/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

March 2015
38769320DBZ Human Quest #103Lizard squadron triumphs in the great samefag war of 2015. Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, DBZ Human Quest2015-03-18 11 
April 2015
39638346DBZ Human Quest #132Pointless drama.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, DBZ Human Quest, Who actually writes every character that appeared in the thread in the tags its fucking stupid2015-04-29 7 
May 2015
39795196DBZ Human Quest #139PftthahahahahaDBZ, DBZ Human Quest, Collective Game, Sominus2015-05-07 1 
39797962DBZ Turtle Quest First and FinalCell starts stomping around on Goturtle's hood and he ain't having none of that.DBZ, DBZ Turtle Quest, Collective Game, Turtles, Fun2015-05-07 7 
39797500DBZ Space Alcoholic QuestA hungover Arcosian sobers up for a meeting of grave importance with Cooler, concerning a planet named Earth. DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-07 28 
39814931DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #2In which Arctus travels to Earth, and things get weirdDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-08 28 
39821258DBZ Human Quest #140We're back, and meet back up with Trunks, maybeDBZ Human Quest, Quest, Collective Game, DBZ, Human, Quest, Xenoverse2015-05-08 -1 
39853636DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #3In which Arctus parties, learns, dreams, and talks to an old slug before trainingEail, DBZ, Collective Game, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Dragon Ball2015-05-10 20 
39881570DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #4In which Arctus discovers bacon, SCIENCE, and trains with the humans.DBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-11 21 
39878934DBZ Space Alcoholic Discussion QM sets a thread to talk about the directions taken in #3 and where does the Anon want to follow from there. Anon is surprisingly united.DBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-11 5 
39903934DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #5In which Arctus trains with Big Green and Gohan, drinks with Bulma, and meets someone specialDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-12 22 
39920576DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #6In which Arctus preps for the invasion, only to be completely off guard by what happens next.DBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-13 20 
39941388DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #7In which we plot, hack, and sabotage.DBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-14 14 
39959899DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #8In which Arctus fights Saiyans, Vegeta gets swole, and we fuck off to spaceDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-15 14 
39977611DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #9Arctus prepares to go after the Emperium's officers.DBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-16 10 
39982765DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #9.5In which Arctus bodies a PredatorDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-16 10 
39998110DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #10In which Arctus faces himselfDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-17 10 
40040404DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #11In which Arctus god damn it NappaDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-19 10 
40079879DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #12In which Arctus plugs a leak and goes too farDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-21 10 
40086200DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #13In which Arctus and Vegeta meet special peopleDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Space Monkeys Quest, Chuckles2015-05-21 10 
40098318Space Alcoholic Quest #14In which Eail tries to screw us over for no good reason.DBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Space Monkeys Quest, Chuckles2015-05-22 10 
40103982DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #14.5In which Arctus fights more and nobody is ever happyDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-22 10 
40120078DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #1In which we meet our MC and friendsDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-05-23 17 
40136003DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #15In which we spar with Nappa and get an interesting messageDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-05-24 10 
40141795DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #2In which Bruce is literally the hypeDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-05-24 13 
40164377DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #3In which Bruce makes Raditz believe in himself and gets a missionDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-05-25 10 
40170683DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #4In which Bruce begins the missionDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-05-25 10 
40171703Cell: A Quest for Perfection #1We are larval Cell, Krillin fails to kill us, we drink Gero's brain and decide he's crazy, and we drink some goatsCell, Quest for Perfection, Collective Game, DBZ 2015-05-26 9 
40229944DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #5Bruce and friends decide to hangout with Bardock and Eail's internet can't handle the HYPEDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-05-28 11 
40249530DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #6In which Bruce is One Punch ManDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-05-29 10 
June 2015
40324763DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #16In which Arctus is a bargain bin leftoverDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-06-02 12 
40390756DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #7In which Bruce spars with Bardock and Hanasia more and we go homeDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-06-05 12 
40413303DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #8In which we spar with Hanasia and hang out with Raditz's familyDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-06-06 11 
40457314DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #17In which Eail archives early to be safeDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-06-08 8 
40524111DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #18In which we arrive to face PilgrimDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-06-11 10 
40629087DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #19In which we party like it's 2015DBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-06-16 10 
40727619DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #9In which we meet the QueenDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-06-21 10 
40816740DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #9.5In which we spend time with Lil 'GetaDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-06-25 8 
40867948DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #20In which Arctus heads for homeDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-06-28 10 
July 2015
41041263DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #10In which we've got a mystery on our hands gangDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-07-06 5 
41144229DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #21In which we BOX OF SCRAPSDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-07-11 10 
41168570Eail's Quest Discussion ThreadIn which QM Eail and his fans discuss current and possible future questsDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Saiyan, Chuckles, Metal Gear, Kingdom Hearts2015-07-12 0 
41309303DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #11In which Bruce learns from Nappa and visits the Bardock familyDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-07-19 6 
41400203DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #22In which we're homeDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-07-23 10 
41465305DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #23 In which adventures with WhisDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-07-26 10 
August 2015
41627812DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #12In which we visit HanasiaDBZ, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-08-03 6 
41756270DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #24In which we continue universe jumpingDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-08-09 8 
41878602DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #25In which we meet a very special HumanDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-08-15 10 
42204222DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #26In which we leave Whis behindDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-08-31 10 
September 2015
42524410DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #27In which we are all we ever needed to be, ArctusDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-09-16 11 
October 2015
43025982DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #28In which we finish our time in the TestDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-10-12 10 
November 2015
43491872DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #29In which we head back to EarthDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-11-06 8 
43645853DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #30In which Arctus gets really, really deep giggity DBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-11-15 7 
43731699DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #31In which we interact with Towa and a TruffleDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-11-20 8 
December 2015
44200399DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #32In which we spar with GokuDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2015-12-16 7 
January 2016
44527079DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #33In which Arctus shit talks a TyrantDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2016-01-03 7 
February 2016
45387857DBZ Saiyan Warrior Quest #34In which Arctus talks to a pickleDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball2016-02-13 6 
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This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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