/qst/ Thread Archive

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May 2015
39717862Vertical Tank Quest 1You are ROY POWERS, Tilean Army recruit, and soon to be Vertical Tank pilot.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-05-03 24 
39858916Vertical Tank Quest 2Roy finally gets to pick his personal VT, as well as where he wants to deploy.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-05-10 21 
40002511Vertical Tank Quest 3Roy and his unit are sent to the front lines.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-05-17 21 
40290008Vertical Tank Quest 4Roy goes on patrol into the haunted Shadowtree Forest.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-05-31 21 
June 2015
40437378Vertical Tank Quest 5Roy find himself in the middle of what is possibly the beginnings of a full scale war.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-06-07 21 
40587444Vertical Tank Quest 6Roy gets his first good look at Reikland's invasion force.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-06-14 21 
40726576Vertical Tank Quest 7Roy manages to survive Reikland's assault, and now it's time to hit back.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-06-21 21 
40870704Vertical Tank Quest 8Tilea strikes back against Reikland.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-06-28 21 
July 2015
41167440Vertical Tank Quest 9With the war quickly expanding, Tilea is in need of allies.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-07-12 22 
41314223Vertical Tank Quest 10Roy gets acquainted with the seemingly alien culture of Breton.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-07-19 22 
41464985Vertical Tank Quest 11Roy learns how to fight the Breton way.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-07-26 22 
August 2015
41613609Vertical Tank Quest 12Roy tries to hit it up with some Breton (and maybe even Reikland!) nobles.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-08-02 21 
41758553Vertical Tank Quest 13Roy tries to survive the royal ball.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-08-09 21 
41899222Vertical Tank Quest 14Roy finally gets some alone time with Hess.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-08-16 21 
42038661Vertical Tank Quest 15It's now time for the Royal Joust!Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-08-23 21 
42180198Vertical Tank Quest 16The tournament continues with Hess taking the stage!Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-08-30 23 
September 2015
42335068Vertical Tank Quest 17Roy has a chance to just relax at the fair. Maybe.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-09-07 20 
42466610Vertical Tank Quest 18With Breton now on Tilea's side, the flags of war are raised once again.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-09-13 20 
42613088Vertical Tank Quest 19Breton's war against Reikland kicks off.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-09-20 20 
42746739Vertical Tank Quest 20Roy sneaks behind enemy lines.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-09-27 20 
October 2015
42877347Vertical Tank Quest 21Roy finds himself in a real battle against Gregor this time.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-10-04 20 
43007896Vertical Tank Quest 22The Breton advance reaches a crossroads.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-10-11 20 
43133107Vertical Tank Quest 23Roy and his platoon go out to raid Reikland positions.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-10-18 20 
43264464Vertical Tank Quest 24Roy and his platoon head to link up with the main Tilean force.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-10-25 20 
November 2015
43399387Vertical Tank Quest 25Roy has another (un)fortunate run in with Hess.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-11-01 20 
43647145Vertical Tank Quest 26With Tilean and Breton armies joined together, plans for a new offensive are made.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-11-15 20 
43764372Vertical Tank Quest 27Roy hunts down a band of traitorous Bretons.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-11-22 20 
43881268Vertical Tank Quest 28With a traitor in their midst, the alliance must figure out their next move.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-11-29 20 
December 2015
44010138Vertical Tank Quest 29Roy and the Tilean army stage a raid on Reikland's Der Riese facility. Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-12-06 20 
44159902Vertical Tank Quest 30Roy tries to stop Strasse from escaping Tilea's assault on his headquarters.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-12-14 20 
44273650Vertical Tank Quest 31Roy heads on a showdown against Hess.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-12-20 20 
44413901Vertical Tank Quest 32Hess finally gets her rematch against Roy.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-12-28 20 
January 2016
44532462Vertical Tank Quest 33Tilea prepares for the final push on Reikland's capital while Roy figures out what to do with Hess.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2016-01-03 20 
44677139Vertical Tank Quest 34 FINALRoy leads the final battle against Reikland capital city.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2016-01-10 21 
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