When I browse the /tg/ front page or walk into any LGS I may pass by on the way to work, there’s always one war-game that’s constantly on display. With the vast number of miniature/wargames out there, Warhammer is the most dominant franchise out there. However, Games Workshop’s cash cow is being threatened by none other than a ‘clix’ game. One that sold out of its new booster set five days before its release.
So, I dropped some HARDCORE ADVICING on DM's a while ago, but while they have a lot of the responsibility for whether a game works out or not, it's ultimately just as much(if not more) in the hands of the players.
Let's say you're a Player(Not a Playah, though that's entirely a viable type of Player in some games...), what can YOU do not to fuck up the fun? And what should you definitely not do? Plenty of shit. Let's get started.
(Disclaimer: Most of these issues are things I've personally encountered, I'm sure I've missed a lot and am exaggerating others simply because of how much they've pissed me off.)
Barely anyone I've spoken to has even heard of this system, which is a shame. People may be more familiar with Talsorian Games' other flagship product, Cyberpunk 2020, but in my opinion it's Mekton, the game of supposed strategy and giant robots, that wins.
[#] More Dakka For Your Mech: Homebrew Weapon Systems for Mekton Zeta Plus
01:36am EDT - 10/23/2008
It's well known you can never have too much Dakka, and even though MZ+ allows you to get a lot of firepower from a single weapon, I don't feel that there are enough options to create "any" weapon. For starters, I can think of a number of iconic weapons from sci-fi the system would require the "Special Mekton Trick" generic upgrade to handle, which can be severely undercosted for what it can offer. For example, Tesla Coils would clearly be an Energy weapon, but there's no Shock upgrade for Energy weapons. Likewise, what if you want a laser that sweeps from side to side rather than "lol Itano Circus?"
So here are a few semi-tested upgrades, and then later there will be some highly experimental ones which may well be utterly broken. Remember, all weapon upgrades can be "stacked," so you can certainly have an Arcing Area Infinite Burst weapon, but yes you do have to resolve every single one of those individual lightning bolts individually.
Max Payne, one of the quintessential action games from the golden age of shooters. It was the first game to include the oh-so-popular bullet time, and used super slick noir comic book style cutscenes to bridge the gap between shooty bits. It was hailed as an amazing game, and was successful enough to spawn an even better sequel. So how's the movie? Well… pretty good!
It very loosely follows the plot, but has enough familiar names and settings to keep it somewhat relevant, though there was only one character choice that confused me. Ludacris as Bravura? I'll let it slide since he doesn't do much other than stare at files and then chase after Max. The major plot points are the same, though. Max's family's still dead, Lupino's still crazy and Mona's still a fox. What more could you want? Well there is a few things…
[#] DM'ing Blunders to Avoid and Miscellaneous Advice
11:07am EDT - 10/21/2008
Now, the way I see it, DM'ing advice is not a review of anything, nor is it exactly a ramble. But it does somewhat fit under game design, since you're designing a campaign world, a story and an experience. If LL disagrees, he can whomp this over. With that disclaimer aside, time to actually get started...
The focus of this article will basically be me, a pretty regular DM(and rare player), pointing out what gets on my tits and ruins my enjoyment of a game when OTHER DM's do it.
Okay, so we all know that when you schedule games, especially online, more often than not:
Some people don't come
Most people don't come
The DM doesn't show up
Someone doesn't have their character ready
Someone doesn't wanna play anymore
Someone whines and quits halfway through
Someone has something come up
The server shuts down on you (Darn you LL! *shakes fist*)
Someone wants to change character
Someone hates other players/the DM in the group
Other random, but common occurrences that prevent you from running your game/taking part in the game you wanted to
So, in my article, I'm going to hopefully try and give you effective techniques/ideas to solve these problems. Most of these problems can be solved all by one simple resolution, some need changing of the game, some need outright compromise, and some are unsolvable. However, i will try and address as many as i can. Some i will solve by posting good techniques for planning a game, and some i will address the direction directly. So, let's go...
Except for a few diceless games and freeform RPG's, pretty much every game system we use has an element of random chance. Usually it's dice, occasionally it's cards and I wouldn't be surprised if there was something out there which used "Rock, Paper, Scissors" or something even weirder as its random factor.
Some systems are more random than others, some have their dice system specifically for the sake of more mediocre than extreme results and some are completely chaotic and unpredictable once you embark on a course of action that relies primarily on chance for you to succeed.
So I guess the TL;DR of this whole mess is: Too little randomness makes the adventure pointless(they know what's going to happen 90% of the time) and susceptible to DM bias, too much randomness makes the adventure pointless because their actions are kind of meaningless with regards to what actually HAPPENS("You swing your sword and it turns into an angry red dragon. Everyone dies.").
Now, as much as I like diverging into other RP systems, something always keeps pulling me back into D&D. I have the remote feeling that it's because it was the system that broke my geeky virginity, though I'm not completely sure.
Some of you may not want to read this, because it's about the same ol' 3.5 that many are already burned out, but here's my take on my most favorite setting that has caught my gaming eye.
Alright, because I'm a huge dumb, I'm going to be doing a DORF FORT LP for all you lovely people. However, there are going to be a few changes to how it's going to be played.
Kobold Fort, because ALCOHOL ALCOHOL ALCOHOL I NEED MORE is only fun for so long.
