Thread Title Description Tags Added Score June 2009 4775544 The Final Boss /tg/ gathers together to fight an eldritch horror to prevent the end of everything. Epic fight occurs Lina , 40k , eldritch , epic , fight 2009-06-05 18 October 2009 6425883 Machina Dei (Roman Mech part 3) The Machina Dei setting gets fleshed out even further. Alternate history , Rome , Mechs , Mecha , Mongols , Huns , Christians , Chinese , Eldritch Horror , War , Angels , Homebrew 2009-10-25 13 6431149 Machina Dei (Roman Mech part IV) India gets some attention at long last and the invasion of Briton fails due to incompetance rather than lack of mechs. Alternate history , Rome , Mechs , Mecha , Mongols , Huns , Christians , Chinese , Eldritch Horror , War , Angels , Homebrew , India 2009-10-26 10 6434371 Machina Dei (Roman Mech part V) /tg/ continues the marathon and begins talking about systems, naming conventions, and game mechanics Alternate history , Rome , Mechs , Mecha , Mongols , Huns , Christians , Chinese , Eldritch Horror , War , Angels , Homebrew , India 2009-10-26 11 6438315 Machina Dei (Roman Mech VI) Crunch is worked on. Alternate history , Rome , Mechs , Mecha , Mongols , Huns , Christians , Chinese , Eldritch Horror , War , Angels , Homebrew , India 2009-10-27 5 6454935 Machina Dei (Roman Mech VII) Some individual statting Alternate history , Rome , Mechs , Mecha , Mongols , Huns , Christians , Chinese , Eldritch Horror , War , Angels , Homebrew , India 2009-10-27 4 6479801 Machina Dei IX Argument about Combat Resolution vs. Rout eventually yields satisfactory results Then the primaries are statted. Alternate history , Rome , Mechs , Mecha , Mongols , Huns , Christians , Chinese , Eldritch Horror , War , Angels , Homebrew , India , Machina Dei 2009-10-29 3 September 2010 12189134 Space Weirdness Thread 2 Some more surprisingly original and creepy ideas for a campaign set on a possibly-haunted spaceship. Space , Sci-fi , Horror , Eldritch , AI , weirdness , mindfuck 2010-09-23 6 December 2010 13183002 Alien: The Outsider 2 New nWoD line gets fluffed out more. white wolf , homebrew , lovecraft , eldritch , fluff , new content 2010-12-17 14 13195275 Alien: The Outsider 3 New nWoD line gets fluffed out more. white wolf , homebrew , lovecraft , eldritch , fluff , new content 2010-12-18 12 13254394 Alien: The Outsider 4 (or is it Outsider: The Calling) More horribleness from beyond human keen. white wolf , homebrew , lovecraft , eldritch , fluff , new content 2010-12-23 12 May 2011 14777338 Magnanakaw Baby birds are TERRIFYING. Horror , birds , babies , eldritch , homebrew 2011-05-01 1 February 2012 18070990 Eldritch Horror Quest I We escape our millennia long imprisonment, possess our summoner’s body, and begin our war against the gods. Collective Game , Eldritch Horror Quest 2012-02-24 15 18099515 Eldritch Horror Quest II We learn more about our past, befriend a river goddess, and meet the forest god. Collective Game , Eldritch Horror Quest 2012-02-26 6 March 2012 18179433 Eldritch Horror Quest III We meet the god of the forest and kick his ass. Much lulz were had by all, except the forest god. Collective Game , Eldritch Horror Quest 2012-03-03 7 18192641 Eldritch Horror Quest IV We wander around the mountains, and meet our nemesis, Xerxes. Then we destroy his house and run away, like a boss. Collective Game , Eldritch Horror Quest 2012-03-04 6 May 2012 19168394 Sperm Whales, Defenders of Earth Someone had the idea to make a setting about sperm whales defending the planet from eldritch horrors from beneath the sea. Whale , Setting , eldritch 2012-05-20 35 19203944 Magical Girl Questing Malai Malai Mindy Chamberlain's quest as a magical girl begins. Power is obtained. Fat kids piss themselves. Catbomination avoids stereotypes. Collective Game , Magical Girl Questing Malai , Magical Girl , Quest Thread , catbomination , Eldritch Abomination , Dark Magical Girl , cyberpunk 2012-05-23 7 19206472 Magical Girl Questing Malai 2 You are Malai, eldritch powered magical girl and wielder of the Bat of Donny Donnovitch Collective Game , Magical Girl Questing Malai , Magical Girl , Quest Thread , catbomination , Eldritch Abomination , Dark Magical Girl , cyberpunk 