/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

April 2013
23990637Pacific RimOn Pacific Rim and making a setting that takes inspiration from it and XCOMpacific rim, scifi, RPG, kaiju, eva, XCOM2013-04-01 8 
July 2013
26143288Pacific Rim Quest Part 1The fate of the world is in our robotic hands. WE MUST ACTCollective Game, Pacific Rim Quest, Jaeger, Kaiju, Giant Monster, Mech2013-07-21 15 
26160234Pacific Rim Quest Part 2The London Event has brought everyone to the brink. The arrival of a new class of Kaiju might push us over the edge...Collective Game, Pacific Rim Quest, Jaeger, Kaiju, Giant Monster, Mech2013-07-22 10 
26194492Pacific Rim Quest Part 3NUKE ITCollective Game, Pacific Rim Quest, Jaeger, Kaiju, Giant Monster, Mech2013-07-24 7 
January 2014
29309631Kaiju Quest: King Of All MonstersGuide the evolution of a kaiju from birth to become king of all monsters. The first thread deals with figuring out our abilities, exploring the world as an infant Kaiju, gaining a new toy, and fighting off an insect trying to steal our food.Collective Game, Kaiju Quest: King Of All Monsters, Kaiju, Giant Monster2014-01-06 28 
29331679Kaiju Quest 2As the light of a new day breaks over the horizon, the Prince awakens to find his growth spurt has finished. He puts his new found strength to the test by punishing some interlopers to his territory.Collective Game, Kaiju Quest: King Of All Monsters, Kaiju, Giant Monster2014-01-07 23 
29489371/tg/ vs a KaijuOP playtests a simple d6 homebrew where CHERNO ALPHA sets a Kaiju on fire and then tesla punches it.playtest, getting shit done, pacific rim, Cherno Alpha, kaiju, giant robots punching giant monsters, mech2014-01-14 1 
29913775Kaiju Quest: Orgins Part 1 by KaijuMagicWe, The Mighty Crystorok awake from our icy prison and feast upon many fleshlings called Humans. With our telepathic powers we have learned that there exists millions of these tasty Humans. We will go to these Humans, because we HUNGER!Collective Game, Kaiju, Kaiju Quest, KaijuMagic, Kaiju Quest Origins, Tentacles, Crystorok 2014-01-31 20 
February 2014
30000553Kaiju Quest Part 2: Battle in the Antartic by KaijuMagicIn which we make and lose some thralls and absolutely destroy a base and tear a battleship to shreds.Collective Game, Kaiju, Kaiju Quest, KaijuMagic, Kaiju Quest Origins, Tentacles, Crystorok2014-02-04 10 
June 2014
32632301Ghost titan and predator blimpThree new Dark Heresy xenos are generated, with mindblowing results.dark heresy, aliens, monster, kaiju, sneaky blimps, toxic punches, ghost2014-06-08 5 
May 2015
39802793 KAIJU QUESTYou wake from your slumber, opening your eyes for the first time. KAIJU QUEST, KAIJU, QUEST, Overseer, Pacific Rim2015-05-07 5 
July 2017
54365418Go Go Godzilla!Where OP tells the tale of a homebrew Godzilla campaign.godzilla, story, japan, kaiju2017-07-17 21 
1681447Slayer Kaiju Attack [Testfire]Bootleg monster hunter in a skirmish format. Get your carves now!!!!fenster, collective game, skirmish, monster hunter, kaiju, slayer, attack, bootleg2017-07-27 1 
March 2018
2414295Titanic Tournament Quest Part 1Rickert Volgunsen, bitter super soldier enters a giant robot tournament, makes a friend, and kills a kaijuTitan, Tournament, Rickert, Algol, Kaiju2018-03-29 5 
April 2018
2434434Titanic Tournament Quest Part 2Rickert Returns punishes an asshole pilot and hangs out with his friendsTitan, Tournament, Rickert, Algol, Kaiju2018-04-04 5 
2461822Titanic Tournament Quest Part 3The second match of the tournament begins and Rickert kicks some serious ass, and then works on some of his social issuesTitan, Tournament, Rickert, Algol, Kaiju2018-04-14 3 
2478288Titanic Tournament Quest Part 4Rickert kills another rampaging titan, wins a boxing match with a kaiju, and single handedly destroys a space fortress for decent payday.Titan, Tournament, Rickert, Algol, Kaiju2018-04-20 3 
May 2018
