/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

September 2008
2683686DirkA traumatised Stormtrooper with a shitty history gets the chance to spit in the face of Tzeentch himself.Not as planned, Zuvassin is pleased, luck, Dirk, Stormtrooper, man2008-09-28 41 
July 2009
5147359Luchador CharactersA namefag requests help with developing his luchador character for a supers game. Honourable mask wearing ensues.Luchador, Supers2009-07-13 5 
October 2009
6323424Luchadores in GamingThread that op had intended on making about the "odd person" in gaming groups, but the thread went in a much better direction of lucha libre instead.lucha, luchadore, lucha libre, wrestling2009-10-18 10 
November 2010
12681153Mr. Bombardini Rides AgainThe creator and player of Mr. Bombardini, the loveable, overweight, child-eating vampire returns to tell more tales of Mr. Bombardini's escapades, this time in a party led by El Viento de Iluminación de Justicia, vampire luchador.Mr. Bombardini, vampire, luchador, storytiem2010-11-05 30 
12861560Storytime that becomes AWESOME.A storytime thread goes from awesome tales of player hijinks and shenanigans to AWESOME as a lone luchadorre shows /tg/ the meaning of a hero.storytime, writing, lucha, AWESOME2010-11-20 21 
February 2011
14029016Most memorable PCsStories of favorite PCs devolves into tales of triumph and glory, where paladins shine, simple clerics teach us how to be a simple man, and luchadorres show us how to be awesome.lucha, PC, story, cleric, paladin, manly tears2011-02-25 5 
March 2011
14224018Plot Armor QuestIn which we become the immortal Tigre Elephanta, Lucha prophet of Bibbles the Elephant.lucha, quest, quest thread2011-03-13 13 
September 2011
16114583Riddle of Steel: I'm running out titles Galt starts a thread, he leaves the thread and then LUCHADORESRiddle of Steel, LUCHA2011-09-01 2 
November 2011
16832805TG Quest 11Setting the Sues up the bomb. In related news, we utterly vaporize KOS-MOS by using tactical genius.TG Quest, Meta, Editors, Star Wars, Orz, Mobile Infantry, Gundam, Collective Game, KOS-MOS, Alucard2011-11-04 10 
January 2012
17626011Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 2Hito Hijikatai decided to be a luchador of justice as he helping out the cat kami. Plus a mini sidequest about Katherine who tried to fix her unexpected gender change problems.Maid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Luchador, Genders-Change2012-01-22 4 
17639946Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 3Short quest where Hito Hijikatai need to deal with a ninja who wear tophat and flippers. Maid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Luchador, Ninja, Ecchi2012-01-23 2 
February 2012
17798062Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 4.5Hito Hijikatai faced Ward Liesterman on the tournament and it ending something very unexpected. Maid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Luchador, Warhammer 40k, Dark Eldar2012-02-04 1 
18096184Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 6Hito got himself a temporary butler Genki Shirou and he continue explored the secret passages.Maid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Luchador, Crocodile Girl2012-02-26 2 
March 2012
18187919Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 6.5Hito as Sénior Jalapéno the Luchadar of Justice must save hostages and the maids from the evil cluthes from SEO a evil organizations.Maid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Luchador, Monster2012-03-04 2 
18191540Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 6.52We rescue the hostages and defeat Starfish Hitler.Maid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Luchador, Monster2012-03-04 2 
18358023Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 8Hito fought against the unknown foe.Maid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Luchador, Duck Avenger, Donald Duck2012-03-17 1 
18447772Primordial Ocean Evo Gamean evolution game where three creatures branch into a multitude of other creatures under the sea. Time is near for a land-based existence, though...Collective Game, Primordial, Fus, Sluck, Worem2012-03-25 8 
18469745Primordial Land Evo GameNow with plants! The creatures continue to spread and diversify, and a minor ice age happened. Rumors of new places to colonize abound!Collective Game, Primordial, Fus, Sluck, Worem, Frowg, Wesck, Glund, Stalck, Flouz, Pluup, Evola, Yantar2012-03-27 5 