2012-05-23 6 19227809 Magical Girl Questing Malai 3 In which a CERTAIN IDIOT becomes a catboy, and we gain access to the Mahou Shoujo FAQ Collective Game , Magical Girl Questing Malai , Magical Girl , Quest Thread , catbomination , Eldritch Abomination , Dark Magical Girl , cyberpunk 2012-05-25 7 October 2012 21269023 Grimoire Quest III We get a magic shotgun, and then Sours, Arch-Magus of Earth becomes the protag. Eldritch Lord promises candy and happiness. Grimoire Quest , Collective Game , Fae , Warlocks , Witches , Demons , Angels , Eldritch Lord , Narrative Magic 2012-10-25 10 21276437 Grimoire Quest IV We explore the tower and converse with the demon butler. Ignavia totally calls it. Collective Game , Grimoire Quest , uraemrys , grimoire , narrative magic , leet , roxie , fae , demons , eldritch , warlocks 2012-10-25 11 November 2013 28340649 Eldritch Souls quest The story of out hero begins with her death and her adoption of the name Owlman after awaking from death to find herself with the head and talon hands of an owl. She then proceeds to do fuck all besides get clothes and interact with some fellow former humans ScholarofSouls , Eldritch soul quest , Owlman , The godamned Owl man , Death , Dark souls , Strange, 2013-11-18 1 December 2013 28704031 Good Eldritch Abominations /tg/ Tells of encounters with helpful abominations. Eldritch Abomination , good , 2013-12-07 45 May 2015 39850423 High School of the Eldritch (Quest) Ep1 HSotD meets Lovecraftian Horror. B-Rated Movie antics. We meet Mary and we get to use our eldritch powers to defeat a beast. High School of the Eldritch , Quest , Collective Game 2015-05-10 10 39872538 High School of the Eldritch (Quest) Ep2 The protag McGyvers himself into the canteen and meets Kanna. We try to get to the main building but we get our ass handed to us by Brainwolves. High School of the Eldritch , Quest , Collective Game 2015-05-11 5 39898093 High School of the Eldritch (Quest) Ep3 We discover how wrecked we got after the attack, and we go insane for a while, trying to understand magic. We cuddle, make out and fuck Mary silly as well. High School of the Eldritch , Quest , Collective Game 2015-05-12 8 39913433 High School of the Eldritch (Quest) Ep4 We discover Kannas powers and earn a bit more of her affection. We gear up with gym stuff as well, and we discover a spell, but we go murder mad in the process, and fuck up big time. High School of the Eldritch , Quest , Collective Game 2015-05-13 7 39937509 High School of the Eldritch (Quest) Ep5 We go insane and blast Mary's face off, and then Kanna stabs it until its better. We also cuddle and socialize with the girls, as well as get to understand each of their insecurities better. High School of the Eldritch , Quest , Collective Game 2015-05-14 5 39954173 High School of the Eldritch (Quest) Ep6 We find Mary in the changing rooms doing *something*, and we manage to convince Kanna to be more brave. We finally venture into the school and meet our badass Principal and a
his maid in a mask. High School of the Eldritch , Quest , Collective Game 2015-05-15 6 39975234 High School of the Eldritch (Quest) Ep7 We continue to fight the Principal and Akira. High School of the Eldritch , Quest , Collective Game 2015-05-17 5 39996700 High School of the Eldritch (Quest) Ep8 We get wrecked by the Principal, but we manage to awaken Akira from the Sleepwalk, and she destroys De'devais - an infant Elder god, and dies. High School of the Eldritch , Quest , Collective Game 2015-05-17 5 40013484 High School of the Eldritch (Quest) Ep9 We exit the School and meet John Doe, Father Hashimoto, Abel and Mio. Its the start of a new phase - Surviving the impending Ring of Death High School of the Eldritch , Quest , Collective Game 2015-05-18 5 January 2016 44781778 Eldritch End Quest - 1 We become Shujin Kou, and we meet Kyoko. We nearly lose control over our eldritch power too, but luckily, her tiddies saved us. Collective Game , Quest , Eldritch End 2016-01-15 6 March 2016 46351268 Blood Marked "Quest" We introduce Lucy Cook, a young woman in modern time who has suddenly gotten very good at killing, but very bad at hiding the evidence. Collective Game , Blood Marked , Lucy Cook , Eldritch Abomination , Evil , Villain , BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD , Insanity 2016-03-30 2 April 2016 46373525 Blood Marked "Quest" 2 In which we have an odd dream, poke around a cave and a stream, cut our hair, and learn more about the little demon in the back of our head. Collective Game , Blood Marked , Lucy Cook , Eldritch Abomination , Evil , Villain , Insanity 2016-04-01 2 46394015 Blood Marked "Quest" 3 We suffer a massive identity crisis as every new post gives us a new name. In the story we kill a man and plan to post pictures on the web. Collective Game , Blood Marked , Lucy Cook , Eldritch Abomination , Evil , Villain , BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD , Insanity , April Fools 2016 2016-04-02 1 46458081 Blood Marked "Quest" 4 In which we battle for control over our body... win... and learn more about what we've become. Collective Game , Blood Marked , Lucy Cook , Eldritch Abomination , Evil , Villain , BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD , Insanity 2016-04-05 1 October 2016 49622318 Exhibits from an abandoned interdimensional museum OP requests exhibits for an abandoned museum in his CoC game. /tg/ provides. writefaggotry , Call of Cthulhu , eldritch horror , Lovecraft , 2016-10-04 14 March 2017 1267941 The Factory You are Alice, intrepid reporter, and you are trapped in the FACTORY. The Factory , Quest , Horror , Eldritch Horror , Spooky 2017-03-18 4 April 2017 1311325 The Factory #2 You are Alice McIntyre, and you are trapped in the Factory. And there's a lot of Russian stuff around. The Factory , Quest , Horror , Eldritch Horror , Spooky 2017-04-05 1 November 2017 2016261 Hellsing Quest 2 We get wasted and meet our son Hellsing_Quest Hellsing Eldritch Vampire 2017-11-04 3 2064680 Hellsing Quest 3 We have a reunion with our brother Hellsing quest , Hellsing , Eldritch , Erishel 2017-11-20 1 2104162 Hellsing Quest 4 Erishel finds a Jap, has a fight, and then Mcsirman had to deal with another quest Hellsing quest , Hellsing , Eldritch , Erishel 2017-11-29 1 December 2017 56570631 Imprisoned Ancient Evils /tg/ discusses the concept of hibernating cosmic horrors and worldbuilds their own examples. lovecraft , call of cthulhu , CoC , eldritch abomination , worldbuilding, 2017-12-07 6 2134143 Eldritch Horror Hunter Samuel Carter arrives in the country town of Oakley, makes friends, kills a Bacon monster, and begins his hunt. Eldritch Horror Hunter , Eldritch , Action , Adventure 2017-12-22 1 April 2018 59047820 Fear And Loathing In Wonderland Anons come together and talk about their experiences in a world gone mad. Magical Girls and horror abound. Horror , madness , Roleplay , Magical Girls , eldritch , demons 2018-04-11 5 October 2018 2946268 Petty Conqueror Quest In the aftermath of an eldritch apocalypse, narcissistic monarchist mutant Malcardor Grey attempts to conquer the Himalayas Collective Game , Petty Conqueror Quest , Post-Apocalyptic , Eldritch , Warlord 2018-10-17 2 December 2018 3083697 Eldritch Evo 1 anons play god in the worst way possible evolution , Eldritch Evo 1 2018-12-03 10 July 2019 67213307 Stranded at a Sci-Fi Desert Outpost in an abandoned mining station on a desolate desert planet, a stranded crew of spacers must endure a harsh environment and the paranormal. Horror , sci-fi , brainstorming , oneshot , worldbuilding , eldritch entities , paranormal , supernatural , outer space , space ship , space station 2019-07-15 24 October 2019 3870845 Eldritch Abomination Quest The End of Days incarnate in an unhatched egg emerges and within, the unborn abomination seeks to build power in secret. Collective Game , Eldritch , Cult , Mehotep 2019-10-28 11 April 2020 4157644 Multiplayer Eldritch Horror 2 Multiplayer eldritch fight. 10 players joined, including the infamous Shi. QM Chase flakes after a few days. Eldritch , Multiplayer , RPG 2020-04-11 2 4175842 Multiplayer Eldritch Horror 3 Shi the QM shows us how to run a game vibrant with imagination. 4 players joined. Unfortunately, Shi flaked after one day. Eldritch , Multiplayer , RPG 2020-04-11 0 4142564 Multiplayer Eldritch Horror 1 OP brings us a multiplayer game that he copied from the Bay12 forum. 