Thread Title Description Tags Added Score November 2008 3005220 Roleplaying longer-lived races Starts with a description of what it's like to live for centuries, and becomes more awesome from there elves , dwarves , life , roleplaying 2008-11-17 5 June 2009 4974301 Yet more Island Dorfs Anon asks for dungeon ideas for the Tropical Island setting. Anon provides that, and more. island , dorfs , dwarves , elves , setting , getting shit done 2009-06-24 6 5028025 Dwarf Women An epic discussion on the nature of dwarf women. dorfs , women , dwarves , elves , discussion 2009-06-29 -2 July 2009 5237253 Dorf History We all know that dorfs have many traditions, facts and customs, some maybe alien and completely ridiculous.
Let's invent some. dwarves , dorfs , breasts , bears , ale , beer , alcohol , mining , hammers , axes , mountains , awful good 2009-07-23 17 5253187 Dwarven Superheroes Art dump of superheroes-as-dwarves.
Starts with Spiderdorf Vs. Doc Ork Dwarves , Dorfs , Superheroes 2009-07-25 3 September 2009 6033107 Sandwich the Drow OP asks /tg/ about the idea of a female drow character that was raised by dwarves. Several brilliant ideas later, Sandwich was born. D&D , Drow , Dwarves 2009-09-27 36 6048246 Zhizz N'it the Dorf Sandwich the Drow continues to impress,
introduction of her true nemesis the Dwarf raised by Drow! Let the ultimate battle commence! D&D , Drow , Dwarves 2009-09-28 16 October 2009 6117607 Sandwich the drow Writefaggotry More stories about Sandwich and her Dwarf Papa. Sandwich , D&D , Dwarves , Drow , Writefaggotry 2009-10-04 7 November 2009 6586184 The Hamlet of Tyranny Starts out as discussion of a fort, ends up with an epic tale of dorfiness. cool story , dwarves , dorf fortress 2009-11-06 2 6929465 D&D critters in modern setting See the title. Also, an interesting side discussion about culture and the music it would give rise to. elves , elf , human , humans , dwarf , dwarves , modern , fantasy , music , kobolds , gnolls , halfling , gnome 2009-11-30 2 December 2009 7013523 Manly Dwarves "Tell me how to make dwarves awesome" turns into campy fun with fire-breathing landboats, bearded babies, and manly warsongs. dwarf , dwarves , dorf , manly , magma galley , fantasy , race , awesome 2009-12-05 3 7089173 Dwarf Porno Film Plots Dwarf porn plots, from finding copper to making elves polish axes. dwarves 2009-12-11 94 January 2010 7429980 Mage School Quest Today you wage war on the wizards, the sorcerors, the warlocks and even the damn bards. Today, you wage war on those damn students. You are Ulfgar Stonbrakkar Ravenhelm, and you are a damn Dwarf.
- What would you like to do, Administrator? - quest , dwarves , ale 2010-01-05 15 7444109 Mage Hunt Quest It's a new day, and there are still eight mages to hunt, each well trained in their specialty - transmutation, illusion, evocation, fire, force, necromancy, domination and teleportation. You are Ulfgar Stonbrakkar Ravenhelm, and you are a damn Dwarf. - What would you like to do, Executioner? - quest , dwarves , ale , mages 2010-01-07 5 7527674 Mage Hunt Quest 2: Mage Hunt Harder You are Ulfgar Stonbrakkar Ravenhelm, and you are a damn Dwarf. Until recently you were the Administrator of a great Mages Academy. As a fighter through and through, you had suffered ridicule and pranks from the vast student population until finally you snapped. Using the traps you had rigged in the school over the last 10 years, you slaughtered all of the staff and nearly all of the students. Now, you hunt down the ones who escaped, while they bring nasty magic to bear in their own attempts to kill you. quest , dwarves , ale , mages 2010-01-11 3 October 2010 12566665 Fantasy Races in Sci-fi /tg/ plots out alternative takes on archetypical fantasy races transplanted into a science fiction setting.
