/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

April 2018
2410749Oekaki Quest CHA0.2Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. NOTE: This is NOT the 1st threadDark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-04-03 12 
2451526Oekaki Quest CHA0.3Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread we figure out combatDark, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-04-16 7 
2486875Oekaki Quest CHA0.4Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread we figure out combat. You awaken in a strange place...Dark, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-04-21 5 
May 2018
2529079Oekaki Quest CHA 1Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. Jackson And Kae travel to the next town...Dark, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-05-05 3 
2593325Oekaki Quest CH.1.2Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae is drunkDark, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-05-26 2 
June 2018
2653567Oekaki Quest CH.1.3Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae Hangs out with a new friendDark, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-06-16 2 
2688188Oekaki Quest CH.1.4Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae runs away from Jackson.Dark, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-06-29 1 
July 2018
2764681Oekaki Quest CH.1.5Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae Figures out what to do with her life.Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-07-28 2 
August 2018
2816835Oekaki Quest CH.1.6Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae is held captive by Jeraldo.Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-08-19 1 
November 2018
3037760Dark Elf QuestYou are a dark elf! campy, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-11-24 2 
December 2018
3096948Oekaki Quest ReCapIn This Thread we recap everything before starting up again!Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-12-14 1 
3117969Oekaki Quest CH.1.7Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae returns after a hiatus Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-12-18 2 
January 2019
3153988Oekaki Quest CH.1.8Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae meets up with JacksonDark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-01-05 2 
3187508Oekaki Quest CH.1.9Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, its the day of the harvest festival. Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-01-19 1 
February 2019
3223244Oekaki Quest CH.1.10Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, Kae sneaks back into the fortress.Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-02-01 3 
3266003Oekaki Quest CH.1.11Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, we reach the climax of the chapter. Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-02-16 3 
March 2019
3308211Oekaki Quest CH.1.12Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, Kae fights her way through a blazing city.Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-03-02 1 
3368627Oekaki Quest CH.1.13Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, we may actually finish this chapter.Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-03-22 1 
April 2019
3425290A Dark Fantasy Quest CH.1.EpilogueThe chapter is over? But what will Kae do now?Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-04-11 1 
3450717A Dark Fantasy Quest CH.1.Epilogue p2The chapter is over? But what will Kae do now?Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-04-21 1 
May 2019
3531654A Dark Fantasy QuestDark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, Kae seems to be lost in the woods.Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-05-26 3 
October 2019
3861157Dark Elf QuestYou are a creature of evil! A denizen of the under realm! A blight on all things good! You are... A DARK ELF!Antagonist, Dark, Fantasy, MySojourn, Elf, Comedy2019-10-13 1 
February 2021
4638166Royal RumbleRoyal Rumble is a small draw quest about the management of a fantasy kingdom.MySojourn2021-02-22 8 
March 2021
4672874Royal RumbleRoyal Rumble is a small draw quest about the management of a fantasy kingdom.MySojourn2021-03-20 5 
April 2021
4711258Royal RumbleRoyal Rumble is a small draw quest about the management of a fantasy kingdom.MySojourn2021-04-10 5 
May 2021
4771571Royal RumbleRoyal Rumble is a small draw quest about the management of a fantasy kingdom.MySojourn2021-05-20 5 
June 2021
4848178Royal RumbleRoyal Rumble is a small draw quest about the management of a fantasy kingdom.MySojourn2021-06-26 0 
December 2021
5014911SCARY QUESTIn which the Dark Knight Odysseus tries to find his head before Halloween! Many shenanigans, hot babes, and an inconclusive ending.MySojourn, Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, Comedy, Halloween, Dark Knight, Headless Horseman, Odysseus, WickedQM2021-12-06 -1 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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