/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

July 2009
5249757Awesome NPCsITT: DMs share their best NPCs. Contains several merchants, lovable rogues, and even some sad stories. NPC, D&D, Dungeon Master, Merchants, Pathfinder, Eberron, Mafia, Great White Hunter, Ghoul2009-07-25 10 
August 2009
5481134Raging <Blank>A series of rage-related feats found in Pathfinder leads to sore sides. Amusement abounds.Pathfinder, Roleplaying, Amusing, Rage2009-08-17 11 
November 2009
6633807A lack of edition wars.Possibly the first and only Pathfinder discussion thread not utterly beset by trolls where discussion that was reasonable could be had.rules discussion, rules, pathfinder2009-11-09 1 
6796198Pathfinder employee chats with /tg/Paizo employee chats with /tg/.Paizo, pathfinder, needs more lesbians2009-11-21 1 
May 2010
9710181Sane editions discussion!It's clearly the end of the world!Editions, 4e, 3.5, pathfinder, fantasycraft, no fucking way2010-05-09 0 
9815315KingmakerKindly Anon dumps the Kingmaker kingdom rules for /tg/ to use in their gamesKingmaker, ruling, kingdom, Pathfinder, birthright, ruler2010-05-14 5 
November 2010
12732988The Salt TycoonsA party takes a break from adventuring to set up a profitable salt mining venture, which gradually becomes more and more hazardous.Pathfinder, roleplay, salt, capitalism2010-11-10 137 
December 2010
13108836The Rise of Poppa ShasOP asks /tg/ for advice on toppling a monster that he and his party accidentally put into power, only to have it broken to him that God Emperor Shastamannos is the coolest dictator in school, and that he and his party members are complete madmen. Join the Nation!Pathfinder, D&D, Writefaggotry, Epic, Poppa Shas, Now Lay Back and Think of Karthack2010-12-11 27 
January 2011
13385827Why /tg/ cannot be trustedA DM comes to ask /tg/'s advice on his players' genocidal behavior, only to find that one of his players very recently came to /tg/ for the same purpose! hilarity ensues, and much aid is given by the most beneficent board.Orcs, Pathfinder, Genocide, Massacre, Warlord Mustache2011-01-04 10 
February 2011
13784418Unconventional Fantasy ExtravaganzaIn which the OP requests help with a campaign set in Fantasy Numidia. The discussion quickly expands and exceeds expectations, blossoming into an enlightening discussion of cultural development, African and Asian warfare and history, and Islamic poetry. As usual, /tg/ gets shit done.Pathfinder, Worldbuilding, Islam, Traditional Games, Records of the Lodoss War, Rome2011-02-05 3 
March 2011
14243127Doppelganger Quest Bootleg VIShit goes down. We kill a thug, and a boar and shit, but that's not important. After a botched home invasion, the doppel is smashed unconscious. Time to face the courts.Doppelganger, Doppelganger Damacy, Pathfinder, Quest2011-03-15 2 
14290234Doppelganger Quest Bootleg VIIWhy can't these get labeled properly? The doppelvourer gets put on a hard labor detail by the courts. Thread's cut short by 4chan servers dying.Doppelganger, Doppelganger Damacy, Pathfinder, Quest2011-03-19 3 
14377318Doppelganger Quest Bootleg VIIINot much happens tonight. The doppel sleeps on a rooftop, gets a new dagger, and gets evicted.Doppelganger, Doppelganger Damacy, Pathfinder, Quest2011-03-27 3 
April 2011
14399679The Tale of an Industrious Rogue"DM Kroft" expands (slowly) upon the tale of a rogue, his party, and their highly industrious insanity. Pathfinder, storytime, writefag, story time2011-04-01 33 
May 2011
14929409Doppelganger Quest Bootleg IXThe hiatus is over and the bootleg is back. The doppelganger considers joining a caravan, but eats a stable instead.Doppelganger, Doppelganger Damacy, Pathfinder, Quest2011-05-15 6 
July 2011
15614134Disciple of DecorumA disciple of decorum strives to attain the ultimate ideal of high-class refinement. He is a consummate gentleman, positively brimming with politeness and class. He also looks down upon those who lack such refinement, and strives to teach the ways of gentility to all those he comes across. Since many see this kind of lifestyle as a sign of weakness, the disciple of decorum often finds himself targeted by uncouth ruffians who would seek to take advantage of his apparent meekness. However, anyone expecting a disciple of decorum to be a simpering fop is in for a painful surprise -- and a forceful lesson in proper manners.dnd, homebrew, pathfinder, monk, gentleman2011-07-17 13 