OP concedes to not giving a fuck. sci-fi , fantasy , elves , orcs , dwarves , IN SPAAAACE 2010-10-26 1 December 2010 13158049 Avoid the Noid Dwarven alcoholism saves the day, and /tg/ discusses how best to use addictive alcohol to conquer dwarfkind. Storytime , Cerebrate Anon , Bottomless Flagon , The Noid , Eberron , Alcoholism , Dwarves , Dorfs 2010-12-15 21 February 2011 13851937 So, /tg/, my DM hates dwarves... OP comes to us talking about his DM and the attempt to make new races to replace "stereotype" ones like elves and dwarves. A debate begins on the merits of originality vs established ideas, and how dwarves (and other classic races) can be awesome without being cliche. races , elves , dwarves , orcs , creativity , tropes 2011-02-10 0 March 2011 14098093 Low magic setting with Dwarves/Elves/Humans Anon asks for a low magic setting involving dwarves, elves and humans. With dwarves being greedy, metal-hungry bastards. /tg/ get shit done. Some discussion in relation to how a NEET-like race of dwarves can even survive with little-to-no trade. setting , world building , dwarf , dwarves , elf , elves , humans , trade , economics 2011-03-02 0 14372065 Genesis: Ti'gee /tg/ is called on to play god and build a new universe from scratch. So they do. cutebold , kobold , collective game , elf , elves , man , humans , setting , dwarves , dwarf , world building 2011-03-26 1 July 2011 15702313 Fantasy Racial Equality in the Modern Era /tg/ discusses (in-character) the state of race relations in a modern-day world populated by elves, dwarves, goblins, liches, dragons...the works. stories , racial tensions , race , affirmative action , goblins , elves , dwarves , dragons , liches , mind flayers 2011-07-26 10 August 2011 15926550 Board Quest, Part I In a world where the various boards of 4chan form their own nations, lord Bidhill of Dessex seeks to gain revenge, and later, the world! Collective Game , Board Quest , Dwarves , /b/arbarians 2011-08-14 22 15936890 Board Quest, Part II Lord Bidhill of Dessex receives a magic ring, we see UST between a Priestess and a Druid, and we get silver weapons to fuck up werewolves with. Collective Game , Board Quest , Dwarves , Silver Weapons , Unresolved Sexual Tension , Quest 2011-08-15 17 January 2012 17444374 A Study of Dwarves OP opens up with a huge multipost dissertation about dwarven biology and physiology, adolescent development, and even some cultural details like courtship. /tg/ jumps on it, and soon things like death and burial rituals, farming, homelife, and even brewing and cooking get expanded upon. Also, apparently Giant Cave Worms are basically just big writhing sausages made of Spam. dwarves , study , information , biology , puberty , death , burial , farming , brewing , cooking , spam 2012-01-07 8 May 2012 19164148 Dorftales /tg/ invades Drowtales three years after everyone stopped giving a fuck. drowtales , dwarf , dorf , dwarfs , dwarves , derpadoo , fuck you for reading this faggot , goddamn get a life 2012-05-20 11 June 2012 19660154 Olde Timey Civ Game Dorfs are exactly on schedule. Meet dragonlings, create gunpowder, forge with magma. Collective Game , Alfonso , Olde Timey Civ Game , Civ Game , Civilization Game , Civ , Civilization , Dwarves , Dwarf , Dwarfs 2012-06-29 13 19666535 Olde Timey Civ Game pt 2 We get gatling golems, magicians, the homeland falls to goblins, shit gets real. Collective Game , Alfonso , Olde Timey Civ Game , Civ Game , Civilization Game , Civ , Civilization , Dwarves , Dwarf , Dwarfs 2012-06-29 10 19676818 Olde Timey Civ Game Pt. 3 We get airships, discover a pit, teach that bastard king what's what, and meet new races. Collective Game , Alfonso , Olde Timey Civ Game , Civ Game , Civilization Game , Civ , Civilization , Dwarves , Dwarf , Dwarfs 2012-06-30 8 July 2012 19736451 Olde Timey Civ Game Pt. 4 We establish trade with the Nagas, discover why the Pit is killing people, and discover magnetism. Collective Game , Alfonso , Olde Timey Civ Game , Civ Game , Civilization Game , Civ , Civilization , Dwarves , Dwarf , Dwarfs 2012-07-05 9 December 2012 