(oh god has it really been that long since my last update, jesus)
We had a few hours' outage today as the VPS provider had to reboot the cluster containing sup/tg/ and perform some work and monitoring on it. It's a little shaky right now, but otherwise things seem to be back to (ab)normal. I'll keep an eye on it, and don't expect at this point to see any other issues in the near future.
~Lord Licorice

So because my life is a fine example of decay and entropy in action, the PSU on the old sup/tg/ server died today.
This is the model I need to replace; if anyone can find this cheaper and/or with a more reliable vendor than random people on Ebay, it'd be much appreciated. (Likewise, any leads on cheap, legit copies of Win7 Professional or better would be great.)
Also, the Minecraft server is up again. The map's been reset; new rules are (to start) 20x20 plot for your house in the sup/tg/ town, no ostentatious displays (lavafalls, etc.), no super tall structures,
no penis towers. We don't have mobs yet, but the idea is to build a community to fend them off, rather than a bunch of free-standing art installations. Check the IRC for details. BOTHER PURPLE ABOUT PLUGINS NOT WORKING
~Lord Licorice
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