15760526Killing the Tarrasque/tg/ is trying to find a way to kill the Tarrasque.Tarrasque, Pathfinder, DnD2011-07-31 3 
August 2011
16103044"I recommend you delete the thread"Someone asking about their campaign - then a tripfag logs on and implodes. the post-by-post is sweet on this one. It's like watching prison rape in slow motion - like, 10 anons just gape this fucker. it's so awesome.tripfags, uchiha, itachi, porn dump, pathfinder, 3.52011-08-29 -17 
May 2012
18997281Creepy alchemist threadAnon notices how D&D alchemists are really creepy folk, things quickly degenerate beyond horrible.alchemist, alchemy, D&D, pathfinder, plague, doctor, vivisection2012-05-06 25 
June 2012
19681713Tarrasque FursonaTarrasque furry crashes furcon, drawfag deliverstarrasque, furry, draw, airship, Pathfinder2012-06-30 28 
November 2012
21445029The Tale of an Industrious RogueGM tells a story about the business exploits of his players, and the crazy plans they made.Industrious Rogue, Pathfinder, Storytime, DM Kroft, Salt, Business, Dreams2012-11-05 230 
December 2012
21851801Everyone Hates That Guy MikeOP tells the story of "That Guy Mike" and how after being invited to a Pathfinder game he proceeded to systematically make each person leave, each for a different reason!That Guy, Pathfinder, Storytime, game, writefag, mtg, magic, FLGS2012-12-02 33 
22218817Maple The Dryad ReturnsDryadfag returns for christmas, finishing the tale of Maple and promising more in the future.Writefaggotry, Maple, dryad, D&D, Pathfinder, transformation2012-12-26 5 
22259038Playing a Tengu Gunslinger116 full-length posts to describe a single "Made, GM saw, Played" picture. Lengthy, deep-seated story of a character's descent into tragedy.story, tengu, pathfinder, wild cards2012-12-28 26 
January 2013
22848975DM Advice ThreadDM Advice Thread with some pro tips from pro players. STORYTIEM, who apparently isn't dead, drops by with some commandments and demandments for awesome gameplay.RPG, Advice, DnD, Pathfinder, STORYTIEM2013-01-29 18 
March 2013
23433290Unweddable PrincessesOP asks for a series of hilariously unmarriable princesses for his Kingmaker campaign. /tg/ delivers.Princess, politics, status, marrying into power, daaw, Pathfinder Kingmaker2013-03-01 21 
May 2013
24993469Kenyan teacher asks about D&Danon claiming to be kenyan school councilor asks about D&D/Pathfinder, TG offers reasonable adviceKenyan, D&D, Pathfinder, Satan, advice2013-05-23 37 
June 2013
25571222That GM advice/storytimeOP asks for advice with a railroading DM, and gives context for his woes.That GM, advice, storytime, Pathfinder2013-06-23 5 
25677603Deep Rot - Can't Stop The RotThe fine folks of /tg/ continue the tale of deep rot and add further ideas to the concept.Deep Rot, Pathfinder2013-06-28 11 
July 2013
25884110D&D Retarded Stories Stories relating to the experiences of D&D and Pathfinder players and DM/GM's Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, stories thread, stories2013-07-10 5 
26033613Worm that Walks Lich/tg/ realises that a worm that walks can also be a lich. /tg/ then realises that the worms that make up a worm that walks can also be worms that walk.worm that walks, lich, phylactery, fun with templates, D&D, DnD, Pathfinder2013-07-16 7 
January 2014
29772158Path of War & Psionics. Or: The platonic ideal of Sword.OP shares Dreamscarred's Path of War book. Anon explains the deliciousness of the Soulknife Swordsage. Much discussion and planning ensues.psionics, pathfinder, path of war, tome of battle, swords, stat me, Fate/Stay Night, magic, galorion, mecha barbarians, martial arts, swordsage, monk, soulknife, dreamscarred press, preview, complete psionics, wilder, win, attempted derail, D&D, fluff, d202014-01-26 5 
February 2014
30453585BoatmurderedSome Swede-fag tells /tg/ a story of the time he sent his players into boatmurdured.Storytiem, Pathfinder,Exploding Dice, Shitting the queen,D20,Boatmurdered, Dwarf Fortress2014-02-24 17 
