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May 2013
24595163Yellowman Quest 7Scott Yellowman deals with a wish-granting god, a swamp that lives up to its name, a bunch of really infuriating rats, and saves another racer from an oversized intestinal monster.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Oglaf, Shadowrun, Phantasy Star Online2013-05-04 6 
24690729Yellowman Quest 8With new team member Elyse in tow, Scott and his crew finally escape the Swamp of Despair. They come across a farm, encounter a petulant god-child, witness an airship crash, and find an axe-wielding maniac only a mile behind them.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Oglaf, Shadowrun, Phantasy Star Online2013-05-09 7 
24831832Yellowman Quest 9Scott Yellowman and his group run from a bounty hunter with flying power armor, take refuge in a warded city, get called sluts, and demand to see the manager in order to complain about bad customer service.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Oglaf, Shadowrun, Phantasy Star Online2013-05-16 7 
June 2013
25385565Yellowman Quest 10Yellowman and his group have a run in with the guards, guns almost get beaten by swords and crossbows, and they enter the Sorceress' Castle. Also, statistical analysis confirms that MetaOP rolls low.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Oglaf, Shadowrun, Phantasy Star Online, statistics2013-06-12 7 
25517110Yellowman Quest 11Yellowman and his team finally leave the world of Oglaf behind, only to land in a city with a xenomorph infestation, Weyland-Yutani mucking about, and 2 Predators who may or may not be out for trophies. This may be an improvement.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Oglaf, Phantasy Star Online, Alien vs. Predator2013-06-20 9 
25647598Yellowman Quest 12The raid on the police station is concluded, there's some talk during a long APC raid, and we attempt to go meet Radical Edward.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Oglaf, Phantasy Star Online, Alien vs. Predator2013-06-27 5 
July 2013
25801190Yellowman Quest 13Scott Yellowman's trip through this world is marked with critical failures and critical successes, mostly of the former variety. He leads his team to the Sewage Sub-Station, and finds no Ed, but does find the Portal.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Phantasy Star Online, Alien vs. Predator, Starcraft, Cowboy Bebop2013-07-05 6 
25919400Yellowman Quest 14Yellowman and his group finally get a hot meal, get ripped off by a pawnshop, get some cash from a jeweler's, have a run-in with a pair of fellow Racers, and get chased into the sewers when they fail to have the proper papers.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Phantasy Star Online, Fullmetal Alchemist, Street Fighter2013-07-11 7 
26059195Yellowman Quest 15The Mad Alchemist is found, but the stage exit is not. Also, an old foe is killed offscreen.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Phantasy Star Online, Fullmetal Alchemist, Street Fighter2013-07-20 3 
August 2013
26609235Yellowman Quest 18Begins with fighting a dragonCollective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Phantasy Star Online, Fullmetal Alchemist, Street Fighter2013-08-14 5 
26739627Yellowman Quest 19Yellowman and his party pay a Toll, and then find themselves in scenic Vienna, as a giant robot fights against an alien monster in the background. Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Phantasy Star Online, Fullmetal Alchemist2013-08-21 3 
26865196Yellowman Quest 20Finding their way through the CORT base the team argues with Ed, agrees with the Ghost, and Elyse shanks an Invader.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Phantasy Star Online, Ground Crew Quest2013-08-29 5 
26922231Yellowman Quest 21The end of Yellowman Quest. The Ghost makes her wish and redeems herself, Scott gets a mini-vacation, then narrowly escapes a terrible fate in a patchwork craft designed to take him home.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Phantasy Star Online2013-08-31 8 
May 2015
39878069Phantasy Star Online Quest #1Pheonixia, a FOnewearl, accompanies three others on her first mission to Ragol.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-05-11 5 
39959439Phantasy Star Online Quest #2Pheonixia get's attacked by a savage wolf and loses her cool.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-05-15 2 
40020139Phantasy Star Online Quest #3Pheonixia spents some quality time with Ash and the boys.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-05-18 4 
40160080Phantasy Star Online Quest #4Pheonixia and Elenor find a man in yellow, and make a new friend. PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-05-25 2 
June 2015
40307860Phantasy Star Online Quest #5Pheonixia takes Elenor, Nela, and some new friends to the Central Dome and finds more than what she expected.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-06-01 5 
40456698Phantasy Star Online Quest #6Pheonixia recovers from her recent injuries, then tracks down the dragon that put Ash in the hospital.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-06-08 2 
40605795Phantasy Star Online Quest #7Pheonixia, Ash, Maiawynn, and Elenor defeat the dragon, at great cost. A relic warns of future troubles.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-06-15 2 
40785249Phantasy Star Online Quest #8Pheonixia and friends bring Elenor back to the Lab to be repaired. Pheonixia then confronts Tyrell about Mother Brain.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-06-24 2 
40889120Phantasy Star Online Quest #9Pheonixia meets Wren and Demi, and learns about what destroyed Pioneer I.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-06-29 2 
July 2015
41082828Phantasy Star Online Quest #10Pheonixia travels between satellites, learning about the Palman civilization. Meanwhile, life on Pioneer II continues on without her.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-07-08 1 
41186266Phantasy Star Online Quest #11Pheonixia is captured and interrogated by WORKS after she arrives on Zelan.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-07-13 2 
41228248Phantasy Star Online Quest #12Pheonixia works with Demi and Wren to clear the satellite of WORKS soldiers. She reunites with her friends and sets out for Ragol II.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-07-15 6 
41332265Phantasy Star Online Quest #13Pheonixia lands on Ragol II with Ash, Nela, and Maiya, but she gets separated and rescued by locals. PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-07-20 1 
41377204Phantasy Star Online Quest #14Pheonixia travels with Layla the Esper, gets stoned, and then rides an Owl into the sunset.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-07-22 1 
August 2015
41631668Phantasy Star Online Quest #15Pheonixia and Layla rescue Maiyawyn, reunite with Ash and Nela, and start a fight with a giant worm in an ice digging tank.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-08-03 2 
42201100Phantasy Star Online Quest #16Pheonixia drills through the ice worm, and meets two more ghosts of the Elsydeon.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-08-31 1 
September 2015
42337117Phantasy Star Online Quest #17Pheonixia wakes up injured in Jut. The group makes plans to head for Esper Mansion as zombies attack.PSOQ, Collective Game, Phantasy Star, PSO, Phantasy Star Online Quest2015-09-07 1 
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