/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

March 2010
8577633Eversor Battle and Assassin WritefaggingAs the title says, the thread starts off as a discussion of what members of a Space Marine cadre an Eversor could take on. It turns into writefaggotry when it is decided that one piece of fluff needs some extrapolation.40k, Assassins, Writefaggotry2010-03-14 0 
April 2010
9494107Eversors Can Drive.General Officio Assassinorum thread, started after a realization that Eversor Assassins can drive any vehicle and fly aircraft in Dark Heresy.Eversor Assassins, Warhammer 40K, Awesome2010-04-29 8 
9510598Fixing the AssassinThe 4e Assassin class is crap. /tg/ debates ideas for how to make them worthwhile. Lots of math ensues.4e, houserules, Assassin, D&D2010-04-30 1 
May 2010
9933783AssassinsDiscussion of the game "Assassins" and creative ways of "killing" peopleAssassins, real life, college, games, killer, paranoia2010-05-21 8 
10098576The Worst DM In HistoryThread begins with a poster raging over a familiar that sponatneously dies of hunger. Thread moves on to the tale of a player knocking his DM unconcious with a Player Guide.Worst DM Ever Assassin Lazerus Familiars2010-05-28 48 
10141382Suburban EversorFeaturing Eversor-Dad, his relationship with daughter, ex-wife, ex-wife's new husband, and his neighbors. assassin, 40k, Eversor2010-05-30 6 
December 2010
13213415Officio Assassinorum: The GameWhat started as a request for scans ended up becoming the brainchild of /tg/, a video game fashioned after the Officio Assassinorum and their assassins.Disscussion, video game, 40k, Assassin, Eversor2010-12-19 8 
April 2011
14650782My Dad: DCAMedic does another My Dad after returning from a hiatus.cute, assassin2011-04-20 0 
October 2012
21256335Lich's Employee Quest pt 19Daniel goes theatrical as he kills Fido the charisma wizard.skeleton quest, theatrics, Poe, masquerade, dice gods, assassinations2012-10-24 11 
December 2012
22021634Oinkbane The Wereboar AssassinA GM declares the genius of a wereboar assassin. And thus Oinkbane is born. His tactics are too subtle for you.Hilarious Wereboar Oinkbane Assassin Funny Tactics Subtle2012-12-13 47 
May 2013
24816257Fate/Stay Again, Fortieth VerseIn which shit hits the fan.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical Espionage Assassin2013-05-14 30 
July 2013
25742875Ghost QuestYou are a ghost operative of the Terran Dominion, under Emperor Arcturus Mengsk. Your Codename is Delta Phoenix. Possibly, was Delta Phoenix. At 1200 hours you received a transmission from Korhal. "The Emperor is Dead. Long live the Emperor. " Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft2013-07-01 33 
25764480Ghost Quest 2We continue to be a badass even with broken fingers. We also increase our combat effectiveness by liberating 3 spaceships. Plans to fix the Goliath Class Battlecruiser is delayed even further.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft2013-07-02 23 
25770783Ghost Quest 2.5We do a little piracy and get ourselves some resources and some recruits. Then we immediately go risk our lives. Again.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Mercenaries2013-07-02 21 
25773465Ghost Quest 3Dark Phoenix gathers the last resources to repair the Hydron. Henderson proves himself again. Will we ever know what was in the box?Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Pirates2013-07-02 16 
25787209Ghost Quest 5: Grave over JestosThe remaining zerg pose an issue. SCV deployments are confusing. Repairs are made to the Hydron, and a blind jump is made.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Zerg, 2013-07-03 21 
25800902Ghost Quest 6: FreedomJump is successful but resources are scarce. Delta Phoenix deals with the ghosts of the past. A hostage is taken. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Pirates2013-07-04 20 
25806765Ghost Quest 7: Death RaceDelta Phoenix attempts a solo mission as Corporal Henderson races to save the love of his life, Mia Rodriguez. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Pirates, Space Bikers, Vulture bike,2013-07-04 21 
25820987Ghost Quest 8: Money, Money, Money. (July 4th Special)The Daluke jumps to Muric, an idyllic paradise compared to the trials so far, and receives a tempting offer...Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, MURRICA, FREEDOM, USA, USA, USA2013-07-05 16 
25825835Ghost Quest 9Delta Phoenix does some ghost things to get her crew some property of their own.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, MURRICA2013-07-05 16 
