/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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March 2013
23935425MonsterquestsAn icy turtle-snake-tree attacks her reflection and meets her old friend, the steam powered magmapillarCollective_game, Monster_Quest, Drawfag2013-03-29 14 
October 2014
35850393Young Monster quest 0A monster is born, a demon to be precise.Collective Game, Young Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Monster, quest, character creation, Demon2014-10-30 11 
35859615Young Monster quest 1In which Razsezsunael feeds a cultist to a monster in a pond, and loots a good deal of things. actually it mostly just loots things in this thread, not much else happens. short thread to QM feeling to shit to write Collective Game, Young Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Monster, quest, character creation, Demon2014-10-31 7 
November 2014
35920808Young Monster quest 2Razsezsunael meets one of her kin, learns a bit about demons, and decides to pay the duke a visitCollective Game, Young Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Monster, quest, Demon2014-11-03 11 
35982459Young Monster quest 3Razezsunael finds a strange human, and takes her home and makes foodCollective Game, Young Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Monster, quest, kidnapping, Demon2014-11-06 6 
36082087Young Monster quest 4 Razsezsunael goes to an orphanage, owned by a rather nasty woman called Madame Pomp. Within it she finds a rather angry ghost girl who seems to recognize her. One thing leads to another and she gains a sister, a being of fire and hate called Majazal, and they fight a angel from heaven above after a light snackCollective Game, Young Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Monster, quest, Angel, Demon2014-11-11 7 
36146598Young Monster quest 5Razsezsunael and Majazal decide to finally go kill the duke, however, Raz gets distracted by learning things and kidnapping the duke's daughter, who is a half breed of monster and human, named Elizabeth. Also gets a cool looking coatCollective Game, Young Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Monster, quest, , Demon, kidnapping, monster girl,2014-11-14 7 
36290178Young Monster quest 6In which Raz dooms the city twice, nearly dies to a very angry mother, and crawls back home a month later, the city mostly lifelessCollective Game, Young Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Monster, quest, Demon, lose, destruction2014-11-21 6 
December 2014
36530986Young Monster quest 7Razsezsunael and Majazal find a small farm ran by a small family of humans and take it for their own, they then track down and slaughter some trouble making monsters, and raz gets a fuckhuge swordCollective Game, Young Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Monster, quest, Demon,2014-12-03 10 
36667976Young monster quest 8Raz decides that her farm needs more humans really short thread because the qm falls asleep halfway through. I'm so sorryCollective Game, Young Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Monster, quest, , Demon2014-12-10 4 
36706565Young Monster quest .5In which raz walks around and talks to a rude demon, short threadCollective Game, Young Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Monster, quest, Demon2014-12-12 3 
36857941Young Monster quest 9Raz fights a creature of metal that contains the soul of a man, cleans a room, and meets a familiar face once again, and turns her into something not to unlike herselfCollective Game, Young Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Monster, quest,, Demon, transformation2014-12-20 6 
36989904Young Monster quest 10Raz gets into an eating contest which wins her two more workers for the farm, and afterwards she finishes the day by slaying a dumb animalCollective Game, Young Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Monster, quest,, Demon2014-12-27 6 
January 2015
37289959Young Monster quest 11Raz and company decide to get a bit of revenge, going to slay (and devour) the duchess of bats, and get back the halfbreed, as well as gaining a great amount of powerCollective Game, Young Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Monster, quest, Demon2015-01-11 5 
37378899Young Monster quest 12Raz talks to some monsters, gets a rather flamboyant sword and then goes on a walk with Elizabeth the half breedCollective Game, Young Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Monster, quest,Demon2015-01-15 5 
