/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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November 2012
21451889Lots of Interesting Hard Science Fantasy Setting IdeasArchmage Galileo Galilei invents the telescope, and immediately uses it for line-of-sight teleportation to the Moonsetting idea, alternate magic uses, magitech, hard science fantasy, science fantasy2012-11-07 6 
21469908Magic and Sciencewhy can't they just be friends? :( Interesting discussion, explanations on why settings can/can't have them reconcile one another.magic, science, magitech, science fantasy, derp2012-11-08 7 
21653814Techno-Kobold Post-apocalyptic QuestIn a Post-apocalyptic science fantasy world, deep within a derelict facility. Kobolds awaken, and they have machine-guns. Collective Game, Techno-Kobold Quest, Post-apocalyptic science fantasy2012-11-20 9 
21671623Techno-Kobold Post-apocalyptic QuestThe kobolds secure their underground base. Then suddenly a perfect imortal machiiiiiine called SHODAN VI convinces some of them to release its bonds. All hope seems lost as OP is pulled into SHODANS reality!Collective Game, Techno-Kobold Quest, Post-apocalyptic science fantasy, SHODAN2012-11-21 7 
July 2016
48059415Colonies of Nibiru; First ThreadOrganizations and the nations of Earth colonize a mysterious 10th planet as people turn into fantasy creatures, unit said world is stranded!Collective Game, Civilization, Multiplayer Civ, Collective Civ, Civ, Nibiru, Nation Builder, Builder, Science Fantasy2016-07-09 5 
48126727Colonies of Nibiru; Second ThreadThe Anglosphere meets and converses, while dirty savages do dirty savage things! Also Newts somehow out-science actual research stations.Collective Game, Civilization, Multiplayer Civ, Collective Civ, Civ, Nibiru, Nation Builder, Builder, Science Fantasy2016-07-12 4 
48193779Colonies of Nibiru; Third ThreadThe current progress of each and every civilization are shown to the masses: needless to say, the results are most displeasing.Collective Game, Civilization, Multiplayer Civ, Collective Civ, Civ, Nibiru, Nation Builder, Builder, Science Fantasy2016-07-15 1 
48259204Colonies of Nibiru; Fourth ThreadTensions rise as the Free Army and New Albion throw eggs at each other, while the local natives outmaneuver Afairika in the global landgrab.Collective Game, Civilization, Multiplayer Civ, Collective Civ, Civ, Nibiru, Nation Builder, Builder, Science Fantasy2016-07-19 4 
August 2016
48708373The Lost Colonies: First ThreadA lush fantasy world laden with the mystical leyline grid: not all is as it appears, and dark forces maraud the world's civilized nations!Collective Game, Civilization, Multiplayer Civ, Collective Civ, Civ, Lost Colonies, Nation Builder, Builder, Science Fantasy2016-08-14 2 
48759006The Lost Colonies: Second ThreadThe orcs of the War Wizard and Troll King clash while nations drop like flies in the face of the scourge of the Huh!Collective Game, Civilization, Multiplayer Civ, Collective Civ, Civ, Lost Colonies, Nation Builder, Builder, Science Fantasy2016-08-18 1 
48831379Forgotten Colonies: Third ThreadThe end of the Huh! Four nations band together to defeat this barbarian threat as the Western Tribes lose their independence!Collective Game, Civilization, Multiplayer Civ, Collective Civ, Civ, Lost Colonies, Nation Builder, Builder, Science Fantasy2016-08-22 1 
August 2017
1697785Cold Soldier Quest 3You are an elite soldier of the 13th legion, scouting an unknown world 4231 years after you were cryogenically frozen.Cold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-08-10 3 
1709083Cold Soldier Quest 4You are an elite soldier of the 13th legion, scouting an unknown world 4231 years after you were cryogenically frozen.Cold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-08-10 3 
1720224Cold Soldier Quest 5In which you fight a fairy and ally with two shapeshifters and a bard.Cold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-08-10 3 
1752926Cold Soldier Quest 6In which you fight for the fate of Inis and have a moment with Almeda at a harvest festivalCold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-08-11 3 
1761985Cold Soldier Quest 7In which the party enters the Titan's Arm mountain range and obtains an airship before landing on the sky fortress Lothos.Cold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-08-14 3 
