/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

October 2008
2714934MusicpunkImagine, if you will, a sci-fi/cyberpunk universe where the human genome has been cataloged and preserved...musically.rpg design music2008-10-02 10 
February 2009
359916140K MusicalsWhat musical theatre would be approved for general release by the inquisition? /tg/ explores such old Broadway hits as "Springtime for Horus" and "Mekboy on da Roof".Musicals, 40k, Springtime for Horus, Mekboy on da Roof2009-02-03 10 
3630679PCs vs. BeethovenA Player asks for suggestions on how to take down the Epic Musician himself in his DM's Awesome campaignepic, music, beethoven, d&d,awesome2009-02-07 13 
March 2009
4061124A Song To Save The World /tg/ debates what song will save the planet in the face of imminent destruction.music, end of the world2009-03-23 2 
June 2009
4852108All Bards custom gameOP fantasizes about Metal Heads rocking up a literal storm. Him and /tg/ work on making a homebrew music-based system.Getting Shit Done, Music, Homebrew, Metal, Bards2009-06-12 3 
4898994/tg/ Sings 40KEverything from TMNT to Queen resides here, folks.TMNT, 40K, music2009-06-17 2 
November 2009
6591184A New PantheonA new pantheon for D&D 3.5 where the gods are legendary musicians.Dungeons and Dragons, music, musicians2009-11-06 11 
6929465D&D critters in modern settingSee the title. Also, an interesting side discussion about culture and the music it would give rise to.elves, elf, human, humans, dwarf, dwarves, modern, fantasy, music, kobolds, gnolls, halfling, gnome2009-11-30 2 
March 2010
8843611Bard's MusicThe party's bard controls the theme music. What should he play?Bard, music2010-03-29 1 
April 2010
9180661HadestownAnon introduces /tg/ to Hadestown, a folk opera that transposes Greek Mythology to Depression Era America. Other anons go on to expand the setting. Greek Myths, Musical, Opera, Setting, Depression2010-04-14 7 
September 2010
11984704Disney's 'The Little Heretic'Commissar Sebastian sings about The Little HereticMermaid, Disney, Warhammer 40K, 40K, Chaos, musical, lulz2010-09-07 32 
December 2010
13043559Planes & Mercs Quest #2OP still not back, but discussion continues. Mostly on related music and sexy sexy fightersPlanes and Mercs, planes, mercenaries, spin-off, jets, air combat, music2010-12-08 1 
13303204DM Wants Game MusicHello, /tg/. I am in need of orchestral music for DnD battle scenes. What sort of stuff do you use?DM, GM, resources, music2010-12-27 1 
January 2011
1363107840k Army Theme MusicWhat the title says, however look out for the stuff some NINfag links to.40k, Music2011-01-24 -2 
February 2011
14042015Sayin' Aaaaayyooo/tg/ throws more than their hands upmusic, fun, parody2011-02-26 31 
March 2011
14293240Tavern MusicOP requests good setting music for taverns. Good music ensues.tavern, music, dump2011-03-19 0 
May 2011
14827675Joe's Bar 2Never change, /tg/bar, music, classy2011-05-06 6 
August 2011
16090341Musical RPing (Shuffle) Starting off as a question of RPGs based off music, something epic spawnedRPG, Shuffle, Music, Magic2011-08-28 0 
16095404Let's play Musical AlignmentsI know, I know, it's an alignment thread, started by a tripfag. but I mean, there are some good thematic songs in here. Hell, it has its own public youtube playlist http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAFFA2BBD38B0A1ED also, White knight fags are now called Don Quixote (plural - Don Quixotes). deal with it.espagnoll, music, alignments, deal with it, youtube2011-08-29 -4 
16097053Spider CultureDevelopment of a spideroid culture. Discussion on art and language.Spider, Art, Music, Culture, Nation2011-08-29 13 
September 2011
16346534Der Emprah's FaceA noble Anon rescues a long forgotten song from /tg/'s distant past. Soon, others join in, causing all of /g/ to lift up it's vocie in songSongs, Music, Parody, 40k, Der Emprah's Face, 2011-09-20 10 