37535296Young Monster quest 13Raz's helps a small child turning into a monster. And then fights an Angel sent to destroy or purify what's left of her human soul. And we all learn the dangers of blood transmitted corruptionCollective Game, Young Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Monster, quest, Demon2015-01-22 12 
37707308Young Monster quest 14Raz goes to hell to go and get the best cultist back, as well as get him a new body. Collective Game, Young Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Monster, quest,Demon2015-01-30 5 
February 2015
37884098Young Monster quest EndAnd so it ends, with a whimper. The QM apologizes profusely and writes a distant Epilogue of it all. Warning, very little actual questing is done in this thread, lots of discussion however.Collective Game, Young Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Monster, quest,Demon, Sudden End, World building2015-02-07 2 
38112439Modern Monster Quest 1A new story starts following a young...Human noble? Called Amelia Crawlby, who's family rules over the city of Centil. What is that strange voice she keeps hearing anyways, and why does this feel like it's going to a bad day?Collective Game, Modern Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Noble,2015-02-17 9 
38272427Modern Monster Quest 2Amelia learns a bit about monsters and gets a handmaiden Collective Game, Modern Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Noble,2015-02-24 9 
March 2015
38497282Modern Monster Quest 3Amelia Crawlby's life falls apart, and she loses everything, castle, father, belongings..etc due to a group of ignorant and violent peasants. However not is all lost, as She, her body guard marcus, and her handmaiden Helga take Helga's father's ship across the sea to seek shelter with a cousin of Amelia's, who lives in the strange continent in the eastCollective Game, Modern Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Noble,2015-03-06 7 
38680832Modern Monster Quest 4Amelia decides to go to town, and sells her last dress to get a weapon (Naginata), she then goes out on the town and comes across Several odd things, like a scary alley way that may lead to hell, or three fox spirits punishing an Oni for his reckless actions by breaking a horn or two of his.Collective Game, Modern Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Noble,2015-03-14 11 
38811569Modern Monster Quest 5Amelia goes fishing and then goes out to town with Helga and The Oni, Na'kal Bonechewer. After getting a bite to eat, Amelia decides to pay a visit to the Silver tails out of curiosity, and learns that their lord has been expecting her. And she then has a nice and cordial talk with him. Peace while it may not last, is something to strive for, no?Collective Game, Modern Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Noble,2015-03-20 11 
38955043Modern Monster Quest 6Hat man comes with a strange gift, and Amelia decides her handmaiden needs training. Shortish threadCollective Game, Modern Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Noble,2015-03-27 9 
April 2015
39136074Modern Monster Quest 7Homeless once again, Amelia goes to the silver tails to ask if their offer of hospitality still stands. But along the way she gets attacked by a fox spirit, who isn't too bright, and gets a bitchin new swordCollective Game, Modern Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Noble,2015-04-05 7 
39265644Modern Monster Quest 8Amelia trains with Marcus and Kiki, and then drops by the Crimson fangs to get a bite to eat and ends up sparing with Na'kal, before being sent through the roof, ouch. Feeling Pain is a sign of being human, but is humanity worth it, well such questions are better left to be answered later.Collective Game, Modern Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Noble,2015-04-11 7 
39512336Modern Monster Quest 9Amelia gets a letter from her cousin, as well as a threat, before she gives the hatman a hug in exchange from something in her heart, before she tosses her humanity away, but does that matter much, all that really matters is what lies in the heart.Collective Game, Modern Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Noble, transformation, THE NAME FINALLY MEANS SOMETHING2015-04-23 9 
May 2015
39695624Modern Monster Quest 10Amelia tries to learn how to use her magic with the help of Kiki,and then they have a chat over some sweets. And the lesson we learn today? try not to catch swords with your bare handsCollective Game, Modern Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Noble, Monster2015-05-02 8 