18484092Primordial Land Evo Game pt 2Continuation of life in the mainland. The walker-Flouz evolved into Hoppas, and the LemUy slowly light up their environment.Collective Game, Primordial, Fus, Sluck, Worem, Frowg, Wesck, Glund, Stalck, Flouz, Pluup, Hoppa, Slizer, Evola, Yantar2012-03-28 3 
18482230Primordial Island Evo GameAn offshoot of the land evo game, where the Frowg evolve to the Rowgu, flyingStalck into Stelvac, and the Frilla's terrestial descendant became the world's first tree. But there are indigenous creatures that also evolve with them...Collective Game, Primordial, Fus, Sluck, Worem, Frowg, Wesck, Stalck, Rowgu, Stelva, Frilla, Adoni, Kuckar, Hraas2012-03-28 3 
18507183Ancient Tundra Evo Gameoffshoot of the main thread. The creatures and flora fight and adapt to the cold winds of the tundra.Collective Game, Primordial, Fus, Sluck, Worem, Frilla, Frowmagnon, Lem, Bord, Rasig, Mevola2012-03-30 1 
April 2012
18915172Luchadores: power of the LuchaAn anonymous genius brings to /tg/ the rudiments of a Lucha-based RP system he is working on.Lucha, Luchadore2012-04-30 -13 
18909986Luchadores: power of the LuchaAn anonymous genius brings to /tg/ the rudiments of a Lucha-based RP system he is working on. (real thread)Lucha, Luchadore2012-04-30 10 
May 2012
18960430Sandbar Island evo gameA casual take on the Primordial Evo Game takes a turn toward the weird. "Bordle bor bord!"Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Bord, Sluck, Frowg, Skrimp, Glub, Ykex're, Flurr, Whip Tree, Spine2012-05-04 5 
July 2012
19736692Steampunk Raider Civilization GameIn a world full of steampunk, Lucius Black unites the desert people into a band of pyromaniac raiders. Surprisingly little leather.Collective Game, Civ Game, Civilization, Civ, steampunk, Lucius Black2012-07-05 3 
January 2013
22402947Armamentarium Infernis QuestOur protagonist sells her soul to a devil corporation in exchange for a power that will hopefully impress her father. The plan fails. Miserably.Collective Game, Armamentarium Infernis Quest, Hell, Armory, Weapons, Touhou, Vampires, Alucard2013-01-05 11 
May 2013
24641278Captured Chaos CruiserA GM asks /tg/ if the imperium can use a captured chaos ship. /tg/ produces the Reluctant Machine Spirit.Rogue Trader, 40k, Machine Spirit, Event Horizon, Warp, Chaos, Spaceship, Reluctant2013-05-05 7 
24707557Tavern Quest Gaiden: LucretiaLucretia Le'Eforet is a woman without honor. Things are amiss at the Meridian Academy, and the Order is deployed to find out what's wrong. Mysterious encounters ensue, and Lucretia gets a lead on her true quarry.Collective Game, Lucretia Le'Eforet, Tavern Quest, Gaiden, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire,2013-05-09 20 
June 2013
25594732A tale of a rabbit, a hobbit and that dmAnon appears with a story-time of much bullshittery inflicted by a rail-roading DM, and one plucky rabbit that manages to survive it. A game of kill the wabbit ensues.storytime, that dm, one lucky bunny2013-06-23 46 
August 2013
26464615Academy Quest II and a HalfHairy McTerrorcastle dances with... something, and then rushes off to tell the Magister all about it.Collective Game, Academy Quest, Magic, Luckiest fucking Quest2013-08-06 17 
September 2013
27443603Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 16And on this day, the gods of dice smiled on us. New base. New allies. New technologies. New heroes. New victories. But a battle looms over the horizon.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, expansion, discovery, lucky2013-09-27 5 
November 2013
28426034Fate/Stay Again, Fiftieth VerseIn which Rin mostly recovers from the grail mud and learns how distorted we really are.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical E-ranked luck action2013-11-22 17 
March 2014
31087098Over(Human)Limit Quest 17An uphill battle continues within the church! Ancient goddesses are stingy, and Lucifer is... A woman?!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-03-27 10 
31148294Over(Human)Limit Quest 18Fuck-all happens and Dranule falls asleep.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism, Not moe2014-03-30 8 
April 2014
31246626Over(Human)Limit Quest 20A desert road is walked, an enemy encountered, and a friend lost.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-04-04 10 
31436397Over(Human)Limit Quest 21Helia may not be long for the world and Asherah wants a favor to heal her.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-04-13 8 
31716476Over(Human)Limit Quest 23Previous thread at http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/31587826/ Asher returns to Jackie's, preparations are underway for the mission!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-04-26 10 