1641893140k: The MusicalLyrics and music to the proposed 40k musical40k, Guard, Space Marine, Musical2011-09-25 5 
December 2011
17257411Organ Construct BardSomeone posts that their bard became augmented by a group artificer and is now part organ, discussion about a necrobard followed and many good ideas were shared.Bard, character, Necromancer, artificer, game ideas, villain, dirge, music, funny, D&D, construct2011-12-18 6 
January 2012
17629470PaladinsThis is how I Paladin. And /tg/ Paladins well.Paladin, music, awesome2012-01-23 10 
March 2012
18485978Rave And DieA setting in which holographic raves spawn eldritch monstrosities. An organisation has been formed that issues agent with their own visualisation device, producing their own creatures to fight hostile entities. All the while fighting for the support of the crowd.homebrew, RAD, Rave And Die, 3DJ, Pocket Rave Monsters, Music2012-03-29 5 
June 2012
19480588Song of Durin's AwakeningA real-life bard performs one of Tolkien songs. /tg/ is in awe. Bard Lord if the Rings Music 2012-06-15 45 
September 2012
20601229Squat Crusade: The MusicalThe first adventure of the last squats in the galaxy rebuilding their race as told by Shas'o R'ymr.Shas'o R'ymr, Squat Crusade: The Musical, Squat Crusade2012-09-05 15 
20690875Squat Crusade Part 2More poor decisions. More burned fate. The Ancestors put these guys in charge? They must be crazy.Shas'o R'ymr, Squat Crusade: The Musical, Squat Crusade2012-09-12 10 
20798635Ork Musical TheatreWhat starts with a conversion of the Rick Roll opens the box to other Orkified songs...Orks, Space Orks, Warhammer 40k, Music, Original Content, OC, Theatre2012-09-20 8 
October 2012
21132374Different 40KA shitty ‘what if’ thread takes a turn for the Sbemailtastic.Warhammer 40K, Derail, Strong Bad, Sbemail, Homestar Runner, Musical2012-10-15 14 
December 2012
21869883Paladin: The Redemption Are you a bad enough dude to hold back the night in the World of Darkness? Listen to the Music and get ready to quest. Onwards, my brothers!World of Darkness, Paladin The Redemption, Paladin, Splat, The Music, Quest, Vimes2012-12-04 31 
22230528Discolich, Part IIIOP posts the latest version of /tg/'s latest project, and musicbro turns up with more of the soundtrackDisco Lich, Neon Skull, Neon, Skull, Game, vidya, platform, music, soundtrack, lich2012-12-27 14 
22271004Neon Skull thread 4The game is pushed further, into a driving minigame, and musicbro takes requests while OP is asleep. Neon Skull, Discolich, retro, game, 8bit, platform, music, soundtrack, 2012-12-31 8 
April 2013
24058674/tg/ Sings Be AggressiveThe neckbeards of 4chan lift their voices in song.music, audio, babycakes, lothario, be, aggressive, b-e aggressive2013-04-05 10 
May 2013
24964549Squat Crusade ConcernsPhillip Ragebeard makes an appearance and points out the myriad of mistakes made by Shas'o R'ymrSquat Crusade, Squat Crusade: The Musical2013-05-22 8 
September 2013
27206011CATastrophe: The Floor Is Now Seawater Edition/tg/ gets progress reports on CATastrophe beta editions and kicks around fluff while one Anon provides mood music.CATastrophe, Homebrew, /tg_gets_shit_done, music2013-09-15 6 
November 2013
28299305Hired to Kill DethklokYou've been hired to kill Dethklok. How do you do it? /tg/ collectively decides that it's not possible.Metalocalypse, Dethklok, Music, Metal, What Do?, Cartoons, 2013-11-17 10 
December 2013
28920075Creepy Music/tg/ provides links for horror campaigns.Creepy, Music, Horror, Mars2013-12-17 -2 
January 2014
29571847Demon Musician QuestAisha Ligrev's a demon mage and musician at a mage's college.Demon Musician Quest, Collective Game2014-01-17 7 
29594103Demon Musician Quest IIAisha is invited to a new school, and is given a hidden power along the way.Demon Musician Quest, Collective Game2014-01-18 5 
April 2014