22074509 Underdark Quest: 1 Duerger The folks of /tg/ take on the Duerger to live in the under dark. They learn how to sense things in the earth. Meet a bear. And get shit done. Underdark , Civ , Claws , Dark Dwarves 2012-12-17 1 November 2013 28043563 Annual All Hallows Tale Telling 2013 A revisit of 2 famous Dwarf Fortress tales in story form. Annual , Story , Dwarves , Dwarf Fortress 2013-11-01 10 December 2013 28944162 Katana forging, dwarven style Dwarfs get a request to forge katana's, /tg/ RP's as dwarfs to make dorfy improvements dwarf , dwarfs , dorf , dorfs , dwarves , katana 2013-12-18 4 January 2014 29331722 Oversized Weapon Quest 3 You train the boys up a bit, get a little discouraged, and get into a little fight. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Dwarves 2014-01-07 37 29369446 Tropical Island Setting Worldbuilding A question of orcs and clams grows into worldbuilding an island setting with a slant on realistic reasons for cultural/physical adaptations. worldbuilding , island , tropical , crocs , orcs , elves , dwarves , halflings , humans , 2014-01-10 18 February 2014 29996389 Buddhist Dwarves and Prayer Wheel City Original Content: Someone Takes An Idea and Gets It Done Buddhism , Prayer Wheels , Dwarf , Dwarves , Dorf , City , OC , Gazette 2014-02-04 9 August 2014 34491283 Dorf Fucktress "What happen if your party starts in a dragon belly?" "'ere the parasites get hungry! Strike the flesh!" Dwarf Fortress , Magical Realm , Dragon , Dwarf , Dwarves 2014-08-30 1 September 2014 34860587 Dwarves of Bronzebeard The Dwarves of bronzebeard's new clan start their own kingdom in the mountains. Gods help them. Dwarves , Quest , Collective Game , Greytooth , 2014-09-14 1 December 2014 36685011 Fantasy Dwarven Civ Quest Alpha The pre thread where we voted on, and then worked on fluffing a dwarf civ in the fantasyverse. Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves 2014-12-13 0 36747650 Fantasy Dwarven Civ Quest with Dwarves Okay, so we're not a dwarf civ but a civ with dwarves. That's cool.
We get to work laying down our infrastructure, introducing important characters.
And then Genie does something special by ending the thread with a very heartfelt story about a Golem, a girl, and legacy. Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2014-12-15 0 36781460 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves (Hiatus/Fin) The story continues, as Valeria turns out to be the spitting image of the legacy of a person. And yet while flowers bloom in the game, we once more we all must hold out until winter at last blows over, and the spring sun shines. OP bids farewell and shall return after a time. Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2014-12-17 1 January 2015 37249121 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves 4 Part 3
Genie returns, hanging by a thread, as the adventure continues, and we meet strange and spooky friends in a forest. Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-01-10 0 37267602 Expedition to the Surface World! Urist McDorfking meets with a returning party of dwarven adventurers to ask what the surface world is like. Misinterpretation, elf-hate, great works of industry and cosmology discussion result. Then writefags show up. dwarf , dwarves , cosmology , misinterpretation , storytime , writefag, 2015-01-10 3 37358830 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves 5/6 We revive a long lost hero, Sir Richard Didrikson the V, and begin the great Hunt that will expand our territory! Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-01-16 0 37512267 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 8 Part 7
Despite the ill luck it tends to bring, I'll preemptively archive this thread.
We try, and fail, at building wooden homes without our dwarves. Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-01-21 0 37662543 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 9 We face down two armies, repulsing a barbarian horde, and preparing for an invasion while attempting diplomacy with the vampires.
The Prophet of Fate is resurrected.
