
[#] More IRC Updates
12:11am UTC - 2/28/2008

The IRC server seems to be running just fine now. I've added a new entry on the webserver - - which will redirect you to the chat page on sup/tg/ if accessed in a web browser or allow you to connect directly if you're using an IRC client. I've added an alternate port, 9999, for users with restrictive campus firewalls and the like.

Rather than getting rid of Meebo, I've opted to use it as a kind of 'media channel'; the default chat view shows the IRC java applet (which works beautifully by the way) on top and the Meebo chat on the bottom. This also allows users who can't or don't want to use IRC to still be able to chat, and it allows IRC visitors to have the media viewer from Meebo. Yes, having two chats on the same page seems absolute overkill, but really, the same could be said of all religions of having multiple IRC channels open on the same network.

That's it, really. If you run into a problem or really hate one of the chats in particular, let me know. Different view types are available on the sidebar to let you choose one or the other of the chats, as well as to view the IRC in a different, more feature-rich applet. This all will shortly be handled by cookies and preferences settings and the like; I may even be able to find a way to get it to remember your IRC information for when you visit the page.

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.

[#] IRC Server
01:11am UTC - 2/26/2008

As nifty as the Meebo chatroom is, the inability to properly moderate and control it and the constant random disconnects are starting to move from simple annoyance to full-blown problem. I've installed an IRC server, but I've got really no idea how to operate the fucking thing. If anyone's had any experience installing and setting up an IRC server, please stop by or send me an email or something.

Nothing much else to report. I still haven't even started work on the DH chargen, which I really should do. The archival system hiccups every so often whenever Moot changes something in the Matrix, but other than that it seems to be doing well and it's getting to the point where a tag or description search tool will actually be useful. In other news, still haven't finished the VTT tutorials, but I did add a page for Roguelikes.

So, once again, if anyone has any clue about installing and configuring an IRC server and can lend a hand (what the fuck is a NickServ), please do so.

Oh, I suppose you're probably curious as to where the IRC channel is. Well, it's the same fucking server as everything else but nobody seems to have caught on, yet, so, is the server, on the standard port 6667. It's up and running, even if it doesn't have fancy login registration bullshit. Just try not to be morons and everything should be okay as-is.

~Lord Licorice

How does I Wacom?

[#] WHFRP CharGen is Complete!
11:36am UTC - 2/10/2008

Well, that took me far longer than I had estimated for some reason, but it's finished and works beautifully. You can now add your character to the database and link other players or DMs. I figure keeping characters for 14 days is sufficient, so I'll probably have it automatically delete stuff after a while.

Behold the glory of my Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay character generator here! Or perhaps behold other people's characters while you're at it!

In other, related news, Nasdaq of the Dark Heresy Wikia dropped by. I may start working on a DH generator next, and find some way to implement multiple random generators for each of the races and things made up by players for the Wikia. If I can find a way to load simple text files for new values, so people at the Wikia can more easily update or create files for a chargen, that would be pretty awesome. We'll see how it turns out.

Finally, I'm going to start looking (again) at getting IRC and using a Flash-based IRC client instead of Meebo. As much as I like the Meebo player, lack of control and weird errors are making me reconsider the awesomeness of that one component. If anyone has specific recommendations on server software or a Flash-based IRC client, please let me know at

Addendum: ... uhh... heh. Whoops. The FTP auto-ban was set to '999 hours' for failed login attempts. That would explain why people had so much trouble recently... I've set it to just one hour and cleared the ban list. Sorry about that.

Addendum 2: Something's fucked up with the archive script, I'll fix it tomorrow. At least I've added a backup thing so it will create a couple backups of the original HTML.

Addendum 3: 6:14am EST. Fixed the archival script. It would have bugged the shit out of me to not know why it was broken; turns out 4chan changed the image path again, from src.cgi to cb-ws. Everything should work now, will manually fix other threads tomorrow.

~Lord Licorice

Spot of tea?

