , Glistening Host 2011-05-30 5 15094060 Glistening Host 3 Another thread discussing /tg/'s homebrew Slaaneshi kill-crazies. Anons try to integrate chapter's history with the Brotherhood of the Gauntlet and OP does some sweet writefaggotry. Deathwatch , Chapter Creation , Chaos , Chaos Marines , Slaanesh , Heresy , Awesome , Homebrew , Writefaggotry , Brotherhood of the Gaunlet 2011-05-30 5 August 2011 15790684 /tg/ encounters BroQuest /tg/ begins work on what /v/ started, a cliche JRPG focused around which party members you choose. BroQuest , drawfag , JRPG 2011-08-02 25 15797809 monkeybro 2: the broner /t/g continues to help the OP get his vengence for monkeybro and topple the furry empire monkey , bro , vengence , furry , kill em all , conquer 2011-08-03 11 15806982 BroQuest Part 2 The saga of the creation of BroQuest continues! BroQuest,drawfag,JRPG 2011-08-04 10 15819495 BroQuest Dev General technically BroQuest 2: The Sequel to the Game Never Made. um... yeah. vidya game design in my /tg/? more likely then I thought. broquest , draw , quest , kinda , mspaint art , oh god the character achetypes. 2011-08-05 11 15860204 BroQuest Part 3 Work continues on developing BroQuest. BroQuest , drawfag , JRPG 2011-08-08 1 15894717 BroQuest Part 4 The continuing adventures of BroQuest Development! BroQuest , drawfag , JRPG 2011-08-11 7 16074132 Monkey-bro 4: Rise of the Primates OP comes back with progress on Hominidae United and their fight against the furry menace. Primate Empire shows how bro they are by sending an army to help. GM says "I like you, cause you get shit done." Monkey Bro , Brorilla , Primates , furry , rebellion , monkey , humanity , revenge 2011-08-27 18 September 2011 16214371 BroQuest Part 5 Broquest: Now in Color! BroQuest , drawfag , JRPG 2011-09-08 1 16218346 That Guy/That Bro Thread OP starts a rage thread, but in the end a good time is had by all as people share stories of their 'That Guy' and 'That Bro.' army , that bro , that guy , D&D , stories 2011-09-08 11 16231827 How /tg/ Met Their Bros Fa/tg/uys relate their awesome and heartwarming tales of finding friendship. Apparently twins are god-tier bros. friend , friendship , bro 2011-09-09 6 16241526 BroQuest Part 6 More discussion of Broquest! And fanart! BroQuest , drawfag , JRPG 2011-09-10 0 16248221 Broquest Quest A quest thread based on Broquest Collective Game , Bro Quest , Bro 2011-09-11 10 16259402 Broquest Quest II A quest thread based on Broquest; part 2. Collective Game , Bro Quest , Bro , Broquest Quest 2011-09-11 8 16286842 Broquest Quest III A quest thread based on Broquest; part 3. Collective Game , Bro Quest , Bro , Broquest Quest 2011-09-14 11 16297297 BroQuest Part 7 More Broquest discussion! And catgirls, lots and lots of catgirls. BroQuest , drawfag , JRPG 2011-09-15 1 16425991 Yet another story thread Cool stories, a temporary devolution into argument, and then more cool stories. Also Pavarotti. cool stories , bro , cool story bro , dark heresy , D&D , bear spy , pavarotti, 2011-09-26 2 December 2011 17069430 Kobold Sorcerer Quest Ch. 5 part 10 You spend a bit more time in the future before returning to home sweet home. Kobold , Quest , Collective Game , Kobold Sorcerer Quest , Doc Brown 2011-12-01 5 January 2012 17483647 Bronx Age /tg/ talks about a Warriors Style 70's Gang Fight System. Bronx Age Gang Wars 2012-01-10 7 May 2012 19112522 Kindheitstrauma Playing Children Homebrew /tg/ collects point buy drawbacks for a childhood horror game, remembers own childhood, is being awesome. Mommy is sick , Daddy gets mad , My brother is dead , Mommy's Icky Friend , Divorced , Little Princess , Beaten , My Little Robot , Bad Touch , Jog Dad , Little Sunshine , In the System , Our Pride , Evil? , On Ritalin , Home Alone , Moving Again , I'm a Mistake 2012-05-16 22 July 2012 19808531 Chapter Quest Spin-Off II: Prisoner After the boarding action against Adeptus Sororitas Brother Montus is mistakenly listed as MIA in by his brothers while in truth he is taken prisoner. He there meets Sister Judith with whom he gets bonded in a very strange way... No, it's not a fapfic. Collective Game , Chapter Quest , Chapter Master , Chapter Master Quest , Ghosts of Retribution , Space Marine , Warhammer 40,000 , WH40K , Imperium of Man , Power Garrot , Strategic Girth , Spin-Off , Adeptus Sororitas , brother , sister , prisoner , Big Daddy , torture , neuro-whip 2012-07-10 11 19833002 Chapter Quest Spin-Off III: Chasing Dark Eldar Brother Montus and Sister Judith are sent with a strike force of Adeptus Sororitas to the Feudal World of Lituanica to stop the Dark Eldar slaver party. Everything goes better than expected, until they get into an ambush... The events that follow end the quest in a place a lot further away from monastery than anyone thought, A LOT FURTHER. Collective Game , Chapter Quest , Chapter Master , Chapter Master Quest , Ghosts of Retribution , Space Marine , Warhammer 40,000 , WH40K , Imperium of Man , Power Garrot , Strategic Girth , Spin-Off , Adeptus Sororitas , brother , sister , prisoner , Big Daddy , Dark Eldar , Feudal world , webway , Commoragh , slaves , rape , Sororitas 2012-07-12 10 August 2012 20202232 THE EPIC OF FERNANDO THE WIFEBEATER Richter Bromont arrives with an epic of Mexican proportions. Richter Bromont , Mexican , Fernando Wifebeater 2012-08-06 14 20478611 Pax Americana Quest 1 What if, instead of carrying out a psychotic quest to genocide every mutant in the world, half the Enclave rebelled and fled to the american midwest, encountered Brotherhood of Steel outcasts and set out to rebuild America in the image of the old world? Civilization_Quest , Quest , Collective Game , Fallout , Enclave , Brotherhood_of_Steel , Alternate_History , Power_Armor , Vertibird , Robot , Super_Mutant , Ghoul , Human , Cyborg , Mutant 2012-08-26 15 20485061 Pax Americana Quest 2 The American Union expands its borders, both in terms of territory, and socially. Civilization_Quest , Quest , Collective Game , Fallout , Enclave , Brotherhood_of_Steel , Alternate_History , Power_Armor , Vertibird , Robot , Super Mutant , Ghoul , Human , Cyborg , Mutant , Squirrel Force Recon , Intellapuma 2012-08-27 18 October 2012 21105648 Bronze Dragon Quest We are born, meet a hermit, eat some gold, and kill some vines. Bronze Dragon Quest , Collective Game , dragon , bronze , quest 2012-10-14 16 21120178 /tg/ Dragon Quest Part Deux Bronze Dragon quest, 2nd thread. We woke up, ate ore, made masterwork enchanted armor from said ore, killed a big dragon, and grew into a steel dragon. Bronze dragon , quest , dragon , dragon quest , FirstTimer 2012-10-14 11 21139200 /tg/ Dragon Quest Part 3 We awaken to find we are no longer the child we once were, we finally have a conversation with the hermit and we roll a Nat 20 on our first attempt at flying. Dragon , Bronze , Steel , Metal , Hermit , FirstTimer 2012-10-16 7 21191520 /tg/ Dragon Quest Part 4 HAHA, TIME TO SLAUGHTER BARBARIANS Dragon Collective Game Quest Bronze Steel Metal FirstTimer 2012-10-19 10 21310936 /tg/ Dragon Quest Part 5 HAHA, TIME TO get punched by your best friend Dragon , Collective , Game , Quest , Bronze , Steel , Metal , FirstTimer 2012-10-28 6 November 2012 21431880 Civ: Dragon's Quest A Civ game goes to a Dragon style game. Mostly because the /tg/ guys want the Bronze Dragoness to be goddess of the natives of the islands. Also, cat girls are given an actually cool race Dragon , Bronze Dragon , Civ , Collective game 2012-11-05 3 21445558 Bronze Dragon Civ: 2 Finding a new home in a fortress in the center of the island sure does make a fancy new home. Dragon , Bronze Dragon , Civ , Collective game 2012-11-06 2 21767432 Zerg Quest CXIII The FINAL Zerg Quest. After 2 years and 113 threads, the Swarm finally meets its end. Zeratul stands with his blade poised. Will he strike us down? Will the Swarm end here, or will it be assured of its immortality? Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Collective Game , /tg/ dice , I'm too young to die , Big Brother , Death , Rebirth , Alpha and Omega , Metaquest OP , Portent? 