/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

September 2015
42308009Witch Apprentice Quest #1Maybe not animeweebshit? Hard to tell, would need confirmation.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2015-09-06 17 
42329137Witch Apprentice Quest #2Nadja receives her first lessons in witchery!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2015-09-06 12 
42456909Witch Apprentice Quest #3Nadja makes new friends!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2015-09-13 12 
42498321Witch Apprentice Quest #4Nadja discovers a glaring flaw in her brilliant plan.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2015-09-14 11 
42578977Witch Apprentice Quest #5Nadja wins by doing nothing.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2015-09-19 10 
42736932Witch Apprentice Quest #6Nadja very nearly gets flimflammed!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2015-09-27 7 
42779058Witch Apprentice Quest #7Nadja takes a break from being the main character.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2015-09-28 6 
October 2015
42867667Witch Apprentice Quest #8Nadja makes a royal mistake.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2015-10-04 8 
43087887Witch Apprentice Quest #9The hour of truth.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2015-10-16 7 
January 2016
44689723Witch Apprentice Quest #10Nadja gets schooled.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-01-11 7 
44939791Witch Apprentice Quest #11Nadja meets Nadja.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-01-23 7 
February 2016
45280008Witch Apprentice Quest #12Nadja receives a lesson in courteousness.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-02-08 8 
March 2016
45840966Witch Apprentice Quest #13Nadja fails to learn the wrong lessons from the wrong person.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-03-07 7 
46117006Witch Apprentice Quest #14Nadja gets hurt.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-03-20 7 
46246954Witch Apprentice Quest #15Nadja makes a startling discovery!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-03-26 7 
46310397Witch Apprentice Quest #16Nadja makes drawings on scraps of paper.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-03-29 10 
April 2016
46881870Witch Apprentice Quest #17Nadja's first big trip!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-04-25 7 
June 2016
47856308Witch Apprentice Quest #18Nadja makes a new friend!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-06-20 5 
July 2016
48126546Witch Apprentice Quest #19Nadja braves the darkness.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-07-05 6 
48242624Witch Apprentice Quest #20Nadja gets bullied!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-07-13 5 
August 2016
48569012Witch Apprentice Quest #21Nadja tries to help!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-08-02 5 
48604341Witch Apprentice Quest #22Nadja has a bad day.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-08-04 6 
48689163Witch Apprentice Quest #23Nadja asks questions nobody wants to answer.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-08-09 6 
48774302Witch Apprentice Quest #24Nadja doesn't have a great day.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-08-14 5 
September 2016
584580Witch Apprentice Quest #25Nadja takes Daemonology 101 WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2016-09-18 5 
618475Witch Apprentice Quest #26Nadja passes Daemonology 101.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2016-09-25 5 
October 2016
676443Witch Apprentice Quest #27Nadja gets lied to.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2016-10-09 5 
710101Witch Apprentice Quest #28Nadja refuses to let go.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2016-10-17 5 
746756Witch Apprentice Quest #29Nadja makes it all better.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2016-10-25 5 
November 2016
770835Witch Apprentice Quest #30Trick or Treat!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2016-11-02 7 
823603Witch Apprentice Quest #31Nadja enjoys a friendly game!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2016-11-14 5 
February 2017
1126893Witch Apprentice Quest Chapter 2 - Thread #1Nadja rolls a 1!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2017-02-05 7 
1173334Witch Apprentice Quest Chapter 2 - Thread #2Nadja gets her hair done!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2017-02-19 5 
March 2017
1254343Witch Apprentice Quest Chapter 2 - Thread #3Nadja jams it in!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2017-03-12 4 
April 2017
1324008Witch Apprentice Quest Chapter 2 - Thread #4Nadja learns to fly!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2017-04-02 3 
1393241Witch Apprentice Quest Chapter 2 - Thread #5Nadja learns to stand!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2017-04-25 7 
July 2017
1608202Witch Apprentice Quest Chapter 2 - Thread #6Nadja attempts to show off.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2017-07-01 4 
1666143Witch Apprentice Quest Chapter 2 - Thread #6Nadja is FOCUSED!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches, Focused2017-07-15 6 
August 2017
1788497Witch Apprentice Quest Chapter 2 - Thread #8Nadja gets distracted.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2017-08-28 5 
July 2018
2727686Witch Apprentice Quest Chapter 2 - Thread #9Nadja isn't dead!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches, Not Dead2018-07-16 5 
October 2020
4439526Witch Apprentice Quest [Revived!] Thread #42Nadja goes on an ingredient hunt, makes new friends, and more!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest,2020-10-06 2 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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