
[#] New IRC!
06:59am UTC - 6/26/2009

I've had a copy of UnrealIRCD and Anope running on the Xen server for a long while, but I just haven't gotten off my fucking ass to move people over to it. I've finally rectified that; if you're connecting as new, you shouldn't see any difference, since has been updated to the new location. The Java applet should work as well (in a minute, still poking at it). All registered channels and nicks were moved without a problem since it's the same everything.

This move is partly for stability (prompted by yet another fucking thunderstorm) as well as being easier to administer remotely. That's about it; there shouldn't be any real performance changes, though with luck people will find themselves getting peered less often.

That's all. If you can't get to the "right" server the first time, connect via directly (DO NOT USE THIS IN THE LONG-TERM IN CASE I HAVE TO CHANGE IT BACK).

Edity: Oh yeah, and:

(Cut for length)

Goodnight, sweet King of Pop~

~Lord Licorice


[#] Insert Mandark Laugh Here
08:12am UTC - 6/05/2009
oh shit I made a post
now what do I do with it
(Cut for length)

~Lord Licorice


[#] The Law By Which I Live is Murphy's
08:57am UTC - 6/03/2009

So let this be a lesson to you, kids: update your WordPress installations periodically so shitty Javascript hackery doesn't end up embedded in your outdated security-hole-ridden shitware. Even if it's not your WordPress.

Seriously. If you have a WordPress installation and you're reading this, go just update your shit right now, even if you've done so in the past couple months. Just do it. At least it will help mitigate the number of things that can go wrong in your pathetic, worthless life (just like me!). (No, sup/tg/ wasn't affected. I just hate everything, is all.)

~Lord Licorice

TRY AGAIN WITH Yoh come on, who are you kidding? You don't have friends.

[#] sup/tg/ Team Fortress 2 Server
10:14pm UTC - 5/28/2009

We've been playing the shit out of Team Fortress 2 recently, especially since the delicious Sniper and Spy update, so I figured I'd at least announce what's been eating up a lot of our time. Sure, it's not exactly /tg/-related (even the 'rollthedice' plugin crashes the damn thing), but... you know... shut up..

Anyway, if you'd like to join us, the server is On the occasions where it's got a password, said password is "loldongs". Here's our current list of active custom maps (in addition to all the usual maps):

cp_aqua (new!)
cp_freight_final (new!)
ctf_stronghold_b5 (new!)
cyberpunk (new!)
melee_ringking (new!)
lairthing2 (new!)
yaaargh_final (new!)
pl_cranetop_b8 (new!)
pl_frontier (new!)
ctf_VIKINGS_FINAL (new!)

You can find the manual downloads for these maps here (may need 7zip to decompress). I'm working on creating custom respawn times in config files for most maps, since a number of the maps have pretty crappy defaults; if you have a recommendation (time for each time) I'll put it in. We're using a new fast respawn plugin for controlling wave times since apparently Valve doesn't like servers overriding map settings in some cases...

Speaking of plugins, other than an "instant respawn for defeated team during humiliation time" plugin, we're not using much. Once I update SourceMod so RTD/slap/slay commands work again, if you have suggestions for plugins, maps, or anything else, let me know. I also need to come up with a list of rules for the server that's more descriptive than "don't be stupid", especially for admins. "Micspam is fun until it's not" is hard to write a rule around.

~Lord Licorice


[#] Infiniminer
10:35am UTC - 5/09/2009

There's a freeware game called Infiniminer that was released a few days ago, and it was a lot of fun last night. It's a FPM (First Person Miner), like Dwarf Fortress without the carp, in 3D, and first-person. You mine ore to build blocks, jump pads, dynamite, and other things. The object is to either find a certain amount of gold and jewels before the opposing team, or simply building neat structures deep in the earth (while trying not to fall into the lava). It's way more fun than it should be.

