/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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January 2011
13366099Lizard QuestYou are an intelligent lizard. What do you do?Lizard Quest2011-01-02 24 
13377287Lizard Quest 2You are an intelligent lizard. What do you do?Lizard Quest2011-01-03 13 
13389925Lizard Quest 3You are an intelligent lizard. What do you do?Lizard Quest2011-01-04 9 
13401835Lizard Quest 4You are an intelligent lizard. What do you do.Lizard Quest2011-01-05 9 
January 2013
22678331Winged Lizard Quest Thread 3The hunter is clever to our tricks and forces a confrontation. Later, we depart for the exotic and mysterious East and run out of water.Collective Game, Winged Lizard Quest, Pseudodragon, Kobold, Thievery2013-01-20 3 
22788047Winged Lizard Quest Thread 4We encounter Marcus who, despite being human, turns out to be a pretty cool guy. Lesa gets mad again and we make a pretty important decision.Collective Game, Winged Lizard Quest, Pseudodragon, Kobold, Magery2013-01-26 7 
February 2013
22917194Winged Lizard Quest Thread 5We run into some other kobolds, which is good. But the Lesa gets attacked by pseudodragons, which is bad. But then the other kobolds agree to help us save her, which is good. But then we have a fight.Collective Game, Winged Lizard Quest, Pseudodragon, Kobold, Fightery2013-02-02 6 
23046756Winged Lizard Quest Thread 6After recovering from injuries sustained in the last fight, we get kicked out on an important mission.Collective Game, Winged Lizard Quest, Pseudodragon, Kobolds2013-02-09 3 
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