/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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December 2013
28914063Over(Human)Limit Quest 1Asher Smith's world suffers from a "reality check." With the loss of an eye, he awakens with power over the force of the sea.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Colective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2013-12-17 22 
28991832Over(Human)Limit Quest 1.5Asher meets his savior and finds a drowned out whole foods, the city is in absolute ruins.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Colective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2013-12-21 14 
29009614Over(Human)Limit Quest 2Asher and Reina find their way through a ruinous San Diego, to be greeted by the strange "enlightened ones." He's told to follow the light.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Colective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2013-12-22 16 
29158136Over(Human)Limit Quest 3 Friend holds a brief Q&A session for Asher and two others.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Colective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2013-12-30 12 
June 2015
40542065RE: Kobold Quest 16We finish the fight.Colective Game, RE: Monster, Kobold2015-06-11 10 
July 2020
4338425Digimon - VR of Miracles #1Real pain in a VR and the birth of 2nd generation chosen.Digimon, VR of Miracles, Colective game, Bumon2020-07-13 0 
January 2022
5110885I'm a demon?Anon gets summoned into a fantasy world. The fucks who did it are certain he is a demon. hijinks ensuesfantasy, Colective game2022-01-19 11 
July 2023
5702690Kengan Omicron Quest #1The beginning of Billy's journey.Colective Game, Kengan Omicron Quest, Kengan Omicron, Kengan Asura, Kengan Omega2023-07-16 9 
September 2023
5732922Kengan Omicron #2Billy starts training with Mokichi and discover clues to his mom's assassination.Ref QM, Ref, Colective Game, Martial Arts, Kengan Omicron Quest, Kengan Omicron, Kengan Asura, Kengan Omega2023-09-22 6 
October 2023
5773888Kengan Omicron #3Billy defeats one of the assassins and leave him alive after getting more info on the case and now he's heading to the Kengan exam fight. Ref QM, Ref, Colective Game, Martial Arts, Kengan Omicron Quest, Kengan Omicron, Kengan Asura, Kengan Omega2023-10-24 3 
December 2023
5824773Kengan Omicron #4Billy win his fight and passes the Kengan exam. Now he's heading to another one of the assassins looking for answers. Ref QM, Ref, Colective Game, Martial Arts, Kengan Omicron Quest, Kengan Omicron, Kengan Asura, Kengan Omega2023-12-18 3 
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