25840292Ghost Quest 10Recruitan' an' minin'. That's what we do here. After a mission and a night full of nightmares, Delta Pheonix talks to only other person who may be more screwed up in the head than she isCollective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft,2013-07-06 15 
25847799Ghost Quest 11: Dark Wings SpreadDelta Phoenix rescues some civilian ships at Kilaro, and helps rebels fight the Dominion. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Poor decision making2013-07-06 15 
25852526Ghost Quest 12: LossDelta Phoenix loses her suit, and can't cope. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, 2013-07-06 17 
25878409Ghost Quest 13: Delta Phoenix's New GrooveDelta Phoenix trains with Kassix, and murders an Ultralisk 1 on 1. A course is set for Murric. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ultralisk2013-07-08 15 
25895335Ghost Quest 14: Liberty or DeathDelta Phoenix returns to Murric under siege. We get a look through the eyes of our crew. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Wraith, Goliath, Firebat, Marine,2013-07-09 20 
25899479Ghost Quest 15: Ghost Quest 15: Don't you let me Die in SpaceHelldog Mercenary squad takes the bridge of the Aeron. Delta Phoenix kills an old squad memeber. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Marine, Battlecruiser2013-07-09 27 
25937168Ghost Quest 17: All Along the WatchtowerThe XO does his best to keep Delta Phoenix's forces alive.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Battlecruiser2013-07-11 16 
25953890Ghost Quest 18: From The Ashes. Delta Phoenix speaks to Charlie Phoenix, repairs to the Daluke and Murric begin.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, 2013-07-11 10 
25977043Ghost Quest 20: High NoonDelta determines whether or not to become a Spectre, and hunts bounties on New Albuquerque.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft2013-07-13 9 
26017586Ghost Quest 21: Bounty HunterDelta Phoenix completes her bounties on New Albuquerque. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft2013-07-15 13 
26101639Ghost Quest 22: Viva la RevolutionDelta Phoenix finishes her work on New Albuquerque. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-07-19 8 
26108936Ghost Quest 23: A Duel of PoliticsDelta Phoenix attempts to organize the New Albuquerque rebels to overthrow the corrupt government. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-07-19 6 
26118210Ghost Quest 24: The Open SkyDelta returns to the Daluke with Lakas' family and Enrique. Whiskey and November report the lottery mission is successful. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-07-20 6 
26154893Ghost Quest 25: Gambling ManDelta Phoenix finishes her macromanagement on Murric and heads to other Fringe World locations. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-07-21 4 
26255694Ghost Quest 26: Shout at the Devil Down BelowNovember is dead. Charlie is critically wounded. The few survivors of New Ares are aboard the Hercules. And so is something else...Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-07-26 4 
26275827Ghost Quest 27: FUBARDelta Phoenix and other squads attempt a mission on a Dominion battlecruiser, while Zerg are attacking it.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-07-28 4 
26292705Ghost Quest 28: 3 Weeks LaterDelta Phoenix's crew has recovered from the last mission, but worlds are falling across the sector. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-07-29 2 
26342580Ghost Quest 29: ExpansionistDelta Phoenix establishes a base on a Jungle World, then looks to unite the fringes. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-07-31 2 
August 2013
26360853Ghost Quest 30: Fade OutArmed with new Technology, Delta Phoenix must now determine her next move against the Dominion or Broodmother.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-08-01 2 
26396664Ghost Quest 31: Double TakeThe fringe continues to burn. Dominion fleets mobilize. Zerg disappear mysteriously. Delta Phoenix is slowly becoming the last hope these planets have. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-08-03 3 
26418227Ghost Quest 32: Round HouseDelta Phoenix destroys the PRNA capital building, but their army seems invigorated by it. The crew of the Daluke prepares for a longer war than they anticipated. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-08-04 2 
26437759Ghost Quest 33: Fast PaceAn uneasy peace settles over New Albuquerque. The Dominion tightens their grip, and lays siege to Kilaro. Zerg forces mysteriously abandon Dick's Paradise, but are now spotted on Corendis. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-08-05 2 
