/qst/ Thread Archive

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October 2011
16637129INFLUENCE Ch. 4INFLUENCE continues. Rather little gets done, although a lot is discussed.Collective Game, INFLUENCE, Influence Quest2011-10-16 12 
16658063INFLUENCE Ch. 5Collecting loot and making a bank account. In addition, the lecherous sword can now read the mind of its wielder. Bueno.Collective Game, INFLUENCE, Influence Quest2011-10-18 14 
16717166INFLUENCE Ch 6Taking a brake from Dio and Xaven 88, the story follows the awakening of SANGUINUS. Lord of Blood, Fear, and Shadow.Collective Game, INFLUENCE, Influence Quest2011-10-24 11 
16746403INFLUENCE Ch. 7We get Dio to go to a ball, receive a deed to control over a small village, and get out before what we thought was a rebel strike hit. It turned out to be much, much worse: Sanguinus shows up.Collective Game, INFLUENCE, Influence Quest2011-10-27 11 
February 2012
17795386REBOOT: INFLUENCE 1In the midst of the long war against the Fae, the Grand Empire of Rust gains a new sentient weapon, a supernaturally accurate musket.Collective Game, INFLUENCE, Influence Quest, Influence Reboot2012-02-04 10 
17818018REBOOT: INFLUENCE 2Westing tests his abilities on some unassuming archery targets and has his first encounter with the enemy.Collective Game, INFLUENCE, Influence Quest, Influence Reboot2012-02-06 9 
17843846REBOOT: INFLUENCE THREAD 3Some more shopping and another confrontation with our enemies.Collective Game, INFLUENCE, Influence Quest, Influence Reboot2012-02-09 5 
17899658REBOOT: INFLUENCE THREAD 4In which things are not what they seem.Collective Game, INFLUENCE, Influence Quest, Influence Reboot2012-02-12 6 
17932126REBOOT: INFLUENCE 5Things become a little more convoluted, both between Ceran and Westing, and Humans and Fae.Collective Game, INFLUENCE, Influence Quest, Influence Reboot2012-02-14 6 
18015463REBOOT: INFLUENCE 6A little more about our past is revealed, as well as startling implications of the war between humans and Fae.Collective Game, INFLUENCE, Influence Quest, Influence Reboot2012-02-20 5 
18042860REBOOT: INFLUENCE 7The conspiracy widens, and we wait for Fear to arrive. Collective Game, INFLUENCE, Influence Quest, Influence Reboot2012-02-22 9 
18107565REBOOT: INFLUENCE 8The meeting with Fear goes as well as could be expected, and we have a meeting with Madness.Collective Game, INFLUENCE, Influence Quest, Influence Reboot2012-02-27 5 
March 2012
18151250REBOOT: INFLUENCE 9Technical difficulties caused problems with getting this session started. We talk with Fear and Breaking.Collective Game, INFLUENCE, Influence Quest, Influence Reboot2012-03-01 5 
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