
09:09am UTC - 4/14/2008


Seriously guys, being on sup/tg/ doesn't make you part of any super special clique. It's a resource for /tg/ to use as /tg/ sees fit. The people that use this site do not "get shit done" because they come here, they get shit done on their own and happen to utilize the resources I provide - the archives, the IRC, games listing, and other myriad features.

If you think otherwise, and more importantly, if you bawww on /tg/ about how being here somehow makes you more special than everyone else, you can kindly fuck off. sup/tg/ is not your personal army because no one on 4chan is your personal army; claiming to be part of sup/tg/, name-dropping the site and its frequent visitors - and most especially my name - is bullshit. (Let me tell you, there are few faster ways of getting on my bad side than dropping my name into a conversation that doesn't involve me, as if I'm going to lend some sort of weight or credence to your arguments by simple association. I am not some bound spirit for you to invoke, I do not work that way.)

The only person that speaks for sup/tg/ as a whole is myself, and only then when I'm specifically speaking about sup/tg/; since I try to remain neutral in all things, and the site by its very definition is neutral, anyone trying to claim sup/tg/ is on their "side" is simply full of shit. Furthermore, my personal opinions on a topic do not reflect the opinions of anyone else, and do not reflect the way this site functions.

The picture above is extremely related. Everyone is welcome here, guys. Let's make sure everyone feels that way, okay?

~Lord Licorice

Oh well.

08:28am UTC - 4/04/2008

Still adding threads for deletion. Here's my preliminary list so far:

They'll probably be gone in a half hour or so; I'm too tired now, SQUAD BROKEN. This is my note-to-self list of shit that needs removing. If you see something that you want to keep or have some to remove, let me know. The image threads will be moved to a new Epic Art section, and the Epic page itself rearranged a bit for prettyness.

Furthermore to helping the archive out, I've added some guidelines for the types of threads I'd like to see archived, and I'm going to be adding a voting system. It'll be pretty simple; just a + to vote up and a - to vote down, and it will auto-hide threads according to your preferences with a default "view". Shit archived threads will be bumped down and hidden, and periodically purged with greater accuracy. (As opposed to me asking myself, "is this a good thread? Why was it archived? Why do I think it should be removed? Do I just not get it?" I'll be able to see that five, ten, twenty people down-voted it.)

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] :awesome:
06:40am UTC - 4/01/2008

Happy April Fool's Day! You can find the pages here.


~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] New Archive Search
07:15am UTC - 3/31/2008

Just a quick note, but I've added a Google-powered site search to the archive page. This should make it easy to find something in the rapidly-approaching-400-thread archives. Here:

New! Search sup/tg/ site and archives:

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] Music Player - Add Your Own Playlist!
12:25am UTC - 3/31/2008

It's done! You can now create your very own custom playlists for the sup/tg/ Music Player! You can also direct link people to a specific playlist, like so, allowing you to quickly get players on the same songs and themes as you need.

In other site news, I'm also going to stare pruning shit threads from the archive. There's a lot of awful stuff in there, and I'm starting to clean them out as I find crap threads or as people recommend them. I've already killed two so far today (neither of which anyone would notice or care about). The list of those nominated for the chopping block are above.

If there are any others in particular that look awful, let me know so I can task them for removal, either by email or using the note program in IRC (/ms send LordLicorice whatever). Also, make sure you note the warning below about timezones, and check out DiceMaid!

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] DiceMaid! Also, PHP Timezones Suck
11:25pm UTC - 3/29/2008

Okay guise, PLEASE NOTE: The Etc/* timezones are counter-intuitive (Etc/GMT+1 is actually GMT-1 and vice-versa) and do not account for DST offsets. Please use an appropriate city/country instead (e.g. Europe/Copenhagen or Europe/Stockholm for GMT+1). Very special thanks to Purple for noticing this idiocy. Seriously, why would you do that, and then proceed to not fix it? Thanks PHP devs, I'm glad you recognize the fact it's backwards and wrong and then choose not to fix it, leaving it available for people to still get tripped up on.

Enough of that, though, because DiceMaid!

Will I dream, LL?

Jeanstealer is <3

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] Hugbox!
10:13pm UTC - 3/26/2008

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] So sleepy...
10:41am UTC - 3/22/2008

Gah. So tired. Why do I always feel compelled to create these updates at such a fucking crazy hour of the morning? Anyway, more work has been done on the music player; you can check out the basic tool here (it doesn't do anything at all yet, but it does show the lists). IRC is working out great so far, even visitors on networks where IRC is blocked seem to be able to get in using the alternate port of 9999. I'm also working on some bot scripts; I have some ambitious projects I'm thinking about doing, though at the moment DiceMaid-9001 is doing just fine.

