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12/11/10(Sat)11:17 No.13111415 File1292084234.jpg-(27 KB, 466x594, Shalelu_Scary.jpg)
 >>13111359 Good sir, your guess is as good as mine.
>>13111361 Another thing, and damn if this needs to be said: STEAL. Jesus Christ, steal ideas. This is D&fuckingD, there hasn't been a truly original thought here in thirty years. You see something you like, you take it immediately. What separates the master from the apprentice, here, is how you steal.
Let me throw you an example. Let's say... An elf. Now this elf is a ranger, a brute of a ranger in fact. She kills... Goblins, let's say. That's her thing. She's a cutthroat, racist, mercenary thug with an ugly sword and a bad attitude, she hates all things green and inferior, and she only speaks in caps. Now, since this is /tg/, you might know that I'm talking about Sarge. But you also know (since she as good as tells you) that it's also Shalelu Andosona, pic related.
So what differentiates the two? Well, Shalelu was, originally, a CG, pretty good natured and slightly witty elf with daddy issues. Her contempt for goblins struck us as humorous, so we ran with it. Thing was, as time went on, the campaign grew increasingly grim, and she had to change with it. She became the one-elf-genocide that you might've bumped into today (one of my players, by the way) and is, at this point, completely distinct from her source material.
When you swipe an idea, the first thing you need to do is recognize that ideas quickly become unrecognizable when they're removed from a vacuum. A lot of people get worried that they'll be accused of filing the serial numbers off of an idea and changing it a bit, and so they underplay what is otherwise a good idea. What these people forget is that there is no such damn thing as changing something "a bit," unless you place it directly back in its original situation. Do not be afraid of unoriginality, be only afraid of uncreativity. If you take an idea and do something interesting with it, you're succeeding as much as if you had created one from scratch. |