26478946Ghost Quest 34: Cocked PistolDelta Phoenix has destroyed the Dominion's fleet and found out information on their bases. However the Zerg and Protoss wage a shadow war on Corendis. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-08-07 0 
26530430Ghost Quest 35: MidnightThe Daluke is upgraded at Skorpia shipyards when Delta Phoenix receives distress beacons. All of them. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-08-09 2 
26537791Ghost Quest 36: CheckThe Zerg invasion has crushed worlds. Delta Phoenix attempts to rescue surviving Protoss, while hunting another changeling threat. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-08-10 3 
October 2013
27538057Unconventional WeaponsOP asks /tg/ what their favorite unconventional weapons are. Cannonball muskets, MOAR DAKKA, and flaming crack gorillas follow.unconventional, weapons, murder, assassination, awesome, scary2013-10-03 2 
November 2013
28247191For House and Dominion: Ballroom EditionAttending a ball organised by our wingman's family we look up old friends and find out how they've fared over the past year. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, dancing, party, ball, assassination, flashback, Dice, Survey2013-11-15 12 
September 2014
35027951Assassin School quest 1We choose our "hero" Layla Miller, A girl who has a knack for poison and explosives and register her in the Academy of the lucky coin, a school for assassins. She meets her roommate, a strange girl called Maria Smith, goes to some classes, Poisons someone with an overdoes of potassium (they deserved it)and has good first day at schoolAssassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison, murder,2014-09-22 24 
35071939Assassin School quest 2In which Layla makes three new friends, gets stabbed by a nun, goes to the infirmary for a three days, Gets a new hoodie and a lucky coin, and has a strange dream. Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison, Nun,2014-09-24 17 
35134961Assasin school quest 3Layla gets put under house arrest by her roommate, but that doesn't stop her from taking her first mission and taking a visit to japan to kill a yakuza with a big ego, and and even bigger stomach. Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison, Murder, Yakuza2014-09-27 17 
35179648Assassin School quest 4Layla has a rather uneventful (read, didn't kill anyone) day, besides being chased around campus by a very angry teacher, pissing off the request guy, and trying to get into stealth classAssassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison, Chase,2014-09-29 14 
October 2014
35265797Assassin School quest 5 Layla deals with the cold, gets into a fist fight, and tortures the nun with the poisons teacher, and goes for a walk on the beach. rather short threadAssassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison, Nun, Torture,2014-10-03 14 
35348174Assassin School quest 6 Layla goes on a visit to an unspecified European country with Maria and a new friend to kill a count, along the way she steals clothing from a dead girl, jumps on to a chandelier, and faces down a centuries old, suicidal Vampire count who's been feeding on innocent peasant girls for who knows how long, how exciting Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison, Vampire, bad accents,2014-10-07 14 
35390960Assassin School quest 7Layla wanders around with a wounded arm, meets a truly strange teacher, finds some free TNT, reads a strange letter, and watches a cheesy horror movie with her roommate, and goes on a mission for little rhyme or reason Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison, Nun,2014-10-09 11 
35398922Assassin School quest 7 part 2Lyla's African adventure continues, her guide dies to mysterious circumstances (Layla), and invades the camp of a warlord, things quickly go sour and the hunter becomes the huntedAssassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison, African warlord,2014-10-09 10 
35405448Four Gods Quest #2Aldan kills the Baron for the Duke, tells Charles he's a wizard and meets Ed on her way to the Ball. And there was a snake.Collective Game, Four Gods Quest, Assassin, Ambition2014-10-10 7 
35431220Four Gods Quest #3Aldan impresses an Empress, find out the Bard is actually a Prince, and gets sent on a quest to find a demon.Collective Game, Four Gods Quest, Assassin, Ambition2014-10-11 3 
35434978Assassin School quest 8In which Layla turns the nun into a vampire after a light session of torture and tea, learns the basics of disguise, And meets the PE teacher. She also makes a bombAssassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison,Nun, Vampire,2014-10-11 11 