[#] Success! WHFRP Character Generator!
12:18pm UTC - 2/09/2008

The Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay character generator is complete! Behold its glory! Now I'm going the hell to bed. Jesus Christ.

I'm going to make it so you can save and link characters tomorrow, clean up the interface a bit, and add the ability to generate genders, names and jobs for your immediate family as well. After that, if I'm really feeling masochistic, I'll get a copy of Dark Heresy and do the same for that system, too... though I may ask for some help with the simple data entry, which accounted for 80% of this project, what with all the varying charts. (Seriously, why the fuck couldn't they just make a basic "+2d20lbs." for weight like they did for height?)

~Lord Licorice

Spot of tea?

[#] Oh god I'm not dead, I swear I'm not dead
11:30am UTC - 2/03/2008

Wow, a whole month without a frontpage update. Anyway, guise on /tg/ suggested I create a WHFRP and Dark Heresy character generator, so I've been working on that. The magic is here. It's not done yet, but it's basically a matter of adding in the raw data now that the rolling is complete, such as all the eye colors and careers per species. Shouldn't be anything GW can sue over. And before you baw that this is stupid and people should roll their own fucking dice for their characters, well, I'd tend to agree with you but the request was made and I was toying with the idea of doing it, so it's being done, don't baw to me about it. Just fulfilling an /r/.

Nothing else much to report. Welcome to Febtober. New Dwarf Fortress on Tuesday, woo! Also, Go Pats!

Oh yeah, had a list of shit to do down there, didn't I?

~Lord Licorice


[#] Argh
12:04pm UTC - 1/04/2008

Why the fuck can't I get in bed by a reasonable hour? Technically I should be in bed every morning by 3am at the latest, and yet here I am at 5:00am once again, doing shit that can be done during the daylight hours but I just decide to do now, when I should really be sleeping.

Anyway, I got bored so I'm downloading the pair of 500-song torrents from OCReMix, and I'm going to make it accessible under the music folder. (By the way, I've added a couple disclaimers regarding copyrighted content. Please don't upload infringing content and then report it, it's rather rude and I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE.) That should keep us busy in the lulz for a few days in the Meebo chat thingie. If shit be slow, it's probably my fault on account of this torrent.

Also, I suppose I could make a New Year's Resolution about getting shit done on the site. Here's my To Do list:

That's about it. This list is mostly a kind of to-do for myself, but if anyone has content or ideas, please send them to me or say something in the chat.

~Lord Licorice


[#] Happy After New Year
08:29am UTC - 1/03/2008

Durr hurr carol of the bells hurp derp. Sorry, I just had to get the Christmas music off the front page. Nothing to report.

~Lord Licorice


[#] TeamSpeak!
11:16am UTC - 12/22/2007

Okay, so, we found out that Ventrilo has an eight-slot limitation. Unless I want to start my own business and host a thousand-slot-plus commercial Ventrilo server, I've decided to switch to TeamSpeak, which has a 100-slot limit. It seems to work just as well as Ventrilo, minus the elitism. It's not as pretty, but what can you do?

Consider the Ventrilo server officially decommissioned. Fuck 'em if they don't want non-commercial-class users.

~Lord Licorice


[#] Merry Christmas, Early
11:23am UTC - 12/21/2007

Nothing really to report. Found this and used a Flash decompiler to rip the song out, and decided to throw it ^^^ up there. Merry Christmas!

Also, in case people aren't aware of this, sup/tg/ has a Ventrilo server and an FTP server for file uploads. If you'd like to join the Ventrilo server and bug everyone, stop by the chat and ask for details. Same with the FTP, especially if you've got some music you'd like to upload for a playlist for our music player.

~Lord Licorice


[#] Archival Script Updated, Part Drei
11:13am UTC - 12/19/2007

Found an error where you could keep adding the same thread to the archive. It just made duplicate entries in the table, but it still meant checking the archived threads extra times and having more than one entry is obviously pointless anyway. FIXXED.

