/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

February 2016
45379003Secret Zelda Quest #1The Heir to a Fallen ThroneCollective Game, Secret Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2016-02-13 30 
45515249Secret Princess Zelda Quest #2The Great Fairy Temple's TrialsCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2016-02-20 23 
45561622Secret Princess Zelda Quest #3The Great Fairy Temple's Final ChallengesCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2016-02-22 23 
45618790Secret Princess Zelda Quest #4Towards Castle TownCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2016-02-25 23 
March 2016
45842283Secret Princess Zelda Quest #5The Temple of HyliaCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2016-03-07 23 
45943313Secret Princess Zelda Quest #6The Keaton and the Gerudo GirlCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2016-03-12 23 
46094658Secret Princess Zelda Quest #7The Temple of FaroreCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2016-03-19 23 
46245481Secret Princess Zelda Quest #8The Temple of Farore Completed!Collective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2016-03-26 23 
April 2016
46499147Secret Princess Zelda Quest #9Towards Zora's DomainCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2016-04-06 23 
May 2016
47116536Secret Princess Zelda Quest #10Zora's Domain and the beasts guarding the Temple of NayruCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2016-05-07 23 
June 2016
47632603Secret Princess Zelda Quest #11The Temple of NayruCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2016-06-06 23 
47821112Secret Princess Zelda Quest #12The Temple of Nayru Complete!Collective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2016-06-18 23 
July 2016
48215666Secret Princess Zelda Quest #13Towards Gaebora TownCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2016-07-11 23 
48328978Secret Princess Zelda Quest #14Beachside relaxation and a return to KakarikoCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2016-07-18 23 
48492658Secret Princess Zelda Quest #15Kakariko and the Boy... Hero(?) in RedCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2016-07-28 23 
August 2016
48576625Secret Princess Zelda Quest #16Death Mountain TrailCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2016-08-02 23 
48696950Secret Princess Zelda Quest #17Goron CityCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2016-08-09 23 
48943305Secret Princess Zelda Quest #18The Temple of DinCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2016-08-23 23 
49004369Secret Princess Zelda Quest #19The Temple of Din's Trials of Power and FlameCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2016-08-26 23 
September 2016
49230330Secret Princess Zelda Quest #20The Temple of Din complete!Collective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2016-09-08 23 
579512Secret Princess Zelda Quest #21The Choices of a Past Zelda and the journey to the Shadow TempleCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2016-09-17 25 
October 2016
683758Secret Princess Zelda Quest #22The SheikahCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2016-10-10 25 
748149Secret Princess Zelda Quest #23Journey to the Spirit TempleCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2016-10-25 25 
772999Secret Princess Zelda Quest #24The Spirit TempleCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2016-10-31 25 
November 2016
881245Secret Princess Zelda Quest #25The Spirit Temple's TrialsCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2016-11-29 30 
January 2017
1067533Secret Princess Zelda Quest #26The Gibdo FortressCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2017-01-21 25 
March 2017
1251582Secret Princess Zelda Quest #27Towards the Temple of TimeCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2017-03-11 30 
April 2017
1329999Secret Princess Zelda Quest #28The Temple of Time Collective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2017-04-07 30 
1399363Secret Princess Zelda Quest #29A Hero of the Past in the Temple of TimeCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2017-04-28 42 
May 2017
1487793Secret Princess Zelda Quest #30A Hero's Training and a return to Castle Town to learn a Hero's SecretCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2017-05-29 31 
July 2017
1641591Secret Princess Zelda Quest #31Hyrule Castle InfiltrationCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2017-07-08 32 
1684154Secret Princess Zelda Quest #32Hyrule Castle Infiltration complete!Collective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2017-07-22 31 
October 2017
1949759Secret Princess Zelda Quest #33Reunion with Horon and meeting a Masked MerchantCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2017-10-17 31 
January 2018
2197803Secret Princess Zelda Quest #34The Lost WoodsCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2018-01-08 31 
March 2018
2382455Secret Princess Zelda Quest #35Inside the Great Deku TreeCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2018-03-17 31 
July 2018
2725092Secret Princess Zelda Quest #36Inside the Great Deku Tree, continuedCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2018-07-15 30 
August 2018
2762474Secret Princess Zelda Quest #37The Great Deku Tree Complete!Collective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2018-08-01 30 
2796419Secret Princess Zelda Quest #38Rest at Gaebora TownCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2018-08-15 30 
2831939Secret Princess Zelda Quest #39The Zora Colony and SnowpeakCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2018-08-28 30 
September 2018
2886783Secret Princess Zelda Quest #40Snowpeak FortressCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2018-09-20 31 
January 2019
3153549Secret Princess Zelda Quest #41Snowpeak Fortress Complete!Collective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2019-01-08 31 
March 2019
3369701Secret Princess Zelda Quest #42Towards the Great Sky TempleCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2019-03-28 31 
February 2020
4099633Secret Princess Zelda Quest #43The Great Sky TempleCollective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2020-02-29 13 
March 2020
4136208Secret Princess Zelda Quest #44The Great Sky Temple, continued!Collective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2020-03-21 13 
April 2020
4172914Secret Princess Zelda Quest #46The Great Sky Temple's Trials!Collective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2020-04-12 12 
4200265Secret Princess Zelda Quest #46 (pt. 2)The Great Sky Temple, Complete!Collective Game, Secret Princess Zelda Quest, Princess Zelda, Kato2020-04-24 13 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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