/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

January 2009
3323726Troy McClure: 4e CombatTroy McClure comes to inform little Billy - and /tg/ - of the wonders of 4e combat.Simpsons, Troy McClure, 4e, 4th Edition, D&D, Dungeons and Dragons2009-01-06 8 
3457280The Thread where Editions are DiscussedSurprisingly, this thread had very few trolls, and did not devolve into a shitfest. Good stuff.d&d, editions, faggotry2009-01-20 0 
May 2009
4501185Clerks&Officesmeta "your party encounters" thread turns into using a if-adventurers-played-p&p-rpgs for an edition war, which turns into design for that kind of gameD&D, game design, metaphor, meta, edition faggotry2009-05-08 16 
October 2009
6395170Team Dungeons 2The TF2 gang argue over which game (and edition) to play.tf2, /v/ crossover, DnD, exalted, 3.5e, 4e, edition, roleplay, avatarfaggotry2009-10-23 17 
November 2009
6709859/tg/ and D&D 2nd Edition.Fa/tg/uys discuss the pros and cons of 2nd edition vs newer ones, along other oldfag concepts, with amazingly little trolling.Late Nite, D&D, 2E, 2nd, 2nd Edition, Late Night, constructive arguments, discussion, old school, oldfags, good /tg/2009-11-15 1 
December 2009
6975776Awesome DM tips are awesomeNew DM asks for advice. Kind anon dumps what has the be a must read for DM's of 4th edition.DnD, DMing, 4th Edition2009-12-03 4 
April 2010
9143051/tg/ is trapped in a mind loopA discussion about religious text and edition wars turns into something more sinister.bible, edition wars, 1e, 3e, 2e, 4e, mind, infinite loop,2010-04-12 3 
9408898SUCK THREE DICKSWhat began as a simple edition war troll became an enlightening discussion about ascertaining the culinary qualities of various dicks.dicks, edition war, Mr. Rage, three, books, cocks, dick, cock2010-04-25 11 
May 2010
9710181Sane editions discussion!It's clearly the end of the world!Editions, 4e, 3.5, pathfinder, fantasycraft, no fucking way2010-05-09 0 
June 2010
10754978Dinner and Desertsa discussion on edition changes between the last two editions of Dinners and Deserts/tg/, edition wars2010-06-26 3 
August 2010
11732554Edition Wars DistilledThe cast of Futurama, Freakazoid, and Pinky and the Brain summarize every 4e v. 3.5e thread for your convenience.Funny, 4th Edition, 3.5 Edition, Futurama, Freakazoid, Pinky and the Brain2010-08-20 15 
December 2010
12988792Yet Another Edition War/tg/ goes meta.edition war, funny2010-12-01 11 
March 2011
14120080Tau Codex Fixing/tg/ passes around ideas to fix the Tau Codex, many good ideas are discussed.Tau, Codex, 5th Edition, 40k2011-03-05 -2 
October 2012
20994865 Project Tau: By Calmsword of Tau Online (Articles 1-5)5 Fanon/Canon articles on Tau Fluff for the /tg/ edition of Warhammer 40k Tau pageTau, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 40000, Warhammer 40k /tg/ edition,2012-10-05 2 
August 2013
26799728Nintendo Pulp AdventuresIn which Nintento games as pen-and-paper campaigns are discussed, and five people from the 30's end up in the Mushroom Kingdom.Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Hollow Earth Expedition, Storytime, Nintendo, 19362013-08-24 2 
January 2014
29518289Exalted GeneralHolden drops by to answer questions about Exalted Third Edition. Exalted, Holden Shearer, Exalted Third Edition2014-01-16 2 
29866589Princess Gaurd Quest: Pringles EditionA new take on the quest. This time we are a Knight guarding a very special can of pringles.Princess Guard Quest Pringles Edition, Collective Game, Pringles, Don't Pop The Top2014-01-29 39 
August 2014
34392916Oversized Weapon Quest 54Shax wanders into a tower and finds out how awful it is to fight an arcane caster in 3.5Collective Game, Oversized Weapon Quest, goblins, big swords, caster edition2014-08-26 11 
October 2015
42898714Meanwhile, the Time Wizards!Time Wizards storytimes are had, and the rules of Time Wizards: Sober and Serious Edition are sharedTime Wizards, Time Wizards: Sober and Serious Edition, Storytime, Rules, Time Wizard Archibald2015-10-06 50 
December 2015