As noted, it's freeware, and easiest to play using Hamachi. When you download it, make sure you also download the XNA Runtime or it will instantly crash when you run it (a lot of people including myself skipped that step). Once you get it, make sure you choose Edit Player Configuration in the start menu item to give yourself a name (if you're making a server, which is shit-easy to do, likewise increase the ore from 10% to like 80% if you want to do a lot of building). Then just pop the Hamachi IP into Direct Connect and tada, minin' fun.

Edity: I decided to add a couple screenshots of gameplay. Here I've dug down a bit into the earth and found some lava:


Stupid lava. I decided to build a bridge over it, a ladder to the surface, and used some blue force field blocks next to the ladder to make it harder for the pesky blue team to use it - blue players will fall through it while red players will be able to walk over it:


Special thanks to Ralewyn for finding this for us.

Edity 2: Quick note, current server is MisterSyn's (see IRC for details), but his version is 1.3 while the latest is 1.4. You can get 1.3 here. NEVERMIND HE IS NOW 1.4ING NOW 1.5 GET IT NOW DO IT

~Lord Licorice

[#] hurf
04:35am UTC - 5/08/2009
My predictions about the storm knocking out the server were off by a couple hours, and instead of knocking out the power, it knocked out my cable TV, internet and phone line (including emergency services! wheeee). Glad that my provider could save themselves money by going with VoIP instead of good ol' landlines, reducing their costs in exchange for a few lives that can't get through to 911. ("But everyone has a cellphone!" assholes always answer, to which I reply "Then why have a house phone at all you insufferable shitstains?")

Anyway, you'll see this post after it's already back.

Edity: Christ it's 1:00am and the shit still isn't back, I'm glad nobody had a fucking heart attack or anything in the past two and a half fucking hours.

~Lord Licorice


10:57pm UTC - 4/18/2009


(Cut for length)

Happy very belated birthday to Jeanstealer! If you really want a headache, try this one. Also, here's a non-seizure-inducing static version.

Edity: okay god christ that's enough oh jesus

~Lord Licorice

[#] April Fool's!
10:39am UTC - 4/01/2009

Happy April 1, guys! I hope you enjoy the, ahem, alternate frontpage indexes. (Frontpage stuff will probably be a little wonky, like comment posting bringing you to the right page, but you're big boys and girls and can deal with it for a day or two.)

Yes, that's indices plural. Hit Refresh on the index to cycle through them at random. Enjoy! You can check out the 2008 pages here.

Edity: April '09 can still be seen here.

Edity II: By popular request (one), here are the individual links:

April 2008:

April 2009:

~Lord Licorice


[#] New Thread Feature: Collections
01:21am UTC - 3/31/2009



Someone pointed out that the highest ranks of the archive are flooded with Ruby Quest threads, and how this made it difficult to view things if you were interested in, oh, I don't know, anything else. After making fun of him for a while, I decided he was right and added a new feature: Thread Collections.

Thread Collections are special, manually-created compilations of famous threads that are separate from the normal archive. These threads still appear to a 'show all' or tag search, but standard view and score sorting will hide them. A single entry will appear at the top of the 'highest votes' page (ala Editor's Choice) to give them the spot they deserve without taking up more space than necessary. There's also a sidebar link to view all Thread Collections (when and if I make more, such as Dorf Quest and Joan Quest).

So, if you jump into the archive looking for Ruby Quest and don't see it immediately, click the link on the sidebar or sort threads by score to get to the page. For a direct link, the Ruby Quest thread collection is here..

~Lord Licorice


[#] Archive Purgin'
05:57am UTC - 3/25/2009

After witnessing a particularly shitty thread get archived, I realized I hadn't purged it in a while and have taken a cursory swing at the lowest votes. I really need to just kill everything under a certain value but the more personal touch lets me save things that deserve saving elsewhere before giving it the axe. Here's the latest list; as usual, anything deleted is put into the graveyard for a time. All graveyard items previous to these have been deleted.


