/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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October 2012
21209912Company civWe open a moneylendering company on the docks and proceed to expand our buisinessCollective Game, Refreck Spine Snapper, Company,2012-10-21 6 
December 2012
21965124Company Civ #1The company hits the ground running, inventing a magical watch and nearly getting eaten by their puppy.Collective Game, Company, Civ, Civilization, Refrek Spine Snapper2012-12-10 11 
21981382Company Civ #2The company invents a wet suit and gains a few more new employees.... also averts a... "end of the world" scenario.Collective Game, Company, Civ, Civilization, Refrek Spine Snapper 2012-12-11 16 
22043336Company Civ #3The company travels deep into the central bureaucracy, and secures a place trying to win the contract to fix the rails. Collective Game, Company, Civ, Civilization, Refrek Spine Snapper2012-12-15 9 
22074358Company Civ #4The group continues to work on their trains, and develops a new form of magical toys via golemancy. THe thread is a bit slow, hopefully better next time!Collective Game, Company, Civ, Civilization, Refrek Spine Snapper2012-12-17 10 
22122722Company Civ #5The company secures the contract for the rails, but they still have a competitor. THe engineering guild, also they discover the problem with the bureaucracy is a lot worse than originally though. Collective Game, Company, Civ, Civilization, Refrek Spine Snapper 2012-12-20 10 
22156617Company Civ #6The company expands once more, buying a new factory to house their train assembly line. Also they branch out to a new sector, opening a law firm inside their walls. Collective Game, Company, Civ, Civilization, Refrek Spine Snapper2012-12-22 12 
22234462Company Civ #7The company has to deal with the most terrifying time of the year for any business... the holiday seasons. Also some guy gets beaten up, fun times!Collective Game, Company, Civ, Civilization, Refrek Spine Snapper2012-12-27 9 
January 2015
37084497The Free CompanyOP comes in with an idea about a group of loyalist marines with their own ship, made from an amalgamation of exiles rogues and last survivors from dozens of chapters with a slight pirate flavor. A truly incredible amount of writing ensues and they are rapidly fleshed out.Free Company, space marines, Brethren of the Fringe, storytime2015-01-02 6 
April 2016
46419421InFilInc Test II - Hostage Rescue [Skirmish]Agents of Solstar Company must rescue agent Hedgehog from the White Moon. Agent shenanigans ensue.Solstar Company Quest, Skirmish, Quest, Solstar Company, Company Command, Agent, White Moon, Collective Game2016-04-03 4 
46482970InfilINC Test IV: Desert DustupAfter two near-botched rescue missions, Solstar sends their agents on a simple milk run to find a truck. Everything soon goes wrong.Solstar Security, Solstar Company, Agent, collective game, skirmish sketch quest, art?, 2016-04-08 1 
46591227InfilINC VI: Property ValueIt turns out assassination wetwork squads give a bulk discount. Peopl die.Solstar Security, Solstar Company, Agent, collective game, skirmish sketch quest, art?, 2016-04-14 1 
46743528InfilINC Ethics Oversight Pt IITeraline has been tracked to an inconspicious bar in the middle of nowhere. It's probably not going to be a trap.Solstar Security, Solstar Company, Agent, collective game, skirmish sketch quest, art?, 2016-04-22 1 
May 2016
46930685InfilINC Ethics Oversight 3It turns out the inconspicous bar in the middle of nowhere was a trap. Explosions, data, run-away AI and genetic tampering!Solstar Security, Solstar Company, Agent, collective game, skirmish sketch quest, art?, 2016-05-01 2 
47040781ExfilINC I: Jailhouse RockOur misfit band of ne'rdowells wake up in a prison cell, about to be harvested for organs. Things escalate.Solstar Security, Solstar Company, Agent, collective game, skirmish sketch quest, art?, 2016-05-06 1 
June 2016
47663147ExfilINC I: Jailhouse Rock p2Crashing a mid-riot prison facility, shots are fired and wardens are tackled.Solstar Security, Solstar Company, Agent, collective game, skirmish sketch quest, art?, 2016-06-08 1 
July 2016
48340789ExfilINC I: Parking Lot BluesThe hunt for a car leads to interrupting a mexican stand off.Solstar Security, Solstar Company, Agent, collective game, skirmish sketch quest, art?, 2016-07-20 2 