35549246Assassin School quest 9In which Layla meets parts of the nightshift, cheers up her roommate, and taunts a vampire nunAssassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison,2014-10-16 12 
35630241Assassin School quest 10 In which Layla Puts down a mad dog, meets a new face, and Takes a mission to kill a corrupt frenchman. Rather short threadAssassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison, 2014-10-20 10 
35776689Assassin School quest 11Layla and Maria go to the big apple to visit a costume ball in a newly opened hotel, to assassinate a corrupt frenchman before he can be killed by two other assassins. Along the way they buy costumes, see a statue that looks disturbingly like Layla, and we see the world through Maria's eyes Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison, Vampire, Costume Ball, mind control, witch2014-10-27 10 
35786546Assassin School quest 11 part 2In which Layla kidnaps a witch (partially for turning her into cat girl), introduces a witch to a nun, gets some catnip, and tries to take a shower Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison, Vampire, witch, cat girl, kidnapping,2014-10-27 10 
35815630Assassin School quest 12In which Layla learns a bit about her witch, and gets her a new abode, and she later takes an enthusiastic walk through the forest and goes on a mission with a somewhat familiar face Collective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison, Witch, Catgirl2014-10-29 10 
35827958Assassin School quest 12 part 2Layla returns to brausrburge, to track down the attacker of the local peasants, it ends with a rather impressive fireworks displayCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison, Catgirl,2014-10-29 10 
November 2014
35877585Assassin School quest 13: Halloween specialLayla tries to get the cowardly Maria to enjoy Halloween, And something fantastic happens, as love blooms beneath the moonCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison, Catgirl, Halloween Special, love2014-11-01 22 
35898293Assassin School quest 14Layla and Maria decide to go for a walk on halloween night, which eventually turns to Layla hunting a demon Collective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison, Catgirl, Demon2014-11-02 14 
35942359Assassin School quest 15Layla And Maria go to the beach, and then fight a knight of godCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison, nun, Catgirl, vampire, righteous fury2014-11-04 13 
36002479Assassin School quest 16Layla is bedridden from her and Maria's battle with the holy knight. But not for long as she rejects her humanity. Also room 1856 is renovated Collective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison, Catgirl, Vampire2014-11-07 11 
36104726Assassin School quest 17Layla and Maria go to kill a good man for no reason other than money. And then lewd happensCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl,2014-11-12 20 
36185837Assassin School quest 18In which Layla has a friendly talk with the witch, learns how to cast some basic spells, unlocks stealth class, and tastes Maria, going a slightly crazier after the fact.Collective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl, Yandere2014-11-16 13 
36311490Assassin School quest 19Layla goes on a wild goose chase with a blind girl, fights a teacher, loses, sees a new show with Maria, and decides to start hunting a ratCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl, Yandere2014-11-22 13 
36469358Assassin School quest 20Layla catches a rat, a rather drunk one at that, and spends some quality time with her better half's other half, and then challenges the CQC teacher again, and wins. and We learn dice gods love cats. Collective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl, Yandere2014-11-30 14 
December 2014
36626557Assassin School quest 21In which Layla terrifies a teacher, and goes to kill a cult with Maria and Emily, for a large sum of money. KaboomCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl,2014-12-08 15 
36784629Assassin School quest 22Layla pays the nun a visit, and then plays Maria's new video game on the hardest difficulty and after some calming down, decides to visit the witch and study a bit of magicCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl,2014-12-16 13 
36899903Assassin School quest 23Layla and Maria have fun in the snow and take a walk in the forest. And then they meet something weird, that is a horrible singerCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl,2014-12-22 13 
January 2015
37091356Assassin School Quest 24Layla spends sometime Pampering a sick Maria, creates a terrible new poison and finds a test subject for it, and decides to figure out what the strange orb she found is exactly.Collective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl, Poison2015-01-01 12 
