
11:06am UTC - 7/29/2008

It's really, obscenely late, so I'll make this quick: Ruler has been made the first (and so far only) IRC Operator other than myself on sup/tg/. It's taken me a while to finally let up my iron death-grip on the server, but Ruler has more than proven his ability and desire to keep the peace and improve the quality of life on sup/tg/. If you need help with something, please feel free to PM or /ms either Ruler or myself and we will be happy to do our best.

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

08:45am UTC - 7/28/2008

It's my HURRthday!

~Lord Licorice

[#] More DH Work
10:15am UTC - 7/27/2008

I've done some more basic work on the character generator after skipping Friday night due to mysterious illness (my wrist was in screaming pain for no readily apparent reason). I'm liking the new layout already, which you can view here. As with the previous incarnation of the chargen, the vast majority of the time to complete it will be simple data entry, namely entering all the statistics, skills, class information, etc., then adding it all up and making sure the output looks right when it's complete. I'm going to try my best to use the data I already have in the PHP version, but I'm still going to have to duplicate a lot of the work.

I still need to get my hands on the background packages information from the Inquisitor's Handbook, but it should be fairly trivial to add the new information. (It should be easy enough to make special exceptions, e.g. disallow Sororitas as a class for male characters, and/or force the gender as 'female' if Sororitas is chosen; now that I think about it, simply forcing the gender to 'female' will probably be easier in the long run, since gender is technically one of the last things to choose.) The special packages and ability to create higher-ranked characters shouldn't be too difficult to implement, though I haven't really looked at it too closely just yet.

Lastly, I realized that a character sheet pre-printed with all the stat values might be annoying, since you won't be able to just erase it when you're using it. Then I remembered that a lot of the people that use the DH generator are DMs that want a quick method of rolling NPCs, and in that case they wouldn't care about the stats being pre-written onto the paper, so I'm going to try and do it anyway. (Yes, I realize I'm mostly justifying this to myself, but I figured I'd comment in case it dawned on someone else as well.) A "printer friendly" text-only version will also be available for players so they can fill in their own sheets.

Edity: Oh, and 4chan is still down. Delicious DDoSing is delicious. You'd think Moot would set the DNS for 4chan to localhost so his poor webhosting company stops getting hammered and he stops having bandwidth wasted, but... Oh well. He must have his reasons for keeping the DNS set the way it is, other than the really high TTL he has set for 4chan for whatever reason. Honestly, during problems like this, he should just point 4chan to someone he doesn't like and let them get DDoSed instead.

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] oh god so tired
11:20am UTC - 7/25/2008

5:20 in the morning? Holy crap I need sleep goddamnit.

I've been asked to change the DH chargen to allow a player to pick and choose nearly every aspect of their character during generation, making it less of a random character generator and more of a character building utility. The previous chargen will still be there, but I'm essentially starting from scratch with the new stuff; PHP is great, but this requires the page to be updated per user input without refreshing it, so I need to redo just about everything in Javascript for the new chargen.

You can see the preliminary work here. I've also included the ability to choose your starting class as well on the regular generator, though it's still tied to your homeworld (since just about every stat, bonus and descriptor is derived from that starting trait). My goal is to allow the player to choose traits et al. that could have been rolled randomly, so the chargen won't let you pick a starting class that's unavailable to the chosen homeworld.

I think I was going to say something else, but it's 5:25am now. I'm sleeping. I need a "so tired" icon for frontpage updates or something. Oh, yeah, one last thing, my goal after the new improved customizable chargen is done is to take all of your stats and print them directly onto an actual Dark Heresy charsheet image, which you could then print out directly. I think that would probably be a decent "printable version" though I'll also have raw text output as well.


~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

06:58am UTC - 7/24/2008


Oh, um, right. Post. So, first, the Succession Game is underway; it's currently Beryl's turn. (Sadly, he had the first two seasons completed before DF crashed and he had to start over...) My journal will be here when it's ready (along with everyone else's contributions). If I could concentrate for even half a minute tonight, I'd start working on my entries, but... it may have to wait a day.

I received a rather surprising email today from Ross Watson, the new senior RPG developer for Dark Heresy at Fantasy Flight Games; either via Google or a post in the FFG forums, he came across the Dark Heresy character generator and - rather than sending me a C&D or DMCA complaint - asked if I'd like to improve it. So, I'm going to be finally finishing the character save feature, adding a couple other touches, and any other suggestions he happens to have. The same goes for you lot: Is there anything you'd like to see added to the DH or WHFRP chargens? Are there any other systems that could use a decent chargen?