2012-11-27 25 December 2012 22025314 /tg/ Dragon Quest Part 6 We wake with a hangover, vomit up a Golem, then create a Golem Butler. Collective Game , Dragon , Quest , Bronze , Steel , Metal , FirstTimer , Waiting for OP 2012-12-14 5 22076049 A Web Between Stars /tg/ takes a spatial map of the internet ( and turns it into a space homebrew homebrew , worldbuilding , space , internet , game design , internet map , setting , original content , oc , http , browser spaceships 2012-12-17 26 22080667 A Web Between Stars 2 A Web Between Stars continued. homebrew , worldbuilding , space , internet , game design , internet map , setting , original content , oc , http , browser spaceships 2012-12-17 11 January 2013 22663639 Red Dragon Quest 7 We fight a Bronze Dragon and gain some Lizardmen. Red Dragon Quest , red dragon , red , dragon , Collective Game , bronze , suahagin , lizard men 2013-01-19 13 22707838 Bizarre Slime Alt 1 part 2 The beginnings of Ash Kingley, a middling musician in a sci-fi world of monster girls. Bizarre Slime , Monster Girls , Richter Bromont , Collective Game , 2013-01-21 14 22823971 Part I of Rolo Bronzejaw's Tale A thread about Law and Order in Middle Earth is derailed into one anon's spectacular writefaggotry. Rolo , Bronzejaw , Rolo Bronzejaw , Noir , Dames , Detectives , Dwarfs , Dark Elves , Dwarf , Dark Elf 2013-01-28 8 March 2013 23945081 Rogue Broker Quest: A Net Gain Oneshot we play a broker in the Net Gain world, who uncovers corporate secrets linked to a strange girl. what follows is a tale of revenge, a bit of romance, and one late-night quest. Net Gain , Rogue Broker Quest , Collective Game , Sci-fi , One-shot 2013-03-30 10 May 2013 24655141 Mahou Shounen Quest 193.5 continuation of yeterday's thread.Invisibility potion still being tested. Green Goo analysis. WE CHEMISTS NAO. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Today's show is brought to you by the number: -1 2013-05-06 6 June 2013 25222776 A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 15 In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, negotiates the acquisition of a new spymaster, Lymorian of Braavos, a master of disguise and wit. Lord Artys also bears witness to the final event of the tournament, the melee, in which Brock fights to the best of his ability, and with so many veterans of sword and mace, shield and armour, almost anything can, and does, happen... Collective Game , House Harrock , Harrock , ASOIAF , A Song of Ice and Fire , Quest , Mountains , Barbarians , Bastards , Game of Thrones , Brock 2013-06-04 49 25324824 Hollow Quest Redux 7 We make an inspirational speech, gain an army, then find the wolf bro and bring him into the fold Collective Game , Bleach , Hollow Quest Redux , AzureEarth , upgrade , Wolf Bro , Wolf , Bro , Ally , Spider 2013-06-09 24 25361633 A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 16 In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, celebrates with his newly knighted son, Ser Brock Harrock, saying how proud he is of him, and that he has earned his place as the heir to Harrock. Artys also met with Lord Egen, now a supporter of the marriage proposal between Brock and his daughter, before going aboard Lord Yohn Royce's ship, where the three lords discussed the events of a few weeks ago, when Lady Maahira of Qohor visited the lands of Harrock and Egen, discovering a disturbing possibility for her presence in Westeros... Collective Game , House Harrock , Harrock , ASOIAF , A Song of Ice and Fire , Quest , Mountains , Barbarians , Bastards , Game of Thrones , Brock 2013-06-11 44 25652914 Bromont Quest Whatever Bromont finally learns how to put quest in the subject field. Maybe he will actually put it to use in the next thread Monstergirl , Collective Game , Bromont Quest , erp , shotacon , lolicon , futanari , monstergirl , is it really proper to call em girls when they all have dicks 2013-06-27 -4 July 2013 26255656 /tg/ Bronze Dragon Quest Part 6.5 Back after nearly a year-long hiatus! Collective Game , Firsttimer , Quest , Dragon , Metal , Bronze Dragon 2013-07-27 5 September 2013 27148972 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 4 We've gathered enough resource to unlock lower unexplored base. Unbelievable rewards in store. Addition of two new factions and heroes, Richard the Cyborg and the Broodmother. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Cyborg , broodmother 2013-09-11 5 27408005 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 15 OP is busy, so mostly discussion. Later returns, and another close call happens. Ironically, peace is restored as we slowly settle into living the perpetual Battle of the 4 armies. New Ghoul hero. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Broodmother , War 2013-09-27 5 October 2013 27510390 Bizarre F/a/ggot Adventure HURF DURF IM FROM /A/ BUT IM GONNA SHIT UP /TG/ BECAUSE I THINK IM BETTER THAN THIS ENTIRE BOARD FOR WRITING SOFTCORE DICKGIRL FURRY EROTICA Faggot Slime , Collective Game , gb2/a/ , that Bromont faggot is at it again 2013-10-02 -4 December 2013 28719869 /tg/ Bronze Dragon Quest Part 7 Time to atone for murdering all those people! Collective Game , Firsttimer , Quest , Dragon , Metal , Bronze Dragon 2013-12-08 3 28739094 /tg/ Bronze Dragon Quest Part 8 Apologies, apologies everywhere! Collective Game , Dragon , Quest , Bronze , Steel , Metal , FirstTimer , Waiting for OP 2013-12-09 3 28903956 Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke Girls High Quest #1 In which we make some new friends, become captain of tankery, find and lose a dog, and acquire two new tanks Collective Game , Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke Quest , Tanks , Canada 2013-12-17 11 28926917 Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke Girls High Quest #2 In which we find a tank or two, recruit a crew or two and hire an Ace instructor. Girls und Panzer , GuP , Tanks , Canada , Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke 2013-12-18 6 28968696 Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke Girls High Quest #3 In which we meet our Mountie team, Find a Tank and find our lost luggage. Girls und Panzer , GuP , Tanks , Canada , Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke , Collective Game 2013-12-20 6 29154670 Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke Girls High Quest #4 In which we fulfill the minimum requirements for Tankery by recruiting a couple more crews. Girls und Panzer, GuP, Tanks , Canada, Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke 2013-12-30 5 January 2014 29216707 Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke Girls High Quest #5 In which we have a picnic, recruit a crew, and watch some unsettling news. Girls und Panzer , GuP , Tanks , Canada , Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke , Collective Game 2014-01-02 6 29328631 Girls Und Panzer: Sherbrooke Girls High Quest #6 In which we find some tanks while digging around the ships bowels, and recruit a new crew. Girls und Panzer , GuP , Tanks , Canada , Girls und Panzer: Sherbrooke , Collective Game 2014-01-07 6 March 2014 31058715 Broken Cyborg Quest #2 Talos goes to the Black Flagon to track down the harvesters. Broken Cyborg Quest , Collective Game 2014-03-25 0 31084802 Broken Cyborg Quest #3 Talos prepares to raid Baker's hideout. Collective Game , Broken Cyborg Quest 2014-03-27 2 31098125 Broken Cyborg Quest #4 Talos delivers the money he promised to Ron's family. Collective Game , Broken Cyborg Quest 2014-03-27 1 31104083 Cyberpunk Chef Quest #1 /tg/ decides on a cute brown girl protagonist, has a lucky first day at work. Cyberpunk , Cyberpuk Chef Quest , Brown Girl , Collective Game 2014-03-28 7 31118698 Broken Cyborg Quest #5 Talos finds a new ally and returns to the old warehouse. Collective Game , Broken Cyborg Quest 2014-03-29 0 31138537 Broken Cyborg Quest #6 Talos and company set up shop in their new base of operations. Collective Game , Broken Cyborg Quest 2014-03-29 2 31158057 Broken Cyborg Quest #7 Talos heads down to the nightclub for his grudge match against Bassett. Collective Game , Broken Cyborg Quest 2014-03-31 2 May 2014 32102991 Brouzouf Quest An epic tale of treachery, deceit, greed, monstrosity, transhumanism and Brouzouf. Brouzouf Quest , Collective Game , QM Botched , Anticlimatic End , Sorry Guys 2014-05-14 10 32238823 Brouzouf Quest 2 The epic of greed and murder continues. Escapes have been secured. But of the night terrors, there is none such respite. Brouzouf Quest , Collective Game , Cliffhanger , No Waifus 2014-05-21 6 June 2014 32630072 Brouzouf Quest 3.5 Close encounters with nightmarish creatures, and close calls with Federal forces. And scrambled eggs. Brouzouf Quest , Collective Game , Continuation , Preemptive Archiving 2014-06-08 5 32712602 Brouzouf Quest 4 You learn more about your dreamy self than you'd wish for. New eyes bring new options Brouzouf Quest , Collective Game , Cliffhanger , PLOT 2014-06-12 5 July 2014 33290015 Brouzouf Quest 6 Wherein the Hero learns that riding forth against bandits and dragons is stressing business. Brouzouf Quest , Collective Game , White Knighting , Dragon Slaying , Shit Roll Surviving 2014-07-10 3 33489282 Brouzouf Quest 7 You face off against a centipede Manduco. Too tired for "deep" shizzle right now. Brouzouf Quest , Collective Game , Dreaming , Boss Fight , Post Loss Trauma 2014-07-19 3 August 2014 33795464 Brouzouf Quest 8 In which a critfail leads to uncomfortable innuendo Brouzouf Quest , Collective Game , Soliciting , Insanity 2014-08-01 2 33833352 Cursed_Apprentice_Quest 2 We get some nice threads, hit on a bar maid, trick a pickpocket into touching our dick, ruin our threads after we get shot,befriend pickpocket,and figure this cult shit out shota , Cursed_Apprentice_Quest , 360noscopearrowthrow , wenches , magic , Collective game , quest , brainexplosion , hugs , brown elves , nopumpkins, 2014-08-02 10 33858723 Cursed Apprentice Quest 3 In this episode we meet a QT spider and make it our familiar, We cuddle it and arwen, We decide to say fuck it with the town and ditch, on a walk to the city, Shit happens. Cursed_Apprentice , Quest , Collective Game , Spiders , Cute , Shota , Fried chicken , brown elf boobage , whyaretherenopicturesofshotawizards, 2014-08-03 13 33870969 Digimon Quest The Thirtyfith In which we get lost, and watch some TV. Digimon Quest , Gale , Collective Game , Digimon , Aegisbromon, 2014-08-05 5 34083697 Brouzouf Quest 9 Your excessive usage of Psi makes you expose yourself to plot. My family sux. Brouzouf Quest , Collective Game , PLOT , Short Session 2014-08-12 2 34293869 Brouzouf Quest 10 The day started nicely. Then you went to work and you killed your boss and co-workers. Brouzouf Quest , Collective Game , Blood and gore 2014-08-22 3 September 2014 34928447 Brouzouf Quest SAC #1 What do looters dream of, when they take a little looter snooze? Brouzouf Quest , Collective Game , Filler 2014-09-17 1 35024657 Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest Gordon the white, cishet, truscum, male finally leaves his solitary education cell after 13 years. Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest , Collective Game , Satire , Patriarchy , Feminism , Trap , Bro 2014-09-22 30 35047360 Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest 2 Gordon manages to save his balls, as well as taking on a brand new job opportunity. Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest , Bro , Trap , Collective Game , Satire , Feminism , Patriarchy 2014-09-23 20 35111271 Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest 3 Gordon finally makes his way into the mines. After infiltrating the ranks of the miners, he finds the resistance group and their hidden base. Collective Game , Satire , Patriarchy , Feminism , Trap , TRIGGER WARNING , Bro , Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest , Commando , Tacticool 2014-09-25 22 35154876 Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest 4 Gordon finds out that someone has set him up the bomb and has done something incredibly dangerous for personal gain. Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest , Bro , Trap , Collective Game , Satire , Feminism , Patriarchy 2014-09-28 21 October 2014 35484559 Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest 6 OP is forced out of his comfort zone, and the MC's good nature works against him as he's forced into a rather sticky situation. Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest , Bro , Trap , Collective Game , Satire , Feminism , Patriarchy 2014-10-13 8 35505671 Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest 7 Gordon goes explorin' and ends up a bit deeper than he would have liked... Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest , Bro , Trap , Collective Game , Satire , Feminism , Patriarchy 2014-10-14 6 35586462 Space Pirate Naga Quest 15 Our fearless captain bravely runs away from her unkillable nemesis and toys with ancient sciences that should probably never be touched and makes everyone else uncomfortable. Space Pirate Naga Quest , Collective Game , Space Pirate , Naga , Mechs , Ruin Looting , Lamias are just the worst , Don't think about dirty things while broadcasting your mind to the entire ship 2014-10-18 6 November 2014 36193159 The Omegle Crusade /tg/ heads back to omegle to cause some more havoc. omegle , skorvar , brogan , troll , humour 2014-11-17 1 January 2015 37646059 Broken Sky Online - Session 1 An unknown player embarks on his journey into a virtual world that's far more complex than it appears. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-27 30 37686014 Broken Sky Online - Session 2 Ascheritte makes his way to Averron City, quickly and unwittingly making an impression among influential people. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-29 25 37731816 Broken Sky Online - Session 3 Ascheritte joins a party and leaves Averron for the ruins below. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2015-01-31 23 February 2015 37757457 Broken Sky Online - Session 4 Ascheritte and party explore the ruins below Averron. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2015-02-01 22 37804590 Broken Sky Online - Session 5 Ascheritte and his party defeat a boss and explore an ancient cathedral. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2015-02-03 20 37884992 Broken Sky Online - Session 6 Ascheritte—Travis Foster—wakes up briefly, before battling the Nameless and meeting new allies. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2015-02-07 17 38003684 Broken Sky Online - Session 7 Ascheritte and his party return to Averron, and encounter the leaders of Freakshow and the Crimson Guardians. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2015-02-12 13 38115464 Broken Sky Online - Session 8 Ascheritte returns to Averron City proper, doing some much-needed shopping and examining the state of things. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2015-02-17 12 38202767 Broken Sky Online - Session 9 Ascheritte groups with a smaller party and explores caves nearby Averron. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2015-02-21 14 38211479 Joker Quest 123 Joker gives birth. Kazuya shows his true color. Wannabe Utopia Ruler rambles in paranoia. Collective Game , Joker , Joker Quest , There are still heroes left in men , bros for life , bros before hoes , bitches and whores , beaches and shores , total bromance , papa is proud 2015-02-21 13 March 2015 38377779 Harem Bro Quest You are the best bro of a standard harem MC. Your job is to support him to the very end. Collective Game , Harem Bro Quest , HBQ , Harem Bro 2015-03-01 40 38426869 Harem Bro Quest 2 We continue our school day, go to boring classes and play dodgeball. Collective Game , Harem Bro Quest , HBQ , Harem Bro 2015-03-03 30 38429954 Broken Sky Online - Session 10 An expedition is planned. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2015-03-03 13 38447030 Harem Bro Quest 3 We finish class, meet the last harem member and one Mushroom-tan. Collective Game , Harem Bro Quest , HBQ , Harem Bro 2015-03-04 27 38517331 Harem Bro Quest 4 Time to work on resolving our bro's shit. But does he feel the same way? Collective Game , Harem Bro Quest , HBQ , Harem Bro 2015-03-07 23 38525301 Broken Sky Online - Session 11 We visit the Crimson Guardians, then visit real life. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2015-03-07 11 38541339 Harem Bro Quest 5 The duel inside the Reality Marble continues. Collective Game , Harem Bro Quest , HBQ , Harem Bro 2015-03-08 25 38549623 Harem Bro Quest 5 Part 2 An epilogue is posted, mostly because the other thread dropped off the board. Collective Game , Harem Bro Quest , HBQ , Harem Bro 2015-03-08 22 38637081 Broken Sky Online - Session 12 The expedition begins. We return to the lower branches to tackle the Inner Sanctum. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2015-03-12 11 38896428 Harem Bro Quest 6 We take the time out to relax with our bro, and meet one Dick-Ass Thief. Collective Game , Harem Bro Quest , HBQ , Harem Bro 2015-03-24 21 38900585 Broken Sky Online - Session 13 The Guardian Construct is defeated. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2015-03-24 12 38914938 Harem Bro Quest 7 We begin making plans to convince our childhood friend: Hatoko Kushikawa. Collective Game , Harem Bro Quest , HBQ , Harem Bro 2015-03-25 21 39033877 Harem Bro Quest 8 It's time to get to work. Let's try and convince Hatoko. Can we do it? Collective Game , Harem Bro Quest , HBQ , Harem Bro 2015-03-31 21 April 2015 39052348 Harem Bro Quest 9 The conclusion of Hatoko's arc. Collective Game , Harem Bro Quest , HBQ , Harem Bro 2015-04-01 21 39127727 Joker Quest 129 Joker, Haze and Regios enter the shelter. Another bro takes the field, stops Joker's speech and shows his bro-ness. Collective Game , Joker Quest , Joker , broforce 2015-04-04 11 39182136 Harem Bro Quest 10 Our day kicks off to a flying start as the rest of the girls try to interrogate us. Collective Game , Harem Bro Quest , HBQ , Harem Bro 2015-04-07 21 39203055 Harem Bro Quest 11 We take Sachiko, STREUM and Syoko out to have fun at an amusement park. Collective Game , Harem Bro Quest , HBQ , Harem Bro 2015-04-08 24 39224341 Broken Sky Online - Session 14 The raid party returns to the upper Sanctum. