/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

August 2012
20476321Corruption of Champions: ANGER EDITIONIn which a young Angry Marine and Musclewizard by the name of ANGER boldly strides into a new world, to cast Fist upon heretical abominations in the Emperors name.Corruption of Champions: Knighthood, Angry Marine, Collective Game, CoC, Corruption of Champions, SPACE MARINE , 40K, Emperor, Muscle Wizard2012-08-26 20 
May 2014
32224193Champions Quest Issue #1: OriginsOur apartment catches fire, we develop some nifty powers, and have a nice chat with a super hero before running from the police.Champions Quest, Collective Game, Numbah_One2014-05-20 8 
32271921Champions Quest Issue #2We bum around a heroine's apartment and call our mom. Champions Quest, Collective Game, Numbah_One2014-05-22 7 
32309837Champions Quest Issue #3We meet some detectives, design a costume, and get ready to go out and train.Champions Quest, Collective Game, Numbah_One2014-05-24 7 
32355304Champions Quest Issue #4We do some training with Kaitlin, have lunch and a heart to heart with our Dad, and get involved in a restaurant robbery.Champions Quest, Collective Game, Numbah_One2014-05-26 7 
32399985Champions Quest Issue #5We work through our needless guilt over killing somebody, meet up with Kaitlin, and have a serious discussion about registration.Champions Quest, Collective Game, Numbah_One2014-05-28 8 
June 2015
40902167Champion of the Key Quest #1In which Chuckles and Eail made a Kingdom Hearts Quest, what could go wrong?Chuckles, Eail, ChuckEails, Kingdom Hearts, KH, Keyblade, Champion of the Key Quest, Collective Game2015-06-29 14 
July 2015
41198268Champion of the Key Quest #3We're archiving this one early, so who knows?Chuckles, Eail, ChuckEails, Kingdom Hearts, KH, Keyblade, Champion of the Key Quest, Collective Game2015-07-13 11 
41204769Champion of the Key Quest #3.5 HD REMIXIn which our adventure continuesChuckles, Eail, ChuckEails, Kingdom Hearts, KH, Keyblade, Champion of the Key Quest, Collective Game2015-07-13 10 
41347258Champion of the Key Quest #4Vasi walks through a long ass field in her pajamas, presumably other things happen tooChuckles, Eail, ChuckEails, Kingdom Hearts, KH, Keyblade, Champion of the Key Quest, Collective Game2015-07-20 10 
August 2015
41649265Champion of the Key Quest #6In which early archiveChuckles, Eail, ChuckEails, Kingdom Hearts, KH, Keyblade, Champion of the Key Quest, Collective Game2015-08-03 12 
41951592Champion of the Key Quest #8In which we continue our adventures in NarniaChuckles, Eail, ChuckEails, Kingdom Hearts, KH, Keyblade, Champion of the Key Quest, Collective Game2015-08-18 9 
November 2015
43643017Who is your realm's best figher?A compilation of the best fighters of at least 50 campaigns and damn, they are tough.Collective Game, Fighters, Champions, Best2015-11-16 1 
January 2016
45133662Champion of the Key Quest #9In which Vasi returnsChuckles, Eail, ChuckEails, Kingdom Hearts, KH, Keyblade, Champion of the Key Quest, Collective Game2016-01-31 8 
May 2016
110836Undead Champion Quest 01An abomination against nature, an undead little girl, wakes up and escapes a dark place with her new servant. Slow in Hex fashion.Undead Champion Quest,fantasy,BQOP,Hexer,undead2016-05-15 1 
March 2019
3361119Dragon's Champion QuestIn which Oliver Black is sent to deal with a suspected traitor and has the future king of the valley executed.Collective Game, DCQ, Dragon's Champion Quest, LimpyQM2019-03-30 3 
April 2019
3394789Dragon's Champion Quest 2In which Oliver Black kills a few bodyguards and discovers that he is the subject of a plot.Collective Game, DCQ, Dragon's Champion Quest, LimpyQM2019-04-13 1 
3430974Dragon's Champion Quest 3In which Oliver Black prevents a murder. Which somehow makes things worse.Collective Game, DCQ, Dragon's Champion Quest, LimpyQM2019-04-27 1 
May 2019
3464530Dragon's Champion Quest 4In which Oliver Black talks with Megerix about his previous mission and his failed murder attempt.Collective Game, DCQ, Dragon's Champion Quest, LimpyQM2019-05-12 1 
June 2019
3562452Mortal Kombat: Champion of Outworld Satsujin competes in the mortal kombat ternament to pretect outworld from the fallen thunder god raiden and his army of earthrealm warriorsCollective Game, Champion of Outworld Quest, Action, Mortal Kombat2019-06-17 1 
July 2019
3585104Mortal Kombat: Champion of Outworld #2satsujin competes in the next round of the tournament and gets some help facing some unexpected foesCollective Game, Champion of Outworld Quest, Action, Mortal Kombat2019-07-01 4 
August 2019
3728980Brood Quest 3The Brood Hivemind is in Disarray as the King and Queen have seemingly lost the will to live. Brood quest, brood champion, sci-fi, space/interplanetary, identity crisis2019-08-19 0 
June 2022
5288055Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 9You trained a bunch, caught Rufflet, Rufflet evolved and you reached Silveridge Town.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Champion, Training, Silveridge Town, SuperBusy2022-06-27 2 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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