Our commanders debate important issues concerning communication. Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-01-28 0 February 2015 37715034 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 10 The enemy army is checked and repelled with an all out assault, and we bathe in the joy of victory spoils of war, as we plan our next moves carefully. Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-02-03 0 37977048 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 12 Part 11
We gather the materials we need and realize we're under attack by barbarians and something underground. Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-02-13 0 38135105 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 13 Out of the frying pan and into the fire Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-02-20 0 38187770 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 14 The Madness Begins Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-02-25 0 38298965 antasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 15 The Cavalry is coming as reinforcements flock to our aid! Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-02-27 0 March 2015 38449570 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 16 We survive another day, and in desperation decide to see our dreams fulfilled now than never Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-03-05 0 38495860 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 17 MASSES AND MASSES OF INFRASTRUCTURE. Also we do dealings with the dwarves and holy host Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-03-07 0 38609463 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 18 We build an Organ in our Rock, but have issues building the Church around it. Tech development continues and we get rifles Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-03-12 1 38655301 Fantasy Civ Quest with Dwarves Part 19 FIN The end of a lot of things, but the beginnings of others and, hopefully, a clean slate. Collective game , fantasy , civ quest , hivemind , Dwarf , Dwarves , Golems 2015-03-13 1 May 2015 40202533 Underground Kingdoms "A lot of tabletop fantasy settings have races who live primarily underground, like dwarves, kobolds, gnomes, drow and so on..." A thread about underground kingdoms of creatures develops in a fun and detailed fashion. A scholarly anon drops by and dumps his own detailed research and thinking on the matter. Excellent resource for GMs! worldbuilding , dwarves , dwarfs , kobolds , underground , gnomes , drow 2015-05-27 14 November 2015 43490968 Thoughts? All is not well in the lands. Thoughts? , Dwarves , Elves , Gnomes , Goatmen , Rape , Civilisation , Catan , Bob 2015-11-09 10 March 2016 46295654 Goblin civ #1 Goblins are working towards revenge against the dwarven people. Goblin , Civ , dwarves , humans , elves , necromancy , shaman 2016-03-28 2 April 2016 46380799 Goblin civ #2 Goblins are working towards revenge against the dwarven people. Goblin , Civ , dwarves , humans , elves , necromancy , shaman 2016-04-01 1 January 2017 51248833 Kulmorost Divided fa/tg/uys create a fantasy setting. Kulmorost Divided , Kulmorost , worldbuilding , setting , fantasy , humans , dwarves , elves , orcs , trolls 2017-01-18 24 51288620 Kulmorost Divided 2 fa/tg/uys create a fantasy setting part 2 Kulmorost Divided , Kulmorost , worldbuilding , setting , fantasy , humans , dwarves , elves , orcs , trolls , grimbright 2017-01-21 12 51380847 Kulmorost Divided 3 fa/tg/uys create a fantasy setting part 3 Kulmorost Divided , Kulmorost , worldbuilding , setting , fantasy , humans , dwarves , elves , orcs , trolls , grimbright 2017-01-24 10 51485832 Kulmorost Divided 4 fa/tg/uys create a fantasy setting part 4 Kulmorost Divided , Kulmorost , worldbuilding , setting , fantasy , humans , dwarves , elves , orcs , trolls , grimbright 2017-01-31 6 July 2017 1701629 Fantasy Crusader Quest #18 In which you win a battle, Cellica leaves, and you learn more about the valley. Crusader , Fantasy Crusader Quest , Victor Reis , Templar , Knight , Elves , Dwarves 2017-07-27 2 October 2017 1878744 Fantasy Crusader Quest #19 In which you break the siege of Ardon Glen. Crusader , Fantasy Crusader Quest , Victor Reis , Templar , Knight , Elves , Dwarves 2017-10-10 1 November 2017 2087092 Fantasy Crusader Quest #20 We play as Cellica, briefly, before returning to Victor, and regaining our resolve. Crusader , Fantasy Crusader Quest , Victor Reis , Templar , Knight , Elves , Dwarves 2017-11-26 1 March 2018 2387357 Overlord Lair Quest 3 The Flood One Orc for a garden, Two Wretch to work, Three Dwarves to forge, and Undead to follow. Genie , Overlord , Dungeon , Undead , Dwarves , Wretch