/qst/ Thread Archive

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May 2011
14979882Koyani Quest Pt. 1We are Lord Malapraxis, newly summoned Demon Lord. Our job is to bring the Koyani people back from the brink of extinction, and destroy their enemies.Koyani Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Koyani2011-05-19 8 
14987008Koyani Quest pt. IIWe head towards the trading hub Veridia and try to kill every single thing we find along the way. This does not always end well.Koyani Quest, Quest, Koyani, Collective Game2011-05-20 6 
14992476Koyani Quest pt. IIIWe sneak into Veridia Castle and try to rescue Bishop Avarius without fighting any guards, with mixed results and one rather close call.Koyani Quest, Quest, Koyani, Collective Game2011-05-21 6 
15003212Koyani Quest pt. 4We rescue an ally, get the ally killed, nearly bite it ourselves, and lose an argument with our host. Thinks are going VERY poorly.Koyani Quest, Quest, Koyani, Collective Game2011-05-22 6 
15013979Koyani Quest pt. 5We stand trial in Hell for our earlier failures on the Material Plane.Koyani Quest, Quest, Koyani, Collective Game2011-05-23 6 
15024994Koyani Quest pt. 6Our return to the Material Plane in a new host, Cordelia. This time, we take a more cautious approach.Koyani Quest, Quest, Koyani, Collective Game2011-05-24 6 
15037664Koyani Quest pt. 7We level up and kill a few patrols, and plan an attack on the logging village.Koyani Quest, Quest, Koyani, Collective Game2011-05-25 5 
15048506Koyani Quest pt. 8We assault the logging town, steal food, gain a lot of torment and learn of a mysterious untapped resource that is close to our ass Koyani Quest, Quest, Koyani, Collective Game2011-05-26 6 
15071873Koyani Quest pt. 9We level up, remember some past grudges, send out scouts to Veridia, and plan our attack on a forced labor farming town.Koyani Quest, Quest, Koyani, Collective Game2011-05-28 5 
15093721Koyani Quest pt. 10We sit around gathering Torment until we level up again, while our forces and those of Veridia prepare for a final battle for control of the province.Koyani Quest, Quest, Koyani, Collective Game2011-05-30 5 
June 2011
15114855Koyani Quest pt. 11We mostly fill in some backstory, recruit some Sahuiru mercenaries, and prepare to march on VeridiaKoyani Quest, Quest, Koyani, Collective Game2011-06-01 6 
15176601Koyani Quest pt. 12Having successfully seized Veridia, we begin planning our campaign on Karn, hoping to distract from the sieges in the north.Koyani Quest, Quest, Koyani, Collective Game2011-06-07 5 
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