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2015-04-09 10 39347656 Harem Bro Quest 12 We attempt to do calculus and check on Syoko's first day at school. Vending machines are involved. Collective Game , Harem Bro Quest , HBQ , Harem Bro 2015-04-15 21 39472561 Harem Bro Quest 13 We talk to our gender-bender pilot boy, decide which girl to convince next and fight against the machinations of time. Collective Game , Harem Bro Quest , HBQ , Harem Bro 2015-04-21 21 39592486 Harem Bro Quest 14 Cooperation Links are introduced. We hang out with Kurumi, Ayase and Syoko today. Collective Game , Harem Bro Quest , HBQ , Harem Bro 2015-04-27 21 May 2015 39774056 Harem Bro Quest 15 It's Ophis time, for a bit anyway. We take the time to show her around the house. Collective Game , Harem Bro Quest , HBQ , Harem Bro 2015-05-06 22 40003078 Broken Sky Online - Session 15 Ascheritte leads the raid upstairs, and discovers some well-kept secrets on multiple fronts. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2015-05-17 8 40057137 Harem Bro Quest 16 Polls are posted. Revelations are made. OP fucks up the title numbering for some stupid reason. Collective Game , Harem Bro Quest , HBQ , Harem Bro 2015-05-20 24 40202846 Harem Bro Quest 17 Time to break the bad news to the crew. Also, more rank ups for Cooperation and Social Links. Collective Game , Harem Bro Quest , HBQ , Harem Bro 2015-05-27 21 June 2015 40514899 Superhuman Legacy Quest 6 Thomas Cairn gets some answers, sees some shoddy work,creates an AI, rolls so well that I still don't understand, and realizes that he accidentally invented cold fusion. Collective Game , Superhuman Legacy , superpowers , Nanomachines , Tony Stark , How the fuck bro 2015-06-11 8 40647023 Harem Bro Quest 18 A morning in the life of Courier Six first, and then it's investigation time. Collective Game , Harem Bro Quest , HBQ , Harem Bro 2015-06-17 20 40666570 Harem Bro Quest 19 INTERMISSION 1 PART 1 (cut off due to QM sickness) Collective Game , Harem Bro Quest , HBQ , Harem Bro 2015-06-18 13 40684819 Harem Bro Quest 20 INTERMISSION 1 PART 2 Collective Game , Harem Bro Quest , HBQ , Harem Bro 2015-06-19 16 40852896 Broken Skeleton Quest You are a one-armed mute amnesiac Skeletorc. But you still have your sense of humour! Collective Game , Quest , Broken Skeleton Quest 2015-06-27 1 September 2015 42257003 Post Apoc Bandit Brood Civ Quest Thus starts the journey of our Bandits, the Brood, and the Supersoldier in these monster and zombie infested megacity ruins. Collective Game , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Bandits , Super Soldier , Brood 2015-09-04 1 42317263 Post Apoc Bandit Brood Civ Quest 3 Another day of survival, of growth of the Hive and of Bandits as we gain new powers, new weapons, new challenges Collective Game , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Bandits , Super Soldier , Brood 2015-09-07 1 October 2015 43192350 The Elder Scrolls: Dark Brotherhood Quest The Elder Scrolls: Dark Brotherhood Quest collective game , elder scrolls , arena , skyrim , daggerfall , morrowind , oblivion , dark brotherhood , quest, 2015-10-21 3 November 2015 43829030 Broken Sky Online - Journey Through The Underground We are Sybil, elite Explorer for a mercenary vanguard on an important mission. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2015-11-26 5 December 2015 44267443 Broken Sky Online - Session 16 Ascheritte and party outmaneuver homunculi, and engage the boss of the Sanctum. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2015-12-20 5 44284556 Broken Sky Online - Session 17 The showdown with the First Artificer, a covetous Precursor, continues. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2015-12-21 5 44309252 Broken Sky Online - Session 18 Shopping, exploration of the Observatory, and first contact. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2015-12-22 5 44328443 Harem Bro Quest 21 The Closure: Thorn tells us all about what would've been. Collective Game , Harem Bro Quest , HBQ , Harem Bro 2015-12-23 15 44363193 Broken Sky Online - Pandora's Box We are Pandora, a powerful Artificer; and for once, we just want to do something nice for a friend. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2015-12-25 6 January 2016 44507775 Broken Sky Online - Session 19 Short thread. We awaken briefly, then prepare for our next journey to the lower branches. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2016-01-02 5 February 2016 45260556 Omegle Another "Go on Omelge and mess with ERPers" thread. Full of Orcs. omegle , orcs , barbarians , brogan , troll 2016-02-09 6 45364793 Broken Sky Online - Session 20 We catch up with a familiar face and don't bet on a fight. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2016-02-12 5 March 2016 45880593 D&D: the animated series /tg/ becomes /co/ and designs a D&D-based cartoon. Cartoon , D&D , WotC , Hasbro , Faerun , Realms , Bards , Druids , Pseudodragons , Drow Appeal , Friendship , Is , Magic 2016-03-10 7 45965808 Broken Sky Online - Session 21 We finish up in the magma chamber and return to the Observatory. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2016-03-13 5 April 2016 46505543 Broken Sky Online - Session 22 Ascheritte and Tatsumaki team up to battle new enemies beneath Averron. Meanwhile, guild politics grow ever more complex. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2016-04-07 5 46531743 Broken Sky Online - Session 23 "Ascheritte, seek ever-stronger foes, and transcend memory itself." Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2016-04-08 5 46550137 Broken Sky Online - Session 24.1 The Averron Alliance meets to discuss the changing political climate. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2016-04-09 5 46639976 Broken Sky Online - Session 24.2 A prophecy is revealed. The Alliance members prepare to fight a war. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2016-04-13 6 May 2016 51273 Fate/Broken Destinies As Frederick Ainsworth, join the Holy Grail War and bring fame to your family Fate/Broken Destinies , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Night , Nasuverse , Katawa Shoujo 2016-05-07 6 74785 Fate/Broken Destinies (2) We explore Yamaku and have our first fights. More main characters are introduced and we quarrel a bit with Saber. Fate/Broken Destinies , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Night , Nasuverse , Katawa Shoujo 2016-05-13 2 106207 Fate/Broken Destinies (3) We join an alliance of magi to fight against the Masters at the school, and we learn more about the setting Fate/Broken Destinies , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Night , Nasuverse , Katawa Shoujo 2016-05-16 1 123377 Fate/Broken Destinies 4 Fight with Berserker, Assassin and the theft of our precious music box Fate/Broken Destinies , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Night , Nasuverse , Katawa Shoujo 2016-05-22 3 141390 Fate/Broken Destinies 5 This is it, guys! The narrative's arc finale! Fate/Broken Destinies , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Night , Nasuverse , Katawa Shoujo 2016-05-24 1 September 2016 550943 Broken Sky Online - Session 25 Ascheritte gathers his party before venturing forth. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2016-09-11 5 580189 Broken Sky Online - Session 26 Ascheritte and party scout ahead into unexplored territory as a war begins. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2016-09-17 5 625942 Broken Sky Online - Session 27 Ascheritte and company skip to the end. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2016-09-26 5 December 2016 50519158 AtlantaAsia pt 2 Second half of the epic tournament. AtlantaAsia , Broken system , cat-o-nine-tails 2016-12-04 27 949671 Broken Sky Online - Session 28 Ascheritte descends to the deepest known branch of the Underground, and wields a bitter memory in the battle to seal off the Earthsea. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2016-12-18 5 980053 Broken Sky Online - Session 29 In which powerful Memories are explored in anticipation of a return to a changed Averron. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2016-12-29 6 January 2017 993431 Broken Sky Online - Session 30 Ascheritte returns to the Observatory. The ultimate weapon is (not) unleashed. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2017-01-01 8 February 2017 1098283 Joker Quest 151 Joker once again finds himself trapped in the Hell that forged him. At least this time he has company. Joker , Joker Quest , Collective Game , Daegal , Team Bro Wins , Shits Fucked 2017-02-03 10 July 2017 1643258 Cinderella Sanction Quest #1 Prologue: They Are A-Changin' & BEGIN PART ONE: TAKE ME TO WONDERLAND Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2017-07-10 21 1670571 Gemini Quest #1 Whitaker Schnee is created and given place in Remnant. Family drama ensues, schedules are ruined, and new friends (kinda) are met. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant 2017-07-17 28 1677697 Gemini Quest #2 Initiation! Guilt is accrued, but in exchange, a not-so-solemn vow is kept. The twins make quite a team. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant 2017-07-18 26 1683357 Gemini Quest #3 Whitaker meets up with his team, becomes the biggest brother, and accidentally implies that he is a robot. Smiles continue to be protected. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant 2017-07-21 25 1668718 Cinderella Sanction Quest #2 We lose our shit on Fancy and learn more about our new allies Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2017-07-22 11 1689655 Gemini Quest #1 Cracks begin to form as team SPWB threatens to fall apart. Whitaker tries his best to keep the team together. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant 2017-07-25 24 1692740 Cinderella Sanction Quest #3 We have a dream about ham Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2017-07-29 11 August 2017 1716509 RWBY: Gemini Quest #5 Whitaker discovers what's under Penny's skin, a plot to rob beacon, his acting abilities, and some monkey troubles. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-08-02 24 1718417 Cinderella Sanction Quest #4 We investigate Carroll House Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2017-08-06 11 1734328 RWBY: Gemini Quest #6 In which the cat is let out of the bag, Yang and Whitaker duke it out, Whitaker makes a pun and a plan to crash a club. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-08-09 24 1744605 Cinderella Sanction Quest #5 We dredge up a whole lot of shit from the past Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2017-08-13 10 1767163 RWBY: Gemini Quest #7 Solid Whitaker busts a club, arrests the crook, goes bowling and wakes up in a strange place. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-08-16 23 1768574 Cinderella Sanction Quest #6 We have a date with Fancy in a slow thread Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2017-08-20 10 1778726 RWBY: Gemini Quest #8 Team SPWB takes a day off to go to check out the beach. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-08-24 23 1792556 Cinderella Sanction Quest #7 We perform a blessing and start the fight. Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2017-08-27 10 September 2017 1813361 Cinderella Sanction Quest #8 END PART ONE: TAKE ME TO WONDERLAND & BEGIN INTERLUDE: HEATHENS Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2017-09-02 5 1824490 RWBY: Gemini Quest #9 The Schnees take a break from the rest of the team, forgetting a constant of the universe: Whitaker Schnee does not get to take breaks. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-09-07 22 1845189 Cinderella Sanction Quest #9 We talk to a friend, accept a favor, and have a slow thread Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2017-09-15 5 1863107 RWBY: Gemini Quest #10 Whitaker and Weiss do exercises and learn exactly how much damage you can do with a single Fire Dust crystal. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-09-20 22 1867883 Cinderella Sanction Quest #10 We talk to King Raven and Queen Ramona Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2017-09-24 6 1884279 RWBY: Gemini Quest #11 Jaune puts up a shockingly good fight and Whitaker calls home to mother. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-09-25 22 October 2017 1897121 Cinderella Sanction Quest #11 Surprise hiatus to handle the QM's stress levels Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2017-10-01 5 1931372 Broken Sky Online - Session 31 Maintenance ends; hunting begins. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2017-10-06 10 1931327 RWBY: Gemini Quest #12 Whitaker and Blake share a lesson about the importance of family, and one of Whitaker's hidden enemies finally makes her move. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-10-12 20 1934680 Cinderella Sanction Quest #12 We meet about the future of the motley Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2017-10-14 5 1958960 RWBY: Gemini Quest #13 Neo gives team SPWB the runaround. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant 2017-10-19 20 1978591 Broken Sky Online - Session 32 We learn more of the Observers, the future of Averron, and the mysteries of Broken Sky Online. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2017-10-23 8 1964514 Cinderella Sanction Quest #13 Justice is done Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2017-10-23 6 November 2017 2001847 Cinderella Sanction Quest #14 We conclude our day at court Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2017-11-03 5 2035568 Cinderella Sanction Quest #15 Winter retail work kidnaps the QM Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2017-11-13 6 2053227 RWBY: Gemini Quest #14 Whitaker and Blake have a few choice words with Ms. Goodwitch, and Ruby asks a friend for help. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-11-15 20 December 2017 2126014 A Tale of Gods & Men: Bronzestone Quest, Session 0 The creation of the Bronzestone tribe and their leader, Aethan. Collective Game , Bronzestone , A Song of Ice and Fire , ASOIAF 2017-12-12 5 2150804 A Tale of Gods & Men: Bronzestone Quest, Session 1 Aethan's first day as the Thane of Bronzestone and the Low Thenns. Collective Game , Bronzestone , A Song of Ice and Fire , ASOIAF 2017-12-21 3 56830888 Machine Cultist Worldbuilding A discussion of various machine-worshiping cults from throughout fiction and ideas for worldbuilding an original one. adeptus mechanicus , chruch of the broken god , mechanists , hammerites , italian futurists, 2017-12-21 3 January 2018 2180053 A Tale of Gods & Men: Bronzestone Quest, Session 2 A criminal is punished and the Bronzestone clan encounter a familiar tribe. Collective Game , Bronzestone , A Song of Ice and Fire , ASOIAF 2018-01-02 3 2200211 Miraculous Quest Paris is attacked by some form of mountainous giant, and a teenage boy plays with his snake. BrotherQM , Miraculous Quest , Collective Game , Miraculous Ladybug 2018-01-11 22 2194822 Cinderella Sanction Quest #16 We journey into the Hedge 'neath the blood moon Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2018-01-13 5 2221301 Miraculous Quest #2 Lucas finishes his fight with a stone giant, then talks to a variety of interesting people, including an ancient snake god and the Avatar. BrotherQM , Miraculous Quest , Collective Game , Miraculous Ladybug 2018-01-21 20 2212194 A Tale of Gods & Men: Bronzestone Quest, Session 3 Aethan and the people of Bronzestone prepare for battle. Collective Game , Bronzestone , A Song of Ice and Fire , ASOIAF 2018-01-21 4 2229871 Cinderella Sanction Quest #17 We pay off our debt and enjoy the hospitality of the Rook Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2018-01-25 5 2246096 Miraculous Quest #3 Lucas joins a club and bangs out a schedule for his weekly group meetings. BrotherQM , Miraculous Quest , Collective Game , Miraculous Ladybug 2018-01-31 20 February 2018 2256505 Cinderella Sanction Quest #18 We see the Rook's dream Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2018-02-05 5 2273921 Miraculous Quest #4 Lucas takes a crash course in temporal anomalies. BrotherQM , Miraculous Quest , Collective Game , Miraculous Ladybug 2018-02-13 20 2285021 Cinderella Sanction Quest #19 We attend the Feast of Strength Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2018-02-17 5 March 2018 2325843 Cinderella Sanction Quest #20 We finish our duel and enjoy the Feast Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2018-03-03 5 2350346 Smee Quest The biggest quest since the silent era. Smee , CIA , Bane , Kino , Kinoplex , Collective Game , Nolan , Bravo , Smee Quest , Wreckage Brother , Interlinked , UUUU 2018-03-10 5 2354795 Cinderella Sanction Quest #21 We adopt a dog Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2018-03-13 5 2366791 Miraculous Quest #5 The Chevaliers send Timebreaker packing, and Lucas gets involved in some risking business. BrotherQM , Miraculous Quest , Collective Game , Miraculous Ladybug 2018-03-15 12 2374870 The Fate of that Blood #1 In the Stormlands of Westeros, an old and distinguished, if small, family stands proud. BrotherQM , Fate of that Blood , Collective Game , JoJo's Bizarre Adventure , A Song of Ice and Fire , Game of Thrones 2018-03-16 5 2383230 Cinderella Sanction Quest #22 END INTERLUDE: HEATHENS & BEGIN PART 2: THAT PAIN AGAIN Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2018-03-17 3 April 2018 2410109 Cinderella Sanction Quest #23 Now featuring side blog link Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2018-04-02 