39834930Modern Monster Quest 11Amelia and friends leave the safety of the city and surprise surprise, are attacked by Bandits of the Burning maw, looking to rile things upCollective Game, Modern Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Noble, Oni2015-05-09 7 
39976807Modern Monster Quest 12Short thread. After a quick bath in the woods, Amelia and Co reach the town they were traveling to, not a very exciting session, to be honestCollective Game, Modern Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Noble, Monster2015-05-16 6 
40159596Modern Monster Quest 13Amelia goes swimming with some friends, Helga and Kiki to be exact, and then gets attacked by some kind of abominationCollective Game, Modern Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Noble, Monster2015-05-25 9 
June 2015
40392903Modern Monster Quest 14Amelia, Marcus, Na'kal, and Kiki go to save some kids from a couple of burning maw bandits. Lots of twenties are rolled, and I mean a absolute fuck ton of twenties, what the fuck. And Amelia gets a second tailCollective Game, Modern Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Noble, Monster2015-06-05 8 
40646677Modern Monster Quest 15Amelia decides to spend some free time helping others, and manages to drag Kiki along with her, And then freaks out about how long her lifespan now is, and after calming down, they go on a picnicCollective Game, Modern Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Noble, Monster2015-06-17 7 
40910782Modern Monster Quest 16On a strangely cold day, Amelia realizes it's best to be happy and tries to figure out what's making the cold. Really short threadCollective Game, Modern Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Noble, Monster2015-06-30 5 
January 2016
44942127Young Monster Quest #1We start off, get a feel for the game, and HWM passes outCollective Game, Young Monster Quest, He Who Meddles2016-01-23 1 
45118032Young Monster Quest #2We break into a house, and set the stage for a massacre, or somethingCollective Game, Young Monster Quest, He Who Meddles2016-01-31 2 
March 2016
46232950Another RE: Monster Quest: Centipede Edition, Episode 1The one where you're born and everybody makes dick jokes.RE: Monster Quest, Centipede, Centipede Quest, QMtipede2016-03-25 3 
46253985Another RE: Monster Quest: Centipede Edition, Episode 2The one where we attempt diplomacy and QM calls it quits.RE: Monster Quest, Centipede, Centipede Quest, QMtipede2016-03-26 2 
July 2017
1662490Young Monster Quest #0Thomas Dixkn discovers his heritage and gets into some troubleCollective Game, Young Monster Quest, He Who Meddles2017-07-20 1 
1677431Monster Quest #6: Tyranical OriginsThe unknown fiend escapes the manor, and begins to set up in his new baseCollective game, Burden, fiend, demon, monster Quest2017-07-28 6 
August 2017
1755184Monster Quest 7b: Painting the City RedThe Fiend burns down a town, summons a new minion, and pushes off double evolution againBurden, Monster Quest, Fiend, Demon, Imp, Monster, Quest2017-08-21 1 
December 2017
2095221Monster QUest Reboot: Slime TimeThe slimes start to fight backBurden, Collective Game, Monster Quest, Monster Quest Reboot, Slime2017-12-11 1 
January 2018
2170398Monster Quest 2: Reboot !A dron awakens in fire, and seeks to find their place in the harsh ManawastesBurden, Collective Game, Monster Quest, Monster Quest Reboot, Dron2018-01-13 5 
2193968Monster Quest 2: Reboot 2Having escaped Snow, the Dron seeks to find a way to escapeBurden, Collective Game, Monster Quest, Monster Quest Reboot, Dron2018-01-13 1 
2235285Monster Quest Reboot Thread 3The dron finds himself in a ship, aids a new ally and fights some golemsBurden, Collective Game, Monster Quest, Monster Quest Reboot, Dron2018-01-31 1 
February 2018
2274694Monster Quest Reboot 4: Back to BasicsDust and his fellow Dron manage to escape the airship, ending up in a forest far from his homeland, yet he now faces a mysterious enemy.Collective Game, Burden, Monster Quest, Reboot, Dron, Baron, Evolution.2018-02-14 2 
February 2021
4615042Royal Monster QuestKokabiel, agent from the beyond is on his way to avert tragedy and the destruction of a world. First step; Infiltration!royal monster quest, steampunk, gunpowder and bayonet, 2021-02-25 0 
April 2021
4686631Royal Monster Quest #2Out from the frying pan, and back into a kettle.royal monster quest, steampunk, gunpowder and bayonet,2021-04-22 0 
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