
[#] derp
08:31pm UTC - 6/04/2008

So, uh, the server kinda fell over at 4am and I failed to notice until 2pm. wupslol sorry about that. I'm thinking I need to replace the power supply, since the fan keeps making horrible noises and is likely the culprit for the shutdown (overheating). I'll jump on Newegg tonight and find a replacement.

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] Random Thread Viewer
12:26am UTC - 5/22/2008

I stayed home from work today to make up for all the days I've dragged my stupid ass in through sickness the past couple weeks, so I went and added a Random Thread Viewer. It just picks a thread at random, and shows the entry in the archive and lets you vote on it. Nothing special, but it's a good way to kill time and vote on old threads.

Also for the nth time, the archive shows ONLY THE LAST SIXTY (60) DAYS BY DEFAULT. If your old favorite thread seems to be missing, it's not, you idiot, click Show All Threads and it's under there or use Search. Come on guise, it's not that hard to read directions.

~Lord Licorice

Burn, baby!

[#] derp
10:37am UTC - 5/19/2008

... uh. I had something to post and now I don't remember what it was. I guess it wasn't really that important.

Oh! Uh. Wait. I remember now. Okay. See threads like this? Don't archive these. Idiots. Even more to the point:

"Its current score is 0 after 8 votes." That means four people voted against it, and four people voted in favor of it.


In other news, I'm going to add a random thread button or something that will let you read a random thread from the archive and vote on it. This should help get more votes put into older threads (pre-voting) that would otherwise just stay permanently zero. In other other news we've got a UO shard running, though it's not really for public consumption yet; I think the MUD's falling by the wayside but we'll see what happens.

ps. don't archive shit you twats, wait for some real fucking content before you add it, don't add it because you think it will eventually have content, christ

~Lord Licorice

Burn, baby!

[#] MUD Reboot at 11:00pm EDT NEVERMIND
09:34am UTC - 5/10/2008

Attention! I will be rebooting the MUD at approximately 11:00pm EDT tonight (Saturday May 10). If you are an immortal and are working on an area, you must use the savearea command (or fully finalize your zone with installarea) or your work will be lost! (After the restart, type loadarea to reload your zone; installed areas are always reloaded automatically.) You should always habitually use savearea just to ensure your work is saved, since a crash could occur at any time without warning and it sucks losing saved work, but this is my official forewarning on an official scheduled restart. Don't forget!

Uh... nevermind. The MUD restarted itself at 6:00am for maintenance or something. I kept receiving these warning messages like "the skies turn dark, the magic around you becomes unstable, thunder and lightning crashes," etc. and didn't know what it meant. Then the MUD restarted itself at 6:00am sharp... and I lost all my work. Don't worry! Anyone that actually used savearea/foldarea is fine, just use loadarea when you come back in. I lost my shit because I'd accidentally been working in the wrong number range... so every time I saved my progress, I was saving the wrong data. So I lost everything, but it was only my shit and it was my own stupid fault, so no worries. (Plus the vast majority of it was writing programs, which I had in my history, so no loss there anyway. Just annoyance.)

~Lord Licorice

Oh well.

[#] oh hai, i updated ur archive
05:13am UTC - 5/09/2008

I made a little change to the archive to hopefully make it a little less... lagtacular. See, it's kinda pointless and takes forever to load if every single thread item appears at once; so, instead, the archive now just shows the last 60 days of threads. You can View All at any time, of course, but this should hopefully increase load speeds for peoples. Additionally, sorting by score now just shows the 'highest' (over zero) and 'lowest' (under zero), hiding totally neutral or unvoted threads.

We're learning more on how to use the MUD; we've started actually creating new stuff (oh shit Xom riding a 50-foot butter golem D:) and it's going well. I'm going to start plotting out Candyland and actually doing my best to write some interesting areas. We'll see how far we get, but it'll be fun nonetheless!

~Lord Licorice

Burn, baby!

10:57am UTC - 5/08/2008

y helo thar 5am how r u today

Oh, uh, yeah, I was going to make an update like an hour ago and forgot. Repeatedly. The MUCK probably will never go anywhere (despite being infinitely easier to program than the MUD), so I've installed the MUD on the server (it should be running all the time now) and left the MUCK alone. You can reach the MUD at on port 4000. I'm going to write a quick walkthrough for the beginning (since it's fairly nonintuitive) and try and fix some of the more glaring issues, then start actually worldbuilding a bit. Anyone with MUD experience or who just wants a god account/character just let me know and I'll make you one.

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] Of MUDs and MUCKs
10:27am UTC - 5/06/2008

What is my fascination with technology that mostly exists on pages dated "Copyright 1999"? I know I've got other projects to do, like finishing the DH chargen (just need to let it save to a database), continue cleaning out the archive, maybe do more work on the bots...

So what do I do instead? I start screwing around with MUDs and MUCKs because I am apparently a masochist. (Well, not a super masochist but we'll get to that.) It turns out it's exceedingly easy to actually *host* a MUD or MUCK, to the point where I can just unzip and run it from my desktop. We fucked around with it a bit (I recreated Candyland in the MUCK) but when we went to the MUD, I ran into more problems.

See, for a MUCK it's really easy to create objects, rooms, etc. because it's basically just text descriptions. With few exceptions, you can build a MUCK fairly rapidly without needing much programming knowledge. @dig room, @describe room, @create items, @describe items, @open door, @dig a new room... With MUDs, of course, you need to define stats and actions for everything. Every creature has to have the full gamut of stats, abilities, drops, speech, and so on. Rooms are more difficult to make and describe, every item has to have attributes assigned to it... it's exponentially more involved than a MUCK/MUSH because it actually focuses on combat.

