/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

January 2019
3209326Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #1A male denizen of planet Earth becomes aware of strange things happening around him and meets a strange creatureDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-01-27 26 
February 2019
3237555Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #2With the crisis of the Oozaru averted a new, potentially greater threat emergeshim and meets a strange creature Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-02-06 22 
3261331Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #3A mysterious letter arrivesDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-02-14 20 
3256894Sadala Defense Force Quest #1Spicha, a young Saiyan of Universe 6, fights for a spot in the Legendary Sadala Defense ForceCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Super, Dragon Ball Super, Sadala2019-02-16 3 
3282562Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #4The flame of the Super Saiyan is reignited!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-02-21 20 
March 2019
3313764Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #5Enter the Demon Realm!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-03-03 20 
3350202Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #6The Makai trembles as the fight with the Demon King erupts! Will our hero be ready to face Frost?Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-03-15 15 
3375713Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #7With the diabolical Frost dead Earth has been freed! What new adventures await our hero?Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-03-24 15 
April 2019
3422301Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #8 With a new arrival Erics life got flipped turned upside down yet again. Can he cope with becoming a boomer?Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-04-10 12 
3453532Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #9With all of his teammates out of the fight, it is up to Eric to win the Tournament of Destroyers. Will he succeed?Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-04-22 24 
May 2019
3479437Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #10After a hard earned victory at the tournament our hero returns to his place of birth for some relaxationDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-05-03 11 
3517215Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #11With the celebrations over it's time our hero returned to the stars! What exciting new adventures await him?Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-05-19 11 
June 2019
3548878Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #12After the dark temptress Towa revealed herself Eric son of Earth was called to a strange place where he meets a very important personDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-06-02 10 
3587840Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #13With the intentions of Towa figured out Eric and his friends must prepare for what is to come!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-06-20 12 
July 2019
3634445Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #14A tale of Witches and KingsDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-07-07 10 
3672639Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #15After his second journey through Hell, Eric finds himself recuperating at homeDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-07-19 10 
August 2019
3729740Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #16The tournament of Earth draws ever closer. And more things get revealedDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-08-07 11 
3771536Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #17The Saiyans arrived on Earth!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-08-23 10 
September 2019
3805590Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #18Let the Tournament... BEGINDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-09-09 7 
October 2019
3851082Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #19As the fighting continues the mysteries surrounding it slowly unravel. Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-10-05 10 
3879471Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #20Things are heating up as the strongest fighters start clashing!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-10-19 7 
November 2019
3905625Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #21Sam and Dominika clash! And the tranquil storm faces the Slayer!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-11-04 6 
3944498Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #22The Quarterfinals begin! The end of Earth's tournament is nighDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-11-28 5 
December 2019
3977075Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #23It's Eric vs Bruce Lee! The living and the undead legends clash! Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-12-18 10 
January 2020
4015260Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #24With the Tournament over, our hero returns to his quiet life... But for how long?Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-01-11 6 
4059096Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #25Cabba brings dire news which might cost him his life. A new adventure with Hit is about to begin!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-01-31 5 
February 2020
4109884Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #26With the Dark Sorceress taken care of Eric decides to hang out in the 7th UniverseDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-02-28 5 
March 2020
4149201Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #27After visiting the neighbors our hero has some wacky adventuresDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-03-21 6 
May 2020
4231777Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #28Trouble on the home front Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-05-02 5 
4269476Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #30Hitman rebornDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-05-22 5 
June 2020
4304696Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #31The quarantine has been lifted and Eric is free once moreDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-06-13 5 
July 2020
4373105Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #31The twins rush to save their father from the clutches of Dr Lychee Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-07-24 6 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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