31789290Over(Human)Limit Quest 24A painter is awakened, and a city has an infestation of bad luck.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-04-29 18 
May 2014
32112773Over(Human)Limit Quest 25Asher trains in the desert with the mad Jackie. Their time in Vegas has not gone unnoticed...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-05-14 9 
32270403Over(Human)Limit Quest 26Asher fights against an old foe!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-05-22 11 
32344559Hanzi Quest 1A girl wakes up in a dark room. This time, we don't start with amnesia!Collective Game, Drawquest, Hanzi Quest, XiaoLuca, Mei2014-05-25 3 
32447322Over(Human)Limit Quest 27Asher spends some time with Lucifer... And meets Overwatch.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-05-30 11 
July 2014
33632523Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 27We pay off our debts to the supernatural yakuza and embark on a job in the sewers. And then a miracle occursCollective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Yakuza, Oni, Mandala, Lucking out2014-07-25 13 
August 2014
33946433Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E1Overhuman returns! Asher meditates through imprisonment until a new ally(?) releases him!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-08-07 11 
33969184Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E2The VTOL lands and Asher learns about his new allies, what are their goals? Their aim?Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-08-08 9 
34259610Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E3The tradition of gathering around a bonfire...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-08-20 7 
34328186Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E4New friends go through meditation, some are having issue with it.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-08-23 7 
34492165Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E5Asher awakens after a frightful injury.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-08-30 6 
34515414Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E6Asher's having a hard time sleeping... Later he spars with Saphira.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-08-31 7 
September 2014
34632013Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E7Someone died during training, the Old Lady is younger.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-09-05 8 
34651268Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E7.5Asher trains up a new discovery of his magic, an intruder blatantly intrudes, and it's time for a parade.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-09-05 7 
34869635Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E8Returing from the Parade, Faust has some things to think about. He goes out to do some training and returns to find...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-09-15 6 
34878166Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E8.5Gertrude a monster, Asmodeus a shit.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-09-15 6 
34918332Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E9Faust makes a choice for a comradeOver(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-09-17 7 
35137172Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E10After speaking with the real Faust, there's time to kill as a week goes by. The end? A fashionable enterprise!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-09-27 7 
October 2014
35253871Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E10.5Asher shares some time with his allies before the big event...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-02 7 
35268740Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E11Asher wraps up in Dorothy's shop, trains, and then... It's time for a showstopper.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-03 6 
35311578Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E12The battle for fashion continues!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-05 6 
35413762Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E12.5 (remaster)A thread's redone because the QM has a problem.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-10 7 
35438361Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E13Asher recovers from the fashion show. Continuing on to bigger and better things?Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-11 7 
35593742Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E14Wood and Blood.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-18 8 