43962638Star Wars: A New Quest #1 - Murderhobo EditionA long time ago in a galaxy far far away a young man started his journey of murder, imorality and edge.Collective Game, Star Wars Murderhobo Edition Quest, Star Wars, Murderhobo2015-12-04 7 
43980774Star Wars: A New Quest #2 Hospital Bed EditionWhile we shirk away from murderhobo'ing this session, we still manage to fuck things up as only we can, injured and allCollective Game, Star Wars Murderhobo Edition Quest, Star Wars, Murderhobo2015-12-04 5 
44018196Awoken Overlord Quest IV.V (NSSF-Edition)Alice again continues her journey, this time with a QM who hasn't slept for two days.Collective Game, Awoken Overlord Quest, Bad Rolls the Game, Alice is a goblin princess, No sleep since friday Edition2015-12-07 1 
44126658Star Wars: A New Quest #2 Crime & Punishment EditionWe wear a gimp suit, rob a bank and get arrested by the coppers.Collective Game, Star Wars Murderhobo Edition Quest, Star Wars, Murderhobo2015-12-13 3 
44146504Star Wars A New Quest #4 Avoiding Prison Showers editionStarting the prison break and the thread's subsequent deathCollective Game, Star Wars Murderhobo Edition Quest, Star Wars, Murderhobo2015-12-13 3 
44043160Awoken Overlord Quest V: Fell asleep in the middle of the last thread editionAlice is back, after being interrupted by sleep. Also, a boar is caught and such.Collective Game, Awoken Overlord Quest, Bad Rolls the Game, Alice is a goblin princess, fell asleep edition2015-12-14 1 
44217580Star Wars A New Quest #5 Veni Vidi Vici EditionMANY THINGS HAPPEN IN THIS EDITIONCollective Game, Star Wars Murderhobo Edition Quest, Star Wars, Murderhobo2015-12-17 3 
44245277Star Wars A New Quest #6 Post Vidi Vici Veni again EditionMore exogorth, more shenanigans, a lot of gyro, and a nice piece of jewelry.Collective Game, Star Wars Murderhobo Edition Quest, Star Wars, Murderhobo2015-12-18 3 
44267463Star Wars: A New Quest #7 Betrayal and Love EditionKy goes force rage at Al, Al Capone uses drugs to get loveCollective Game, Star Wars Murderhobo Edition Quest, Star Wars, Murderhobo2015-12-20 3 
44281207Star Wars A New Quest #8 Swagooine edition TimeskipCollective Game, Star Wars Murderhobo Edition Quest, Star Wars, Murderhobo2015-12-21 2 
44300400Star Wars A New Quest #9 Migraine editionLewds into light plot, into WOAH CALM DOWN NELLYCollective Game, Star Wars Murderhobo Edition Quest, Star Wars, Murderhobo2015-12-22 3 
44454211Star Wars A New Quest #10 G's up Hutt's down editionWe continue planning our little resistence movement, defeat a Darth and recruit his apprentice.Collective Game, Star Wars Murderhobo Edition Quest, Star Wars, Murderhobo2015-12-30 2 
January 2016
44520787Star Wars A New Quest #11 Back EditionStarts with 6 part lewd post, ends in fuckries of all kindsCollective Game, Star Wars Murderhobo Edition Quest, Star Wars, Murderhobo2016-01-03 4 
44546979Star Wars A New Quest #12 Prisoner/GuestOfHonour EditionWalking on sunshine quickly devolves into walking through piss rain in shit filled shoes. Damnit gazza.Collective Game, Star Wars Murderhobo Edition Quest, Star Wars, Murderhobo2016-01-04 3 
44568335Star Wars A New Quest #13 Family Matters EditionWhere we mend some bridges, talk some things over, and make a big decision.Collective Game, Star Wars Murderhobo Edition Quest, Star Wars, Murderhobo2016-01-05 3 
44615927Star Wars A New Quest #14 Fucked-Back of Crotch-er, DamnEven more relationship breaking and repairing, you should become a therapist 5 days till birthday, ending with timeskip option to partyCollective Game, Star Wars Murderhobo Edition Quest, Star Wars, Murderhobo2016-01-08 3 
44670688Star Wars A New Quest #15 Years EditionParty like it's 3369! And deciding whether to be free or nahCollective Game, Star Wars Murderhobo Edition Quest, Star Wars, Murderhobo2016-01-10 2 
44685341Star Wars A New Quest #16 I got the priiiIIiiison bluueeeeesTrials and tribulations of prison life planet exotic grillCollective Game, Star Wars Murderhobo Edition Quest, Star Wars, Murderhobo2016-01-10 1 
