
[#] DNS Issues
10:43pm UTC - 12/22/2008

So just like before, some people are apparently having problems with caching and can't find the right IP for the IRC. It's You guise need to become more self-reliant in terms of fixing problems, I swear. Go learn about dig, ipconfig /flushdns, and closing down your applications and reopening them if they're getting old information.

~Lord Licorice


[#] Ice Storm, Part 7
11:25pm UTC - 12/20/2008

oh god I'm finally home

The power came back on at some point today (Saturday), and my house is ice cold, but it's got power. No phone, but it still has internet, a phenomenon I still don't really understand. I'm going to have to call Comcast shortly and yell at them to fix my shit. But we've got cable TV and internet, so the site's back up (as you are currently reading it).

At this time (5:23pm EST) I haven't set the IRC back over to sup/tg/. Hugbox and Dicemaid are currently sitting all alone. SO RONERY. I'll switch the IRC back over after I talk to Syn about server linking and shit. THANK YOU AGAIN SYN FOR PROVIDING IRC WHILE THE SITE WAS DOWN.

I'll get that Flickr photo stream up fairly soonish, after everything else around here has settled down. We had to move out all of the canned goods and compressed canisters of various types (e.g. hairspray) to ensure they didn't explode, and all food to make sure it didn't go bad; we're in the process of moving everything back in. Fortunately, the driveway is plowed so I don't have to go out and shovel yet, though a storm's coming on Sunday...

So it appears sup/tg/ is more or less back, hooray!

~Lord Licorice


[#] Ice Storm, Part 6
11:11pm UTC - 12/20/2008

god its snowing on topo f everything eles in my life sucking

still no power, thye rewired the outside of my house and the utility poles all up and down ando ther houses have power and I still don't and now there's a half-foot of snow down with more coming Sunday

everything sucks

also some asshole says "Merry Christmas to you, too, Cultist-Chan, hope the season treats you well. :3 PS: Kinda missing you." he made me wait before going to bed to put this here oh god why does everyone hate me

so tired so cold

whats so merry about christmas i wont even have a home

~Lord Licorice

[#] Ice Storm, Part 5
11:11pm UTC - 12/20/2008

Tonight marks the one-week anniversary of a sup/tg/ without power, and there's no real ETR in sight. The power company said 95% of my town would be fully restored by Wednesday, and it's now Friday, and I have no idea when my home's electricity is going to be restored. To make things just super special peachy keen I've been super fucking sick the past few days; I've taken Wednesday and Thursday off from work, and will likely take Friday and Saturday off as well if things continue to deteriorate. I'm on Round 2 of antibiotics for this motherfucker and I'm not getting better.

I'd say something about hoping when the power comes back but at this point I have no goddamn answers at all. My grandmother's house is one of the only two on this side of the street that has power; the rest of this very long road is dark, and one road over is main street. If houses this close to the hub of town still don't have power, what fucking luck do I have? If this is "95% restored" how many fucking people live here? Did they misplace a decimal? Maybe 9.5% is restored. For fuck's sake. I'd ask if it could get any worse but it always can. At least I'm not hospitalized yet.

~Lord Licorice

[#] Ice Storm, Part 4
11:11pm UTC - 12/20/2008

Just a general update. Power's still out, and with 153k homes without electricity in NH (state of emergency declared, schools closed, etc. etc.) it's not likely to return anytime particularly soon. Best estimates are sometime later this week, hopefully by the weekend. I need to make a point of moving certain pages off of sup/tg/ and onto the Xen machine here, like perhaps the DH chargen, and try getting a three-way (lol he said threeway) IRC network going between sup/tg/, Xen and Syn's network.

Nothing else of note, things are as they have been. Still sick, going Round 2 on the antibiotics. I'll try not to die or anything.

So apparently 1) mIRC is a pile of fucking AIDS-riddled rotting cowshit and caches IP addresses needlessly, and 2) nobody fucking tells me anything because they all expect me to be goddamned psychic. I changed the IP for (technically I replaced the CNAME with an A record set to the correct address, but I just lost 99.999% of you with that so Ill continue). Apparently people aren't able to connect for some dumb shit reason. If doesn't work for you try using the direct IP instead.