37249898Assassin School quest 25Layla decides to take her Vampiric Nun, Clementine to Brausrburge for a bit of fun, but then they that it's being terrorized again, this time by a werewolf. short thread to be continuedCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Cat girl, Vampire2015-01-09 12 
37421882Assassin School quest 26Layla and Clementine go hunting for a werewolf, and Layla nearly gets buried alive before coming back to a very displeased "Maria"Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison, Vampire, Cat girl,2015-01-17 11 
37573234Assassin School quest 27Layla gets a strange letter, and finds out she's been invited to join the newly formed Double faced coin, a group of students created to find and kill the supernatural. Their first Job? to kill or remove the ghost in the orchardCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2015-01-24 13 
37683875Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 13: The cat of ill OmensThis episode: Elizabeth receives some dire news from Charlie the mook. A human turned monster, by the name of Layla Miller.So by means of magic, they travel to see exactly what's going on at the Academy of the lucky coin.Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction, Crossover, Assassin School Quest2015-01-29 12 
37730796Assassin School quest 28 part 1Layla choose her code name, and so Supernatural Agent: Cheshire is born, wearing a really cool outfit too. And learns that her little sister has been kidnapped those religious nutters who've tried to kill her, twiceCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2015-01-31 13 
37741498Assassin School quest 28 part 2The Mission to rescue Layla's little sister from the religious nutters continues. And we learn Layla's little sister likes fire. Also, a small tour of the Academy is givenCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2015-01-31 13 
February 2015
37843324Assassin School quest 29Elizabeth Miller gets used to her new life at the academy, while Layla tries to make Napalm in the dorm room, she makes a new friend, goes to a few classes, and learns some skills, mostly about how to burn things.Collective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2015-02-05 16 
37977336Assassin School quest 30Elizabeth meets someone new, and goes to kill a rogue cyborg of the guild of the twisted rose with the help of her new friend and her older sister, LaylaCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2015-02-11 11 
38024719Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 15: The Hunter vs The MageThe Huntsman of Chains comes to town, goes a hunting for four little rabbits of order, he "finds" them, and gives Crimson Dream the fight of her and her friends' lives.Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction, Crossover, Assassin School Quest2015-02-13 11 
38157734Assassin School quest 31Layla, her witch and the double sided coin members, Thomas and Lily, Go to a rather unfortunate town that shares the name with a certain horror writer's work. It seems people have been disappearing lately, and they're going to kill who or rather what has been stealing people away.Collective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2015-02-19 13 
38336999Assassin School quest 32Layla and Co continue trying to kill a cult, but the fucking fish people keep getting in the way, fucking fish people, and eldritch abominations. And we lose a dear friendCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2015-02-27 12 
March 2015
38520427Assassin School quest 33Layla decides to pay a visit to her Vampire and her newest prisoner, and ends up making her feel like a mouse in a house, with cat. Meanwhile Elizabeth worries a bit about her older sisterCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl, transformation2015-03-07 11 
38702621Assassin School quest 34Maria freaks out when she realizes Layla will out live her, Elizabeth walks in on her older sister and Maria and then fights the CQC teacher with her friend, Katherine. All the while, someone comes to try and save the witch, maybe.Collective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl, 2015-03-15 12 
38831671Assassin School quest 35Layla Tries to cheer up Maria by taking her to the beach, Dragging Elizabeth along with her. And nothing really bad happens, surprisingly Collective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl, 2015-03-21 12 