I may need to revisit some of the other projects I've been putting off, like the Dark Heresy chargen (though I haven't heard any more requests or even comments about it since I stopped), a Hamachi listing (which should be really really easy to create, even if it gets to be a pain in the ass to prune it), and... and... fuck. I can't remember what else needs doing right now. So tired. I'm going the hell to bed.

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] Brief Update: Music Player Cookies
08:50am UTC - 3/11/2008

Brief update. I've been working on music player stuff, so don't be surprised if your chosen playlist gets changed or fails to load the first time. Just either clear your cookies and reload the site, or simply choose the desired playlist out of the new list. (The old lists are still there, their names just may be changed.)

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] Too Many Projects! Ruby-Based Dice Bot
10:24am UTC - 3/10/2008

Jesus, I went from looking for something to do to overwhelming myself with new projects!

So, I was looking for a lightweight IRC bot so we could have a permanent dice roller available on the server at all times, without having someone running it from their client 24/7. Since IRC servers aren't designed with these types of hangers-on in mind, you have to run some form of client that monitors and reacts to input on a given channel, which ups the memory usage ante considerably.

In searching for a command-line client that required no fully-functional IRC client to run, someone pointed me to the Bones dice bot for Ruby. I've heard of Ruby before and I figured, why the hell not? I'll give it a try. Of course, it wasn't working completely correctly right out of the gate, so now I'm learning Ruby just to mess around with the bot. I expect to make it more functional as time goes on, but everyone say hello to DiceMaid-9001.

Because of this Ruby project, I didn't do anything with the music player project yet. I still haven't finished some of the other projects, like the how-to for using FG/MT/ORPG and such. Last but not least, of course, I want to draw more icons for myself, but that all takes a real back burner to the site coding. Shit.

Also, it's 5:30 again. Goddamnit. I'm going the hell to bed now. PS: If someone has another suggestion for an extremely lightweight IRC bot, let me know. Ruby seems to still take up ~7MB of memory, which is much better than a standard IRC client by any measurement, but I still feel there could be lighter bots out there. A command-line IRC client of some crazy type would work great, especially if it had a way to hook existing bots into it. Otherwise I just have to write everything from scratch, which is fun, but I'm not an expert.

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] Customizable Playlists for Music Player
10:44am UTC - 3/09/2008

Well, it's technically 4:44am, but thanks to Daylight Assholes Time, it's now really 5:44am. Great. I'm glad today is Sunday and I have the day off.

Anyway, I came up with some ideas to allow people to build their own playlists for music currently hosted here on the site. There's a ton of music that's just not linked and I'm sick of these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane people telling me they're too lazy/technically inept to build their own playlist file. So I figured it would be easy enough to ma-- is that a Snakes on a Plane reference back there? Goddamn. -- to make a way for people to simply choose which songs they want and store it for sharing. A "random" playlist would be cool, too.

Still kinda working on getting zombies into Battlegrounds, though I'm still pretty sure it's not going to happen. It may very well be possible but I don't have enough experience with modding to do it. In other site news, nothing of interest is happening. IRC is working great, Meebo continues to randomly fail, haven't touched the Dark Heresy chargen, lots of lulz in the archives, etc.

Speaking of archives, I've had a request recently to add an archival program for /co/. Are there any other particular requests for particular boards? I'd prefer not to go outside of our little realm here, but /co/ has some decent stuff on it from time to time. So does /v/, but the encounters I've had with /v/irgins lately lead me to believe the underage B& jackoffs will shit all over it just because they can. More mature boards are something I'd considered, or at least quiet/laid-back boards. So, if you have a request, let me know. If I get enough votes for something I'll do it.

Edit: Oh yeah, and I need to write a tag/description search tool for the archive. I mean, you could just use Find in your browser, but a search tool is easy.

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] Wanted: Zombies in BG2
12:17pm UTC - 3/05/2008

God fucking damnit, after 5am again. What's wrong with me?

If anyone's ever heard of a mod or plugin that allows the spawning of zombies in the middle of other games, please let me know; I've tried all day today to spawn zombies in Battlegrounds and it's just not looking like it's going to happen. The best I seem to be able to do is use 'npc_create npc_zombie' and some 'ent_fire' commands to make them attack people, but 1) I don't know how to give the create command a target X/Y/Z, 2) I'd need a timer plugin to make them spawn specific places on a make, and 3) it crashes the connecting client if you disconnect and crashes the server on map change. Oh, and 4) 'npc_create' doesn't seem to be available on a standalone server.