~Lord Licorice

I suck at art, why do I even still have this picture

[#] PaintChat Sucks
07:44am UTC - 3/24/2009

The title says it all: PaintChat sucks and I'm fucking tired of dealing with the broken, outdated, outmoded pile of fail. For some fucked up reason there doesn't seem to be a good replacement that anyone knows of that isn't either some paid piece of shit corporate collaboration tool (that still doesn't do what we want) or is a fucking hypothetical ("We've got a Java-based PChat-esque application but we haven't got a public release yet and our last update was 2006!").

So, post your suggestions here. If someone just knows of a modified PChat 3.66 that has working admin functionality and doesn't, you know, shit the bed for no reason at random intervals, please post that as well.

~Lord Licorice

[#] More Garry's Mod Postan
10:02am UTC - 3/22/2009

So, Garry's Mod's been a lot of fun lately; usually the game outlives its novelty after a day or two, but playing with a number of friends and using cool maps really makes a hell of a difference. The amount of shit you can do with it when you factor mods into the equation extends its entertainment value by orders of magnitude.

Speaking of which, I think it's time for a new post that has updated information about all the mods and maps we've been using lately. Some of these addons require SVN to download, so get Tortoise SVN. Once installed, right-click your desktop, choose SVN Checkout from the list, and enter the URL provided in the entry. You'll connect to the SVN server and download the latest copy of all the files. When you're done, just move it to garrysmod/garrysmod/addons. You can update your copy at any time by right-clicking the folder and choosing SVN Update.

And now, the list (last updated 4/14/09):

~Lord Licorice


[#] New Rules, and sup/v/ moarliek amirite
09:17pm UTC - 3/17/2009

First the light stuff: We've been playing a lot of games recently, and the topic is getting ridiculously long, so here's the breakdown:

I think that covers the gaming. Now on to more serious stuff: /tg/ is not /b/-lite or /d/ — Monster Girls, and neither is #suptg. We've all been pretty laid back about topics and discussions, but Jesus Christ, conversations about the perfect position in which to fuck a futa is the breaking point.

It should have gone without saying, but I guess we need a rule now just to make it clear for everyone: No more porn discussions, /d/ shit or talking about your goddamned fetishes or announcing your intent to or current activity of masturbation. Are we trying to make the IRC worksafe? No, that's stupid. It's just making clear what should have been unwritten social rules, which in hindsight is probably too much to expect given this is a companion site to a board on 4chan.

Again, this doesn't mean we're completely outlawing all discussion relating to certain topics. It just means we don't want to fucking hear about your sex life and sexual proclivities. Are you a furry? Foot fetishist? Dogfucker? Necrophiliac? That's nice. Just don't tell the rest of us when you're sneaking off to the morgue to rub yourself on your lucky dog's paw.

We may have a few other rules coming up but that's the major one. It's not that much to ask, it's just sad it has to be asked out loud at all.

~Lord Licorice


[#] 404 Not Found
03:31pm UTC - 3/08/2009

The requested URL /tg/imgboard.html was not found on this server.

jesus christ what did you guys do this time

i cant leave you alone for a few hours without someone eating /tg/

goddamnit you guys

~Lord Licorice


[#] Arkham Horror Investigator Generator
07:21am UTC - 2/27/2009

I've made yet another generator thing. This one's for Arkham Horror Investigators, and lets you quickly create Investigator sheets. It's a bit more niche on /tg/ than the other generators, but it was also a lot easier and faster for me to code.

For those of you wondering why my generator is superior to Strange Eons, it's not "superior" as much as:

If you're looking to create a full, professional expansion for Arkham Horror, use Strange Eons, but otherwise my online generator's probably more useful to most people. I'll be expanding it with Ancient Ones, Heralds and Guardians next.

Next up after that, WotC has personally offended me by forcing me to download and install a 44MB "demo" of their D&D Insider online character thing, which includes the fucking .NET framework. This is un-fucking-acceptable. It actually asked me to restart after hanging for a good four minutes at the end of the installation. The fucking nerve! I'm going to check it out and see if I can't do better than these hacks.

~Lord Licorice


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