38991193Assassin School quest 36Layla takes Maria to see her pet vampire and mouse eared girl. However their little date is interrupted by the arrival of the order of the lord's blade. The double faced coin is given the task to even the odds.Collective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl.2015-03-29 11 
April 2015
39182159Assassin School quest 37Layla goes to check on her sister to make sure she doesn't blow up, and ends up burning things with her and teaching her how to make poisons. Short threadCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl, transformation2015-04-07 11 
39284574Assassin School quest 38Layla's cat side becomes a bit antsy as spring comes around as some instincts kick in, and to get her mind off of Maria, she decides to go kill some poor students to try and calm down. It doesn't work for long and well you know what happens nextCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl, Lewd2015-04-12 11 
39568843Assassin School quest 39Layla's instincts finally calm down and she decides to finally set up her poison club, teaching them how to make Ghoul, before she gets into an argument with a certain student, by the name of Martin Fredricks. Also an alternate universe side story is told at the end of the threadAssassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison, Vampire, Cat girl,2015-04-26 12 
May 2015
39714420Assassin School quest 40Maria wants to run a Pen and paper Rpg, so Layla decides to invite all her "Friends" to it, and things quickly get out of hand.Collective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl, Game within a game2015-05-03 11 
39877869Assassin School quest 41It's mothers day, and a somewhat sad day. Layla chases after a blur and ends up fighting a wizard, carrying a scythe. and becomes legion/ a fuckmothering vampireCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2015-05-11 12 
39997519Assassin School quest 42Layla takes a job, and drags along Thomas to, to kill some Vampires running a club and draining some kids dry. A member of a another guild, the society of distinguished gentlemen, joins in on the fun as well. Collective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl,2015-05-17 8 
40223338Assassin School quest 43Layla and Maria go one a date to brausrburge, and Layla asks Maria an important question. Collective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl, Marriage Proposal2015-05-28 11 
June 2015
40500270Assassin School quest 44A War is on the horizon, But who cares about that? Enter Marla Miller, one of Layla and Elizabeth's older sisters, who's life is about take an interesting turn. The miller sisters are reunited at lastCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl,2015-06-10 11 
40605592Assassin School quest 45We see the world through Jasmine Miller's eyes as she makes her sisters and Maria Breakfast, and worries about Layla. And Layla tells a few stories at the endCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl, 2015-06-15 10 
July 2015
41081186Assassin School quest 46Layla decides to have some fun and spend some quality time with her older sister Marla. And what better way to spend time with your sister than to go kill something in the backwoods of Louisiana that's been stealing children? Collective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl, 2015-07-08 12 
41329342Assassin School quest 47Desmond Miller, Layla's father whom she poisoned and killed, wakes up in a familiar yet strange place. But what kept him alive, or brought him back? Meanwhile, Marla wakes up from a nap, and tosses away her humanity, to become a werewolf. sisterly shenanigans ensue Collective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl, Werewolf, transformation2015-07-20 7 
41548523Assassin School quest 48Marla gets a strange letter, something about joining the double faced coin, and becoming supernatural agent. What? Early archiveCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Werewolf2015-07-30 11 
August 2015
41774543Assassin School quest 49Happy days with Layla and Maria! early archiveCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2015-08-10 11 
41894612Assassin School quest 50Naturis tries to assassinate Layla in revenge. early archive Collective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2015-08-16 11 
42112606Assassin School quest 51Layla continues fighting off Naturis' assassins, who continue trying to end her wonderful unlife. early archiveCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2015-08-27 11 
September 2015
42292420Assassin School quest 52. AU 1While Layla recuperates from being stabbed in the chest, we explore an alternate reality, a could've been what if maybe if you would. Early archiveCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2015-09-04 6 