12 players joined. OP flaked after 6 days. Eldritch , Multiplayer , RPG 2020-04-11 1 4187130 Multiplayer Eldritch Island (Mythic RPG) #1 A hybrid system of Multiplayer Eldritch Horror and Mythic RPG. The horrors find themselves on a desert island, with no memories. Eldritch , Lovecraft , Multiplayer , Mythic , RPG 2020-04-14 -3 4176899 Eldritch Evo 2 Two strange new phenomena and a bunch of evolution occurs evolution , Eldritch Evo , eldritch 2020-04-16 5 4198405 Multiplayer Eldritch Horror (Mythic RPG) #4 The Bay12 forum Lovecraftian strategy game revisited with Mythic RPG. 4 players + 1 shared character. Eldritch , Lovecraft , Multiplayer , Mythic , RPG , Strategy 2020-04-23 0 May 2020 4188039 Girls and Guns Quest A programmer and her government murder bot find themselves stuck at work when the stars align and the long night falls. Sci-fi , horror , eldritch , bonesinger , high lethality 2020-05-02 1 4231615 Eldritch Evo 3 The age of Comfort ends and the Age of Security begins Eldritch , Evo , Evo Games , Eldritch Evo , Evo Game 2020-05-15 3 4242533 Multiplayer Eldritch Horror (Mythic RPG) #6 This time, the setting is inspired by CthulhuTech. 1 player + 2 shared characters. Eldritch , CthulhuTech , Lovecraft , Multiplayer , Mythic , RPG , Strategy , Troll 2020-05-15 -5 4242683 Multiplayer Eldritch Horror (Mythic RPG) #6 This time, the setting is inspired by CthulhuTech. 1 player + 2 shared characters. Eldritch , CthulhuTech , Lovecraft , Multiplayer , Mythic , RPG , Strategy , Troll 2020-05-29 -4 June 2020 73359891 Mystery Flesh Pit National Park What if we discovered an unfathomable eldritch horror and turned it into a family-friendly tourist destination? LOTS of info and images. scary , Scary , setting , lovecraft , horror , Lovecraft , settings , Setting , Settings , Horror , Eldritch Horror , Campaign Setting 2020-06-24 37 September 2020 4410317 Eldritch Evo 4 The Age of Security winds down as the world is made diverse very locally Eldritch , Evo , Evo Games , Eldritch Evo , Evo Game 2020-09-10 1 November 2020 4533961 Eldritch Bloodline Quest A quest inspired by cosmic horror and horror in general, we begin creating the founding father of our family and mold how our line will be. eldritch bloodline quest , Howard Philips , Howard Philips QM , eldritch , bloodline , boston , ritual , cat , 2020-11-24 10 March 2021 4697313 Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 21 An Eldritch Diversion means Dante from the Devil May Cry Series still doesn't feature. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Fate , Fate/Paradox Reincarnator , Paradox Reincarnator , Fate Quest , Isekai , Type-Moon , Eldritch 2021-03-21 10 May 2021 79354363 Mystery Flesh Pit National Park (Part 2) What if we discovered an unfathomable eldritch horror and turned it into a family-friendly tourist destination? LOTS of info and images. scary , Scary , setting , lovecraft , horror , Lovecraft , settings , Setting , Settings , Horror , Eldritch Horror , Campaign Setting 2021-05-23 11 October 2021 5004033 Body Horror Quest - 48th Vein Shu meets BIGGEST BIRD and NUCLEAR SNOWBIRD, fights a Tree-piloting Dryad, and befriends a lost child before stopping at an IKEA store. Body Horror Quest , bhop , BHOP , Body Horror , Female MC , Gore , Horror , Birbs , BIGGEST BIRD , West Alpha , Snowbird , act 6 , Ikea , eldritch ikea 2021-10-22 8 December 2022 5426219 Kobolt Klan Adoption 8 The gang meets up with a really big lizard and climb down a mountain. Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Paracelsus , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Fallout , Dragons , Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu 2022-12-01 10 January 2023 5481886 Kobolt Klan Adoption 9 Reynauld chills in the city for a bit and then decides to head to fantasy england. Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Paracelsus , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Fallout , Dragons , Muscular Plague Doctor Wa$ifu 2023-01-06 10 February 2023 5537756 Kobolt Klan Adoption 10 Turns out there was a bit of trouble actually reaching Oileana, and a ship arc started Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Paracelsus , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Fallout , Dragons , Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu 2023-02-26 10 April 2023 5587251 Transcendence: A Delta Green Quest #1 Max Jacobson, a USMC SOF officer, finds himself in a world of the supernatural after a bad fate befalls his team. Welcome to Delta Green. Modern , Modern Fantasy , Delta Green , Horror , Eldritch , Monsters 2023-04-05 15 5589826 Kobolt Klan Adoption 11 The Klan arrives in fantasy england, fight off some fellas, and then they go get drunk. Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Paracelsus , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Fallout , Dragons , Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu , Snikt , cute family stuff 2023-04-13 20 June 2023 5656104 Kobolt Klan Adoption 12 The gang continues travelling through fantasy england and pick up a new freak of nature. Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Paracelsus , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Fallout , Dragons , Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu , Snikt , cute family stuff 2023-06-26 10 September 2023 5715265 Kobolt Klan Adoption 13 The gang travels through a forest and meet up with some big spider. Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Paracelsus , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Fallout , Dragons , Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu , Snikt , Fae 2023-09-02 10 October 2023 5772094 Kobolt Klan Adoption 14 In which Reynauld fights a spider and gets poisoned, also there's a transhumanist debate. Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Paracelsus , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Fallout , Dragons , Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu , Snikt , Transhumanism 2023-10-31 6 December 2023 5813050 Kobolt Klan Adoption 15 You leave the forest and talk to people. For once, things aren't horrible for a bit. Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Fallout , Dragons , Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu , Transhumanism , Fantasy scotland 2023-12-08 5 March 2024 5916511 Kobolt Klan Adoption 17 We arrive in a city, enjoy ourself, and then make ourselves miserable with family drama.
ARCHIVE OF 16 AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS THREAD Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Dragons , Fantasy scotland , Family Drama , Sads , cutes 2024-03-21 5 May 2024 5962747 Kobolt Klan Adoption 18 Reynauld meets the inlaws. Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Fallout , Dragons , Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu , Transhumanism , Fantasy scotland 2024-05-12 5 June 2024 6004703 Olympus Incarnation Quest #5 Atë meets a new ally and sets out on the hunt for the mysterious Isa. Unexpectedly, however, she uncovers a horror beyond comprehension. Mythology , Olympus , Incarnation , Villain Protagonist , Greek Mythos , Female Protagonist , Collective Game , Eldritch , Horror 2024-06-17 10 July 2024 6021519 Kobolt Klan Adoption 19 In an embarrassingly small thread, the plot inches forward towards something akin to a conclusion. Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Fallout , Dragons , Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu , Transhumanism 2024-07-05 5 September 2024 6062047 Kobolt Klan Adoption 20 They reach the wizard in this one. Things don't go terrible yet! Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Fallout , Dragons , Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu , Transhumanism , wizard , Dragons 2024-09-15 5 November 2024 6107803 Olympus Incarnation Quest #8 Atë offers to solve some problems for her new Chinese ally, but a confrontation with the Uncrowned King ends in an unexpected outcome Mythology , Olympus , Incarnation , Villain Protagonist , Greek Mythos , Female Protagonist , Collective Game , Eldritch , Horror 2024-11-16 1 January 2025 6142153 Olympus Incarnation Quest #9 Stranded in a hostile plane, Atë tries to find a way home Mythology , Olympus , Incarnation , Villain Protagonist , Greek Mythos , Female Protagonist , Collective Game , Eldritch , Horror 2025-01-18 1