Hive 2018-03-26 1 April 2018 58971906 Dwarven Political Parties A group of anons attempt to come up with a dwarven nation's political factions dwarf , dwarves , fantasy , worldbuilding 2018-04-07 5 September 2018 2842147 Mid Boss Quest Part 11 We slip through a mountain and arrive in Filt to find our informant Mid Boss Quest , Mid Boss , Collective Game , Selenas Cutie? , Dwarves 2018-09-12 2 June 2019 3541964 Runic Weapon Quest A short oneshot , begotten by the creativity of Anons and ended by a lack of mutual intrest on all parts Weapon , Dwarves , Cleric , Paladin , Sentient Weapon , One-Shot , Runic Weapon Quest 2019-06-08 1 66593561 Dwarven Lore and Culture Thread /tg/ comes together to write out fluff and lore for dwarves! A useful resource for anyone worldbuilding or playing as a dwarf! Dwarf , Dwarves , Dwarven , Lore , Fluff , Worldbuilding , Oddly comfy, 2019-06-12 0 December 2019 3955938 The Fall of a Dwarven Fortress In a besieged Dwarven Fortress, where wheat worths more than gold, try to survive as a civilian and get your family out of here! Dwarf Fortress , Steampunk , Survival , Dwarf , Dwarves , Civil War , Fantasy , fantasy , dwarf , dwarves , Collective Game 2019-12-23 2 June 2021 4801139 Ruler Quest 1 Young Alaric has a rough childhood growing up holding some painful grudges. Collective Game , Ruler QM , Grudges , Alaric , Orcs , Barbarian , Fantasy , Dwarves , Bastard , High King 2021-06-08 10 4829850 Dynastic Ruler Quest 2: Grudges Alaric awakens in the care of Dwarves and sets out to build his army a year before the coming battle. Collective Game , Ruler QM , Grudges , Alaric , Orcs , Barbarian , Fantasy , Dwarves , Bastard , High King , Greentext 2021-06-09 6 4860994 Dynastic Ruler Quest 3 The first hold of Man is established, Alaric unites the tribes, and meets destiny Collective Game , Grudges , Alaric , Orcs , Barbarian , Fantasy , Dwarves , Bastard , High King , 2021-06-20 4 July 2021 4883951 Dynastic Ruler Quest 4 In which the King learns the perfidy of the Elves and makes things Godly. Collective Game , Grudges , Alaric , Orcs , Barbarian , Fantasy , Dwarves , Bastard , High King , 2021-07-20 1 August 2021 4924776 Dynasty Ruler Quest 5: The Third King Foric starts consolidating his rule and avenges his father after ending the rule of the traitor in the cold north. Collective Game , Ruler QM , Grudges , Alaric , Barbarian , Fantasy , Dwarves , High King , Theoric , Arsonist , Foric 2021-08-03 2 4943402 Dynasty Ruler Quest 6: Rule of the Grudgebearer Foric tames a new beast to serve as his steed and an agreement is struck with the west king. Collective Game , Ruler QM , Grudges , Fantasy , Dwarves , High King , Foric , West King 2021-08-13 2 September 2021 4960900 Dynastic Ruler Quest 7: Last in the Reign of Three The last few years of Foric's life, the King must prepare for the coming of what his dynasty feared. Collective Game , Ruler QM , Grudges , Fantasy , Dwarves , High King , Foric , West King , Darkness 2021-09-29 1 4978921 Dynastic Ruler Quest 8: The Great War The bells toll as Daedric ascends to the throne. In these times he must face off against the Dark Lord! Collective Game , Ruler QM , Fantasy , Dwarves , High King , Daedric , Dark Lord , 2021-09-29 0 4995716 Dynastic Ruler Quest 9: The War Continues Daedric must recover from his previous wounds inflicted by the Dark Lord himself. He will not stop fighting though! Collective Game , Ruler QM , Fantasy , Dwarves , High King , Daedric , Dark Lord, 2021-09-29 0 October 2021 5011759 Dynastic Ruler Quest 10: A War to Remember With the siege of the fortress housing the Dark Lord, the battle for humanity and dwarvenkind is at hand. Collective Game , Ruler QM , Fantasy , Dwarves , High King , Daedric , Dark Lord , Ritual , Epic Battle 2021-10-16 2 February 2022 83207684 do dwarves have slaves? A troll thread turns into a discussion of dwarven psychology. dwarf , dwarves , WHFB , D&D , autism, 2022-02-10 5 September 2022 5378858 Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 4 A reptilian race's dark prophet expands his empire, discovers new dangers, and gets a glow-up, then fights a cthulhu on a drow roadtrip. ReptoidQM , Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest , Reptilian Infiltrator Quest , conquest , logistics , love , loss , dwarves , elves , diplomacy , makeover 2022-09-19 5 January 2025 6179729 Cambion Quest: Volume 4 Two gobbo sisters suffer a false start and an attack by spider-fey as they seek out an ancient dwarven dungeon to plunder with their party. ReptoidQM , dungeon-crawling , ettercaps , unseelie fey , goblins , orcs , dwarves , demons , LGBT , adventure , romance , stigma , drama , lore 2025-01-20 1