42521625Assassin School quest 53Layla spends some quality time with Maria, and the last surviving Naturis assassin probably has a really bad day. Early archiveCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2015-09-15 8 
42722882Assassin School quest 54: Belated Anniversary EditionSo much can change in just one year, as Layla and Maria become second year, Thraddrick brausr steps back into the stop light. What will be lost? find out now, Early archiveCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2015-09-25 11 
October 2015
42910161Assassin School quest 55Layla has a strange dream, and gets sick? somehow. Early archiveCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2015-10-05 7 
43147387Assassin School quest 56Layla and Maria move out of the first year dorms, and into the second year ones. Of course trouble and blood shed probably awaits them. early archiveCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2015-10-18 14 
43301178Assassin School quest 57Layla tries to help Maria get used to being a vampire. Early archiveCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2015-10-26 8 
November 2015
43432045Assassin School quest 58Layla and Maria's first job after the latter Vampirizations continues, and Layla needs to find a way out of the rebels base. Early archiveCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2015-11-02 8 
43565048Assassin School quest 59It's a peaceful, and cold autumn day. And like usual, it probably won't last. Early archiveCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2015-11-09 7 
43776777Assassin School Quest 60An Assassin from the Lord's dagger appears in Layla's and Maria's room and...wait? She doesn't want to fight!? Early archiveCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2015-11-22 8 
December 2015
43969910Assassin School Quest 61Another day at the academy of the guild of the lucky coin, what excitements await today? early archiveCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2015-12-03 6 
44095840Assassin School Quest 62Sometimes the price for knowledge is itself, And Layla knowing where the location of the Lord's dagger itself could be a hefty price, for both parties. Early archiveCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2015-12-10 7 
44306962Assassin School Quest 63What is it with people and breaking into Layla's room? early archiveCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2015-12-21 7 
44431212Assassin School Quest 64The ancient first generation, Sitári vs Layla Miller, which Vampire will prove stronger, the Lady of the waking dead or the Lady of tainted blood? Early archiveCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2015-12-28 6 
January 2016
44797175Assassin School Quest 66Like clockwork, the calm follows the storm. Early archiveCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2016-01-15 6 
44992746Assassin School Quest 67And Boredom follows the calm, as Layla tries to find something to do to spice up her unlife. Early archiveCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2016-01-24 7 
February 2016
45141979Assassin School Quest 68Oooh, Dirty deeds will sour any luck, but what if you control fortune itself. Early archiveCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2016-02-01 6 
45286295Assassin School Quest 69Time to take a job, and cull the supernatural. Which is a problem,when others are out hunting,and you are yourself unnatural. Early archiCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2016-02-08 8 
45563499Assassin School Quest 70Layla, Maria, Elizabeth, Marla, And Jasmine get to experience the high life in brasurburgeCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2016-02-22 7 
45707897Assassin School Quest 71Of course, after a vacation, you always have to go back to work, and in this case, that work is killing. Early archiveCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2016-02-29 8 
March 2016
46142673Assassin School Quest 72Two weeks, and no sign of the thing killing agents. And Layla is starting to getting a little tired of all the waiting. Early archive.Collective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2016-03-20 9 
46271490Assassin School Quest 73A dreadful plan clicks into motion, and the gears of fate begin to turn, as Layla enjoys being pampered like a fat little cat. Early archiveCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2016-03-26 11 
46335205Assassin School Quest 74The first of a new breed of monster has risen, and her name is Layla Miller. May god have mercy on anything that gets in her way. E ACollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2016-03-29 8 