31236570Major Tom to Ground Control: SO MANY FUCKING STARSAnonymous' DM has given him permission to play a skeleton in a spacesuit who, after spending centuries adrift in the void with only bad radio broadcasts and the voices in his skull for company, crash lands in the middle of a fantasy campaign. Of course, /tg/ is delighted and brainstorming ensues.SPACE, skeleton, astronaut, cosmonaut, funny, joke character, fantasy, character creation, brainstorming, fantasy, music, 2014-04-03 67 
31246243Major Tom part 2Anonymous' DM has given him permission to play a skeleton in a spacesuit who, after spending centuries adrift in the void with only bad radio broadcasts and the voices in his skull for company, crash lands in the middle of a fantasy campaign. Of course, /tg/ is delighted and brainstorming ensues. Continued from the first thread.SPACE, skeleton, astronaut, cosmonaut, funny, joke character, fantasy, character creation, brainstorming, fantasy, music, 2014-04-04 32 
31282599Major Tom Part 3Anonymous' DM has given him permission to play a skeleton in a spacesuit who, after spending centuries adrift in the void with only bad radio broadcasts and the voices in his skull for company, crash lands in the middle of a fantasy campaign. OP returns to tell us what transpired during the first session. More brainstorming is being had.Major Tom ,SPACE, skeleton, astronaut, cosmonaut, funny, joke character, fantasy, character creation, brainstorming, fantasy, music, 2014-04-06 33 
31710410CATastrophe Thread: Zero Frizz EditionCOMPLETED ruleset v1.0 for FATE Accelerated; discussion of rules & tech levels, recommended mood music for game sessionsCATastrophe, homebrew, music2014-04-28 2 
June 2014
32816963Order of the Emerald StarDiscussion and storytime about the Order of the Emerald Star, an ingame religion worshipping a former PC's Bard after he Ascended.Gods, Deity, Emerald Star, Bards, Music, Paladin, Storytime,2014-06-17 4 
February 2016
45582928Satan and the Websters #1Satan plays a gig.collective game, satan, the websters, simmons, music2016-02-23 9 
December 2016
893159Acid Girl Quest #1A short, trippy quest centered around a living embodiment of music and feminine psyche.Trippy, Acid, Girl, Music, Magic, Dream, Sex, Art, Tangerines2016-12-04 2 
March 2017
51971742Statistics for GastonFa/tg/uy asks for statistics for Gaston and posts the clip of Gaston's theme. /tg/ delivers. (He's a Paladin.)gaston, music, disney, stat me, statistics, paladin, falls2017-03-02 34 
1270941Starborn Quest 31: Together As OneWe make our way home from Murillo, Luc and Hona have a "Friendly" training session before things get heated between our girls.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Starborn, Luc, Hona, Lex, Dealer, Tinton, Murillo, Fight, Training, LEWD, Strip, Lapdance, Music, Academy2017-03-18 2 
1283820Starborn Quest 32: Welcome BackTINTON IS OVER; The Lewd aftermath, Return of the Lex and other stuffCollective Game, Star, Wagon, Starborn, Luc, Hona, Lex, Dealer, Tinton, Murillo, Fight, Training, LEWD, Strip, Lapdance, Music, Academy2017-03-22 2 
1310313Starborn For Hire 1: The Stars Have AlignedThe Crossover Quest of Starborn and Magical Girl For Hire Begins. Miranda arrives in Munis for a bodyguard job, meeting Purps.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Introduction2017-03-31 21 
April 2017
1333511Starborn For Hire 2: Sirens Sing Several Suspicious SongsThe prologue ends and the tour is soon to begin! We get on the road and make new friends like only Purps and Miranda can.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Introduction2017-04-07 10 
1348395Starborn For Hire 3: Isn't this Magical?The Godswatch show begins after a little chafing and a siren going a little bit nuts.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Godswatch2017-04-11 6 
1360494Starborn For Hire 4: #JustSirenThingsThe show must go on and All That Jazz. We interrogate, discover and sing.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Godswatch2017-04-14 6 