Also, is a redirect to that shitty Angelfire site where I've got the Meebo chat embedded. If the site's down for whatever reason (like today when I broke the site with an errant semicolon and then the server crashed later on) you can still get to it easily.

~Lord Licorice


[#] Archival Script Updated, Part Deux
11:54am UTC - 12/17/2007

I currently use two basically identical scripts for archival; one for requesting and one for auto-updating. The former includes HTML and all that, the latter doesn't (since it doesn't need it). Making edits to two scripts is driving me batshit, and I just found a glaring error in the checking script that would have caused some problems.

So, I've made a single hybrid script containing both of the other scripts, and just differentiating what it does based on what I use to call it. The TL;DR is that I've made a major revision and if you see any weird shit, let me know immediately.

~Lord Licorice


[#] Archival Script Updated
11:38pm UTC - 12/16/2007

After losing a particularly lulzsy thread out of the archive due to Brb, Compromised, I've added some sanity checking to the archival script. Before, the script expected two results: a thread, or a 404. This third result, where a page existed but it wasn't 4chan, resulted in the old HTML being overwritten for the threads still available for archival.

Now, the script checks for certain META tags on the /tg/ thread page. This ensures the page being retrieved is actually 4chan, and furthermore is actually a /tg/ page on top of that. Also, it turns out the scripts were still downloading thumbnail images even if they already existed, which was wasting everyone's bandwidth. FIXXED.

~Lord Licorice


[#] 4chan is back! SQUAD MORALE RESTORED!
11:45pm UTC - 12/15/2007

4chan has been returned to its rightful owner! Everyone make sure you flush your DNS cache; Windows users, clear all cookies and caches in your browser, close all browser windows, then go to Start - Run and type ipconfig /flushdns. A black window should flash as Windows flushes its DNS cache. Now try visiting 4chan, and you should see it restored in all its wonderous glory. (You may still see a cached response if your ISP has it cached, and you may need to wait 24 hours or so for all things to be back to normal.

Hooray for Mootles!

Edit: It looks like 4chan's still not back up. The DNS is correct but it seems as if Moot is redirecting the domain over to Glexia's suspension page. It's weird, but that's as far as I can tell; connecting directly to the 4chan webserver brings me to this location. The nameservers are right... it's just weird. Hang tight.

Edit the Second: should still bring you to /tg/ properly.

~Lord Licorice


[#] 4chan Still Hijacked!
07:33am UTC - 12/15/2007

Well, it looks like 4chan is still hijacked. For those of you who haven't heard the news yet or have no idea what the fuck is going on, check the status blog for 4chan here and read the Technical Bullshit portion I wrote up on ED for the crunchy details of the fuckup. 4chan control hasn't been restored to Moot yet, or the site would be back; he probably won't have the domain restored until Monday at the latest.

Someone suggested that I note a rally point for displaced /tg/ members. 420chan was a great refuge last time, and I really am thankful for them for taking us in during the Caturday Nap, but it's pretty dead-quiet this time around. Instead, Freechan has graciously opened its arms to fleeing 4channers, so head on over to Freechan's /tg/ board and say hello.

We'll get through this, people! This is the worst thing to happen to 4chan yet, but Moot will prevail. THE LULZ WILL PREVAIL!

~Lord Licorice


[#] 4chan Domain Hijacked!
10:38am UTC - 12/14/2007

Oh shit, son, 4chan is down! The domain's been hijacked. Thanks a lot, Network fucking Solutions! You guys are shit and ass, and cock, and you are awful at everything you do.

Edit: I added a full item on the details to the ED article on Brb,; someone stole 4chan.

The archival system broke because there's no sanity checking; it expects 4chan to return a thread, return a 404, or return nothing (in the instance of a DDoS). Since 4chan has a page but it's not a thread, the most recent archived threads are wiped out. Baw.

~Lord Licorice


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