
[#] Misarchived threads
03:06am UTC - 1/15/2016

Recently, some rapscallions have been deliberately misarchiving threads, mainly quests. Some threads' details are switched, while completely random threads have been added as if they're part of a series. These nefarious individuals have succeeded in wasting tens and tens of my objectively worthless precious minutes fixing the entries. If you're a victim of these ne'er-do-wells, you can either email me or reply to this post, and I'll get around to fixing them eventually.

Please be sure to include the thread number and correct fields (title, description, tags) so I can more rapidly process these requests.

~Lord Licorice


[#] Game Pact 2016
11:07pm UTC - 1/01/2016
Hey, you, nerd. When's the last time you ran a game? In fact, have you ever run a game at all? Or have you only sat around complaining that no GM's would run your favourite system/setting? Or that you keep ending up in terrible Magical Realm situations when you join a game?

Well guess what, it's time to change that.

Sign up for GAME PACT 2016 and be the change you want to see. Run a goddamn game some time this year. Pick a system, pick a setting, pick a time, even if it's a couple of months from now, there are 12 months in 2016 and plenty of time to run something, even if it's just a Maid RPG one-shot.

Me? I'm gonna run Fallout: Florida using the Unisystem system(AFMBE, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, as the base Unisystem game). Do meth, wrestle an alligator, punch a ghoul, punch two ghouls, wake up passed out in a suit of power armor you don't remember owning! It's Fallout: Florida!


[#] In Dark Alleys: Like Kult With More Tentacle Dicks
06:04pm UTC - 1/01/2016
Ever read/heard about Kult and thought: "Man! I'd love to play this, but only if it had more explicit gay sex and rants against literacy, science and modern medicine as evil things?" Then boy, IDA is the game for you!

Thankfully, it's not just cringeworthily stupid, it also has some occasional creative sparks, combined with poorly-designed mechanics, which result in it being possible to play a hideously-scarred ex-con without a brain, with a child sidekick whom everyone believes is Barack Obama.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18


[#] The Kromore RPG: Making 3E D&D Look Fair To Fighters
07:54pm UTC - 8/16/2015
Kromore is an RPG that I only noticed after someone popped into #suptg to beg for a WAREZED version of it. I laughed at him, then googled it to find out what it was, since I'd never seen it before. Turns out it was a Kickstarted RPG promising 10,000 years of history, a system that works in all eras, from fantasy through medieval, steampunk through sci-fi.

It just seemed like there was no way it was going to deliver, or at least not deliver with quality. I was right.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7


[#] The Wraeththu RPG: Vampires Just Weren't Homoerotic Enough
10:49pm UTC - 8/13/2015
Wraeththu is a series of books based around androgynous magical hermaphrodites that transform pretty young men into more androgynous magical hermaphrodites by bleeding on them, then riding unicorns, casting spells, being the perfect gay buddies for human women and then engaging in horrifying evil wizardry powered by sexually violating human men to death.

Oh and it has a section in the back on how to get your group to ERP with you. Wonderful, right? Of course the rules are also muddled shit(for doubled hilarity, after the semi-incomprehensible skill and combat rules, the relatively straight-forward chapter on magic makes all the skills and combat irrelevant by turning every single Wraeththu character into a godlike wizard. Why know how to fire a gun when you can railgun slugs of pure plutonium across the landscape?), the art is terrible and the only good words I have for it are about some of its foreword.

This review is another repost from Something Awful.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10


[#] Hc Svnt Dracones: Furry Capitalist Eclipse Phase
09:42am UTC - 8/04/2015
Earlier this year I reviewed Hc Svnt Dracones, or "HSD" simply on the basis of it being a furry RPG with atrocious cover art. Unfortunately, I reviewed it on Something Awful's forums, in their "Fatal & Friends" thread, so you guys didn't get to enjoy it. I've now transplanted the ten posts that make up the review to SupTG, some of the formatting is a bit wonky, but it should all be readable and "enjoyable."

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10


[#] Purge Inbound
09:00am UTC - 2/05/2015

I know I say this all the time and only half-follow through, but for realsies, I'm going to be purging the archive soon. My laziness came back to bite me today when something got stuck in a loop and ate all the drive space, so I had to start culling just to get shit working again. I deleted the graveyard (no whining, you had like two years to grab shit) and specifically killed a bunch of .pdf dump threads that were taking up massive amounts of space. We're fine now, but culling will definitely help space issues.

Speaking of .pdf files, these are no longer archived, and I'll be removing existing .pdf files specifically. .pdf threads are the even-more-wasteful bastard brethren of image dumps; this is an archive, not a filehosting site. As for /tg/ projects, anyone seriously working on something is going to have their own site for hosting copies of their work, so they won't need outdated versions cluttering up the archive. (I don't think many people will even notice or care, but someone always complains about change, so I'm letting you know now.)

