/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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December 2017
2113586I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 1Yamada Ken awakens, finding himself a Mob Character in Nakamura Eiji's haremMob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2017-12-03 33 
2124512I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 2A lunch with the class rep, a pseudo-confession, and the meeting with your "little brother"Mob Character Quest, Harem, Romcom, Anime2017-12-08 24 
2129167I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 3A nightmare, Hikaru's request, and the grand entrance of Nakahara Fumi.Mob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2017-12-13 20 
2140883I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 4Ryou's request, Hanazawa's proposition, and trying to figure out [BAD END]Mob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2017-12-15 14 
2144886I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 5The battle against the collective, and a confession.Mob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2017-12-23 9 
January 2018
2168515I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 6A close brush with [Erasure], and a strange alliance.Mob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2018-01-06 7 
2203697I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 7Yukio, and the collective gets bolder.Mob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2018-01-17 6 
2238261I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 8The real culprit, and the wrath of Nakahara FumiMob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2018-01-24 8 
March 2018
2332216I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 9Monday morning: strange visitors, stranger proposal.Mob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2018-03-06 8 
September 2018
2840338I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 10The legend of Jigokuyama, the [Damned], and Nakahara FumiMob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2018-09-05 5 
2863456I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 11Grocery shopping, Hokkaido, and a mysterious transfer studentMob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2018-09-16 6 
2893024I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 12Bitchy angel, visiting Hanazawa, kid-brother cockblock, then a discovery.Mob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2018-09-29 4 
October 2018
2975554I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 13Trip preparation, home invasion, blackmail & extortion, Initial D to destination, and computer dysfunction.Mob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2018-10-28 3 
December 2018
3101781I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 14Hokkaido trip, ghosts, a fight, and the balanceMob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2018-12-21 2 
January 2019
3159719I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 15A short thread of playing in the water with class rep - but the test of courage looms...Mob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2019-01-20 1 
September 2021
4942283Born Irrelevant #1Aware in a world that barely acknowledges him, Asa Minoru becomes involved in a mystery involving the Cast the world serves.Born Irrelevant, Mob Character, Mystery, Anime, RomCom2021-09-03 6 
December 2021
5026018Born Irrelevant #2Time skip happens, QM decides to drop the quest due to getting bad luck since starting it.Born Irrelevant, Mob Character, Myster, Anime, RomCom2021-12-10 -3 
April 2022
5174317The Little Dungeon That Could #3It's a large, wondrous world out there. How horrible. Won't somebody think of the goblins?The Little Dungeon That Could, Dungeon, Dungeon Keeper, D&D, Base Building, Romcom2022-04-05 16 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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