November 2016
769487InfilINC: TS Liren and The Pumpkin Processor [Skirmish]In the future on a busted, mothballed planet too out of place to be worth much to anyone but still too big to be conveniently forgotten Solstar Security, Solstar Company, Agent, collective game, skirmish sketch quest, art?, 2016-11-04 3 
797868InfilINC: FreeRider ProblemWe play the beligerent opposition in a simulated live fire exercise, to stress-test the RIDERs in an as-close-to-real situation as we can Solstar Security, Solstar Company, Agent, collective game, skirmish sketch quest, art?,2016-11-16 3 
December 2016
851515InfilNC: Stern Resolutin [Skirmish]bringing tactical display up resetting targetting perimeters testing validity ... operational testing fuzzy logic ... operationalSolstar Security, Solstar Company, Agent, collective game, skirmish sketch quest, art?,2016-12-01 2 
June 2018
2632389Everwinter company: Part 1 The company is introduced, goblins and hobgoblins are fought, someone gets possessed by a fairy, and we defeat a minor daemon.DawnQm, Everwinter company, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, 2018-06-26 1 
July 2018
2690756Everwinter company: Part 2 goblin cavesThe company after returning from Bolton and getting a few new hires heads over to flush the goblins. Tloxotl becomes light attuned!DawnQm, Everwinter company, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, 2018-07-16 1 
2736278Everwinter company: Part 3"The gods may be dead, but the new world whispers and lives with life." The company defeats the goblins and pursues higher contracts.DawnQm, Everwinter company, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, 2018-07-31 1 
August 2018
2803584Everwinter company: Part 4 Drow boogalooThe company gathers it's strength and under the instruction of their new employers head off towards to liberate a town from drowish cultistDawnQm, Everwinter company, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, 2018-08-28 1 
September 2018
2864988Everwinter company: Part 5:The company fight the drow, THEY WIN! David get's buff, Brassheart and skitter come back, and it's a good time unless your Batter or a DroDawnQm, Everwinter company, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, 2018-09-18 1 
November 2018
2983739Everwinter company: Part 6The mission starts, constructs are awakened then DawnQm's real life strike. ;_;DawnQm, Everwinter company, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, 2018-11-05 1 
July 2019
3623404The Black CompanyFortunaQM tries out a fanfic of his fanfic of his Commentarii de Bello Gallico, in the flavour of Black Company.FortunaQM, Black Company, Aurelius2019-07-08 28 
3637197The Black Company: Shadows LengthenContinuation of Aurelius' journey with the Company.FortunaQM, Black Company, Aurelius2019-07-12 24 
3651616The Black Company: In the DarkAurelius, Sergeant, and Sister return to the Forest to seek for survivors of the Company. FortunaQM, Black Company, Aurelius2019-07-19 25 
3677053The Black Company: When Leaves FallEnd of the Books of the Forest. And a little more.FortunaQM, Black Company, Aurelius2019-07-28 24 
August 2019
3704451The Black Company: Water WakesWaeland Arc. Mulberry is traumatised, Aurelius dies and gets better. Struggling with amnesics.FortunaQM, Black Company, Aurelius2019-08-15 20 
September 2019
3787644The Black CompanyAn unexpected death; or is it liberation?FortunaQM, Black Company, Aurelius2019-09-16 3 
3822663The Black CompanyAurelius is a member of the infamous Black Company, currently chilling in garrison duties.FortunaQM, Black Company, Aurelius2019-09-29 3 
June 2020
4254522The Free Company, Part IIThe Commander gets in embroiled in Royal subterfuge, and the QM disappears. They hope to returnErrantQM, Free Company, sci fi2020-06-02 1 
May 2022
5212382Return of Forgotten QMForgotten announces his return to civilisation and the pending resumption of StV and BCQ 2230AD. We’re finally getting of the boat…Sworn to Valour, Black Company, Black Company 2230AD, Collective Game, Forgotten QM2022-05-05 6 
June 2024
5995074Trust a Goblin 16The gang kills a fruit seller.Goblin, Trust a Goblin, Potion Company, RPG, Homebrew2024-06-06 6 
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