Legendary Lands mod, which is essentially hard mode for combat. Also, more civs, megabeasts, creatures, items, etc
Minnimal traps, since traps are pretty much the most broken defense item in the game. HALLWAY FILLED WITH STONE TRAPS, ENJOY BEING INVULNERABLE FOREVER.
No ranged weapons, since they come in at a close second. PEW PEW YOUR HEAD WAS PIERCED.
Melee only.
Final Destination.
This is also going to be an explanation thing for people who struggle with the game, since I like to think of myself as being somewhat competent at playing.
Everyone is welcome to suggest particular worlds, or embark sites that they want me to start on, or other mods to add. People can also reserve a named Kobold (If I can figure out what the fuck is wrong with translating for Kobolds :\), although keep in mind that unless you get in the starting seven, or I really need someone with your profession later on, you're most likely going to end up in suicide wrestling squad and die when an champion wielding a sword cuts out your throat in training.
I'll also be open to suggestions regarding crazy projects, like giant magma skull, giant tower, orbital cannons and the like, so feel free to yell at me if you want to suggest something.
Schrödinger's Verdict on Mana Potion energy drinks
Figure I need to start with this: DISCLAIMER: Schrödinger is not to held responsible if one of you actually gets caffeine poisoning from this product. Don't try it, kids!
The first thing that has to be said about these little bottles of joy is that they are little and delicious. Also expensive, but more on this later.
Now, for those of you who may be wondering, Mana Potion, or Mana Energy Potion as it is labeled, isn't some WoW knock off for the nerdy, even if its name may be slightly deceptive. Inside this small, Florence flask of a bottle, is a liquid that is not only very blue, it is, from all given signals and purposes, energy in about it's purest concentrated form. After I found out about these little balls of fizz from a friend, I googled (Microsoft Word does not accept this as a verb, let alone a word) the website, to be met with a fantasy-esque grandeur that can only be described as "WE'RE TOTALLY NOT RIPPING OFF BLIZZARD GUYS, HONEST." However, with a bit of digging, you eventually find out three key facts about these products:
Got a concept? Awesome. Written some fluff? Perfect! Decided that you want a stat called Asskicking and a skill for Anal Circumference? That's wonderful.
Now throw all that shit out. It's just going to get in your way. When you want to make a game, you should forget EVERYTHING else until you have finished the very most basic part: Resolution.
Anyway, this has turned long and incoherent. Here's the TL;DR version. Figure out how the system works and how you want it to work before you get started on anything else. And shit, don't be afraid to adjust an existing system to do what you want it to. There's no reason to reinvent the wheel.
One of the things I really enjoy about my gaming group, is the cultural diversity amongst other things. This small story pertains to a friend of mine, who will be referred to as Gahgoosh; for his continuous use of the word to express his excitement while role playing his sword slashes. Now, let it be known, that Gahgoosh is one of the few exceptions to the fa/tg/uys that sit down and chuck some dice. This dude pumps iron when he's not at a game store and sells stuff for Lowe's, with the occasional loading and unloading the appliances and what not.
Well, in any case, onto the story...
As the game began, this was the 4th or 5th session in the campaign, whereas it would've been his first time in this game at all. We were playing a fun and diplomatic game in the Eberron setting of D&D. Throughout the first few games, the party got to know each other, and figured out that we were lacking a bit on the raw power side during battles (my cleric being the closest to a fighter than the rest.) Naturally, we weren't worried, for Gahgoosh was to join the party later.
Character introduction took place in the far north, a few miles away from the mountain range, a frozen plains where many a tribes of Frost Giants, Ice Trolls, and many others would inhabit.
While tracking down a fugitive that was charged for the murder of the Marquis in a city near to Sharn, we stumbled upon the remains of a massacre. A shifter village slaughtered, with only a single survivor (as much as Mary Sue this may sound, Gahgoosh didn't make his back story, the GM spurred it on the fly.) After tending his wounds and talking for a few hours, we all came to the realization that our quarry was somehow linked to the attack that caused his agonizing problem. Having lost family and home, Gahgoosh joins us in search of the traitorous Half-Orc and claim revenge for his now deceased tribe, and this is his speech unto us:
"My name is Razamon Thickhide. I am a shifter warrior of the now deceased Stone Maw clan. Let my blade serve you on our entwined path. Let it be known that no one shall stand in our prey, and he who does, BEWARE! For my sword thirsts for blood and I hunger for Man's Meat...!"
And he bacame silent, as he realized what he just said.
"Wait...that...that came out wrong..."
Up until this day, this is one of the unforgettable stories of Gahgoosh.
Alright guys. I'm the new guy here, in regards to the postans on this website. Hopefully I'll be of some use and be able to take loads off other people's shoulders in regards to updating stuff.
In any case, send me your stories to my email. If you've got a funny one or an example of a bad player/GM, send it to me and I can upload it. Share it to the rest and see how others respond to it!
What's that? You haven't HEARD about Lacuna yet? That's because you're a useless lump of blubber and flesh who couldn't grow a real beard or sideburns to save his life. Good thing I'm here to make a MAN out of you.
The short version? If you've seen the Matrix, imagine yourself as an Agent in the world of Dreams, making the waking world a better place. If not? Here's the long version...