/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

April 2017
52535995Implementing shinto in D&Dthread full of ideas, mechanics, adventure hooks, and comfy all about everyone's favorite weeaboo animism religionD&D, fantasy, fluff, touhou, catgirls, foxgirls, cute, comfy, not-trash-I-Promise, gods, mythology,2017-04-08 5 
October 2017
55689939Comfy Folkloric MagicA collection of comfy low-magic spells taking inspiration from folklore.comfy, magic, folklore, spells, fluff2017-10-09 20 
November 2017
56291640comfy art that takes you back to those daysnostalgia threadnostalgia, comfy, art, tg, age of wonders2017-11-12 5 
December 2017
2126056Starborn Quest 40: The AcademyPurps and the gang roll up to the academy, where paperwork, old friends and new friends await.Starborn, Wagon, Star, Drama , Purps, Hona, Honamurei, Lisbeth, Vernon, Lexington, Doc Lexington, Academy, Tornin, Travelling, Comfy2017-12-09 2 
2151493Awakened Quest, Part 1A mysterious stranger claws from his own grave and begins the journey of discovering his past. ComfyQM, Mystery, Quest, Fantasy2017-12-17 1 
May 2018
59468882/tg/ makes a comfy settingIn which many anons come together to create the comfiest possible setting, with plenty of emphasis on hearths and fireplaces.worldbuilding, comfy2018-05-05 10 
59950336What animal species do you have in your setting?Several anons come together to create several random creatures that anyone can steal for their fantasy settingsworldbuilding, comfy, creature, fantasy, monster,2018-05-30 3 
November 2018
62839750Dorky Dragon Campaign ideasDrawfaggotry, Session Storytimes, and plenty of writefagging ideas on running a campaign centered on an adorkable dragon.Dragons, Storytime, Drawfaggotry, Campaign Ideas, Comfy, Cute, Dork2018-11-09 28 
62923734Dorky Dragon Campaign Ideas Part 2Some more Drawfaggotry, Art, 1d4chan Wiki pages, and more write faggotry ideas on an adorkable dragon.Dragons, Drawfaggotry, Campaign Ideas, Comfy, Cute, Dork2018-11-12 24 
63063309Adorkable Dragon Part 3Writefaggotry, worldbuilding, character interactions, and quirky quests in the world of this adorkable dragon.Dragons, Storytime, Worldbuilding, Campaign Ideas, Cute, Comfy, Dork2018-11-19 22 
January 2019
3160764Settler QST - Chapter 1Julius Arcada rules over this new settled land for its first decade - sons, a passing wife, agriculture, immigrants, diplomacy, murder.ComfyQM, Civ, Tribe, Settlers, Turns2019-01-11 13 
June 2019
66593561Dwarven Lore and Culture Thread/tg/ comes together to write out fluff and lore for dwarves! A useful resource for anyone worldbuilding or playing as a dwarf!Dwarf, Dwarves, Dwarven, Lore, Fluff, Worldbuilding, Oddly comfy,2019-06-12 0 
August 2019
3704809Runaway Prince Quest #2A prince dons the identity of a mercenary, leaves the crown city for the desert, and meets a strange man and his bird...Runaway Prince Quest, Fantasy, Medieval, Comfy2019-08-06 2 
January 2020
3998715The Holy Writ - Settlers CivKutcher is founded, infrastructure is set in place, and Jonas' people begin exploring the political tensions of their neighbours.comfyqm, civ, settlers, cult, pilgrims, frontier, medieval2020-01-11 5 
4023578The Holy Writ - Settlers Civ 2Kutcher fights off the militia from Ashton, makes trades with Medris and Tessin, and continues to grow.comfyqm, civ, settlers, cult, pilgrims, frontier, medieval2020-01-21 3 
August 2020
74141144Lamia FurnitureWe speculate on what their body shape would imply for their architecture and interior furnishingsworldbuilding, lamia, monstergirl, comfy2020-08-06 2 
August 2022
5337401Your Little MermaidYour girlfriend proposes to you and reveals that she's actually part fishwoman. A mix of slice-of-life fluff and supernatural marriage prepmermaid, monstergirl, monogamy, waifu, comfy, Delta Green, Lovecraftian, fishfucker2022-08-11 7 
September 2022
85797761Comfy/Wholesome/Bittersweet ThreadAnons share bittersweet moments from their games & settings; One anon shares a bronze-age world of black winters and Hearth-Mothers.worldbuilding, setting, winter, snow, cozy, comfy, bittersweet2022-09-11 0 
October 2022
5379135Your Little Mermaid #2After some discussions with the waifu about personal issues, you meet her mother and possibly her ancestor. Some bonus content, too.mermaid, monstergirl, monogamy, waifu, comfy, Delta Green(?), Lovecraftian, fishfucker, mermaid II mer harder2022-10-02 7 
December 2022
5471260Your Little Mermaid #3: Family MattersSlow thread. You introduce waifu to the hometown and reveal the secret to Mom. Grandad was a monster hunter, a doctor offers help and a job.mermaid, monstergirl, monogamy, waifu, comfy, Delta Green(?), Lovecraftian, fishfucker, mermaid III revenge of the mer2022-12-28 5 
February 2023
5534759Your Little Mermaid #4 - Bridging the GapGeneral backstory expansion, especially with regards to the nuclear family. Some fun chats with Meryl, too. A bit short, new device.mermaid, monstergirl, monogamy, waifu, comfy, Lovecraftian, Lovecraft Lite, fishfucker,2023-02-23 5 
April 2023
5599265Your Little Mermaid #5 - Collecting Yourself Lots of trials and tribulations lead into the most important choice in the whole quest- your daughter's name. Marilyn joins your family.mermaid, monstergirl, monogamy, waifu, comfy, Lovecraftian, Lovecraft Lite, fishfucker,2023-04-24 25 
September 2024
93704728Comfy Snow ApocalypseAn old /tg/ setting from 2017 pops up once again. Fruitful discussions and many cool mood pics are posted.winter, snow, crawler, apocalypse, comfy2024-09-09 2 
93852735Comfy Snow Apocalypse 2An old /tg/ setting from 2017 pops up once again. Many mechanics are discussed in detail and progress is made.winter, snow, crawler, apocalypse, comfy2024-09-17 2 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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