35637705Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E15Asher is pulled into a pond for a bit of "business" with a nymph in the Otherworld.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-20 8 
35695012Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E16Pondscum a shit. A SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-23 6 
November 2014
35902074Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E17Asher has a chat with Saph, then goes to see an old friend...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-11-02 5 
36006513Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E18Asher has a conversation with Camille...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-11-07 7 
36149524Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E19Asher opens a portal to another world...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-11-14 5 
36191100Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E20The portal is open upon one day within the time of Samhain. Through come the fae in a glorious way...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-11-16 6 
36385215Dreamers vs Succubi Setting WorldbuildingAnon starts a thread involving Succubus Catfights. /tg/ proceeds to turn it into a setting vaguely inspired by Psychonauts and Inception and a discussion on the nature of true love, also, historic fiction. Not bad from a thread that started as Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors meets bikini wrestling.succubi, lucid dreaming, setting, worldbuilding, historic fiction, WTF, catfight2014-11-26 5 
April 2015
39511955Bad Luck AnonAn anon says he only rolls bellow 5 on d20s and demonstrates it in 4chan.Bad Luck Anon2015-04-23 38 
September 2015
42665680Lucky Bastard Quest 1Foiling a breaking and entering attempt. Collective Game, Lucky Bastard Quest2015-09-23 2 
March 2016
46351268Blood Marked "Quest"We introduce Lucy Cook, a young woman in modern time who has suddenly gotten very good at killing, but very bad at hiding the evidence.Collective Game, Blood Marked, Lucy Cook, Eldritch Abomination, Evil, Villain, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, Insanity2016-03-30 2 
April 2016
46373525Blood Marked "Quest" 2In which we have an odd dream, poke around a cave and a stream, cut our hair, and learn more about the little demon in the back of our head.Collective Game, Blood Marked, Lucy Cook, Eldritch Abomination, Evil, Villain, Insanity2016-04-01 2 
46394015Blood Marked "Quest" 3We suffer a massive identity crisis as every new post gives us a new name. In the story we kill a man and plan to post pictures on the web.Collective Game, Blood Marked, Lucy Cook, Eldritch Abomination, Evil, Villain, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, Insanity, April Fools 20162016-04-02 1 
46458081Blood Marked "Quest" 4In which we battle for control over our body... win... and learn more about what we've become.Collective Game, Blood Marked, Lucy Cook, Eldritch Abomination, Evil, Villain, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, Insanity2016-04-05 1 
16860Quest thing3 adventurers enter, but only 1 leaves alive.notapaladin, collective game, Muchaaaaaaaa lucha, Portal Wizard, Holy Bones, Loch, Mystery Box2016-04-30 14 
May 2016
114900Deserter QuestLuce, a Conscript of the Serenian kingdom army, has deserted his post. He begins his journey home, unaware of the dangers that lie ahead.Collective Game, Quest, Deserter, Luce, Priestess2016-05-15 6 
October 2016
635455Starborn Quest 11: On the Road AgainLex gets to training Luc the tiny timestoppers. He becomes a sneaky sniper - his daddy gets pissed and we fight him. Things get serious.Collective Game, Purps, Starborn, Lex, Luc, Tiny Dio, Remy, Feelings, Emotions, Combat, Boss Fight, Magic, Fantasy World, Civil War, Hona,2016-10-01 4 
662577Starborn Quest 13: And Then There Were ThreeWe roll through the night to Rono Pass. An old face returns and the village might bring some problems.Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Darna, Minerva, Wagon, Rono Pass, Travel, Enigma, Tavern, Feelings, Village2016-10-06 3 
673177Starborn Quest 14: The Village/ No Magical Girls for hire EditionWe have some fun in Rono Pass. Fun here meaning investigating the Darnites who apparently don't like us - who knew?Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Darna, Minerva, Wagon, Rono Pass, Travel, Enigma, Tavern, Feelings, Village2016-10-09 2 
690366Starborn Quest 15: Knuckle DownDown in Rono Pass, when the storms they're a raging. Down by the tavern - the bell is a tolling.Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Darna, Minerva, Wagon, Rono Pass, Travel, Enigma, Tavern, Feelings, Village2016-10-12 2 
