/qst/ Thread Archive

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September 2009
5735147Corp Quest 1Control a tiny subcontracting firm whose job is to exploit a resource-laden virgin planet filled with hostile natives and rival corporations.Corp Quest, collective game2009-09-06 23 
5743045Corp Quest 2The abruptly ended sequel to the first thread. Natives are becoming increasingly hostile and the local pharmaceutical company needs a good hippy-stomping.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-06 15 
5761125Corp Quest 3The natives initiate the first conflict, relations with Lemmington Pharmaceuticals become calmer and war is brewing to the North, all in Corp Quest.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-08 11 
5768617Corp Quest 4Day 21 begins in the world of Corp Quest.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-08 7 
5775885Corp Quest 4 - The Real DealPlanet-rape! Slavery! War! Eco-terrorists! Fun! It's all in here!Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-09 8 
5782190Corp Quest 5 - Total WarContinued war with the Kil'thweq and a very costly battle indeed.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-09 10 
5784429Corp Quest 6 - Total War Part DeuxThe final attack against the Kil'thweq . . . with unexpected results.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-09 11 
5786214Corp Quest 7- Death of a Company The fowl xenos are sent to oblivion. Also, Comrade 70 joins our ranks. Corp Quest2009-09-09 12 
5802653Corp Quest 8The subcontractors begin to rebuild their economy after the war is over and they discover that Uni-Peace are dicks.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-10 10 
5805904Corp Quest 9You plot against Uni-Peace and Centauri Synthetics plots against you.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-11 10 
5809264Corp Quest 10More corp quest.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-11 10 
5831328Corp Quest 11Preparing to stomp the hippies and slavery shenanigans!Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-13 8 
5836630Corp Quest 12The invasion of the hippies commences.Corp Quest, collective game2009-09-13 8 
5860124Corp Quest 13The hippies have officially been stomped and the spoils are being collected.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-15 8 
5864165Corp Quest 14Month 3 begins with some ominous events.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-15 8 
5866171Corp Quest 15Many great mysteries are uncovered.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-15 7 
5885900Corp Quest 16The virus situation is getting worse and worse.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-17 6 
5889898Corp QuestVIRUS ENDURES.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-17 10 
5892174Corp Quest 18Short. The pirates are raided and cliffhanger.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-17 7 
5913575Corp Quest 19The missile attack on the nanovirus' island. Will it succeed?Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-19 5 
5916545Corp Quest 20Alright chums, let's do this! COOOORRRPP QUESTTTT!Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-19 7 
5917682Corp Quest 21FUUUUUUUUCK YEAH!Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-19 8 
5918789Corp Quest 22The sweet rewards of victory.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-19 6 
5944838Corp Quest 23Industrial espionage, new technology, plans.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-21 6 
5948225Corp Quest 24Planning for the inevitable conflict with TradeStar. Brainstorming starship designs. Production plans.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-21 6 
5967670Corp Quest 25Starship design is finalized, New Earth Missions are wiped out.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-23 4 
5972530Corp Quest 26NME remnants are hunted. Ships built. Etc.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-23 3 
5993961Corp Quest 27The final hour before the final battle.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-25 5 
5996027Corp Quest 28Space battles ensue with meager forces.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-25 5 
5998191Corp Quest 29Boarding actions, tough decisions and 6mil get awesomeness.Corp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-25 10 
6000238Corp quest 28Get aftermathCorp Quest, Collective Game2009-09-25 6 
January 2012
17449318Megacorp Quest: A New BeginningIt's not the old one, but it might be just as good. We'll just have to see where our new found cocaine addiction leads us.Megacorp, corp, corporation, cocaine, XCOM, quest, collective game, Megacorp Quest2012-01-07 5 
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