5 2441455 Cinderella Sanction Quest #24 The scent of flowers Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2018-04-09 3 2463094 Cinderella Sanction Quest #25 We journey into the Deep Hedge Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2018-04-21 2 2467869 PantheonQuest 1: Birth of a God Anons take control of Karagon, the Owl God of knowledge, and experience a variety of adventures. PantheonQuest , Pantheon , Karagon , Owl God , Syss'syeth , Snekbro , Satrigo , Owlmen , Owlman 2018-04-24 7 May 2018 2495027 Cinderella Sanction Quest #26 We hunt for high fashion Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2018-05-02 5 2532496 Sword and Sorcery Quest #1 Alexandros an idealistic young adventurer leaves home, meets a cyclopes and help solve a mystery Alexandros , Sword , Sorcery , Adventure , Iron age , Bronze age 2018-05-08 2 2522705 Cinderella Sanction Quest #27 End PART TWO: THAT PAIN AGAIN Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2018-05-11 3 2552277 Cinderella Sanction Quest #28 June hiatus begins Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2018-05-23 4 2576336 Sword and Sorcery quest #2 Alexandros is on a mission from the sun god to get help for the besieged town. He meets new companions on the way. Alexandros , Sword , Sorcery , Adventure , Iron age , Bronze age 2018-05-25 1 2592467 Kaleidoscope Quest 9 The night is spent at a shrine. Kaleidoscope Quest , Collective Game , Fantasy , Broken Promises and Plums 2018-05-28 2 June 2018 2613914 Sword and Sorcery quest #3 Alexandros and his companions join the march on the lich's tomb, and encounter fey and undead. Alexandros embraces his inner wrestler. Alexandros , Sword , Sorcery , Adventure , Iron age , Bronze age 2018-06-08 2 2658793 My Older Brother Can't Be This Hard To Seduce Quest A frustrated little sister has had enough of waiting. Collective Game , Autism , Anime , My Older Brother Can't Be This Hard To Seduce 2018-06-19 5 2654388 Sword and Sorcery quest #4 Alexandros duels an ancient undead warrior, gains a magical item and his party faces down the lich to end the undead threat. Alexandros , Sword , Sorcery , Adventure , Iron age , Bronze age 2018-06-21 1 August 2018 2754094 Cinderella Sanction Quest #29 PART THREE: LORD HERE I COME Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2018-08-05 3 2785810 Cinderella Sanction Quest #30 Overly. Dramatic. POLITICS! Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2018-08-18 3 2815686 Cinderella Sanction Quest #31 We talk to Natalia and remain trapped in short thread hell Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2018-08-29 3 September 2018 2845618 Cinderella Sanction Quest #32 We remain imprisoned in short thread hell Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2018-09-04 3 October 2018 2920477 Cinderella Sanction Quest #33 We settle up with Erin for the ritual Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2018-10-10 2 2957335 Cinderella Sanction Quest #34 "Suzie Bee?" Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2018-10-21 3 November 2018 2987289 Cinderella Sanction Quest #35 We talk to Astrid Moore and visit the old prison. Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2018-11-03 2 3024049 Cinderella Sanction Quest #36 We meet with the Queen of Flowers. One day, threads will stop being short. Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2018-11-18 3 3043519 The Tainted Horde - 1 OP puts us as the leader of the Darkspawn in an alternate world where all the old gods are dead. Also we get a brood mother. And crap WIFI. Key , Collective Game , Darkspawn , Dragon Age , Broodmother , The Tainted Horde. 2018-11-19 3 3057371 The Tainted Horde - 1.5 We continue where we left off. Meet some demons, and gather a raiding party. Yay! Key , KeyQM , Collective Game , Darkspawn , Dragon Age , Broodmother , The Tainted Horde. 2018-11-25 1 December 2018 3053544 Cinderella Sanction Quest #37 Vox gets a new job and it kicks his bitch ass Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2018-12-02 2 3076055 The Tainted Horde - 2 We raid a Wilder village. Make a human Broodmother, and find out we're about to be attacked by Dwarves. KeyQM , Collective Game , Darkspawn , Dragon Age , Broodmother , The Tainted Horde. 2018-12-03 1 3086875 Cinderella Sanction Quest #38 We take a tour of Betsonia Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2018-12-16 2 3113425 Cinderella Sanction Quest #39 A short hiatus begins Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2018-12-31 2 January 2019 3119500 An Exalted Game! Prologue Part 1/? Sinbad in the making. Starting in a trade city in the south.
Exalted Quest , Sinbad , Brown Girls , Collective Game, 2019-01-11 0 3166025 Cinderella Sanction Quest #40 Short thread! Archived due to attacks of depression. We'll be back, folks. Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2019-01-21 1 April 2019 3395258 Broken Sky Online - Session 33 A return to form. We battle a dragon and contend with a price on our head. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2019-04-03 12 3437745 Broken Sky Online - Session 34 The nature of the game is changing. We bargain with a Precursor and ward off ambush attacks. Broken Sky , BSO , MMO , MMORPG , Quest , Collective Game 2019-04-24 6 July 2019 3658057 Clo Quest - 1 Clo finds trouble near her home Drawquest , Bronze Age , FeMC 2019-07-16 10 3632994 Broken Empire Quest The Emperor is dead. The Empire has fallen into anarchy. The noble turned mercenary captain Ursula von Sternberg begins her journey. Broken Empire Quest , Collective Game , Mercenary , Adventure , White Dragons , Ursula , FeMC 2019-07-16 4 3658046 Broken Empire Quest Thread #2 We move towards a large town and meet new people and recruits Broken Empire Quest , Collective Game , Mercenary , Adventure , White Dragons , Ursula 2019-07-27 3 August 2019 3704249 Broken Empire Quest Thread #3 A contract is formed, paid in silver and enforced with steel. Broken Empire Quest , Collective Game , Mercenary , Adventure , White Dragons , Ursula 2019-08-16 4 3728980 Brood Quest 3 The Brood Hivemind is in Disarray as the King and Queen have seemingly lost the will to live. Brood quest , brood champion , sci-fi , space/interplanetary , identity crisis 2019-08-19 0 November 2019 3920351 Wild Orange Islands #1 A day in the life of a Psyduck living on the Sunburst Island. Pokemon , TM21 , Wild Pokemon , bro 2019-11-20 0 February 2020 4059413 Cinderella Sanction Quest #41 The long hiatus ends at last! We begin a thread from Vickie's perspective. Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2020-02-17 1 4061741 Titan Quest We decide what kind of titan we are and get started collective game , titan , titans , space , Subroutine 2020-02-18 2 March 2020 4101257 Titan Quest #2 We manage to ward off the Southvoider, and Subroutine starts laying out Rules before getting interrupted by his computer dying. collective game , titan , titans , space , Subroutine 2020-03-15 0 4103218 Cinderella Sanction Quest #42 Vickie talks to Arthur about things back at home Collective Game , Changeling: the Lost , New Avalon , Modern Fantasy , Broken Masquerade 2020-03-18 2 April 2020 4177664 Khe Quest Khe gets a day off Drawquest , Bronze Age , FeMC 2020-04-25 1 July 2020 73880485 MTG Card design derailed by schizo Someone derails a boring Custom Card General with surprisingly well thought-out 10-color Magic schizophrenia they found on the internet. MTG , Magic , purple MTG , yellow MTG , brown MTG , orange MTG , pink MTG , deeplore , color-theory , color theory 2020-07-22 3 August 2020 74398585 The Omnisssiah invents AM:tG Sasha Vyoks-childer/The God-Emperor's Waifu fixes WoTC's cowardice. MTG , Magic , purple MTG , yellow MTG , brown MTG , orange MTG , pink MTG , deeplore , color-theory , color theory , cyan MTG , cinnabar MTG , cream MTG 2020-08-19 -1 74432909 ADVANCED Magic the Gathering shitposting Omnissiah is Sasha Vykos' IRL/Sims-childr, Digimon is dark MTG , Magic , purple MTG , yellow MTG , brown MTG , orange MTG , pink MTG , deeplore , color-theory , color theory 2020-08-23 -1 November 2020 4477488 Tribes RP quest Ch. 2 With the dawn of the bronze age for most tribes and wars happening all over the globe, the epochs have become more interesting in a way. QM2 , civilization , civ , rock age , bronze age , neolithic , nomad 2020-11-04 12 76018207 Distant Broken Stars #1 Follow-up to "/tg/ Accidentally Creates a Sci Fi Setting #2", now with a name, Lego and 3D models Distant Broken Stars , Sci-Fi , Writefaggery , settings , game ideas , ship models 2020-11-22 5 76070596 Distant Broken Stars General #2 Innumerable Years Ago edition 8e Coming subedition Distant Broken Stars 2020-11-28 5 December 2020 76170625 Distant, Broken Stars General #3 /tg/ continues