Add to this the fact you need to either do all of the content creation in-game, or through a text editor messing with the esoteric raw files, and it becomes a massive pain in the ass. I really would like to play around with this, make some kind of fucked up /tg/ MUD, but I need a server that was written sometime in the past half-decade and I absolutely require an offline editor with a decent GUI. We were playing around with SmaugFUSS until I realized the editor that worked with it only works with something five versions out-of-date.

So, /tg/, if you have any suggestions on MUD server software with an external editor, I'd be extremely grateful.

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] sup May
08:49pm UTC - 5/03/2008

Well, a new month is upon us, and you know what that means: It's time for a culling!

The following threads in the archive have all had scores of -5 or lower by the end of last month; some of them hit that mark quickly and stayed there after their initial archival, others descended slowly over the month. Given their rating and the general descriptions, the following threads will have been deleted by the time you read this:

Pre-culling: 1.92GB; post-culling, 1.81GB

I may go back and kill some of the other threads I mentioned in my last reaping-related post (and have, such as the Monster Girl thread and the fa/tg/uy image dump). We'll see how it goes.

~Lord Licorice

Burn, baby!

[#] DH CharGen Almost Done!
08:47am UTC - 4/30/2008

The Dark Heresy Character Generator is just about finished. All I need to do is make it save characters to a database and it's completed. You can start using the DH chargen now if you'd like. One feature I may add is the ability to select your class as well as your homeworld, but I think that will take more effort than it's worth and mostly encourage people to hit Refresh until they get a bunch of high rolls.

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] DH CharGen Nearing Completion
08:23am UTC - 4/29/2008

It's been a short while since my last update. Nothing major to report; the archive voting seems to be going smoothly and nothing's on fire, so that's always good. I've been working on the DH chargen, the data is all entered so now I need to do the actual coding. Since I've already got the WHFRP to crib from, it should come along fairly quickly.

I'm pretty sure I was going to say something else, but now I can't recall it for the life of me. Anyway, yes, the DH CharGen should be done shortly. I'm not sure what my next project will be, or even what my current project should have been, but we'll see. I guess I'll take votes again on my next project, but I'm going to wait until the DH chargen is really and truly finished before I even start thinking about anything else.

Oh! I remembered! We're going to try another Dwarf Fortress succession game. Stop by the chat if you're interested. We're going to modify the raws for this one, to allow cat bones to be used for nearly any crafting item in the game. Cat bone mugs decorated with cat bone, cat bone beds, cat bone instruments, cat bone everything. The fortress will subsist as entirely from cat meat as possible. Cat Fortress will be glorious.

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] HOLY SHIT :D :D :D
05:05am UTC - 4/23/2008


Fuck yes Lolcron you are the best drawfag ever

~Lord Licorice

[#] lolflamethrower
12:00pm UTC - 4/18/2008

Why can't I get to bed at a reasonable hour anymore? At least I was actually, you know, working on something. No, not that. No, not that either. No, I haven't even started th-- you know what, here:

Here Be Dragons and Sagefags

~Lord Licorice

[#] Delicious Artwork, Site Reshuffling
10:20am UTC - 4/18/2008

I'm doing some basic cleanup on some of the oft-underutilized pages recently, such as the Epic Lulz page (now rebranded Images and Artwork), cleaning up the Reading page (now Reading and Links) under Resources, and tonight or tomorrow adding an About page and some legal disclaimers and all that happy crap.

Speaking of art, though, I've moved all of Dagda's epic art archives over into a new sup/tg/-specific folder and have started ripping image threads directly into the art directory itself. Unlike the rest of my images, the art threads and Dagda's archives are really easy to maintain in terms of organization, so it shouldn't get nearly as cluttered or disorganized as, say, the general /tg/ image folders.

The archive voting seems to be doing quite well. We've had our first 10+ epic thread (a Doc Aquatic thread, naturally) and some awful threads have dipped below -10 to be hidden from view (only a scratch on the surface but hey, it's something). The more people vote, the better the archives will become, so get to it!

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] Archive Voting in Progress
05:15am UTC - 4/17/2008

I am currently in the process of adding voting capabilities to the archive. Until I'm finished, you will not be able to add new threads to the archive, though the rest of the archive (and site in general) should function just fine for the duration. If shit explodes, don't worry, I'll fix it eventually (though you might want to mention it in the chat just in case).

Update 2:05am: Success! The sup/tg/ thread archive now features voting, along with handy-dandy color-coding of awesome threads, a special Editor's Choice category for my own personal picks, and auto-hiding of shit threads at -10 votes and under. Please feel free to go through and vote to your heart's content, and if you find something broken please feel free to drop in the chat and yell at me.

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

09:10am UTC - 4/16/2008

Okay, in T-Minus a few minutes I'm going to be deleting most or all of the threads mentioned below. If someone wants me to preserve a thread, NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE YOUR CASE FOR IT.

Updated at 4:55am: Reaping completed! There are still a few loose ends, like what to do with the Shas threads. The updated stats:

Before After
  • 459 threads
  • 1.68GB total size on disk
  • 23,610 files
  • 431 threads
  • 1.53GB total size on disk
  • 21,984 files

All in all, not that much, but it's a start. This was a first pass removing the worst offenders (and there's still some left to remove, at that); next will be for quality and content, though this may be handled largely by the thread voting I'm going to start as the next project. That should let me just outright kill stuff that's voted down below a certain level. Here's my start on the next batch:

You can see information about what was removed, updated and left alone here. I've also added a new art section which will get properly linked up and organized. It's mostly Dagda's image threads. I'll throw in some other stuff from another folder I've got elsewhere, and we should have a shitload of art resources for inspiration.

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

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