And if shit doesn't work, for fuck's fucking sake email me or something, goddamnit I'm not fucking psychic



~Lord Licorice

[#] Ice Storm, Part 3
11:11pm UTC - 12/20/2008

Just a general update. Power's still out, and with 153k homes without electricity in NH (state of emergency declared, schools closed, etc. etc.) it's not likely to return anytime particularly soon. Best estimates are sometime later this week, hopefully by the weekend. I need to make a point of moving certain pages off of sup/tg/ and onto the Xen machine here, like perhaps the DH chargen, and try getting a three-way (lol he said threeway) IRC network going between sup/tg/, Xen and Syn's network.

Nothing else of note, things are as they have been. Still sick, going Round 2 on the antibiotics. I'll try not to die or anything.

~Lord Licorice

[#] Ice Storm, Part 2
11:11pm UTC - 12/20/2008

So it turns out that the electrical cables were ripped straight out of the side of my house by a falling branch, so it may very well be quite a while before I get power back. In addition to the fact the rest of southern NH is in something of a crisis right now, my landlord is the type of guy that will get in a pissing contest with the power company over whose responsibility it is to reattach the duplex to the grid, with myself and my family in the middle. It would be a miracle to get power back by Tuesday; factor in the feet-dragging of my landlord, we're looking at maybe Thursday or Friday as a worst-case scenario.

On the bright side, I have a new desktop wallpaper. ORIGINAL CONTENT. I'll have a Flickr stream up of some of the cooler photos I took of the ice storm in a little while, but at the moment I'm a bit busy doing some work-related activities and continuing to try and ensure shit works right. Syn's server seems to be handling the IRC very well - thank you again Syn <3 - so we should be all set on that front for a while. Again, can't really do much about the archive or any of the other services.

That's about it, just wanted to give a basic status update. Enjoy your electricity. Jerks.

~Lord Licorice

[#] Ice Storm, Part 1
11:10pm UTC - 12/20/2008

Hey guise, LL here. Pool's closed due to massive ice storm; most of Southern NH (anywhere near trees really) is without power right now. We happened to be in the perfect band of weather where it wasn't cold enough to snow but just cold enough for the rain to turn to ice as it touched everything, so just about every individual blade of grass is coated in an eighth of an inch of ice. It's beautiful chaos here.

Note! sup/tg/ is fine; it's just without power. No data was lost. I have the site backed up twice and an older archived copy on a thumbdrive. Shit's fine, no worries. We just lack electricity to physically operate the server.

Of course, sup/tg/ is hosted on a network where the power gets knocked out if it so much as rains too hard so of course I had no hope in hell when this shit came through. Within two minutes' drive of my house this afternoon I found three downed powerlines (two of which still had the branches on them) and a huge fucking tree snapped in half blocking the road. It's fucking madness out there.

Given the state of disarray, and the simple volume of downed trees, it looks like the pessimistic estimates of "power by Sunday" are looking like a reality. I'm on dialup AOL at my grandmother's house right now, so I'm not really going to be able to do much more than put up this temp. page on the safe, warm, snuggly Xen server in Boston and wait for my house to come back up. The Meebo chat above is about the most I can do right now; installing IRCD onto the Xen machine is probably not going to happen unless I really, really, really get bored here. And trust me, I'm going to be having to decide between installing IRCD or killing myself with power tools to alleviate the boredom before I go through that particular nightmare on dialup.

I'll see you guise in a while, I'll check in every so often. Enjoy your traditional gaeman in the meantime. If there are awesome threads - and I mean, mind-blowingly fantastic threads - if you save them and forward them to I'll manually add them to the archive. (Remember, use IE or the like to save full HTML plus images, then use DownloadThemAll to get the full-sized pictures.) For those of you looking for your gaming fix, the traditional backup room has been #suptg on Rizon, I believe. If you're looking for an IRC game or the DM or whatever, check there.

Update 3:27: MisterSyn has graciously provided his IRC for the interium. I've updated the to the new IP, Thanks again Syn!

Enjoy yourselves, sup/tg/ will return in a while.

~Lord Licorice

[#] okay that's enough of that
05:23am UTC - 12/10/2008


Anyway, it's been a pretty long while since I posted, and like a thousand years since I last did any cleaning at all to the shit threads list, so I'm going to hit it like the fist of the north star. Same deal as usual, I'm going to link the deleted threads and you can decide if they've got some redeeming factors. No one ever has so I don't expect this time to be different really.