I've got a copy of Zombie Horde, the most recent version before they vanished off the face of the internet, which I may be able to fuck around with to spawn NPC zombies of some kind... though not likely. So, help me internet! I must have zombies in my revolutionary war!

~Lord Licorice

Oh well.

[#] Battlegrounds 2 Dedicated Server
12:25pm UTC - 3/03/2008

jesus fuck me it's 5:30 again what is wrong with me



We've got a Battlegrounds 2 HLDS set up now, though it likely won't be running if you read this any time before 4:00pm EST, since the server's busy doing virus scanning and I can't be fucked to tell it to start the server on reboot when it's done. Anyway, if you have HL2 and want to play some revolutionary war fightan, jump in.

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] Archive Bug Fixed, X-COM Succession Game?
11:48am UTC - 2/29/2008

Thanks to an extremely long image thread, I realized there was a bug in the update script that caused it to create image files that were only three digits in length (e.g. 123.gif, 456.jpg). Normally this has no impact on archived threads, as it's a one-in-a-thousand shot of overwriting an existing image accidentally (or neglecting to download a new image, linking wrong thumbnail images, etc.), but when you get the number of images in a thread close to a hundred, issues start to make themselves known. I fixed the error, so it shouldn't happen again.

You're likely aware of how a Dwarf Fortress succession game works, with each player running the fortress for a year and passing the save off to the next player. Well, unfortunately, Grover Cleveland seems to have fallen off the face of the earth with the last Dwarf Fortress succession save, and I don't really care to continue until the Army Arc is completed or he comes back, so we should get a new game going. PurpleXVI brought up the idea of an X-COM succession game, where each player runs for a game month, which sounds fun... of course, I haven't played X-COM before, but it sounds like awesome, so maybe we'll do that next.

On the communications front, I've added a pre-chat interface to allow you to pick the type of chat you'd like to use and your default IRC username before it loads up both the IRC java applet and the Flash Meebo applet. This should help people that don't want one or the other avoid wasting resources, and it should also help people avoid accidental crashes or unexpected behavior as their browser tries to load two things at once like that. Let me know if you run into any problems or have any suggestions.

Last but not least, I did figure out how precisely to get a Battlegrounds server going without resorting to a stupid dedicated server. I may even install Metamod or whatever they're using these days for some real admin fun. We'll see, though, and as always it depends on demand. I'd like to get some Natural Selection going, but not everyone has a copy of Half-Life 1 or CS 1.6 to use to get access to it, which is rather unfortunate. It seems asinine that you don't just automatically gain access to HL1 mods with HL2, but that's Valve for you.

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] Idiots
12:17pm UTC - 2/29/2008

Happy Leap Day! I didn't realize it was some kind of special occasion, other than a result of our less-than-perfect system for keeping track of time, but Google had a special image for it so I figured it warranted a mention.

Man, people are stupid. There are, all told, probably thirty people that still play Battlegrounds for Half-Life 2. At any given time, there are two dozen servers, and of these servers only two are ever populated. So, of course, the admins on the two servers (owned and hosted by the same people, of course) are power-tripping, pencil-dicked motherfuckers that think they're awesome because they can ban people arbitrarily from a game they've played for "six years" that no one else gives a shit about, as they operate the only servers anyone ever uses anymore.

Don't worry, "B.O.D. GEN. SM{}KE" (yes, he really did spell "smoke" with fucking curly brackets), I won't soon forget your name. Whenever I need an example of unmitigated idiocy and how humans will cling to any scrap of power and authority they can possibly glean to make their pathetic lives seem infinitesimally less pathetic, I'll remember to bring you up. I'm sure if I ever need to interview you, you'll be right there where I fucking left you, squatting on the only hospitable islands in a sea of lonely desolation.

Oh, well, enough of my soapboxing. Anyway, this led me to recall just how little effort it takes to host a gaming server. Now, of course, hosting a gaming server takes a lot more bandwidth and processing power than the webserver and all the other services I run here at sup/tg/, so I can't run one 24/7, but if there are any particular requests or someone wants to schedule a /tg/ game of some kind, I think that'd be pretty fun. Battlegrounds and Natural Selection spring to mind as the top two contenders in that arena; anyone else has particular suggestions, let me know.

~Lord Licorice

Oh well.

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