704590Starborn Quest 16: Sunshine at MidnightWe explore the temple of Minerva. Begin doing some Tomb Raider puzzle solving and roll a nat 1. Also Frank.Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Darna, Minerva, Wagon, Rono Pass, Travel, Enigma, Tavern, Feelings, Village2016-10-18 2 
724408Starborn Quest 17: The Rono Pass Picture ShowWe continue exploring the temple, get some VERY BAD dice and take part in a lovely show. Then we get revenge.Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Frank, Minerva,Lust, Rono Pass, Rocky Horror, Enigma, Tavern, Feelings, Revenge2016-10-20 0 
733618Starborn Quest 18: CleansingWe look at the world through smaller, more innocent eyes before technical difficulties ruin everything.Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Frank, Minerva,Lust, Rono Pass, Rocky Horror, Enigma, Tavern, Feelings, Revenge2016-10-23 2 
750489Starborn Quest 19: Luc Pilgrim vs The WorldLuc Quest continues, real life keeps QM mostly away.Collective Game, Purps, Starborn, Lex, Luc, Tiny Dio, Remy, Feelings, Emotions, Combat, Boss Fight, Magic, Fantasy World, Civil War, Hona,2016-10-29 2 
November 2016
770940Starborn Quest 19.5: Luc the Vault HunterLuc Quest ends. Purp Quest resumes. The dice gods giveth and they taketh too.Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Darna, Minerva, Wagon, Rono Pass, Crits, Enigma, Temple, Feelings, Village2016-11-01 2 
781659Starborn Quest 20: Purple RainPurps is up and fighting with a mysterious blue coated man, the dice gods are on board with her until they aren't. Luc Quest 2.0 anybody?Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Wounded, Combat, Rono Pass, Enigma, Fail, Red eyes, Wolfmen, Death, Luc2016-11-05 2 
798209Starborn Quest 21: We Happy FewWith the dice fails of the past we instead look to party cohesion. With a divine chat, party tension and we cap it off by voting lewd.the dice gods are on board with her until they aren't. Luc Quest 2.0 anybody? Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Woun2016-11-09 2 
811757Starborn Quest 22: Tuesday's GoneWe travel, talk to Hona, flesh out her character, DOUBLE CRIT PASS, Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Darna, Minerva, Wagon, Singing, Travel, Enigma, Tavern, Feelings, Zen2016-11-13 2 
837810Starborn 23:Crime and Punishment Where we scare the hell out of luc, chastise him, go to deal with a trol, and get some sweet sweet backstory.Collective Game, Starborn Quest, Troll, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Violet, Brutal, Richter, Giants, Flashback2016-11-20 2 
858514Starborn Quest 23: The Violet DemonWelcome to the past! You've been murdering your way through the giants' town; sanity? What's that? Collective Game, Starborn Quest, Troll, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Violet, Brutal, Richter, Giants, Flashback2016-11-24 2 
December 2016
939695Starborn Quest 24: Mind over MatterWe find ourselves in a dream. Where we seem locked into Zen. But in this symbolic and beautiful realm danger awaits both social and physicalCollective Game, Starborn Quest, Zen, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Violet, Brutal, Foxboy, Dream, Tornin2016-12-17 2 
948723Chronomancer Quest #3The time monster and Yu square off, supernatural speed and strength against sheer time-stopping will.Time Magic,Combat,Modern, Lucky Rolls2016-12-19 2 
948261Starborn Quest 25: Stop Hitting YourselfPurps vs Violet, Some introspection, Then I drop a question we need to answer...Collective Game, Starborn Quest, Zen, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Violet, Boss Fight, Foxboy, Dream, Tornin2016-12-20 2 
976408Starborn Quest 26: Wake Me Up, Before You Go GoWe wake up, Catch up, Fuck up, Put up, Wake something up, Shut up, Man Up, Level Up, Then Clean upCollective Game, Starborn Quest, Zen, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, DRAGON, Boss Fight, Bridge, Divine Zen, Badass, Luc,2016-12-29 3 
January 2017
987176Starborn Quest 27: The World Keeps SpinningTinton is reached, Hona,Luc and Purps park the wagon - Purps goes full Italian and invents pizza before we bet against Hona. Short Thread.Collective Game, Starborn Quest, Zen, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Lexington, Money Touble, Tinton, Divine Zen, Badass, Luc,2017-01-01 2 
February 2017
1151634Starborn Quest 28: Is This The Town By Murillo?Starborn Quest returns with Recaps, Healing, Messengers, Races and Discovery!Collective Game, Starborn Quest, Zen, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Lexington, Money Touble, Tinton, Zelam, Badass, Luc,2017-02-14 2 