2511348Titanic Tournament Quest Part 5Rickert experiences flashbacks to his time during the war, and kills a member of the noble family he reallr really hates.Titan, Tournament, Rickert, Algol, Kaiju2018-05-04 4 
2555638Titanic Tournament Quest Part 6Rickert makes progress with his personal demons, and then faces off against Grimmly during the third match.Titan, Tournament, Rickert, Algol, Kaiju2018-05-16 4 
June 2018
2593959Titanic Tournament Quest #8Rickert celebrates his victory in the 3rd match by having a small party and then a hunting trip.Titan, Tournament, Rickert, Algol, Kaiju2018-06-01 2 
2634836Titanic Tournament Quest #8 (the actual 8th thread)After the big hunt Rickert takes some time off to race, drink, and remember some of his earlier days before looking for work.Titan, Tournament, Rickert, Algol, Kaiju2018-06-16 2 
July 2018
2750422Kaiju QuestAfter being born we invade an outpost and get our asses kicked by another kaijukaiju quest, kaiju, alien 2018-07-23 2 
March 2019
3301661Godzilla QuestA Kaiju QM doesn't finish a thread.Kaiju, Godzilla, Destoroyah, Unfinished, goddammit OP, goddammit me2019-03-12 -9 
July 2020
4316188Godzilla: Hyper Invasion #1When aliens come knocking upon Earth's doorstep, Godzilla is roused into action after witnessing his son's kidnapping.Godzilla, Hyper Invasion, Kaiju, Monsters, Tokusatsu, Drawquest, Collective Game2020-07-11 34 
August 2020
4370979Godzilla: Hyper Invasion #2 (Chapter2, Part 1)Godzilla continues his fight against the aliens in his bid to find Junior. In this chapter part he faces off against the powerful Zetton!Godzilla, Hyper Invasion, Kaiju, Monsters, Tokusatsu, Drawquest, Collective Game2020-08-10 23 
September 2020
4399462STAR WARS - Interregnum #2.2The Battle of Nest's End. The origins of the Herald are revealed, as is its connection to Bos; and the rescue of Master Kosa begins...Collective Game, Star Wars Interregnum, Star Wars, Kaz, Space Vietnam, Giant Kaiju Battles2020-09-05 21 
October 2020
4450315Godzilla: Hyper Invasion #3 (Chapter 2, Part 2)After saving his endangered child Shin from King Ghidorah, Godzilla heads to San Francisco on a rampage. The Humans fight back fiercely.Godzilla, Hyper Invasion, Kaiju, Monsters, Tokusatsu, Drawquest, Collective Game2020-10-04 14 
4449430KAIJU QUEST 1Waking up from a stirred slumber, Dynasuarus finds himself upon the Devil's Archipelago, the home of monsters.Collective Game, Kaiju, Tokusatsu, Kaiju Quest, Drawquest, Monster2020-10-12 0 
4483117Godzilla: Hyper Invasion #4 (Chapter 2, Part 3)After defeating Amuro Ray and Char Aznable in the Gundam and Zeong, Godzilla confronts Biollante in Los Angeles.Godzilla, Hyper Invasion, Kaiju, Monsters, Tokusatsu, Drawquest, Collective Game2020-10-31 13 
January 2021
4565789Godzilla: Hyper Invasion #5 (Chapter 3, Part 1)Doctor Serizawa, creator of Destoroyah, becomes associated with the ambitious Metphies and his dark faith. Kiryu battles Angels.Godzilla, Hyper Invasion, Kaiju, Monsters, Tokusatsu, Drawquest, Collective Game2021-01-08 11 
July 2021
4887482Godzilla: Hyper Invasion #6 (Chapter 3, Part 2)Godzilla is whisked away into the Monster prison of Zagres and her Dada servants, but Jet Jaguar comes to the rescue.Godzilla, Hyper Invasion, Kaiju, Monsters, Tokusatsu, Drawquest, Collective Game2021-07-21 2 
May 2024
5976616World of Titans- Multiplayer Kaiju Quest A PVP quest about giant Kaiju rampaging across the Earth and staking their own claim on the planet. 11 Kaiju enter, 1 Kaiju leaves! Collective Game, Kaiju, Godzilla, Multiplayer, PVP2024-05-01 3 
6018430World of Titans 1.2- Multiplayer Kaiju QuestPart 2 of A PVP quest about giant Kaiju rampaging across the Earth. The thrilling finale!Collective Game, Kaiju, Godzilla, Multiplayer, PVP2024-05-27 0 
July 2024
6053748UTUTU: A Multiplayer Kaiju Quest!Kaiju battle for dominance over the fantasy world of UTUTU - a land of scale and claw, tooth and talon!Kaiju, Multiplayer, World of Titans, Lesches2024-07-08 0 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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