/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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January 2013
22585441Digimon Quest Building Thread 1In which the foundation for Gale's Digimon Quest is laid. Mons are statted, harems are discussed, and people seem to like lesbians.Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2013-01-15 28 
22609771Digimon Quest Building Thread 2The Digimon is decided, Bro-tier russians, and shit, Gale fell asleep. Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2013-01-16 21 
22679163Digimon Quest The FirstThe Quest actually begins now, Princess Carry is best Carry, and eggs DO NOT GO IN THE FRIDGEDigimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2013-01-20 22 
22715576Digimon Quest The SecondIn which we meet our Digimon, discover he's a she, and Wayne can make a mean PB&J.Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2013-01-22 21 
22805199Digimon Quest The ThirdIn which Wayne jumps a border (between back yards), we invade a girl's room, and we finally learn something about that damned point system. Also: Damn, Salamon!Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2013-01-27 22 
February 2013
22935988Digimon Quest The FourthIn which we name our Digimon, try to communicate with the other side (of a computer), and bluff like a boss.Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2013-02-03 26 
23065305Digimon Quest The FifthIn which we con our dad (again), Zoe cons our dad, our dad is really fucking gullible and-holy fuck is that a ghost?!Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2013-02-10 29 
23200402Digimon Quest The SixthIn which we acquire the goggles, Sally infodumps us, and anon obsesses with scratching her cat...'s ears.Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2013-02-17 23 
23284468Digimon Quest The SeventhIn which we eavesdrop on Zoe, find out she's a fan of C.S. Lewis, and not much else.Digimon Quest, Collective Game, Gale, Digimon2013-02-21 22 
23340887Digimon Quest The EighthIn which we learn that Aslan is a prick, and we investigate ANOTHER school.Digimon Quest, Collective Game, Gale, Digimon2013-02-24 24 
June 2013
25286275Digimon Quest The NinthIn which we find a Fuugamon, have our second battle, and learn that nobody fucks with Sally.Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2013-06-07 22 
25311262Digimon Quest The Ninth Part IIThe first second half of our Ninth Thread. Wayne takes Zoe home, we cook Sally an orgasmic meal, and Gale reveals something shocking about our little WitchDigimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2013-06-09 21 
25453363Digimon Quest The TenthIn which we debate the use of apps on a digivice, FINALLY arrive at Digiworld, and many, many things are discussed by anon. Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2013-06-16 22 
25585050Digimon Quest The EleventhIn which we talk to a rock, find out about one of the dangers threatening the Digital World, and talk to a couple Gods. Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2013-06-23 22 
25717011Digimon Quest The TwelfthIn which we archive early to prevent misfortune.Digimon Quest, Digimon, Collective Game, Gale2013-06-29 20 
July 2013
26134259Digimon Quest The ThirteenthIn Which Wayne tries out for Track and Field Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2013-07-21 20 
September 2013
27222942Digimon Quest The FourteenthIn which Wayne is a lobster.Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2013-09-15 15 
27349799Digimon Quest The FifteenthIn which we try new things.Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2013-09-22 10 
27472161Digimon Quest The SixteenthIn which Niklas rolls well.Digimon Quest, Collective game, Digimon, Gale2013-09-30 10 
October 2013
27828718Digimon Quest The SeventeenthIn which the plot thickens. Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2013-10-20 10 
27954474Digimon Quest The EighteenthIn which Daniil is smarter than we think Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2013-10-27 10 
November 2013
28213412Digimon Quest The NineteenthIn which we meet a bear. Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2013-11-11 20 
28476902Digimon Quest The Twentieth(?)In which things don't go so well Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2013-11-26 20 
December 2013
28719267Digimon Quest The TwentyfirstIn which Wayne receives his first perk and Gale talks about Korean Comics. Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2013-12-08 20 
28860460Digimon Quest The TwentysecondIn which Gale writes WALLS, and we learn how time works. Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2013-12-15 20 
January 2014
29283146Digimon Quest The TwentythirdIn which Gale takes way too long to post. Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2014-01-05 12 
29330295Digimon Quest the TwentyfourthIn which we are not a hero, but we sure can diplomance like one Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2014-01-07 11 
29438364Digimon Quest The TwentyfifthIn which we are finally back on trackDigimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2014-01-13 5 
29607612Digimon Quest The TwentysixthIn which we make for the green.Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2014-01-19 7 
February 2014
29951155Digimon Quest The TwentyseventhIn which we're not so sure about Aslan anymore. Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2014-02-02 6 
30125989Digimon Quest The Twentyeighthin which- holy SHIT, Sally!Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2014-02-10 6 
30262769Digimon Quest The TwentyninthIn which we finally have a beach episode! ...sort of. Kind of. Not really. Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2014-02-16 7 
30414829Digimon Quest The ThirtiethIn which we learn a bit about chinese mythDigimon Quest, collective game, digimon, Gale2014-02-23 6 
March 2014
30740860Digimon Quest The ThirtyfirstIn which we have a very, very short thread. Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2014-03-10 5 
30854423Digimon Quest The ThirtysecondIn which we learn a lot, and Gale goes missing again. God damnit Gale. Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2014-03-17 7 
June 2014
33006491Digimon Quest The ThirtythirdIt finally happens. Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2014-06-26 7 
July 2014
33363343Digimon Quest ThirtyfourthIn which alliances are forged, and bros are made.Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2014-07-13 7 
33751236Digimon QuestMC gets kidnapped by digimon, partners with pompous claw, and saves friend in digital worldDigimon Quest, Collective Game, Levonsong, Quest, Digimon2014-07-30 2 
August 2014
33817976Digimon Quest #3In which Betamon stops being so beta and we get some plotCollective Game, Digimon Quest, Levonsong, Digimon, Quest, Keramon2014-08-01 1 
33870969Digimon Quest The ThirtyfithIn which we get lost, and watch some TV.Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon, Aegisbromon,2014-08-05 5 
33912793Digimon Quest #4We say goodbye to Arukenimon and clear the air with JordanDigimon Quest, Digimon, Quest, Keramon, Collective Game, Levonsong2014-08-05 1 
33960156Digimon Quest #5Our heroes reunite with Petermon, meet a moe dinosaur, and run into some Digimon missionaries.Digimon, Quest, Digimon Quest, Collective Game, Keramon2014-08-07 0 
34012580Digimon Quest #6We find out the Digimon mormons were cultists, bond with a human, and find out the truth about KeramonDigimon, Quest, Digimon Quest, Collective Game, Keramon2014-08-10 0 
34061899Digimon Quest #7Damn friendship you scaryDigimon, Quest, Digimon Quest, Collective Game, Keramon2014-08-12 0 
34110474Digimon Quest #8Our team decides on their next action and the QM moving kills interestDigimon, Quest, Digimon Quest, Collective Game, Keramon2014-08-14 0 
34187746Digimon Quest The ThirtysixthIn which we pretty much dun goof'd. Awkward... Digimon Quest, Gale, Collective Game, Digimon2014-08-18 5 
34489778Digimon Quest the ThirtyseventhIn which we may have traumatized Niklas. Digimon Quest, Collective game, Digimon, Gale2014-08-30 5 
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