And away we go.

(Cut for length)

Okay that's good for the moment. I may do more later.

Edity: Jesus Christ I just deleted 46 47 threads and there are still 1137 in the archive

Fuck me sideways

~Lord Licorice


[#] Turkey Day!
09:55am UTC - 11/27/2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

(Cut for length)

~Lord Licorice

[#] oh god it's true
11:03pm UTC - 11/19/2008

Kobold Thief

~Lord Licorice

[#] holy shit kobolds
10:35am UTC - 11/16/2008

The Kobold and the Moon

jesus christ these are so fucking adorable

holy shit

~Lord Licorice

[#] oh god ravenous undead
08:44pm UTC - 11/14/2008

So we've been playing the shit out of the Left4Dead demo recently. It's a lot of fun and it's pretty much sold me on the full version; I'm getting a lot of enjoyment out of two of the twenty total levels as it is (out of four five-level campaigns), so my perceptions about its "shortness" don't seem to be a factor, especially as the game is nigh infinitely replayable. Throw in the sheer effort others have put into shoehorning zombie modes into non-genre games (UT2004, CS:S, etc.), I can't imagine the Steam community not leaping all over this.

... I had to pause here for twenty minutes as I wracked my brain trying to find it, but here's the best example: dotd_crookcounty. Look at this fucking thing. It's goddamned beautiful. Look at the sheer fucking size of this map. The download's somewhere along the lines of 80MB. (Yes, I realize it was originally a bomb defusal map, but the author repurposed it when he realized its true calling: zombies.)

Anyway, now that I've wasted a lot of time, I'm running two Left4Dead instances on the Xen server. They are both at; at the moment, the private server is on port 27016 (password is derp) and the public server is on 27017. To reach them, you need to enable developer console under keyboard settings, hit ~ to show the console, type openserverbrowser to bring up the server menu, then enter into the Add Favorite window, and then you'll be able to connect. You cannot add the server via Steam, it has to occur within L4D itself. (Hopefully that will change once the full game is out...)

I think that's about it, I had something else to note but forgot. Oh well!

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustace is.

[#] agh my eyes, so tired
09:41am UTC - 11/11/2008

Jeanstealer bought a domain yesterday - Le Fae Verte, to be exact - and I set her up with delicious DNS and a Wordpress installation. I also set up Simple Picture Gallery Manager for her, a PHP-based photo gallery thingamajig. It's very clean and friendly, and works like a charm if you've only got a few dozen images, since it relies entirely on PHP to do its thing.

So, of course, when I tried to apply it to the sup/tg/ image page - 1093 images, to be exact - it promptly shat itself in fear and cowered under the bed. Since SPGM was wholly inadequate for the massive image needs of sup/tg/, and since the other ready-made picture gallery software out there that uses MySQL seemed to hate me and/or suck, I spent... five or six hours today writing my own picture gallery software in PHP and MySQL (not counting the two or so hours I spent yesterday writing thumbnail generation scripts).

However, it works beautifully and I'm very happy with the results: now, instead of scrolling through an unhelpful Apache directory listing, the sup/tg/ Images page will let you actually see the fucking things before clicking on them.

I'm going to do the same to the art sections and probably clean up the Images and Artwork page to reflect the new galleries... but not tonight. No, I really should go to bed... instead I'm going to eat a sandwich, and play some Dead Space or something (still haven't beaten it!).

Happy Veteran's Day, incidentally!

One last thing. Apparently some people are unaware that we have an articles page that you really should visit. There's some good stuff in there, particularly Bob Smith's reviews of weeaboo fightan robots, Mitchell_Henderson's articles on HeroClix, and the huge pile of neat stuff by PurpleXVI.

As with just about everything else around here, anyone's free to submit an article on anything vaguely /tg/-related, so send 'em in!

~Lord Licorice


[#] Rule 34: Dwarf Fortress Edition
06:05am UTC - 11/09/2008


Even more!

In other news, I wrote a tutorial on streaming movies on the SHOUTcast. It's a fairly involved process and requires a lot of ripping, encoding and transcoding, so I figured a general tutorial will help people get most of the way there. It would be nice if it were easier, but this is as easy as it will ever get.

~Lord Licorice

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