/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

August 2018
2752688Pokémon Urban QuestWe play as Percy. An awkward PokéManiac who's on his way to become a trainer. QM has trouble with basic grammar and formattingPokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest.2018-08-05 21 
2783336Pokémon Urban Quest#2Percy continues his training, does some battling, gives some love advice, explores an abandoned mansion,encounters a hobo and saves a friendPokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest.2018-08-16 14 
2814139Pokémon Urban Quest#3Last time you went to get some medical attention because you were shanked by Pokémon, BTFO a teenage girl, and got challenged to a fightPokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest.2018-08-25 14 
2832974Pokémon Urban Quest#4Intense battling, Shitty maid cafes,Girls in Poké-Cosplay, sparring with an Ice cream, an eventful movie night and finally "sensei" arrivePokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest,Pokemon2018-08-30 14 
September 2018
2850925Pokémon Urban Quest#5Percy and Houndour fight in the Rookie tournament! Rematch with Eli, became the "Arsonist" and found someone with the same "talent" as PPokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest., Pokemon2018-09-03 15 
2868539Pokémon Urban Quest#6Percy finally becomes a licensed trainer! We celebrate with our family and friend(s?), go to a party, hang out with cool kids and almost diePokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest., Pokemon2018-09-12 14 
2887555Pokémon Urban Quest#7Trouble at the abandoned factory, Percy learned harden. There's something strange going on Percy's dreams, sparring with old man OrizabaPokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest., Pokemon2018-09-21 12 
2907516Pokémon Urban Quest#8The Steel Gym, encounter with a familiar revolutionary. Does Percy supports communism? Pokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest., Pokemon2018-09-28 12 
October 2018
2927113Pokémon Urban Quest#9We travel through the unforgiving Whistling Desert, face against a man-eating Hippowdons and their colossal "Mother". A Prince is born. Pokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest., Pokemon2018-10-03 10 
2945560Pokémon Urban Quest#10Percy explores the ruins, almost dies thanks to being possessed, gets his arm broken, mets the Gym Leader and receives a history lesson.Pokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest., Pokemon2018-10-11 10 
2962324Pokémon Urban Quest#11We beat the second gym ,delve into the ruins to solve problems with violence. Met ancient Pokémon and uncover ancient history.Pokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest., Pokemon2018-10-23 10 
November 2018
3002323Pokémon Urban Quest#12Halloween special, a detective solve a strange case of murders. Meanwhile, Percy avoids the law(?), fishes a Gyarados, and mets a ProfessorPokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest., Pokemon2018-11-07 10 
3037092Pokémon Urban Quest#13Hostage situations, Aliens, Being trashed by buffed up Raticates, Pokémon contests and dissecting corpses. Percy has had a long day.Pokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest., Pokemon2018-11-25 10 
December 2018
3078137Pokémon Urban Quest#14Our Pokémaniac trains a little, battles for his life against revolutionaries, and explores a mysterious dungeon. Pokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest., Pokemon2018-12-07 8 
3099296Pokémon Urban Quest#15Our Pokémaniac tries to dialogue with the QUEEN of insects, buys a magician's costume for Vulpix, and gets a Gym Leader fired.Pokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest., Pokemon2018-12-18 8 
January 2019
3122009Pokémon Urban Quest#16Mons playing poker, roasting marshmallows with Victoria, and arrival at Lacrimosa BayPokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest., Pokemon2019-01-05 8 
3167178Pokémon Urban Quest#17Percy deciphers another journal, witnesses a one-sided battle, and steals files from the Hydroelectric PlantPokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest., Pokemon2019-01-26 8 
February 2019
3222368Pokémon Urban Quest#18Slow updates, Percy gets a bit better at not being autistic, then convinces a communist to cosplay, also Vulpix's a bit racist.Pokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest., Pokemon2019-02-13 8 
3266552Pokémon Urban Quest#18.5In a really short thread, Percy watches a kino harem anime, makes plans to hang out, then checks on Prof. Maple.Pokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest., Pokemon2019-02-26 7 
March 2019
3297904Pokémon Urban Quest #18.6White Veil documents are secured with Yellow King, a promise is made to the MiB, and a mall movie date becomes a chaotic free-for-all.Pokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest., Pokemon2019-03-11 8 
3344278Pokémon Urban Quest#19Percy spends some time with Eli, deals with the psychic on his brain via a snowball fight, and sends an injured Mimikyu back to his home.Pokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest., Pokemon2019-03-22 5 
April 2019
3390903Pokémon Urban Quest#20An extremely short thread with heavy lifting, a possible bleak future future, and an escort to the Arsonist's base.Pokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest., Pokemon2019-04-13 5 
3435469Pokémon Urban Quest#20.5Percy gets some info about the Garchomp Behemoth, gets a group of delinquents to help him deal with the Queen of bugs. Also Jeanne is there Pokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest., Pokemon2019-04-27 5 
May 2019
3490751Pokémon Urban Quest#21Percy helps out the Pokémon living in a glowing hidden cavern near the coast, nearly drowns an Elite 4 member and has a talk with Kali.Pokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest., Pokemon2019-05-23 5 
June 2019
3533724Pokémon Urban Quest#22Percy spends some more time with Kali, translates something shocking, then begins the BEACH EPISODEPokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest., Pokemon2019-06-17 6 
July 2019
3603319Pokémon Urban Quest#22.5BEACH EPISODE! Underage drinking, drama, warring Pokéfactions, and character development. Also, Percy kisses a girl.Pokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest., Pokemon2019-07-08 8 
October 2019
3830807Pokémon Urban Quest #23Percy's childhood friend makes everyone uncomfortable. Also, we finally challenge the Water GymPokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest., Pokemon2019-10-17 5 
3864110Pokémon Urban Quest #24Percy challenges the Water Gym and hopes to get some sponsors.Pokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest., Pokemon2019-10-25 5 
August 2021
4929451Pokémon Urban Quest #25Returning after 2 years. Percy finally beats the Water Gym, gets those sponsors and fights a mechanical menace lurking in an ancient tomb. Pokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest, Pokemon, MediocreQM2021-08-18 6 
October 2021
4981779Pokémon Urban Quest#26Percy gets caught up in an assault with the revolutionaries, rushes into danger and faces the consequences Pokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest., Pokemon, MediocreQM2021-10-11 2 
December 2021
5032142Pokémon Urban Quest #27Percy deals with the consequences of his battle against the revolutionaries, talks to a mentally unstable Kecleon and tries to make amends Pokémon, Pokémon Urban Quest, Pokemon, MediocreQM2021-12-14 1 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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