44721453Star Wars A New Quest #17 Reprimanded Editionmore prison hijinks with lots of SHOCKING developments.Collective Game, Star Wars Murderhobo Edition Quest, Star Wars, Murderhobo2016-01-12 2 
44756870Star Wars A New Quest #18 Aftermath of Shocking EventsDealing with the aftermath of shocking shenanigansCollective Game, Star Wars Murderhobo Edition Quest, Star Wars, Murderhobo2016-01-14 22 
44801174Star Wars A New Quest #19 Hunger EditionStarting off with games, being played ensues.Collective Game, Star Wars Murderhobo Edition Quest, Star Wars, Murderhobo2016-01-16 1 
44919387Star Wars A New Quest #20Wake me up, before you go goCollective Game, Star Wars Murderhobo Edition Quest, Star Wars, Murderhobo2016-01-21 2 
45055936Star Wars A New Quest #21 Lazy Fuck EditionSome favours and investments gone wrongCollective Game, Star Wars Murderhobo Edition Quest, Star Wars, Murderhobo2016-01-28 2 
February 2017
1139904European Dragon Quest 51In this episode, Elizabeth gets even more motherly, we make giant trees to sell for a shitload of money to the kobolds, who we learn about.QuestingQM, European Dragon Quest, CapitalismDragonEdition, LongLiveBritannia,2017-02-15 1 
April 2018
2455298Hexpedition: Desert Rose [Skirmish]A waystation, eager traders, weatherworn travellers and a mysteriously missing garrison adds up to a sunbleached shootout.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2018-04-26 5 
May 2018
2563727Hexpedition: Ocean Bloom [Skirmish]Surviving the wreckage of the waystation, the Crew makes their way to the Expedition to restock, then set out again for wetter places.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2018-05-30 5 
December 2018
3050564Lanternlight [Skirmish]Trying to deal with an infestation of spritelings, the Lanterns find much larger prey.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition, Lanternlight2018-12-03 11 
February 2019
3243429Hexpedition: The Pit [Skirmish]A band of lost sacrifices wake up in a pit, and soon encounter scavengers, salesmen and water with an aftertaste of eldritchSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2019-02-23 5 
3254459Hexpedition: The Greenspan [Skirmish]Having left the Pit, a small band of lost sacrifices find sunlight, a pile of corpses and people with spores for brainsSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2019-02-23 8 
March 2019
3289476Hexpedition: Legio ForlornA small lost band of sacrifices find memories, chemically questionable munitions and a monster the size of a small mountain.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2019-03-09 8 
3331577Hexpedition: Odd Hearts [Skirmish]A small band of sacrifices find a town, a fire, leftover gods and early signs of a ConspiracySkirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2019-03-26 8 
April 2019
3418258Nightgaunts: Field Stroll [ Skirmish ]The Lanterns are sent to destroy a mountain Infestation and get more than they bargained for. (At least they have tea)Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition, Lanternlight, Nightgaunts2019-04-21 7 
3403347Nightgaunts: Farm House [Skirmish]Sent to investigate an farm-house, the players end up surrounded by terror and trouble, meddling with forgotten gods and government agentsSkirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition, Lanternlight, Nightgaunts2019-04-21 7 
May 2019
3452579Nightgaunts: Crackcrown [Skirmish]The Lanterns find a nice hut, some tea and a promise - then the hut blows up, the tea gets cold...Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition, Lanternlight, Nightgaunts2019-05-07 7 
June 2019
3527120Hexpedition: Starlit Stationwho are you to be here, weatherworn and dusty? A traveller, a tinker, a tradesman, a troubador, a tourist or perhaps... trouble?Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2019-06-20 5 
3536277Hexpedition: Starfall GardensPushed by the rising winds and hungry hounds, the seekers investigate the old garden. The leaves rustle and the roots are hungry.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2019-06-20 5 