1381463What Came Next 5: What Are You Doing With Your Afterlife?Waking up with a bad case of starving and a worse case of everything hurting. Suka decides to play along with the bandits... for now.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Godswatch2017-04-22 5 
1383855Starborn For Hire 5: Lambs to the SlaughterhouseWell isn't this lovely? A horde of undead, a slaughterhouse pumping them out in mass fabrication? So long as we don't CRITFAIL...Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Godswatch2017-04-22 7 
May 2017
1428046Starborn For Hire 6: For I would walk <100 Miles & I Would Walk <100 MoreIn a short thread, Purps excercises & spends time with Hona whilst Verde and Trish bond.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Godswatch2017-05-07 6 
1468221Starborn For Hire 8: Leno-n Me And I'll Be Your FriendShort Thread due to QM curse and busy schedules. A watch happens, Miranda meets Luc and Hona kidnaps Purps.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical,2017-05-19 5 
1478541Starborn For Hire 8.2: Leno-n Me And I'll Be Your FriendSame as 8. Life's a bitch for both QMs right now.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Introduction2017-05-23 6 
1493910Starborn For Hire 10: Let's Get This Show Back On The RoadIt's time to play poker, bitches.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical,2017-05-27 5 
June 2017
1541660Starborn For Hire 12 Star is Sick EditionThe finale approaches as the investigators begin to put some puzzle pieces together.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Leno2017-06-08 5 
July 2018
2675038Delphi and the Argo-Nots #1Delphi Brooks, daughter of Persephone, is asked to deliver the Golden Fleece to BrookylnCollective Game, Scion: Hero, Urban Fantasy, Road Trip, High Action, Music2018-07-04 3 
2704485Delphi and the Argo-Nots #2We meet the Goth TimelineCollective Game, Scion: Hero, Urban Fantasy, Road Trip, High Action, Music2018-07-16 2 
April 2020
71958657Nechronica Story Time / BuildsPort Storytime continues, haunted. What music gets you in the zone? Building characters for Support and Hinder. Unofficial classes. Tokens.Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, classes, memory, Port, Tachi, Protoca, tower, system, token, tokens, support, builds, advice, music2020-04-18 2 
September 2020
74563504Nechronica Thread - Metal EditionEngland Storytime & Gravel Storytime continue! FEAST & FEELINGS! BLOOD & THUNDER! Anons share inspiration in the form of album cover art.Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Coleo, Melico, Imp, Gravel, Adrian, Altina, Aida, bugs, England, violence, Russians, metal, art, music2020-09-01 2 
October 2020
75368818Song-based encountersYOU: Post music ANOTHER ANON: Design an encounter around it.Music, Encounters, Brainstorming2020-10-13 0 
December 2020
4535086Yunan's QuestA quest from the point of General Yunan! Scourge of the Sand Wars, Defeater of Ragnar the Wretched... after her encounter with Grimmes.Amphibia, Yunan, Newtopia, Crivora, Bard, Betrayal, Monster, Robot, Duel, The Music Box, The Music Box QM2020-12-17 20 
76454598Draw your party threadPeople talk about their games, share advice, & post cool drawings. Campy musicals, grim mythology, treacherous techpriests, & more.draw, painting, party, byzantine, human sacrifice, dnd, Savage Worlds, 40K, nechronica, robotica, pathfinder, FATE, Rogue Trader, musical2020-12-22 1 
June 2022
5273502Eden Down - A SkirmJam SkirmishDemons use a DJ booth to drag a small part of a certain Garden down to Hell and plunder it for fruits and profit.Collective Game, Skirmish, Skirmjam, Skirmjam2022, Eden Down, Garden, Demon, Music, Fruits2022-06-22 0 
July 2022
85025765Nechronica Thread : tiny amount of storytimeEngland Storytime: Very Sleepy Bugs edition. Anons talk about games they hope to run.Nechronica, token, rules, advice, Storytime, Story Time, England, Melico, Imp, Coleo, Denver, Cersei, centipede, necromancer, music, art2022-07-09 -22 
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