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[#] Exalted is for fags and Jeans
06:30pm EDT - 10/14/2008
You know what real men play?
LacunaWhat's that? You haven't HEARD about Lacuna yet? That's because you're a useless lump of blubber and flesh who couldn't grow a real beard or sideburns to save his life. Good thing I'm here to make a MAN out of you.
The short version? If you've seen the Matrix, imagine yourself as an Agent in the world of Dreams, making the waking world a better place. If not? Here's the long version...
Now, not many of you have heard of the concept of a "collective unconscious," I'm sure. But the idea is basically that there's a huge pool that all of our non-conscious thought dives in. Where we get our archetypes and clichés. It explains why there are so many repeating myths and concepts in cultures on opposite sides of the world.
Let's say it's where you go when you dream, when you sleep, even if you don't remember it. It's the realm where your mind wanders until you wake up.
It's also where nightmares come from. Horrible things, gigantic, many-fanged tentacled beasts with razor-sharp spines and poisonous hides. And they do more than just scare you when you sleep, these Hostile Personalities latch unto weak and traumatized dreamers, corrupting them, twisting them and giving the waking world the killers, rapists and mass-murderers that make life so interesting and dangerous.
Wouldn't life be better if we could get rid of them? That's where you come in. You're a Mystery Agent, top of your class in the FBI or some such, but now you're patrolling a different beat. You get put to sleep and you sink through the Green, the chaotic, roiling dreams of recent thought and emotion that the brain sorts while humanity sleeps. Into the blue, Blue City. An alien world, but tantalizingly familiar. You can't quite read the words, though you feel that you should, you can't quite place the odd taste of the food, like it's been grown in alien soil. But what you can do is your job. "Phone home" and summon up what you need. A car, a map, a wallet, a gun, a rocket launcher, a shark, anything. Get in, excise the Hostile Personality, try not to die, and get the hell out again.
Because there are worse things in there, oh, yes there are. There's a reason all agents develop nervous tics and disorders shortly after their first assignment. Something's wrong about Blue City, something is TERRIBLY wrong.
That's the fluff. The mechanics are simple. Everything you do raises your heart rate, the thump thump thump of your waking world body gets faster. You can try to meditate, breathe slowly, calm yourself, but there's no time for that when a tentacle festooned with blades the size of your arm is snapping your way. When your heart is pounding in your ears, and you feel like you're going to die, you've got two choices, agent: Eject and save your ass, or try to hang on, do your job. If your heart bites it from terror, anxiety and stress, you don't just fade out of the dream, you kick the bucket in the waking world, too.
No complex stats or equations for weapons or other equipment. Just four stats ranging from, essentially, 1 to 5. Get out your D6's and hope they treat you well.
Are you ready to plumb the depths of the Mystery? <---That link leads to the short version of Lacuna, there's a full version, too, but that has everything you need to play the game.
PS: Because MisterSyn is a whiny chomedong, he wants everyone to visit the IRC chat's #WC3 channel and play some Warcraft 3 with us. We play some custom maps and shit, BECAUSE WE HARDCORE, YO.