1164659Starborn Quest 29: Ancestry.AwooWe meet our Oracle who is a relative of ours? Then she tells us a story, which the anons play! Reynes of Castmaere know that feel.Collective Game, Starborn Quest, Zen, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Murillo, Flashback, Tinton, Zelam, Badass, Luc,2017-02-17 1 
1163749Starborn Quest 29: Ancestry.Awoo We meet our Oracle who is a relative of ours? Then she tells us a story, which the anons play! Reynes of Castmaere know that feel.Collective Game, Starborn Quest, Zen, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Murillo, Flashback, Tinton, Zelam, Badass, Luc,2017-02-18 3 
1192472Starborn Quest 30: A Man Named SueA probably ill advised midweek thread considering OP is on GMT and his players US. Coupled with early rises for OP, not much gets done :(Collective Game, Starborn Quest, Zen, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Murillo, Cleanup, Tinton, Zelam, Badass, Luc,2017-02-24 2 
1208750Starborn Quest 30.5: A Man Named Sue [CONT] The man named Sue makes an appearance, we fight a skeleton warrior (dadadada) and also TALKCollective Game, Starborn Quest, Zen, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Murillo, Cleanup, Tinton, Zelam, Badass, Luc,2017-02-28 2 
March 2017
1251219What Came Next 4: Slumdog Fight ClubSukaretto vs Ishi to the death! Who will win? The dice gods decide!Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Boss fight, Suka, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Ishi, Dice Gods, Trip Crit, Murder, Magic, Spells, Lucifer2017-03-12 2 
1270941Starborn Quest 31: Together As OneWe make our way home from Murillo, Luc and Hona have a "Friendly" training session before things get heated between our girls.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Starborn, Luc, Hona, Lex, Dealer, Tinton, Murillo, Fight, Training, LEWD, Strip, Lapdance, Music, Academy2017-03-18 2 
1283820Starborn Quest 32: Welcome BackTINTON IS OVER; The Lewd aftermath, Return of the Lex and other stuffCollective Game, Star, Wagon, Starborn, Luc, Hona, Lex, Dealer, Tinton, Murillo, Fight, Training, LEWD, Strip, Lapdance, Music, Academy2017-03-22 2 
May 2017
1420996What Came Next 6: The Magnificent 4Let's get down to business - to defeat, the huns did they send me heathens. When I asked, for nuns!Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Boss fight, Suka, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Ishi, Dice Gods, Trip Crit, Murder, Magic, Spells, Lucifer2017-05-04 2 
June 2017
53867735Knightpunk setting worldbuilding/tg/ brainstorms a setting where being a Knight is like being a cartoon LuchadoreWorldbuilding, fluff, knights, luchadores2017-06-19 1 
July 2017
1650667What Came Next 7: Brother Who Art Thou?Just a day of teaching, nothing to see here. Why would anyone be concerned?Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Boss fight, Suka, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Ishi, Dice Gods, Trip Crit, Murder, Magic, Spells, Lucifer2017-07-11 3 
August 2017
1754410What Came Next 9: The Test of Beatrice UkitakeSukaretto tries to beat up an old lady. Then things get weird again.What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Star, Starborn, Bleach, Ukitake, Nion, Katta, Gronamura, Sakahone, Lucife, Beatrice, village, Mimihagi,rukongai2017-08-10 3 
1782308Starborn Quest 34: Woooooah We're halfway there. Ohhh Sleeping in a ChairA lot of travelling happens and we meet a new fella. Lex looks worse for wear before Honamurei takes on the stranger.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Travel, Honamurei, Luc, Tessius, Gine, Lexington, Gine, Sparring, ARMBAR, Academy Arc2017-08-20 1 
September 2017
1829728Starborn Quest 35: The Sunset at DawnPurps and Lexington have a minor disagreement. Then they arrive into a warzone. Starborn Dice.Starborn, Wagon, Miniboss, Purps, Hona, Luc, Lexington, Lex, Honamurei, Rebels, Battle, Imperials, Crits, Starborn, Star, Minerva, Tragedy2017-09-04 2 
October 2017
1917579Starborn Quest 36: Paint It RedThe aftermath of a tragedy sends Purps over the edge. Darna Must Die.Starborn, Wagon, Miniboss, Purps, Hona, Luc, Lexington, Lex, Honamurei, Rebels, Battle, Imperials, Crits, Starborn, Star, Minerva, Tragedy2017-10-04 2 
1935990What Came Next 11: RNG Decided This - I SwearThe party continue down the long lonesome road. When there shined a shiny hot springs... in the middle of the road. Also Memory?What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Star, Starborn, Bleach, Ukitake, Nion, Katta, Gronamura, Sakahone,Lucifer, Beatrice, village, Mimihagi,rukongai2017-10-09 3 