Anyway, repent and so on, the end times are nigh for your elf slave wat do quests!

Addendum: I'll see about adding .webm support going forward.

~Lord Licorice


[#] Server instability
09:15pm UTC - 12/27/2014

Happy holidays, everyone! We've been experiencing some technical difficulties the last few days with connectivity. Things seem to be stable again, so hooray and shit! If you had a thread lost during the upheaval, send me a .zip of the content and I'll see what I can do.

~Lord Licorice


[#] All aboard the writing bus!
08:57pm UTC - 9/19/2014
This time it's about being unprepared

For once I'm not telling you how something you love and enjoy is utter shit and tripe. You should totally read this article just for the novelty of it.


[#] No Fun Allowed: Stross Edition
08:16pm UTC - 5/30/2014
Guess who wrote dumb shit on the internet again?

That's right, it's me. This time, we're talking about why you should feel bad if you actually read Charles Stross' terrible fucking The Laundry novels after experiencing the second one.


[#] New Article Posted
03:00am UTC - 1/10/2014
It's been a long while since the "reviews and ramblings" have been updated and I suspect it might go completely unnoticed without this post, so, here you guys go!

It's a review of Eclipse Phase!

Featuring me being a cranky old man.


[#] Comment system update, impending purge
04:59am UTC - 11/29/2013
Hi all, it's been a while. I never did complete the purge I began in my last update, but with Black Friday and nothing much to do, I'm going to likely spend the majority of my time tomorrow removing the remaining crap from 2013 and putting up downloads for the archives. It's been a while coming, and it'll be nice to make sure at least someone else has a copy. I'm still likely going to do it via torrents, but we'll see what's easier.

Also there was a ton of spam showing up in the comments, so I went through and cleaned it all out with the help of new moderation tools that I'll likely never need again. You're going to have to solve a very difficult riddle to post from now on!

~Lord Licorice


[#] Archive Cleansing
11:56pm UTC - 7/25/2013

Howdy folks, it's that time again~

I've taken this week off to get some shit done that I just haven't had the energy to do. This means getting my car cleaned, license and registration renewed, and a variety of other crap. But you don't give a shit, do you? You just want to know what horrible quest threads I've removed this time. Here it is!:

Completed: January 2012, February 2012, March 2012, April 2012, May 2012, June 2012, July 2012, August 2012, September 2012, October 2012, November 2012; January 2013
Total: 964 culled threads, ~7.3G
Full Listing


Actually Good Threads:

Special Mention: Live With Your Shame

I was debating on whether or not to call out this particular archivist, because he's made a habit of adding the worst of the worst /tg/ threads to the archive. Whether deliberate or ironic, shitposting is shitposting, and I'd prefer this not happen. However, I do have to say at least he's 1) made it much easier for me to remove this garbage and 2) he's actually fairly funny with his descriptions.

Special Mention: Troll archival

I realize there are a number of people that really despise quest threads, and after cleaning literally hundreds of non-starters out of the archives, I can certainly see where you're coming from. However, by mis-archiving quests with shitty labels, you're only serving to accomplish two things: one, you're taking all of thirty seconds out of my day to fix the tags, and two, you're training quest creators to immediately archive their threads to avoid mis-labeling, which just exacerbates the issue. Post-It Quest is a prime example, it had all of twenty replies, but was archived as soon as the author could refresh 4chan after posting it.

The only way you're going to stop quest threads on /tg/ is to stem the tide at the source. Shitting up the archive isn't helping anyone's cause. For the record, I am not, have never been, and, saints preserve me, will never be a janitor or moderator on 4chan. I have no power, authority or influence to stop quest threads from existing on /tg/; I'm just an archivist. By definition, by the time it reaches me, it's already too late. You're going to need to change the community's mind, and that can't be done with goofy labeling.

More coming.

~Lord Licorice


[#] Literal Viral Advertising
05:08am UTC - 4/13/2013

I'm not really sure how many people actually visit the front page, but Viral asked me to link his Engine Heart Kickstarter, so here it is!

From the site:

Engine Heart is a game about little robots. When the humans were around nobody paid any attention to them, but now the humans are all gone, and they're on their own in a world that's falling apart.

You can download the game completely free here if you're interested, but the Kickstarter will get a physical copy in stores. Go check it out!

~Lord Licorice


[#] Server Move part deux
09:36pm UTC - 3/05/2013

Hey guys, sorry about the downtime earlier, they moved the server to another location in Luxembourg and I totally missed the announcement. Everything's back to normal~

~Lord Licorice


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