It's that time again! And man, is it ever overdue. The archive is up to an incredible 1,047 total threads, of which 178 are below -5, and 81 are under -8 (the point at which they generally stop appearing on the normal list). It's time for some delicious purging.
Much like previous rounds, any threads under -5 are up for deletion. They're not deleted immediately; they're moved to a graveyard for a period (I say "a week" but then forget after "a few minutes" and they're up for much longer). You'll find the list of deleted threads below, along with commentary on why it deserved purging outside of its score. (I do try to check threads that appear to at least have been contested before removing them.) This time around, the links to the deleted threads will be included in the list so you can see for yourself why they were so shitty. As usual, you can make your case for a given thread in the IRC or by email.
And now, on to the list:
- 1908427 (-14): 3E class and 4E class - The only 3rd + 4th class comparison stories still out there. The other threads weren't saved. (I don't even get the point of the stories to begin with)
- 1427944 (-13): 40K Samus Investigation - Anon posts fluff going into detail about Samus' involvement and origins in 40K, and Anon in fiercely divided. (baw samus the primarch)
- 2445073 (-11): Dragon Titties inspire all who see them. - A /tg/ drawfag brings dragon tits, after long few days of persistent trolls bringing it to us. (hurr let's troll /tg/ lololol that's original)
- 2385521 (-10): Which one? - Anonymous asks you to choose between a gnoll, and elf, and a Lamia. Elf rape or eating is common. (let's talk about screwing mythical creatures and then bawing about people that complain about it)
- 2456446 (-10): 12-year-old waifu - Creepy pedophile asks if anyone has ever role-played having a twelve-year-old wife, surprisingly mature discussion of age of consent ensues. (sweet christ look at the fucking title)
- 2480618 (-10): Morrowind v. Eberron - Morrowind Pic Dump. Oh, and some shit about Eberron being better. (image dump)
- 2577925 (-10): so you defeated the warlord - It turns out he has an enrmous harem of women of many races, of many countries, both the exotic and the familiar, both peasant girls and foreign princesses. Upon the death of their master, they are so conditioned into obedience that rather than thank you for freeing them they see you as their new owner. What do you do and what is your alignment? (oh goodie another harem thread, /d/ is <--- that way)
- 2581617 (-10): Sergals in 41st millenium? - A writefag thread soon turns into a civil discussion of sergal involvement in the Imperium of Man. Notable the sergal drawfag makes an appearance. ('civil' discussion never is)
- 2621508 (-10): Changes made to sergals - A surprisingly civil thread where a group of sergal fans try to get things statted for warhammer fantasy battle and discuss the fictional race as a whole, only to be distracted by a lone troll. Progress was made in the D&D stats for them anyways, however. (there's that word again, sorry buddy 'civil' and 'sergals' don't really go together)
- 2627976 (-10): test - test (man whoever archived these is a fa... oh wait)
- 2850780 (-10): test - test (I should ban this guy)
- 2854367 (-10): test - test (seriously)
- 2746771 (-10): Penetrationmind - Here be MUCH hivemind (NO NO NO NOT ANOTHER ONE FFFF GO BACK IN YOUR HOOOOOOOOOOLE)
- 1238035 (-9): Samus vs. 40K - Nerdrage in it's purest form (why did you archive these you miserable shit)
- 1773220 (-9): John Katana - Fa/tg/uy attempts to combine Katana copypasta and John "Shit was so cash" copypasta. Surprisingly doesn't end in disaster. Historical discussion ensues though. (two stale memes combined? I can't ever imagine why it was shit)
- 974546 (-8): Touhou's /tg/ Equivalents - /tg/ goes over which Touhou character embodies which aspect of /tg/, and how they would go about running tabletop games. Also includes an epic 4th edition doujin edit. (you like bullet hell games, we get it already)
- 1418311 (-8): Samus and Kefka - What starts out as a simple picture of CSM fighting Kraid turns into expanding Samus' fluff even more and making Kefka into Daemon Prince. (what are you, high)
- 1015408 (-7): GW outdoes Blizzard - A less-shitty attempt at inflaming the Anonymous legions of /tg/ by pointing out the differences between a Dragoon and a Dreadnought. (sorry to break this to you, but any attempt at flaming on 4chan is still shit)