1974284Starborn Quest 37: Enemy UnknownMido continues to prove War is Hell. Starborn, Wagon, Miniboss, Purps, Hona, Luc, Lexington, Lex, Honamurei, Rebels, Battle, Imperials, Crits, Starborn, Star, Minerva, Tragedy2017-10-20 3 
November 2017
2050112What Came Next 12: What Came BeforeNothing bad happens as we flashback to a red haired teenager on her first date.What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Sukaretto, Flashback, Living, Bleach, Bleach Quest, Rukongai, Ukitake, Lucifer, Crusader, God, Christian2017-11-10 2 
December 2017
2109027What Came Next 13: A Happy EndingSukaretto fights a tentacle monster while her brother watches.What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Sukaretto, Flashback, Living, Bleach, Bleach Quest, Rukongai, Ukitake, Lucifer, Crusader, God, Christian2017-12-02 2 
2143066Starborn Quest 41: Welcome to the JungleAcademic things continueCollective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Travel, Honamurei, Luc, Tessius, Gine, Lexington, Gine, Sparring, ARMBAR, Academy Arc2017-12-20 2 
April 2018
58996490Angel DiscussionOP asks /tg/ how to make benevolent yet creepy angels. Many religious examples are given. Portrayals of Lucifer thrown in for good measure.FEAR NOT, angel, religion, lucifer, satan2018-04-10 6 
2468068Starborn Quest 48: Purps Does A MopeIn the aftermath of her terrible relationship management Purps explores the town and discovers a pretty glaring crisis before it escalated.Collective Game, Starborn, Wagon, Purps, Fox, HawkFox, Honamurei, Lexington, Academy, Dealer, Goblins, Lucky, Double Crit2018-04-16 1 
May 2018
2505810Starborn Quest 49: SupernovaReal life stops QM from really getting into it.Collective Game, Starborn, Wagon, Purps, Fox, HawkFox, Honamurei, Lexington, Academy, Dealer, Goblins, Lucky, Double Crit2018-05-02 1 
November 2018
3043228Kamen Rider Lucid: Episode 1Our hero finds a strange stone that allows him to go from garbage collector to masked hero.Collective Game, Quest Thread, CrabQM, Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Lucid2018-11-25 2 
January 2019
3132271Unlucky Servant Quest #1You're Solomon, Saul for short, and occasionally, Sally.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic, pelican, Unlucky Servant Quest2019-01-01 8 
3139520Unlucky Servant Quest #2From a flat plain to massive tracks of land. Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic, pelican, Unlucky Servant Quest2019-01-05 3 
3151782Unlucky Servant Quest #3Vivi the cuddle bug.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic, pelican, Unlucky Servant Quest2019-01-18 2 
February 2019
3196368Unlucky Servant Quest #4Revival of Quest, New QM. Garden AdventuresUnlucky Servant, NekoMancer, Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic2019-02-03 1 
3228357Unlucky Servant Quest #5: ChoicesWe avoided flaming fartsCollective Game, Fantasy, Magic, Nekomancer, Unlucky Servant Quest, Unlucky Servant2019-02-14 1 
3261670Unlucky Servant Quest #6: ClassesQM Got the Flu, but he killed it [Small Thread]Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic, Nekomancer, Unlucky Servant Quest, Unlucky Servant2019-02-23 1 
March 2019
3289390Unlucky Servant Quest #6.5: ClassesSaul & Vivi go to class, & Charles dies from exhaustionCollective Game, Fantasy, Magic, Nekomancer, Unlucky Servant Quest, Unlucky Servant2019-03-09 2 
3331622Unlucky Servant Quest #7:Solomon learns magic. Solomon helps the Prince. Solomon becomes a cute small Fisherman.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic, Nekomancer, Unlucky Servant Quest, Unlucky Servant2019-03-22 1 
April 2019
3377472Unlucky Servant Quest #8: Sally EditionWe transform into our mistress. Go on a scavenger hunt. Evade a Criminal Organization Feel disgusted for killing something&-? ourLively hoodCollective Game, Fantasy, Magic, Nekomancer, Unlucky Servant Quest, Unlucky Servant2019-04-06 2 
3417830 Unlucky Servant Quest #9: FriendsSolomon goes to town with his new friend Marcie Alabaster. They read books, get followed by shady people, and go to dinner. :)Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic, Nekomancer, Unlucky Servant Quest, Unlucky Servant2019-04-20 1 
May 2019
3447454Unlucky Servant Quest #10: Proper Numbering EditionSolomon invades a gang base. Also Finds a magical flying talking dog, that cause him smelly.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic, Nekomancer, Unlucky Servant Quest, Unlucky Servant2019-05-04 1 