3540399Hexpedition: Starlit WaystationHounded by loss and lost, in retreat from the Garden, the seekers find a tradesman, a vast expanse and a cult with views on human sacrifice.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2019-06-20 5 
August 2019
3714703The Expedition #1Henry McDermond, a London-born Scotsman, joins the Royal Expeditionary Force for the glory of the Empire.Expedition Question, Collective Game2019-08-17 11 
3760834The Expedition #2Henry McDermond continues his journey to Cape Town, and gets into a fightExpedition Quest, Collective Game, 19th Century2019-08-31 3 
September 2019
3783098Lanternlights: Ostroskon Manor [Skirmish]The Lanterns travel to an isolated mansion to liaise with a certain eccentric inventor, but soon discover that all is not what it seems.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition, Lanternlight2019-09-16 10 
3776841Lanternlights: Forest Paths [Skirmish]Coming across a town overtaken by bandits, the Lanterns find more explosions and otherworldly manifestations than they expected.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition, Lanternlight2019-09-16 7 
3820796The Expedition, Part IIIHenry learns the fate of La Gloire, and descends into the depths of the ocean blue.Expedition Quest, Collective Game, 19th Century2019-09-26 2 
November 2019
3872017The Expedition, Part IVHenry saves the Frenchmen, and then presses onward to Lemuria. Expedition Quest, Collective Game, 19th Century2019-11-01 4 
December 2019
3921751The Expedition, Part VHenry reaches Lemuria, and discovers more about the vile Scarab. Hijinks ensueexpedition quest, moreau, 19th century2019-12-01 1 
January 2020
4015445The Expedition, Part VIHenry and his friends explore Lemuria, and prepare to bring their vile enemy downexpedition quest, ErrantQM, 19th century, Henry McDermond2020-01-24 0 
February 2020
4041946Lanternlights: Quicksilver SkiesThe Lanterns arrive at a small hamlet, and leave 4 friends the poorer. But we do find old associates!Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition, Lanternlight2020-02-12 6 
4072536Lanternlights: Seaside House [Skirmish]Heading to the big city, the Lanterns are waylaid by a gaggle of cultists, captives and crooks.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition, Lanternlight2020-02-18 6 
March 2020
4089683Expedition Quest, Part VIIThe Scarab is close, and the company raids his palaceExpedition Quest, 19th century, ErrantQM2020-03-15 0 
April 2020
4161154The Expedition Quest, Part VIIIContinuing the fight against the Scarabexpedition quest, 19th century, errantqm2020-04-16 1 
May 2020
4195796Sketcher: WindwornIs it always this warm out here? The sun bakes the sand and you with it...art? hexpedition, sketchers2020-05-07 5 
August 2020
4353278The Expedition Quest, Part IXHenry manages to defeat the Scarab, and attempts to woo his lady loveexpedition quest, errantqm, 19th century2020-08-12 0 
May 2021
4771098Blades: Quiet Waters [Skirmish]"Some things are worth dying for." Quality summaries are overrated. Cool non-descript sword go swish-swoosh.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2021-05-22 6 
June 2021
4805081Blades: Sea Storm [Skirmish]"Some things are worth dying for." Moths are cute but make for poor camouflage. Also, it turns out that crime does occasionally pay.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2021-06-14 5 
June 2022
84943450/tg/ throws shit at the wall #8yet another worldbuilding threadwbg, wytchelves, hobbit edition, gnolls2022-06-17 -22 
April 2023
5602595Hexpedition: Lonely Lights [Skirmish]A band of hired hands help a heister make a clean getaway, defying the laws of reality and exploding buildings in the process. Plus lemons!Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2023-04-08 10 
May 2023
5632128Hexpedition - Archives of Intention [Part 1]Eager Pups playhunt for intrigue. Scheduling conflicts spoil well-lain plans. Siphoned starlight strains a shell of steel and sigilry.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, SKETCHER, Art?, Skirmish Sketch, Hexpedition2023-05-20 7 
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