1772007Cold Soldier Quest 8In which the party meets the madman and is cured of fae corruptionCold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-08-17 2 
1781431Cold Soldier Quest 9In which Professor Jeremy Trost gains control of the fortress, and Artoria is freed of her programmingCold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-08-20 1 
1792375Cold Soldier Quest 10In which you recover Clark, travel to another world, and get betrayed by a kindly scientistCold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-08-29 1 
September 2017
1819263Cold Soldier Quest 11You meet up with FEATHER, loot some things, and then kill a monstrous creatureCold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-09-01 1 
1828886Cold Soldier Quest 12In which the hazard soldier is recruited, a new vehicle is obtained, and two mercenaries are hired.Cold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-09-04 1 
1839566Cold Soldier Quest 13In which you recruit a fae and a scavenger, burn through a faerie forest, argue with a mech, and loot the hell out of a field lab.Cold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-09-07 1 
1847105Cold Soldier Quest 14In which you return to your world, mend a bond between siblings, and then return to California to make one faerie queen.Cold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-09-10 1 
1854600Cold Soldier Quest 15In whuch you assemble a mech army, make Alleria queen, and unleash vengeance on Dr. Krasis.Cold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-09-13 1 
1862000Cold Soldier Quest 16in which you hang around FEATHER... this is just exposition.Cold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-09-22 1 
1888518Cold Soldier Quest 17The long awaited beach episode. Oh, and a death machine being excavated.Cold Soldier Quest, science fantasy2017-09-30 1 
October 2017
1916734Cold Soldier Quest 18in which you meet the council of the Archivum, Recall Cyer's expedition, and finally get a world map.science fantasy, cold soldier quest2017-10-12 1 
December 2017
2123401Stranded Mech QuestJoin Captain Alex of the Proxima Aquarii Federation and his mech as he tries to figure out where the hell he is!isekai, science fantasy, mech2017-12-10 6 
2134296Stranded Mech Quest 2The adventure of Captain Alex continues! Join him as he earns the favor of the elves with a gift from their god.isekai, science fantasy, mech2017-12-15 5 
2146522Stranded Mech Quest 3Join Captain Alex as he delves into the secret shrine of Mirna and deals with a beast known as a Sculptor!isekai, science fantasy, mech2017-12-22 1 
May 2019
65960580Realms of Lord Killblood DeathbaneA fairly metal science-fantasy setting with battlemutants and hover-longship riding void-vikings.Lord Killblood Deathbane, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Worldbuilding, Science Fantasy, World Building, brainstorming, Brainstorming, mutant, 2019-05-03 14 
December 2019
3954434Monstergirl Highschool #2In which Terry and the gang try to get their principal to change the location of their field trip.monstergirl, science fantasy, slice of life2019-12-29 1 
January 2020
3982014Monstergirl Highschool #3In which Gekky convinces Mrs Attercop to let them go to a museum for a field trip.monstergirl, science fantasy, slice of life2020-01-01 1 
4001267Monstergirl Highschool #4In which we fight a pair of formidable villains at a museum in an attempt to steal artifacts before they do.monstergirl, science fantasy, slice of life2020-01-10 0 
4020169Monstergirl Highschool #5In which Terry and the gang leap from realm to realm, snatching up cool stuff on the way.monstergirl, science fantasy, slice of life2020-01-19 0 
March 2020
4153917Monstergirl Highschool #7The Theo/Vireen Vainglory arc reaches its chilling conclusion as the story actually starts to make sense!monstergirl, science fantasy, slice of life2020-03-29 0 
April 2020
4170284Monstergirl Highschool #7.5The gang returns to school, gets jumped by a pair of drug running yukionna, and investigates a field making Terry's symbiote malfunction.monstergirl, science fantasy, slice of life2020-04-08 0 
May 2024
5968231Dragon's CadenzaA girl finds a baby dragon and tries to save her prince from slavers.Collective Game, Post-Apocalypse, Science Fantasy2024-05-18 6 
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This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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