3481027Unlucky Servant Quest #11Solomon goes to class, Learns more about Marcie, & gets a date for the Gala.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic, Nekomancer, Unlucky Servant Quest, Unlucky Servant2019-05-21 1 
June 2019
3533847Unlucky Servant Quest #12We learned about 2 more forms of magic, & finished the Bellabona book Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic, Nekomancer, Unlucky Servant Quest, Unlucky Servant2019-06-18 1 
July 2019
3609060Unlucky Servant Quest #13Tiny thread, QM sorts through personal issuesCollective Game, Fantasy, Magic, Nekomancer, Unlucky Servant Quest, Unlucky Servant2019-07-09 1 
May 2020
4242422Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 12Everything quickly goes horribly wrong.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Castlevania, Elegy of Inheritance, Vampires, Alucard2020-05-30 3 
June 2020
4249198Bad Drawing Fun Time QuestA short one-shot adventure following Reginald the Reluctant Knight in his Quest to overcome his Reluctance and win back his Rubber Ducky.halp, reluctant, knight, qst, drawquest, drawfriend, improvised2020-06-02 0 
February 2021
4621306Dream Catchers 2nd Edition [Skirmish]The slumbering realms open to those who wander dreamland once more, allowing those lucid to reshape both hex and denizen for a new awakeningfenster, collective game, collaborative game, skirmish, dream catchers, dream, denizen, lucid, catcher, catchers2021-02-22 0 
March 2021
4663783Dream Catchers 2nd Edition (p2) [Skirmish]Enter the Norzlands, empty realms where storms ravage the flora and fauna leading to naught but the coldest of reception.fenster, collective game, collaborative game, skirmish, dream catchers, dream, denizen, lucid, catcher, catchers2021-03-18 0 
July 2023
5699236Nightlife QuestA Quest about hunger, youth, and the dark. May your thirst be sated.AlucardQM, urban fantasy, supernatural, modern, vampires?2023-07-12 1 
August 2023
5710673Bretonnian Peasant Quest 1A Peasant, whose life has gone to ruin thanks to a Vampire, now works to become someone that can slay her. Collective Game, Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, The Machine QM, Vampires, Knights, Bretonnia, Peasant, Lucian2023-08-22 32 
October 2023
5742568Bretonnian Peasant Quest 2Lucian Heir of Ruin faces necromancers and an Ork Warboss. With nobility comes honour and Quarrel as a Peasant Knight.Collective Game, Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, The Machine QM, Vampires, Knights, Bretonnia, Peasant, Lucian2023-10-01 24 
5779152Bretonnian Peasant Quest 3Having sequestered for a while with Count Remon, Lucian gains the companionship of a Lizardman and finally begins the long journey to AlbionCollective Game, Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, The Machine QM, Vampires, Knights, Bretonnia, Peasant, Lucia2023-10-31 15 
December 2023
5813629Bretonnian Peasant Quest 4While passing through Castle Bastonne, Lucian investigates the disappearance of a magic sword and discovers an infestation of Skaven.Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, The Machine QM, Vampires, Knights, Bretonnia, Peasant, Lucian2023-12-05 10 
January 2024
5862458Bretonnian Peasant Quest 5In the mountain of dwarves, Lucian defeats foes, recovers the cursed sword, and swears the oath of a grail knight Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, The Machine QM, Vampires, Knights, Bretonnia, Peasant, Lucian2024-01-22 7 
March 2024
5901470Bretonnian Peasant Quest 6On a ship to Albion, Lucian unwittingly breaks two oaths, suffers a fall from grace and is separated from his companions.Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, The Machine QM, Vampires, Knights, Bretonnia, Peasant, Lucian2024-03-11 2 
April 2024
5949349Bretonnian Peasant Quest 7Lucian scours Albion from evil, reclaims favor of the gods and sets his sights on returning to BretonniaWarhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, The Machine QM, Vampires, Knights, Bretonnia, Peasant, Lucian2024-04-21 1 
May 2024
5985311Bretonnian Peasant Quest 8Lucian challenges The Monster of Mann before leading his Albion allies back to Bretonnia and fulfil his destinyWarhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, The Machine QM, Vampires, Knights, Bretonnia, Peasant, Lucian2024-05-16 2 
June 2024
6013758One Life #1Johan, an amnesiac and taxi driver, navigates a world that feels slightly off.Johan, Lucian, Taxi Driver, Noir Detectives, Sailors, Fugue Amnesia, Hotel, Etheric Color Dynamics, The QM Without A Name2024-06-28 1 
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