to work on a setting/game it accidentally created. Now with concept art, subfactions and rule prototypes. Distant Broken Stars , Sci-Fi , Writefaggery , settings , game ideas , ship models 2020-12-01 6 4527603 Tribes RP quest Ch. 3 Old conflicts around the globe reached their conclusions while mild one started to grow and spread to previously unnaffected tribes. QM2 , civilization , civ , rock age , bronze age , neolithic , nomad , sedentary , civil war 2020-12-09 10 76276813 Distant, Broken Stars General 4 Tg continues work on the setting/rules of a (currently) fictional wargame Distant Broken Stars , Sci-Fi , Writefaggery , settings , game ideas , ship models 2020-12-13 4 76408976 Distant, Broken Stars General 5 Tg continues work on DBS, expanding on the Ashen and the Avar, and setting up a 1d4chan page Distant Broken Stars , Sci-Fi , Writefaggery , settings , game ideas , ship models 2020-12-22 5 January 2021 76580570 Distant, Broken Stars General 6 Shorter thread hashing out some of the less detailed factions. Distant Broken Stars , Sci-Fi , Writefaggery , settings , game ideas , ship models 2021-01-04 2 4563548 Tribes RP quest Ch. 4 The conflicts remain, with the fishmen civil war preparing for it's major battle yet with the unexpected arrival of the tengu to aid a side QM2 , civilization , civ , rock age , bronze age , neolithic , nomad , sedentary , civil war 2021-01-10 11 76673101 Distant, Broken Stars General 7 Another DBS thread focusing on rules rather than lore as anons get ever closer to producing something playable Distant Broken Stars , Sci-Fi , Writefaggery , settings , game ideas , ship models 2021-01-13 1 76931891 Distant, Broken Stars General 8 More work is done on the setting of DBS, which is starting to become a little lovecraftian Distant Broken Stars , Sci-Fi , Writefaggery , settings , game ideas , ship models 2021-01-26 2 February 2021 4611443 Chalco Civ 1 The first thread of Chalco civ, the founding of the village begins. And the meeting of some of the local entities. Chalco Civ , Stone Age , Bronze Age , Neolithic , civ , civilisation , civilization , draw , draw quest , Dolomite , fantasy 2021-02-17 10 March 2021 77985382 Ancient Bronze age settings Infodump on Ancient Near East history history , bronze age 2021-03-14 9 4667661 Siegebroken Quest 1 The enemy has decided to storm your castle. In stopping them, you will find glory, or you will meet death. Siegebroken , Medieval , Multiplayer 2021-03-16 0 4656814 Chalco Civ 2 The village develops, the first wave of migrants arrives. Two cultures are met; camel riding raiders and bronze working traders. Chalco Civ , Stone Age , Bronze Age , Neolithic , civ , civilisation , civilization , draw , draw quest , Dolomite , fantasy 2021-03-24 7 April 2021 4742170 Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 27 A battle is won, and an ally finds herself in great peril WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Fate , Fate/Paradox Reincarnator , Paradox Reincarnator , Fate Quest , Isekai , Type-Moon , Bromance 2021-04-15 10 4757808 My Brother's Machine A man arrives at his dead brother's apartment to find a strange, polaroid-spewing machine. Collective Game , My Brother's Machine , One-Shot , Drawquest , Surreal 2021-04-24 4 4715063 Chalco Civ 3 You battle the Djenak Balai warriors, some assholes steal all your food, and a giant pig shows up Chalco Civ , Stone Age , Bronze Age , Neolithic , civ , civilisation , civilization , draw , draw quest , Dolomite , fantasy 2021-04-30 5 June 2021 4785874 Chalco Civ 4 Winter rain!
Mountain Climbing!
Beer Brewing!
The birth of a monstrous giant spider industry! Chalco Civ , Stone Age , Bronze Age , Neolithic , civ , civilisation , civilization , draw , draw quest , Dolomite , fantasy 2021-06-02 6 79734708 Bronze age settings Excellent discussion of bronze age and setting features Bronze Age , Conan , History 2021-06-19 4 July 2021 4868078 Chalco Civ 5 Contact with the Killa warriors in the South East forests.
Metalworking and watch towers.
Battles against the bandits. Chalco Civ , Stone Age , Bronze Age , Neolithic , civ , civilisation , civilization , draw , draw quest , Dolomite , fantasy 2021-07-09 3 August 2021 4913774 Your Wife Is A Supervillain: Issue #1 You are Richard Gardener, and your wife Vicky isn’t having an affair. An affair would be easier to solve, for one thing… Collective Game , Superheroes , Supervillains , Paranoia , Conspiracies , Loving Wife , Pompous Psychic Terrorist Grandpa , Cool Ninja Bro 2021-08-21 10 October 2021 4974369 Your Wife Is A Supervillain: Issue #2 You are Richard Gardener and finally you have gained the promotion. Nothing like a family reunion to celebrate, right ? Collective Game , Superheroes , Supervillains , Paranoia , Loving Husband , Loving Wife , Cool Ninja Bro , Cool watch Grandpa 2021-10-06 3 December 2021 5069403 Broken Empire Quest Fergus Proenza, an impulsive, rash and skilled commoner in the 32nd century dominated by nobility, tries to prove his worth. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , space battle , space battles 2021-12-16 15 82642938 Dark Forest cosmology game ideas How would you run a game in a setting that adheres to the Dark Forest theory of alien civilizations? scifi , cosmology , fermi paradox , dark forest , the killing star , Charles Pellegrino , George Zebrowski , three-body problem , Liu Cixin 2021-12-27 0 February 2022 5090290 Broken Empire 2 Fergus Proenza moves up the social ladder and engages in some proper warfare, he also nearly dies. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , space battle , space battles 2022-02-01 8 March 2022 5147449 Broken Empire 3 Fergus Proenza fights against the Raisat Star League. Meets an interesting "person" and starts to hunt audacious pirates. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , space battle , space battles 2022-03-19 5 May 2022 5199923 Broken Empire 4 The hunt for the pirates continues. New friends are found, and new debilitating injuries are received. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , space battle , space battles 2022-05-01 5 June 2022 5250953 Broken Empire 5 The piracy campaign is concluded. The final battle is waged and losses are suffered. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , space battle , space battles , NewbQM 2022-06-13 3 5265023 Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 1 An engineered agent of a reptilian conspiracy sets forth on a quest to subjugate some unruly kobolds and restore the glory of Dragonkind! ReptoidQM , Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest , Reptilian Infiltrator Quest , fantasy , adventure , chad , shamanism , bros , hoes , social injustice 2022-06-15 9 July 2022 5293364 Nationquest III: The Return Captain Lono returns from sea and is torn between democracy and domination as he runs for election to lead his troubled nation. Captainquest , Nationquest , Collective Game , Civ , Bronze Age , The Hypercrisis Bro, 2022-07-09 2 5303476 Broken Empire 6 The final battle is over and the aftermath has begun but it`s all cut short by NewbQM going on hiatus because of a work trip. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , space battle , space battles , NewbQM 2022-07-16 4 August 2022 5344863 Revolutionquest In a land where coin is king, a freed slave fights for liberty. Revolution , Revolutionquest , Nationquest , The Hypercrisis Bro , Bronze Age , Abolitionism, 2022-08-03 0 5347117 Broken Empire - Ground edition Aurelius Constance, a noble tank officer under Duke Roy faces the wrath of an enemy invasion and tries to survive against all odds. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , NewbQM 2022-08-27 5 85836814 Your medieval-era party does show proper deference to the nobility, right anon? /tg/ talks about divine right to rule in-game, evolves into a discussion about the divine right to rule and John Brown. Setting discussion , Divine right , John Brown , Unintentional slavery 2022-08-30 1 October 2022 5386850 Broken Empire - Ground Edition 2 The battle for the town of Etrius rages on. Sacrifices are made and lives are lost. But victory is drawing ever nearer. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , NewbQM 2022-10-10 5 5384661 Nationquest Chapter IV: World of Tommorow Lono joins a tribal council that will determine the future of The Island and has a final campaign before the election. Captainquest , Nationquest , Collective Game , Civ , Bronze Age , The Hypercrisis Bro, 2022-10-13 2 December 2022 5430067 Broken Empire - Ground Edition 3 The first battle for Hell's end is over, but new threats are continuously rising. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , NewbQM 2022-12-03 2 January 2023 5487769 Broken Empire Ground Edition 4 The battle around Centre Aurelian dies down and begins to come to a close. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , NewbQM 2023-01-09 3 February 2023 5509147 Broken Vessels Online #1 Sibyllan plays an experimental VRMMO to pay her debts, skips to the boss early, is first to enter a new zone, and nearly joins a hivemind. Collective Game , VRMMO , RPG , Strelok , Sibyllan , Broken Vessels Online , WE NEED MORE SHARDS , Quest , QM remember to archive your threads 2023-02-06 5 March 2023 5579585 Trojan War Quest #1 In this thread we make our hero, Nikandros Hippomedion. He finds and befriends Prince Achilles and agrees to subvert peace talks with Ilion. Trojan War Quest , Homer , Greece , Bronze Age , Kleos-pilled 2023-03-16 24 April 2023 5593108 Sira cannot run a brothel! A lazy brothel keeper finally decides to care about his business. Spinoff of Goblin Assassin. drawquest , renaissance fantasy , Schizo QM , swordfighting , SEA inspired mythology , brothel managment 2023-04-04 29 5589124 Batquest: The Man Who Laughs: Final Update & Annotations The epic conclusion to Batman's showdown with the Joker and annotations for Issue 1 Batman , DC Comics , Superhero , Collective Game , Batquest , Annotations , The Hypercrisis Bro 2023-04-11 2 5602287 Kingdom Hearts Otherverse: /qst/ Edition Eglwyswrw (Egg) the Black Mage goes on a quest with his buddy Bronadon and Oswald the lucky rabbit to save the universe from the Darkness. Kingdom Hearts , Eglwyswrw , Egg , Bronadon , Oswald , Hectictude , World A supremacy 2023-04-27 -1 5629008 Sira can run a brothel! A brothel keeper gets involved in the darker schemes of his crime organization. drawquest , renaissance fantasy , Schizo QM , SEA inspired mythology , horror , brothel management 2023-04-29 29 May 2023 5663865 Sira won’t be running a brothel! A brothel keeper confronts his past. drawquest , renaissance fantasy , Schizo QM , SEA inspired mythology , brothel management 2023-05-14 31 5635719 Batquest Annotations Part 3 Annotations for the Kobra arc of Batquest conclude. Batman , DC Comics , Superhero , Collective Game , Batquest , Annotations , The Hypercrisis Bro 2023-05-16 2 June 2023 5655115 STAR WARS - Interregnum #3.4 Farren returns from Kessel with the Conclave, checks in with the Kakari, wakes up a Vong sleeper ship, and begins training Ceyla in earnest. Collective Game , Star Wars Interregnum , Star Wars , Kaz , Potkin Kangaroo Court , Lizard Bros , Vong Invasion RSVP , Traditional Jedi Child Abuse 2023-06-23 22 July 2023 5668139 Nationquest: War of Storms The Great Fleet returns to the Anyaten Empire and and old face makes a power play. Captainquest , Nationquest , Collective Game , Civ , Bronze Age , The Hypercrisis Bro, 2023-07-05 2 5676561 Jail Quest thread #1 The traveling con artist Rosa Montagni gets roped into forming a team to save the world of Gongalla from a reality storm. Jail Quest , Collective Game , Rosa Montagni , Nemo , Craig Snorlison , Brother Valencio , con artist , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2023-07-08 10 August 2023 5703153 Rise of the Awakened #7 Kinny zaps a mob, the cultists kill some heretics, Mog gets his sword back, finds a slime, has a tantrum, Ursus wins a duel. qst on hiatus. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Adler , Harold , Deer Paladin Bros , Quest Hiatus , d-d-d-duel , Long-ass arc 2023-08-15 5 5703597 Nationquest :War of Storms 2: The Binding Makana and a snarky ally venture to a barren Island of science and enslavement Captainquest , Nationquest , Collective Game , Civ , Bronze Age , The Hypercrisis Bro, 2023-08-18 1 5709159 Jail Quest thread #2 The gang continues their journey to Goblinton, Rosa gets surprise reunion'd, and they investigate some strange men. Jail Quest , Collective Game , Rosa Montagni , Nemo , Craig Snorlison , Brother Valencio , con artist , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2023-08-28 8 October 2023 5761275 Jail Quest thread #3 We recount our travels to the Southern anchor's deity, Sierra, heard a story about Gobson, got Craig a book, and headed North. Jail Quest , Collective Game , Rosa Montagni , Nemo , Craig Snorlison , Brother Valencio , con artist , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2023-10-11 7 November 2023 5791812 Jail Quest thread #4 We head North, Craig learns 2 spells, we failed to shoot at a thief, and was about to stop at Crypt. Jail Quest , Collective Game , Rosa Montagni , Nemo , Craig Snorlison , Brother Valencio , con artist , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2023-11-22 5 January 2024 5851983 Batquest Issue IV Part I: Batquest/Superquest Batman juggles the rise of a new serial killer and the arrival of Superman in Gotham Batman , Superman , DC Comics , Superhero , Collective Game , Batquest , The Hypercrisis Bro 2024-01-12 5 February 2024 5880376 Jail Quest thread #5 We fix a broken thief at Crypt, arrive at Pinewatch early, and Craig passes out in a brothel. Jail Quest, Collective Game, Rosa Montagni, Nemo, Craig Snorlison, Brother Valencio, con artist, prison, Gongalla Gaol 2024-02-12 5 5891913 Batquest Issue #4, Part II: Batquest/Superquest Batman faces Task Force X with unforseen allies while Nightwing and Poison Ivy fight The Religion of Crime Batman , DC Comics , Superhero , Collective Game , Batquest , The Hypercrisis Bro 2024-02-27 4 April 2024 5934576 Jail Quest thread #6 Rosa plans and mounts a not-so-daring rescue of Craig! Rumors, secret passages, secret room?? Jail Quest , Collective Game , Rosa Montagni , Nemo , Craig Snorlison , Brother Valencio , con artist , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2024-04-01 5 5939841 Batquest Issue #4, Part III: Batquest/Superquest Batman and Superman collide as the Riddler's plan enters the endgame. Will the heroes stand as friends, or foes?! Batman , DC Comics , Superhero , Superman , The Hypercrisis Bro , Batquest 2024-04-11 2 June 2024 6009864 Broken Empire New Frontier David Smith, a former soldier dedicates all of his wealth to set out to the frontier and founds a new colony. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , NewbQM , civquest , civ , civ quest 2024-06-18 5 July 2024 6023968 Jail Quest thread #7 Craig finally rescued, we change into cold weather gear, and slog through fanfiction in order to investigate a lumberyard. Jail Quest , Collective Game , Rosa Montagni , Nemo , Craig Snorlison , Brother Valencio , con artist , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2024-07-09 5 6029647 Batquest Issue #4 Part V: Batquest/Superquest Finale Part 2 Batman, Superman and Poison Ivy face against the secret mastermind behind the Riddler and Waller. Batman , DC Comics , Superhero , Batquest , The Hypercrisis Bro , Superman , Poison Ivy 2024-07-27 1 August 2024 6038999 Broken Empire New Frontier 2 The colony faces its first struggles against outside foes and continues to grow despite the deadly galaxy around it. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , NewbQM , civquest , civ , civ quest 2024-08-10 3 October 2024 6077980 Broken Empire New Frontier 3 The colonists on Thunor learn that they are not the only civilization upon it and they encounter one of the large regional powers. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , NewbQM , civquest , civ , civ quest 2024-10-06 2 6098726 Jail Quest thread #8 The raid on the cultist cave begins in earnest, with an unexpected ally. Kids get rescued and a new enemy confronted. Jail Quest , Collective Game , Rosa Montagni , Nemo , Craig Snorlison , Brother Valencio , con artist , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2024-10-22 5 December 2024 6126111 Swards and Stripes A Bronze Age princess finds herself among a strange people of the Stars and Stripes banner Bronze Age , Quest , Princess , 2024-12-11 2 6127076 Ultimate Civilization Quest: Vol 1 In an Age of Marvels, a Mutant Nation rises Marvel , comics , hypercrisis bro , superhero , mutant , x-men , civ , 2024-12-16 1 6130126 One Life #4 Johan goes to the gym and delivers a package. Johan , Mimi the Mime , Noir Detectives , Mike , Gymbro , Hospital , Fugue Amnesia , Etheric Color Dynamics , The QM Without A Name 2024-12-28 2 January 2025 6132286 Broken Empire New Frontier 4 David successfully deals with the Margrave and begins to set down the foundation of his nation's noble class. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , NewbQM , civquest , civ , civ quest 2025-01-04 0 6143578 Jail Quest thread #9 We defeat a serial killer, confront Millie's past, and return to a suspicious autowagon. Jail Quest , Collective Game , Rosa Montagni , Nemo , Craig Snorlison , Brother Valencio , con artist , prison , Gongalla Gaol 2025-01-08 5 6139570 Swards and Stripes A Bronze Age princess finds herself among a strange town Bronze Age , magic , Swards and Stripes , America 2025-01-13 1