- 1434365 (-7): So I herd u posts fanfics - A bunch of people post some really bad fanfics. Everything, however, leads to Kane slash. (bad fanfic AND Kane slash, what's not to love)
- 956071 (-13): Orks vs Tyranids - It's all in the title (hey you're a piece of shit, wups that's not in the title)
- 2176177 (-11): Can I Play a Good Guy? - Hey let's break up this fapfiction faggotry with something about RPGs. Poster wonders how to DM a game for heroes. Receives morality lesson. (hey let's not)
- 2270736 (-11): This Is Your - This is your epic adventure, in picture form. (while a truly epic sagebomb, the greatest ever made, there's a fucking link in the fucking thread to the original thread itself on this very archive. seriously)
- 2280077 (-10): Furries, Metal, and Vestiges oh my! - A thread asking about shifters leads to a bunch of good images of the warforged variety, and even leading to a few home made Vestiges for you to add into any campaign incredibly obscure enough to instantly get the references. (note to self: don't put "furry" in a thread if you want it to remain above zero)
- 2331440 (-10): Real World Fantasy Races - ... Read the title (suck my cock. also a good 19/20ths of this thread are rolls without content)
- 2724205 (-10): The worst thread ever - Dubbed The Worst Thread Ever by one Anon. Judge for yourself. (no thanks I'll take your word for it)
- 2589358 (-9): Elf Milk - OP asks if Elf milk is considered dairy. Discussion of evolution and elf tits follow. (that's... nice)
- 1172914 (-8): Cutenid "Jeanstealer" is Victorious - After the long chase down and fight against ulthwe saving Grim Dark Tau from rape, "Jeanstealer" Cutenid gets her jeans! (man what)
- 961208 (-7): Fish Puns - In which an already random thread is derailed into fish puns... (damn you and your puns)
- 1963466 (-7): Dread Thread - This is TANKRED. He is IN IT FOR THE BITCHES. His class is... DREADNOUGHT. (this one was pretty contested, with 21 total votes)
- 2012225 (-7): Template: Tsundere - fa/tg/uys try to shoehorn anime character archetypes into the d20 system with mixed results. (by 'mixed results' you mean 'why would you even do that, FUCK'; another contested thread, 25 votes)
- 2698874 (-7): drows want to be the little elf girl - Touhou fag brings to our attention a dragon article which talks about "true drow redemption". Spoilers it ends in them becoming lolis (spoilers nobody cares)
- 1022015 (-6): Doc Aquatic Brand Percentile Random Adventure Table, Part Four - Doc Acquatic Continues the table (the thread with all four parts is already Editor's Choice, this is superfluous)
- 1247966 (-6): Massive Batch of 4th Edition Info - /tg/ gets its biggest batch of information on D&D 4th Edition yet: a rules primer, a preview of things to come in the next few years, character sheets, etc. Minor shitstorms included. (old as shit)
- 1720173 (-6): Puns - full of khorney puns (lolpuns)
- 2151804 (-6): So Ronery - /tg/ deals with the copypasta "What does it feel like to hold an elf in your arms...." modded for /tg. And then someone answers in full, ending the thread in hilarity. (so deleted)
- 2846098 (-6): BEEEEEEEES - I know why this was archived. I'm going to delete the shit out of it. (someone upvoted this, I've got no fucking idea why someone would do that. probably the same reasons as someone would archive it)
- 993063 (-4): Doc Aquatic Brand Percentile Random Adventure Tables 2 - More of Doc Aquatic's random adventures. (again, made redundant; -4 after 20 votes)
- 2881348 (-5): An Erotic Touhou Thread - A thread started about long combats in 4e devolves into a rather erotic thread about Touhou. (CC recommended this one to me. suck it red)
- 2722893 (-10): Tiger to Page 10 - /tg/ passes 200 posts and discusses furry hate. (a furry image dump, just what I always wanted)
- 2759071 (-5): Sexing CR 10+ Creatures - Anonymous declares his love of Outsiders, Lesbian Frost Giants and more. (for fuck's sake, I already killed this thread earlier but apparently it was so nice they archived it twice. minotaur sex copypasta is popular apparently)
- 2839160 (-6): Minotaur Rape Copypasta - Everyone's favorite minotaur-rape-related copypasta is archived temporarily, as LL is going to delete this shit when he gets around to it. (OH MY FUCKING GOD, NOT YOU AGAIN, SON OF A BITCH, FFFFFFFFFFFFF)
This list will increase as I go through them and delete more, so you may want to refresh if you're reading this shortly after it's been posted. If you're reading this days, weeks or months down the road, HELLO TO THE WORLD OF TOMORROW!
ps. why does everyone hate Dr. Skittles Bosch?
~Lord Licorice
