/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

November 2015
43622655Shinigami Quest Thread 1Humble beginningsCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2015-11-13 11 
43739108Shinigami Quest Thread 2Staring at a golden flowerCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2015-11-20 9 
43853861Shinigami Quest Thread 3Analytical MindCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2015-11-27 7 
December 2015
43983413Shinigami Quest Thread 4The Human WorldCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2015-12-04 7 
44108754Shinigami Quest Thread 5Responsibilities and moralsCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2015-12-11 6 
44264601Shinigami Quest Thread 6HomeCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2015-12-19 7 
44302006Shinigami Quest Thread 7Investigating the disappearancesCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2015-12-22 7 
44342756Shinigami Quest Thread 8Love CarrierCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2015-12-24 6 
44390793Shinigami Quest Thread 9Century old conspiraciesCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2015-12-26 7 
January 2016
44522463Shinigami Quest Thread 10Ryouta's determinationCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-01-03 6 
44563617Shinigami Quest Thread 11Almost a buddy cop action movieCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-01-05 7 
44643654Shinigami Quest Thread 12A web of intrigueCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-01-09 5 
44791518Shinigami Quest Thread 13The other paranormal investigatorCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-01-15 5 
44814189Shinigami Quest Thread 14Kirino MoekaCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-01-17 4 
44959663Shinigami Quest Thread 15The cost of traditionCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-01-24 3 
45089447Shinigami Quest Thread 16Final piecesCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-01-30 4 
45110045Shinigami Quest Thread 17The bustCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-01-31 3 
February 2016
45232609Shinigami Quest Thread 18Formulating a planCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-02-06 4 
45254805Shinigami Quest Thread 19Analytical Mind: CCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-02-07 7 
45395975Shinigami Quest Thread 20Back to Soul SocietyCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-02-14 4 
45514484Shinigami Quest Thread 21New HomeCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-02-20 5 
45534209Shinigami Quest Thread 22FakerCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-02-21 4 
March 2016
45797471Shinigami Quest Thread 23A fight against a ShinigamiCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-03-05 6 
45817111Shinigami Quest Thread 24It's that girl again...Collective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-03-06 7 
45962021Shinigami Quest Thread 25Little sisterCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-03-13 6 
46094516Shinigami Quest Thread 26Two facing mirrorsCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-03-19 6 
46244667Shinigami Quest Thread 27Helping a golden flowerCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-03-26 6 
46266664Shinigami Quest Thread 28Raw Breath of DangerCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-03-27 5 
April 2016
46393445Shinigami Quest Thread 29RecapCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-04-02 3 
46543829Shinigami Quest Thread 30Menos GrandeCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-04-09 3 
46564511Shinigami Quest Thread 31About Tsukuda RyoutaCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-04-10 6 
46710133Shinigami Quest Thread 32Honey cakeCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-04-17 4 
46983702Shinigami Quest Thread 33A Dragon atop a mountainCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-04-30 4 
May 2016
47233119Shinigami Quest Thread 34Shield and spear paradoxCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-05-14 2 
47250985Shinigami Quest Thread 35The girl with white hairCollective Game, Bleach, Shinigami, Shinigami Quest2016-05-15 3 
June 2016
47557554Super Substitute Shinigami Quest #2Our heroine faces the most diabolical opponent of all: Japanese Middle-School bullying.Collective Game, Bleach, Super Substitute Shinigami Quest, Shinigami2016-06-02 3 
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