April 2016
46484420Assassin School Quest 75Layla heads out on a job that would be suicide for anyone but her, to secure her and Maria's happy ending. Early archiveCollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2016-04-05 10 
46636307Assassin School Quest 76Layla's story ends with one final slaughter before she retires to peace. The shadow war ends in blood. Thank you so very much for playing.ECollective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl2016-04-12 14 
July 2016
325825Hitmaid Quest 0 - A Sunny BeginningA quest with one maid trying to defend her young masterMaid, Hitman, Assassins, Hitmaid2016-07-06 6 
339039Hitmaid Quest 1 - Protecting the Young MasterThis thread, Hitmaid discovers more about her fellow staff and starts the battle versus the Modification WingMaid, Hitman, Assassins, Hitmaid2016-07-09 4 
353624Hitmaid Quest #2 - Destroying the Modification WingHitmaid and crew assault the Modification Wing Headquarters to defeat Johannes and his teamMaid, Hitmaid, Assassin, Gunfight, Hitman, Maid Quest2016-07-12 2 
367916Hitmaid Quest 2.5 - Modification Wing FinaleMaid and staff duel Johannes and his maid in an epic struggle. Hitmaid, Assassin, Maid, Experiments, Science, Hitman2016-07-17 2 
400057Hitmaid Quest 3 - Conducting BusinessMaid holds staff meeting; acquiring weapons is a success after short struggleHitmaid, Assassin, Maid, Guns, Drugs, Hitman2016-07-25 2 
August 2016
469075Hitmaid Quest 4 - Defending the ManorMaid and staff defend manor against super hobosHitmaid, Assassin, Maid, Gunfights, Drugs, Hitman2016-08-14 2 
October 2016
704312Hitmaid Quest 5 - Party CrashingMaid follows young master to a party and saves the dayHitmaid, Assassin, Robots, Gunfights, Maids, Thief, Knives, Guns2016-10-17 2 
October 2019
3845755Flesh and Metal #1A Ganger Hitman embarks on a mission to silence a snitch in a cyberpunk futureSci-fi, Assassin, Hitman, Cybernetic, Collective Game, Cyborg, Futuristic2019-10-05 0 
3874553Halo: Covenant Elite QuestA Special Operations Elite prepares to drop on an unsuspecting Outer Colony planet.Halo, Covenant, Stealth, Assassinations, Sci-Fi2019-10-25 4 
June 2021
4812638Summoner Assassin QuestJakim Massem-Hasserchmitt runs a honest business of killing people for money with summoned beastsSummoner Assassin Quest, demons, fantasy, Collective Game, male protagonist, first person2021-06-09 1 
May 2023
5645488Pay Your Taxess Quest - File 1All you remember is a distant light. To reach it, you'll have to claw through a mountain of corpses, monstrosities, and your fragmented past. Face the Fear.Project Moon, Lobotomy Corporation, Pay Your Taxes Quest, Life Is Cheap But Living's Expensive, The IRS Has Assassins2023-05-01 5 
June 2023
5650178Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 11The Antipladin weds his blushing bride... Then reveals he's a monster, kills her brother, kidnaps her, and introduces her to his girlfriendReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, love, marriage, villainy, assassination, subterfuge, subterraneans2023-06-01 8 
October 2023
5758435 NO MORE HEROES quest!In a world ruled by ruthless corporations and full of decay and loneliness, our heroine in distress will have to kill the coporate ladder.Fuckhead, Fuckhead QM, No More Heroes, No More Heroes Quest, Female MC, Assassins, Female CEO, Neet MC2023-10-11 13 
5790746NO MORE HEROES quest! Tsu!In a world ruled by ruthless corporations, our heroine in distress will have to kill a kung-fu cowboy and go after a dark, hidden legacy.Fuckhead, No More Heroes, No More Heroes Quest, Female MC, Assassins, Neet MC, Cowboy, No Actual Cows, Video Games, Blood, Violence!2023-10-26 13 
December 2023
5845395NO MORE HEROES Quest! Surii!In a world ruled by ruthless corporations, our heroine in distress infiltrates the bar Tit-E Ripper's to kill a gamer and a punk rock bitchFuckhead, No More Heroes, No More Heroes Quest, Female MC, Assassins, GAMING, Video Games, Electric Thunder Tiger, Blood, Wacky, Violence!2023-12-20 34 
February 2024
5893221NO MORE HEROES QUEST! [NMHQ4: FORU?!]In a world ruled by ruthless corporations, our heroine in distress gets hew own anime mech and seeks the frightening Number 6!Fuckhead, No More Heroes, No More Heroes Quest, Female MC, Assassins, Mecha, Video Games, Russians, Blood, GIANT MECH, University, Violence!2024-02-14 6 
5885634Redhorn QuestYou are the ever-proud APPRENTICE of the great assassin BLANCHEFLEUR DE QUINQEROI, who encounters a suspiciously-similar travail.drawquest, assassin, mercenary, apprentice, Greenhorn2024-02-21 5 
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