March 2014
30888575Javelin Monk-sile SystemAn Anon's simple request to go as fast as possible becomes a system for raining death from above.Monk, Pathfinder, Speed, Min-maxing, Gotta Go Fast2014-03-18 8 
July 2014
33374470The Golarion HeresyAn Inquisitor from Warhammer 40k ends up investigating a world called 'Golarion' (Pathfinder). Hilarity and violence ensues. But mostly hilarity.The Golarion Heresy, 40k, pathfinder, crossover, golarion, inquisitor, heresy2014-07-13 23 
33388370The Golarion Heresy Part 2A warhammer 40k Inquisitor ends up on Golarion (Pathfinder Setting). Hilarity and Violence ensues.The golarion heresy, warhammer 40k, pathfinder, crossover, golarion, inquisitor, 40k, part 22014-07-14 13 
33434338The Golarion Heresy 3An Inquisitor from Warhammer 40k ends up investigating a world called 'Golarion' (Pathfinder). Hilarity and violence ensues. But mostly hilarity.The Golarion Heresy, 40k, pathfinder, crossover, golarion inquisitor, heresy, humor2014-07-16 11 
December 2014
36599531Rat and other Rodent PeopleAnon requests images for his ratfolk Hedge Witch in Pathfinder. Discussion of rat people takes place, including anedoctes from pet owner, the realization that mice are the true assholes of the rodent world and that hamsters are brain-devouring psychopaths.Ratfolk, Rat People, Nezumi, Skaven, Hamsters, Mice, Pathfinder, Worldbuilding, World Building2014-12-08 13 
August 2015
41537612Spiders!Spiders in 3.5x as race and culture? /tg/ sets to fleshing out the concept.Spider, spiders, worldbuilding, lore, d20, D&D, Pathfinder, homebrew2015-08-01 6 
October 2015
42926199Paladin of Harlot SweetsWritefaggotry of a paladin using an Int damaging, Cha/Dex boosting drug, and her deteriorating mental state over her adventures.Pathfinder, Writefaggotry, Paladin, drugs, stupidity2015-10-09 -2 
June 2016
47547348Despairity: That GM's homebrewAnon tries to survive a single session in a terribly homebrewed Pathfinder campaign.That GM, Homebrew, Pathfinder, Magical Realm, DMPC2016-06-01 29 
August 2016
48572856Pathfinder General /pfg/Pathfinder threadPathfinder, Collective Game2016-08-09 0 
April 2017
52911245FOODFa/tg/uys discuss gastronomy, interesting (and somewhat pointless) fluff ensues.food, fluff, conversation, D&D, Pathfinder, Fantasy2017-04-29 7 
December 2020
76539886That Time I Got Reincarnated as a DragonAnon tells the tale of a less than serious isekai Pathfinder campaign ft. eldritch streamer and metagamer Yog-Ssethoth story, campaign, pathfinder, isekai, dragon2020-12-20 15 
76454598Draw your party threadPeople talk about their games, share advice, & post cool drawings. Campy musicals, grim mythology, treacherous techpriests, & more.draw, painting, party, byzantine, human sacrifice, dnd, Savage Worlds, 40K, nechronica, robotica, pathfinder, FATE, Rogue Trader, musical2020-12-22 1 
76605118That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Dragon #2The Story continues: Anon tells the tale of a less than serious isekai Pathfinder campaign ft. eldritch streamer and metagamer Yog-Ssethoth story, campaign, pathfinder, isekai, dragon2020-12-24 6 
January 2021
76585688Draw your party thread: Christmas 2020 and New YearsDrawings of parties, GMing advice, people talk about games, storytime, a drawfag starts on a new template.Draw, party, storytime, noir, Black Crusade, Nechronica, Genesys, d&d, WFRP, Only War, cyberpunk, Pathfinder, Ubiquity, Savage Worlds2021-01-03 1 
August 2021
80736338Draw your party thread: Bug, Glug, and ChugDrawings of parties and people people talk about games. A Lasgun happens.Draw, party, storytime, d&d, 5e, Only War, dark heresy, cyberpunk, Pathfinder, shadowrun, Lasgun, Black Crusade, Nechronica, template2021-08-17 0 
August 2022
85733277OP finds porn of his characterI made a looks-18-but-really-45 Tiefling Cleric in PF, ERPd with another player, and he had porn made of my character?!Pathfinder, Tiefling, Cleric, wat do2022-08-21 36 
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This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

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