/qst/ Thread Archive

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November 2012
21731140 Nazis in Fantasyland Quest 1Nazis enter a new plane of existanceNazi Quest, Collective Game, Eg2012-11-25 39 
21740644Nazis in Fantasyland Quest Pt 2Nazis enter a new plane of existence. Psycho commandos go to abandoned manor.Nazi Quest, Collective Game, Eg2012-11-25 31 
21781111Nazis in Fantasyland Quest Pt 3Magical items, communication with natives, and pissing off a lot of lizard dudes.Nazi Quest, Collective Game, Eg2012-11-28 28 
21813254Nazis in Fantasyland Quest Pt 4What happens after the Battle... otherwise fairly slow, some seeds for diplomacy are sownNazi Quest, Collective Game, Eg2012-11-30 27 
December 2012
21908703Nazis in Fantasyland Quest Pt 5Encounter the wizard's tower, temptation by the door guard, making deals with wizards!Nazi Quest, Collective Game, Eg2012-12-06 30 
March 2013
23856103Nazis in Fantasyland Quest 6we strike a deal with the Magi. Open the Gate early and get supplies and reinforcements.Nazi Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Eg2013-03-25 23 
23900622Nazis in Fantasyland Quest Pt 7A village is subverted to the cause, a mage procured, and an airstrip built with an oil extractor. Baron Farnsworth is on his merry way.Nazi Quest, Collective Game, Eg2013-03-28 21 
23916402Nazis in Fantasyland Quest Pt 8Oberst Landa orders the construction of a range of buildings, while contemplating future plans for a railway system and a fantasy racial hierarchy. Then the Baron shows up with an army...Nazi Quest, Collective Game, Eg2013-03-28 21 
23932289Nazis in Fantasyland Quest Part IXBaron has an army, negotiating with him to not kill us, also were missing 9.Nazi Quest, Collective Game, Eg2013-03-29 21 
23955324Nazis in Fantasyland Quest Part XWe go to the city of Redding after destroying the Baron's army & try to negotiate its surrender with a paladin.Nazi Quest, Collective Game, Eg2013-03-30 24 
April 2013
23988338Nazis in Fantasyland Quest Part XIOberst Landa, having successfully negotiated the surrender of the city of Redding has to ensure that the locals understand that they now part of the Greater German Reich.Nazi Quest, Collective Game, Eg2013-04-01 21 
23997552Nazis in Fantasyland Quest Part XIIThe city is ours! Now we must bring it out o the Dark Ages.Nazi Quest, Collective Game, Eg2013-04-02 22 
24041219 Nazis in Fantasyland Quest Part XIIIRedding is still ours. We still discuss how to make Redding better and winter is arriving.Nazi Quest, Collective Game, Eg2013-04-04 22 
24062786Nazis in Fantasyland Quest: General DiscussionOP can't do a normal thread for today so he sets up a discussion threadNazi Quest, Collective Game, Eg2013-04-05 8 
24081622Nazis in Fantasyland Quest Part XIVA small company of ours was attacked by mages before we came to the rescue and took 4 mages prisoner.Nazi Quest, Collective Game, Eg2013-04-06 23 
May 2013
25082426Nazi Quest XVThe Obersturmbannführer returns and we begin planning our next moveNazi, Nazi Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Eg2013-05-28 22 
June 2013
25558063Nazis in Fantasyland Quest Part XVPlans are laid forth to meet with Rhemult, the head of the local underworld, and Command is contacted for the first time in a long time.Nazi Quest, Collective Game, Eg2013-06-22 21 
July 2013
25730775Nazis in Fantasyland Quest Part XVIIThe assassination's aftermath is dealt with, Knight Commander Beregen is summoned for a talk, and provides us with healing.Nazi Quest, Collective Game, Eg2013-07-01 22 
26210474Nazis in Fantasyland Quest Part XVIIIThe aftermath of the sacrificial ritual is dealt with, Speer is met, and plans are laid forth for further advancement!Nazi Quest, Collective Game, Eg2013-07-24 20 
August 2013
26415750Nazis in Fantasyland Quest Part XIXIn which we fuel our caffeine addiction, set forth plans to attack the mines, and investigate Siegfried.Nazi Quest, Collective Game, Eg2013-08-04 21 
January 2018
2199648Space Nazi Quest - Destination MarsAlternate History setting where you are a bioengineered Ubermensch leading a team of your fellow Nazis to Mars for science and adventure!Nazis, Space, Space Nazi Quest, Scifi2018-01-14 13 
2233346Space Nazi Quest - Destination Mars #2Captain finds a rat inside the crew!Nazis, Space, Space Nazi Quest, Scifi2018-01-26 7 
February 2018
2262665Space Nazi Quest - Destination Mars #3The crew must defend themselves from waves of alien attacks!Nazis, Space, Space Nazi Quest, Scifi2018-02-10 3 
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