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Archived Threads

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January 2015
37294659Sith Apprentice Quest Part 1Follows the life of a Sith Apprentice named Xanth and his introduction to the Sith Academy.Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-11 39 
37302791Sith Apprentice Quest Part 2Follows the life of a Sith Apprentice named Xanth and his introduction to the Sith Academy.Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-11 24 
37322685Sith Apprentice Quest Part 3Follows the life of a Sith Apprentice named Xanth and second day in the Sith Academy.Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest, 2015-01-12 22 
37339254Sith Apprentice Quest Part 4Follows the life of a Sith Apprentice named Xanth and second day in the Sith Academy.Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-13 22 
37344114Sith Apprentice Quest Part 5Follows the life of a Sith Apprentice named Xanth and second day in the Sith Academy. We end with things taking a turn for the sexy with Nivah.Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-13 21 
37361291Sith Apprentice Quest Part 6We turn the Sith Academy into a shojo manga and discuss Force philosophy. Shit gets weird.Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-14 20 
37367313Sith Apprentice Quest Part 7The potential blossoming of young romance paired with the scheming of a Chiss woman who has her eyes on Xanth. What could go wrong?Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-14 23 
37381002Sith Apprentice Quest Part 8Doubt and intrigue is the name of the game. Who can we really trust if anyone? Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest, 2015-01-15 21 
37388367Sith Apprentice Quest Part 9We go full waifu then immediately flirt with Cael'la and Brine gets silly because he is tired.Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-15 21 
37396725Sith Apprentice Quest Part 10Time skip stuffSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-16 20 
37406079Sith Apprentice Quest Part 11Hunting trips and Nivah goes yadereSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-01-16 21 
37421875Sith Apprentice Quest Part 12Xanth lets loose the beast withinSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-01-17 21 
37427360Sith Apprentice Quest Part 13We meet Loric and get a puppySith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-01-17 21 
37453946Sith Apprentice Quest Part 14Cael'la rides a worm and Xanth rides a little too hard and gets soreSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-01-18 21 
37467545Sith Apprentice Quest Part 15We kill the worm and decide not to be dragon slayersSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-01-19 21 
37478947Sith Apprentice Quest Part 16The D is delivered and promises of future pastebinsSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-01-19 23 
37499983Sith Apprentice Quest Part 17We go into the fuuuutuuuuuuure with time skipsSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-01-20 27 
37507482Sith Apprentice Quest Part 18Tharon starts acting stalkery and people get paranoidSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-01-21 20 
37519663Sith Apprentice Quest Part 19People get mad when you kill the biggest threat in the Academy without a scratch, news at 11Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-01-21 20 
37551077Sith Apprentice Quest Part 20We spar with Master Jorrak and everyone lags to shitSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-23 21 
37559727Sith Apprentice Quest Part 21Master Jorrak reveals his past and wisdom for events to come. Also possible threesomes.Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-23 20 
37572703Sith Apprentice Quest Part 21Arguments and exciting new possibilities on the threesome frontSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-24 21 
37579746Sith Apprentice Quest Part 23It's happening kidsSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-24 20 
37596194Sith Apprentice Quest Part 24The plot thickens and we argue about sistersSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-25 20 
37619918Sith Apprentice Quest Part 25We get a lead on our stalkerSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-26 21 
37640827Sith Apprentice Quest Part 26We find out about Loric's mom and we're not in deep shit no sirSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest, 2015-01-27 20 
37680444Sith Apprentice Quest Part 27We give good luck kisses and catch a glimpse of Loric's motherSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-01-29 21 
37685649Sith Apprentice Quest Part 28We go to trial and people freak the fuck outSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-29 20 
37707438Sith Apprentice Quest Part 29Part two of the trial and Taral is missingSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-30 20 
37749705Sith Apprentice Quest Part 30Darth Languish takes special interest in usSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-31 20 
February 2015
37799863Sith Apprentice Quest Part 31We finally confront our stalker and learn thingsSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-02-03 14 
37884558Sith Apprentice Quest Part 32Things get lewderSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-02-07 13 
37907479Sith Apprentice Quest Part 33Time skip part one feat. Master YvalSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-02-08 13 
August 2015
42198013Sith Apprentice Quest Part 34Brine makes his triumphant returnSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-08-31 12 
September 2015
42261508Sith Apprentice Quest Part 35We complete our training and prep for the tournamentSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-09-03 16 
42333047Sith Apprentice Quest Part 36The tournament begins and be get Satan's blessingSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-09-07 12 
42343089Sith Apprentice Quest Part 37The tourney continues and the yandere button gets pushedSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-09-07 20 
42480084Sith Apprentice Quest Part 38The explosive bout between Xanth and RodrikSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-09-14 11 
42489059Sith Apprentice Quest Part 39Nivah and Cael'la have their fight and we notice some faces in the crowdSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-09-14 12 
42628096Sith Apprentice Quest Part 40We are confronted by Darth Languish and fight Nivah in the final matchSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-09-21 20 
42681759Sith Apprentice Quest Part 41We wrap up the tournament and Master Korr gives us the scoop on MastersSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-09-23 12 
42759131Sith Apprentice Quest Part 42We meet Darth Carn and have our first interviewSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-09-28 1 
42760671Sith Apprentice Quest Part 42 We meet Darth Carn and have our first interview Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-09-28 15 
October 2015
42944418Sith Apprentice Quest Part 43We are introduced to Darth Incarnus and our third potential MasterSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-10-08 12 
43079098Sith Apprentice Quest Part 44We have a heart to heart with Taral and prepare to (finally) choose our MasterSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-10-15 11 
43144208Sith Apprentice Quest Part 45At last we determine who will be our Master.Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-10-19 10 
43338152Sith Apprentice Quest Part 46The last month at the Academy passes, and we wake on graduation daySith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-10-29 11 
November 2015
43410421Sith Apprentice Quest Part 47We say our last goodbyes and make our way to Dromund Kaas with Darth IncarnusSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-11-02 14 
43656411Sith Apprentice Quest Part 48We meet Zyr'rha and spar with Darth IncarnusSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-11-16 10 
43774826Sith Apprentice Quest Part 49We arrive on Dromund Kaas and get into a shower with our MasterSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-11-23 11 
December 2015
44020820Sith Apprentice Quest Part 50We get armored up and meet Watcher 18Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-12-06 14 
September 2016
619693Sith Apprentice Quest Part 51Brine makes his triumphant return... again.Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2016-09-26 24 
October 2016
646429Sith Apprentice Quest Part 52We git gud at the Force and then have some dreams and stuff.Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2016-10-03 20 
676442Sith Apprentice Quest Part 53We go on our first mission and rip a Trandoshan in halfSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2016-10-13 12 
704321Sith Apprentice Quest Part 54We encounter and Mandolorian and two Jedi, and manage to talk our way out of a fight.Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2016-10-19 11 
736688Sith Apprentice Quest Part 55We get off of Nar Shaddaa and encounter a Republic cruiser. Also vacation!Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2016-10-28 10 
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This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

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Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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