Nothing much else to report. Xen hosting stuff is still ongoing, my company's external closed beta will start pretty soon and hopefully the service will go live in the first couple weeks of August. I'll be moving most if not all of sup/tg/ onto it; between the constant server failures and the simple bandwidth and power provided by the Xen machines, I would be a fool not to take advantage of it. My birthday's coming up on the 28th, good a time as any to buy myself a new coffee maker since I broke the carafe from the old one. And... um... bacon. Mmm, bacon.

Oh, yes, right, last bit. This site could use a bit of an overhaul. Even just a changing banner graphic in the upper-left corner would be nice. If anyone's got suggestions or actual graphics to use, I'm all for it. Additional suggestions for the layout would be good.

Edity: Note to self: DH chargen now includes ability to pick starting class; it needs to change available classes based on chosen starting world or something, or at least let the player know if the chosen starting world conflicts with the chosen class. Better yet, choosing a class first should restrict the planets from which the player can come. After this is settled, add the "save character" feature, add the ability to choose a starting class to WHFRP as well, and add a "printer friendly" version of the stats for both.

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] General Update
10:29am UTC - 7/18/2008

Wow, it's been a while since I've written a front page update; nearly half a month. A lot's been going on recently, so I haven't really had the time or need to write an update. Well, let's see... first things first, an update on the server itself: I don't know what's wrong with it. It keeps crapping out and I don't entirely understand why. I'm going to look into picking up a simple fan this weekend because I'm still fairly certain the issue is in regards to overheating; it worked just fine in the wintertime but with summer rolling around, the thing is just running into overheating problems and I can't risk losing the machine to these repeated crashes.

However, this may all become a moot point, because my company (I work for The Internetâ„¢) is going to start offering Xen hosting services. I'll very likely move all of sup/tg/ over to Xen wholesale. I was only going to move a few things or simply provide redundancy for what exists, but if these failures don't stop, I'm just going to push everything onto the hosted services and leave it at that. If I do decide I want to keep certain things local (e.g. thread archival and file uploads), the IRC will be moving to the Xen hosting to ensure it's always up no matter what happens to my box at home.

In addition to providing redundancy for sup/tg/ and the IRC, I'm also going to be able to use Xen to host just about any game server I could possibly ever need. We're going to have a sup/tg/ TF2 and Battlegrounds 2 server at the very least, for starters, and include anything and everything up to old-school BBS games like Tradewar and the MUD, Aliens versus Predator 2, Natural Selection, and so on and so forth. If I can host a server in *nix, I can host it on Xen.

Let's see, let's see, what else... I saw Dark Knight tonight, and it was fucking incredible. Heath Ledger... man, I really truly wish he hadn't died. I don't think I can get enough of him as The Joker. It's... a phenomenal performance. If you haven't seen it yet, see it.

Oh, now I remember: The new version of Dwarf Fortress is now out and with it are a whole slew of new features, mostly world-gen shit, including lengthy legends, war histories, and world generation parameters that let you build your own world to your desires, from a hellish post-apocalyptic nightmare world to an island world to this:

Spooky world.

Unless I can somehow manage to build an entire normal-style world that's entirely Haunted, this will suffice. We're going to start a new DF Succession game, starting here:

Haunted, chasm, adamantine? Sign me up!

Yep, that's right: Haunted warm woodlands with - get this - a brook, magma, an underground river, a chasm, adamantine, and no aquifier. It's even got sand for glass and a soil layer for farming! I didn't even really try hard to build this world and I've found such a wonderful starting point! I'll regale you all with some tales of its histories at a later time, perhaps; but tomorrow or Saturday, I shall strike the earth and begin our new fortress.

Well, that's all for now. Some of the sup/tg/ doods want to start making their own front page updates, which will be cool, but right now I'm a bit busy at work and with just keeping the server up and running in general, let alone writing new material. We'll see though.

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] Power Supply Replacement
08:27am UTC - 6/30/2008

So, after coming home to find the server had gone down for a third time in twelve hours - and also hearing the horrific grinding noises the power supply made when I turned it back on - I have finally replaced the fucking thing with a new one. I'm extremely glad I'm such a packrat when it comes to... well, everything, but in this case, holding onto a spare power supply from another machine has allowed me - a couple years after initially deciding to keep it - to easily and quickly replace the broken part.

Hopefully these shenanigans with the server falling over at random will be at an end (knock on wood). I can physically feel the difference in the air flow coming out of the new power supply, so it should no longer grind-'n-die.

~Lord Licorice


[#] 0100100001010101010001110101001100100001
11:02am UTC - 6/29/2008

~Lord Licorice

06:30am UTC - 6/27/2008

Wikifag's new /tg/-specific wiki,, is up and running. Go and add shit!

