/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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December 2009
7182564MIGHTY WARRIOR LINK QUESTLINK wakes up after being ASS-RAPED by his UNCLE. He then becomes a MIGHTY WARRIOR, and with GANON travels to the SHADOW REALM.ZELDA, LINK, GANON, MIGHTYWARRIOR2009-12-18 14 
January 2010
7414042LinksLinks to a few lesser known systems.system, link2010-01-04 3 
April 2010
9094939How do I made Link?Anon asks /tg/ how to make Link in D&D. /tg/ brainstorms for him.Zelda, Link, stats, rules, the thing that goes ping2010-04-10 0 
November 2010
12705930Horror thread generalWhat's on the tin. Goes from some generic description help to a good thread with youtube links and pics abounding. Sleeping optionalHorror, links, number stations, terror, fright, scary2010-11-07 0 
12843556Random Bits of InfoA helpful anon comes by and proceeds to hand out a bunch of links related to world buildingGM, info, links2010-11-19 0 
December 2011
17072435dark heresy archivesAll dark heresy books... HERESY!! HERESY EVERYWHERE!!!Dark Heresy, 40k, RP, Megaupload links,2011-12-01 14 
February 2015
38245546Khornette Quest #22Cinder works on raising her social links. Then THE HAPPENING happens.Collective Game, Khornette, Lady of Change, The Happening, Social Links, Infodump, ELH2015-02-23 13 
June 2017
1578523DC Cape Quest: Issue #5PapaSlink doesn't like doing quests any more and the quest is put on indefinite hiatus PapaSlink,DC Cape Quest, Cancelled 2017-06-23 1 
August 2017
1743573Metahuman Quest: Issue #5Time flies as Morgan readies himself to be a full fledged hero. Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Social Links, Teen Titans2017-08-07 8 
January 2018
2197283Quest Lyoko 7: ResurgenceXana & Co wake up to some changes. After all, there wasn't a sports festival before we returned to the past; was there?Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Quest Lyoko, Lyoko, Xana, Time Travel, Jeremy, Odd, Ulrich, Yumi, Sissi, AI, Sci Fi, School, Social Links2018-01-11 2 
March 2018
2350346Smee QuestThe biggest quest since the silent era.Smee, CIA, Bane, Kino, Kinoplex, Collective Game, Nolan, Bravo, Smee Quest, Wreckage Brother, Interlinked, UUUU2018-03-10 5 
January 2019
3143535Duel Monsters Quest #1We create our mc, win a duel by skin of our teeth and do some tournament anouncing.Duellinky, Yugioh, GX, BadDeck2019-01-12 4 
3178930Duel Monster Quest 2 Electric BoogalooDavy tells some people off and starts a duel with burkeDuellinky, Yugioh, GX, BadDeck, Collecttive Game2019-01-29 2 
February 2019
3217517Duel Monsters Quest 3: Revenge of the SetoDavy finishes his Duel with Burke and heads to the StationDuellinky, Yugioh, GX, BadDeck, Collective Game2019-02-10 3 
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