/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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May 2015
39717862Vertical Tank Quest 1You are ROY POWERS, Tilean Army recruit, and soon to be Vertical Tank pilot.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-05-03 24 
39858916Vertical Tank Quest 2Roy finally gets to pick his personal VT, as well as where he wants to deploy.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-05-10 21 
40002511Vertical Tank Quest 3Roy and his unit are sent to the front lines.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-05-17 21 
40290008Vertical Tank Quest 4Roy goes on patrol into the haunted Shadowtree Forest.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-05-31 21 
June 2015
40437378Vertical Tank Quest 5Roy find himself in the middle of what is possibly the beginnings of a full scale war.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-06-07 21 
40587444Vertical Tank Quest 6Roy gets his first good look at Reikland's invasion force.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-06-14 21 
40726576Vertical Tank Quest 7Roy manages to survive Reikland's assault, and now it's time to hit back.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-06-21 21 
40870704Vertical Tank Quest 8Tilea strikes back against Reikland.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-06-28 21 
July 2015
41167440Vertical Tank Quest 9With the war quickly expanding, Tilea is in need of allies.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-07-12 22 
41314223Vertical Tank Quest 10Roy gets acquainted with the seemingly alien culture of Breton.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-07-19 22 
41464985Vertical Tank Quest 11Roy learns how to fight the Breton way.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-07-26 22 
August 2015
41613609Vertical Tank Quest 12Roy tries to hit it up with some Breton (and maybe even Reikland!) nobles.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-08-02 21 
41758553Vertical Tank Quest 13Roy tries to survive the royal ball.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-08-09 21 
41899222Vertical Tank Quest 14Roy finally gets some alone time with Hess.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-08-16 21 
42038661Vertical Tank Quest 15It's now time for the Royal Joust!Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-08-23 21 
42180198Vertical Tank Quest 16The tournament continues with Hess taking the stage!Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-08-30 23 
September 2015
42335068Vertical Tank Quest 17Roy has a chance to just relax at the fair. Maybe.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-09-07 20 
42466610Vertical Tank Quest 18With Breton now on Tilea's side, the flags of war are raised once again.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-09-13 20 
42613088Vertical Tank Quest 19Breton's war against Reikland kicks off.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-09-20 20 
42746739Vertical Tank Quest 20Roy sneaks behind enemy lines.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-09-27 20 
October 2015
42877347Vertical Tank Quest 21Roy finds himself in a real battle against Gregor this time.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-10-04 20 
43007896Vertical Tank Quest 22The Breton advance reaches a crossroads.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-10-11 20 
43133107Vertical Tank Quest 23Roy and his platoon go out to raid Reikland positions.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-10-18 20 
43264464Vertical Tank Quest 24Roy and his platoon head to link up with the main Tilean force.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-10-25 20 
November 2015
43399387Vertical Tank Quest 25Roy has another (un)fortunate run in with Hess.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-11-01 20 
43647145Vertical Tank Quest 26With Tilean and Breton armies joined together, plans for a new offensive are made.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-11-15 20 
43764372Vertical Tank Quest 27Roy hunts down a band of traitorous Bretons.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-11-22 20 
43881268Vertical Tank Quest 28With a traitor in their midst, the alliance must figure out their next move.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-11-29 20 
December 2015
44010138Vertical Tank Quest 29Roy and the Tilean army stage a raid on Reikland's Der Riese facility. Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-12-06 20 
44159902Vertical Tank Quest 30Roy tries to stop Strasse from escaping Tilea's assault on his headquarters.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-12-14 20 
44273650Vertical Tank Quest 31Roy heads on a showdown against Hess.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-12-20 20 
44413901Vertical Tank Quest 32Hess finally gets her rematch against Roy.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2015-12-28 20 
January 2016
44532462Vertical Tank Quest 33Tilea prepares for the final push on Reikland's capital while Roy figures out what to do with Hess.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2016-01-03 20 
44677139Vertical Tank Quest 34 FINALRoy leads the final battle against Reikland capital city.Vertical Tank Quest, Steel Battalion, Collective Game2016-01-10 21 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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