Edity: Just to clarify, isn't my project, or a sup/tg/ project; it's a /tg/ project.

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] Holy shit awesome
06:40am UTC - 6/25/2008

This Paintchat thing is probably the best thing I've ever hosted.

Muju and Lolcron, BFF.

I wish I had even a fraction of Muju's (left) or Lolcron's (right) talent. Holy shit. We've been saving the awesome images on the Paintchat here if you want to browse them.

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] Random deletions
08:25am UTC - 6/23/2008

I was dealing with some other shit and realized there are some crap threads that deserve deletion:

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] oshi--
11:22am UTC - 6/19/2008

So I log into the PaintChat to see if it's still running (due to earlier issues) and find the following:

Oh my.

I... I don't even... I'm not even sure what to say. Words fail me. I think I'm honored, or something.

Shortly after discovery of Chink's wonderful gift, of course, some asshole went and started scribbling over people's stuff while they were in the middle of drawing it. This led me to go and create a whole password protection system for the PaintChat. I can turn off the login system whenever I want, though, so at the moment this means it's still publicly available; however, when trolls rear their ugly heads, I will be able to easily keep our drawfags safe from the ravening hordes. It'll probably start along the lines of "if you ask for the single existing username and password in the chat that's good enough" until someone inevitably fucks that up and we go to individual registrations.

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] PaintChat!
09:35am UTC - 6/15/2008

sup/tg/ now has a PaintChat! Come in and watch /tg/ drawfags at work. Just please don't draw dongs on things; it would make them sad. ;_; Maybe now I'll finally, gradually work my way up from such hideously childish scribbles like the one following this post.

There's not much else to report. I may be replacing the server soon, but at the same time the server I've got does reasonably well, and its replacement would be either pretty even or possibly inferior in terms of processor and RAM. Still, something that's been built more recently and consumes less power would be nice.

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] Ffffff.
07:04am UTC - 6/12/2008

Delicious archived trolling is delicious and deleted.

There are, obviously, a lot more to be removed (including some *new* image threads), but I have some other stuff to do.

~Lord Licorice

Burn, baby!

[#] June Purging
10:15pm UTC - 6/05/2008

Well, it's the beginning of a new month, so it's time to clean the shit out of the archives from the old month. Let's go!

Well shit, actually it does look like the same person keeps adding these shit threads!, see me after class.

| title                                         | score |
| Medivh the Keeper of Secrets                  |   -11 |
| Star Wars Vs WH                               |   -10 |
| Ultralisks                                    |    -8 |
| Females in WH                                 |    -1 |
| Gladiatorial Combat                           |    -1 |
| Armour                                        |    -1 |
| Pick my WH40k Army!!                          |    -1 |
| Is Tau technology superior to the Imperium's? |    -1 |
| Plot advancement? In MY 40K?                  |    -1 |
| Tau Advice                                    |     0 |
| Battleships Forever                           |     0 |
| Imperium, FUCK YEAH!                          |     0 |
| C&C in 40k                                    |     0 |
| Codex: Rogue Traders again                    |     1 |
| Why Orks have no chance against Tyranids      |     1 |
| Puns                                          |     1 |
| Warhammer 40,000 MMO                          |     1 |
| Blood Bowl Online                             |     1 |
| Whose worst is best?                          |     1 |
| Loli Army                                     |     1 |
| Revised Goo Girl Stats                        |     2 |
| The Great Crusade                             |     2 |
| Imperial Battleships                          |     3 |
| Can Love Bloom? Love Can Bloom                |     3 |
| Epic Fail to Epic Win                         |     4 |
| Codex: Rogue Traders                          |     6 |
| Monster Girls 2                               |     7 |
| Monstergirl Template                          |     8 |
| Map Making Tutorial                           |     9 |
| Monster Girls                                 |    10 |
| Monster Girls game                            |    17 |
31 rows in set (0.01 sec)

If you are, please stop by the chat. I'd like to have a little talk with you about the quality of the things you've been adding. Clearly, some of them were popular (Monster Girls) and clearly some of them were absolutely not (everything with a score of 2 and less).

Continuing on:

Before: 2.66GB
After: 2.56 GB

No, this is only a partial cleansing at the moment; I've been doing the deletion manually to make sure I don't fuck it up, but at this point I think it's more likely that I'll make a mistake if I don't write myself a short, automated method. TO THE LAB!

Update: Okay, made myself a page. It would have gone a lot faster if I hadn't been an idiot initially, but live and learn.

Another 70MB of crap removed. I'm feeling horrible right now so I'm going to go ahead and stop cleaning right now... fuck, need to lie down or something...

~Lord Licorice

Burn, baby!

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