/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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November 2009
6741973Death to DruidsA monk comes to /tg/ seeking advice on defending a mining village from genocidal druids and his treacherous ex-party. /tg/ provides it.Monk, villagers, level 1, advice2009-11-17 12 
6844197Death to Druids: The AftermathDeath to Druids thread after the fated encounter. The noble monk failed massively in his attempt to hold back the PCs and NPC Druids.Monk, villagers, level 1, failure2009-11-24 3 
March 2010
8725635Settler Quest IIIFavored by Torg. Blessed by mutation. Slayer of the Bear Queen. Captor of the Bear Cubs. Crusher of bugbears, Impaler of the Slayers.settler, quest, goblins, goblin, village2010-03-23 9 
April 2010
9292029Village drawing RPGOP puts up a picture of a village, then accepts suggestions that would improve it. It develops into a sacrificial demon cult, with an epic ending. Also, awesome art by OP that shows the village's development.Chaos, Evil, Village, Awesome pictures2010-04-19 55 
9314175Village drawing RPG 2Conitniuation from previous thread, we start with a refuge from the fishing village. Commerce, water worship and toll collecting. And, of course, awesome art from the elusive OP who refuses to get a tripcode.Village, awesome, water, good, trade2010-04-20 29 
9329948Village drawing RPG 3Continuation from previous threads, we start with another refugee from the fishing village. A new fishing village springs up, and for the first time /tg/ supports neither gods nor demons.Village, awesome, athiest, fish, trade2010-04-21 28 
9352629Village Drawing RPG 4As with the rest, we develop a small village. OP finally got a tripcode. This time, it's happening in a dark and dank forest. Amazing artVillage, awesome, forest, pigs2010-04-22 24 
9354956Village Drawing RPG 4 Part 2Last thread fell under the sway of the dreaded autosage. Pigs, taverns, fate of the river and more. What will the unknown ruins of an ancient civilization bring?Village, awesome, pigs, ancient, science, 2010-04-22 23 
9359294Village Drawing RPG 4 Part 3Village Drawing thread continued, now with severely less bawfest and 100% more pornspam!Village, awesome, pigs, ancient, science2010-04-22 23 
9376812Village Drawing RPG 5...in Space!Village Drawing Thread ... in Space! In which OP starts of the new Village as the beginnings of a colony on a barren moon-like rock deep in space.Village, awesome, sci-fi, colony, in space2010-04-23 23 
August 2010
11611070Peak Oil Stratedgy quest #2Survival in America continues: now with 100% more lootin' and shootin'.Collective game, stratedgy quest, village2010-08-11 6 
July 2011
15652957Village QuestYou are the chosen one! Go and figure out why the river isn't flowing anymore before everyone in your village dies. You get a sidekick/guard and a book!Village Quest, VillageQuest, Collective Game, LiarManPost Apocalyptic, River, 2011-07-21 3 
January 2013
22322358Mirage Village QuestYou are Heiler, Ninja of the Ash Clan, and this is the beginning of your tale.Collective Game, Mirage Village Quest, Dranule, The Man, Ninja, Traps2013-01-01 7 
22345880Mirage Village Quest 2Heiler's tale continues... With his quest for tail. He seeks out his team, but more, Orime.Collective Game, Mirage Village Quest, Dranule, Ninja2013-01-02 8 
July 2013
25971010The Armoured VillageOP proposes a setting where everyone is always covered, and /tg/ works its magic. What results is a village where absolutely everyone wears full plate armour all the time as a result of a contagious curse. Better than it sounds.game ideas, world building, armour, village, worldbuilding2013-07-13 17 
September 2014
35021273Five Nations Elite Edition Quest 0- Character BuildingWe build our character, Hikari Araki, a Chunin from the Sand Village, do some backstory and world building.Naruto, quest, collective game, Five nations, sand village, ninja, Five Nations Quest2014-09-21 -2 
July 2016
48155358Stories about a city and villageA picture and a request for backstories are posted. /tg/ delivers awesomely.city, village, worldbuilding, stories, setting,2016-07-09 2 
October 2016
662577Starborn Quest 13: And Then There Were ThreeWe roll through the night to Rono Pass. An old face returns and the village might bring some problems.Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Darna, Minerva, Wagon, Rono Pass, Travel, Enigma, Tavern, Feelings, Village2016-10-06 3 
673177Starborn Quest 14: The Village/ No Magical Girls for hire EditionWe have some fun in Rono Pass. Fun here meaning investigating the Darnites who apparently don't like us - who knew?Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Darna, Minerva, Wagon, Rono Pass, Travel, Enigma, Tavern, Feelings, Village2016-10-09 2 
690366Starborn Quest 15: Knuckle DownDown in Rono Pass, when the storms they're a raging. Down by the tavern - the bell is a tolling.Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Darna, Minerva, Wagon, Rono Pass, Travel, Enigma, Tavern, Feelings, Village2016-10-12 2 
704590Starborn Quest 16: Sunshine at MidnightWe explore the temple of Minerva. Begin doing some Tomb Raider puzzle solving and roll a nat 1. Also Frank.Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Darna, Minerva, Wagon, Rono Pass, Travel, Enigma, Tavern, Feelings, Village2016-10-18 2 
November 2016
770940Starborn Quest 19.5: Luc the Vault HunterLuc Quest ends. Purp Quest resumes. The dice gods giveth and they taketh too.Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Darna, Minerva, Wagon, Rono Pass, Crits, Enigma, Temple, Feelings, Village2016-11-01 2 
May 2017
53055633Village Adventure HooksA collection of plot hooks taking place in villages.village, adventure hooks, plot hooks,2017-05-10 6 
July 2017
1693648What Came Next 8: What's Happening Again? PLOTWe meet our brother, he also is kind of intimidating as hell and wants to dismantle everything. But diplomatically.What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Star, Starborn, Bleach, Ukitake, Nion, Katta, Gronamura, Sakahone, Zaraki, Bandits, village, Mimihagi,rukongai2017-07-25 2 
August 2017
1754410What Came Next 9: The Test of Beatrice UkitakeSukaretto tries to beat up an old lady. Then things get weird again.What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Star, Starborn, Bleach, Ukitake, Nion, Katta, Gronamura, Sakahone, Lucife, Beatrice, village, Mimihagi,rukongai2017-08-10 3 
1801545What Came Next 10: QM Can't Think of a Title/comfy/What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Star, Starborn, Bleach, Ukitake, Nion, Katta, Gronamura, Sakahone, Zaraki, Bandits, village, Mimihagi,rukongai2017-08-25 2 
October 2017
1935990What Came Next 11: RNG Decided This - I SwearThe party continue down the long lonesome road. When there shined a shiny hot springs... in the middle of the road. Also Memory?What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Star, Starborn, Bleach, Ukitake, Nion, Katta, Gronamura, Sakahone,Lucifer, Beatrice, village, Mimihagi,rukongai2017-10-09 3 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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