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Archived Threads

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October 2015
43301844Tide of Ages Quest Pt1We begin life as a stone-age tribesman, set to make his mark on the tribe and the world.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-10-27 18 
November 2015
43431452Tide of Ages Quest Pt2Despite being scorned by the elders, our stone age hero doesn't let that dissuade him. A new pair of spears is made, we begin work on the idea of a sling and our food runs dry!Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-11-03 12 
43488184Tide of Ages Quest Pt3The thread goes unexpectedly long, after our hero, Trym, takes a hunting tripCollective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-11-06 7 
43564818Tide of Ages Quest Pt4Trym barely survives his duel with the White Wolf, but manages to make some new friends.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-11-10 7 
43611904Tide of Ages Quest Pt5Trym and Elia return from the winter. Smoking meat proves harder than expected and something odd is seen in the river.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-11-14 7 
43674344Tide of Ages Quest Pt6Elia and Trym take a trip upriver to somehow win the heart of Elia's sweetheart, but they discover something... Otherworldly.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-11-17 7 
43727308Tide of Ages Quest Pt7Trym goes and visits the strangers, only to return with a wife!Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-11-20 7 
43793865Tide of Ages Quest Pt8Trym's daughter is born in harrowing conditions and an old friend (?) makes its return.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-11-24 8 
43845205Tide of Ages Quest Pt9As the winter wears on, there's a crime in the clan. This could cause dire repercussions later...Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-11-27 10 
December 2015
43913953Tide of Ages Quest Pt10Sera grows sick and Trym learns to regret not preparing better for winter. This year, he won't make the same mistake.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-12-01 9 
43970513Tide of Ages Quest Pt11The clan gets some new homes and we start seeing a little more of what the non-humans are capable of.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-12-04 7 
44046465Tide of Ages Quest Pt12Trym's son is born and survives. Better yet, agriculture, the first great revolution, is developed!Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-12-09 7 
44094519Tide of Ages Quest Pt13The tribe starts the long process of cultivating the land and tries their best to domesticate the first animals in the world. Who'sagoodboy?Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-12-11 6 
44174232Tide of Ages Quest Pt14Soqed and Mesut both have worrying and weighty matters to discuss. The clan sees the beginning of its first real tipping point.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-12-15 7 
44230240Tide of Ages Quest Pt15The wolves are tamed and become faithful companions. Trym calls to the spirits and they answer. Crow is an asshole.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-12-18 14 
44306326Tide of Ages Quest Pt16Fields are planted, but there's some concern among the players that this idyllic life will soon come to an end.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-12-22 7 
44430034Tide of Ages Quest Pt17Tyrm tries to push his magic too far, despite warnings and pays the price for it; he is stricken blind!Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2015-12-29 7 
January 2016
44499582Tide of Ages Quest Pt18Trym's great quest is revealed! To restore his sight, he must unite the clans into a single great tribe!Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-01-02 7 
44568050Tide of Ages Quest Pt19Trym starts his plan in motion to unite the clans and takes his first step to mastering magic.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-01-05 6 
44628226Tide of Ages Quest Pt20Trym barely avoids starvation, has a heart-to-heart with his daughter and hopefully starts making strides towards his quest.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-01-08 6 
44714481Tide of Ages Quest Pt21Trym makes himself a magic pimp-stick and struts out to start building ties with the herders.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-01-12 5 
44774805Tide of Ages Quest pt22Trym and his party arrive at the herders village and their tribal suggestions meet with limited success…Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-01-14 6 
44862955Tide of Ages Quest Pt23Sera leaves us to learn from Soqed and Trym calls on the goddess Rhea to aid his brother's wife.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-01-19 5 
44925677Tide of Ages Quest Pt24Tension starts to rise in the village, as more of the herders move in.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-01-22 5 
45076714Tide of Ages Quest Pt25The winter festival is interrupted by the gods, but these new ones don't want sacrifice. Their demands are somewhat harder...Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-01-30 5 
February 2016
45162078Tide of Ages Quest Pt26Trym starts developing things for the clan again. Bigger and better buildings are coming and the herders seem to have become traders.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-02-02 5 
45217588Tide of Ages Quest Pt27Trading doesn't go so well, but Trym does gain some valuable information about the wider worldCollective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages, Unreliable GM2016-02-05 5 
45361825Tide of Ages Quest Pt28Trym manages to broker peace between a trio of feuding gods and saves his village from the fallout. All in a day's work!Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-02-12 5 
45445013Tide of Ages Quest Pt29A heartfelt reunion with Nila, Elia and Galit get a son, goats are tamed and the village decides blood sacrifice is totally a great idea.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-02-17 7 
45499495Tide of Ages Quest Pt30The gods have a taste for blood now and are asking for a bigger and better temple.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-02-20 6 
45582852Tide of Ages Quest Pt31Ebba leaves to learn magic from the river goddess, the tribe finishes the grain store and the first work is made on the first great temple.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-02-23 8 
45639912Tide of Ages Quest Pt32The village gains some basic sanitation and the god of building and labour is summoned.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-02-27 5 
March 2016
45727106Tide of Ages Quest Pt33Trym finally starts to build a bond with his son, creates the first hymn and work starts on the temple proper.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-03-02 5 
45781752Tide of Ages Quest Pt34This might not bode well... A dead chief and a power struggle further up the valley could be an ill wind for the tribe.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-03-05 5 
46079037Tide of Ages Quest Pt35Trym acquires luxuries, realises he's set for food for a LONG time and makes closer friends with the SunishCollective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-03-19 3 
46163497Tide of Ages Quest Pt36A new research system, Trym starts trying to invent the wheel and the rest of the tribe actually thinks of something!Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-03-23 2 
46325800Tide of Ages Quest Pt37The world's first cart and Soqed is a dirty cheat... With a little prompting from AwakCollective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-03-31 2 
April 2016
46378027Tide of Ages Quest Pt38Trym is seriously wounded trying to wrangle an aurochs and learns the art of druidism to recover.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-04-04 3 
46615876Tide of Ages Quest Pt39After a brush with death, Trym's new potions restore him to full strength.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages2016-04-18 2 
November 2024
6093829Tide of Ages Quest Pt40Trym and the tribe are back after far too long and return to form with nothing less than a plot to kill a god for his trickery.Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, SaltyStoryteller,Tide of Ages, Lineage of Heroes2024-11-05 0 
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